Of course, Wang Yue couldn't listen to Liu Hansen, so he said in a cold tone, "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that your son is here with me. You must come here in person. Only after you understand this matter can you Take him away, if you don't want to, you can only let your son stay with me, but I can't guarantee his safety."

Liu Hansen didn't expect Wang Yue to be so direct. He was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "Where are you, I'll be there right away."

Wang Yue chuckled lightly. He was not surprised at all by Liu Hansen's reaction. After all, Liu Hansen could betray the Xiguan detachment, which had always taken good care of them, for his son. It was nothing to take a risk. He said straightforwardly, "At the Xiguan No. 1 construction site , you’d better arrive within half an hour, if it’s too late, I can’t guarantee that he won’t have missing parts.”

After hearing Wang Yue's last words, Liu Hansen said anxiously, "Don't worry, I will be there soon and will ensure the safety of my son. I know many friends and we can have a good chat."

Wang Yue heard Liu Hansen's faint threat, but he dismissed it and said coldly, "We are just passing by, and we don't need to make friends with you! You Liu family and his son are not suitable for making friends."

Liu Hansen's already excited heart suddenly started beating violently. He asked with a trembling voice, "What do you mean?"

Wang Yue heard Liu Hansen's excitement and said with a smile, "Think about it, is your son worth your time?"

Wang Yue hung up the phone after saying that, but Liu Hansen was a little confused. The other party seemed to know something, which made him a little flustered.

Just when Liu Hansen's heart moved, he immediately thought of a way. He quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After Wang Yue hung up the phone, he found himself in a position with a wide view of the construction site and could look at the entire construction site from a distance.

But Su Yong was standing with Liu Mi in a building under construction. He was almost bored to death at the moment. He thought that after this case was over, he must have a good few days in Tianjin and Hong Kong. Think about it, His mouth watered.

Time passed quickly. Fortunately, Wang Yue, Hu Yibiao, and Su Yong all had strong endurance and did not feel anxious at all.

While waiting anxiously, Wang Yue saw three figures walking towards the construction site. They looked familiar.

Just when Wang Yue was wondering who Liu Hansen had brought, Hu Yibiao sent a timely message at this moment, "Team Wang, the situation has changed. That old guy Liu Hansen called Qin Chi and Xiaolu over."

Wang Yue frowned. He thought that Liu Hansen would call someone, but he didn't expect that this guy would call Qin Chi and Lu Mingjia. This person was too treacherous. After thinking about it, he replied with a message.

"Captain Hu, call Xiaolu and send him away first."

Hu Yibiao felt a little suspicious after reading Wang Yue's message, so he quickly replied with another message.

"What should Qin Chi do? It's hard to do anything with him there."

Wang Yue rolled his eyes. He thought about it and then said with a smile, "I remember there was a speaker in the storage room at the construction site."

Hu Yibiao's eyes lit up, and he roughly understood what Wang Yue was going to do, and he quickly replied, "Okay, you'd better be more careful."

After a while, on the quiet construction site, a bright light from a mobile phone was particularly obvious in the dark night. This made Wang Yue speechless. This small road was too unprofessional.

When Wang Yue was complaining, he couldn't hear clearly what Xiaolu said. He saw a figure slowly separated from the other two figures and walked slowly towards the outskirts of the construction site, while the other two people continued to the construction site. Walk inside.

Wang Yue rolled his eyes and thought that he thought of something. Of course he couldn't let Qin Chi see Liu Mi, so he took out Liu Mi's cell phone and sent a message to Liu Hansen.

"Boss Liu is so careful that he even brought someone with him, but it doesn't matter. You go straight ahead and you'll be in the second building."

After Wang Yue and Su Yong were ready, they watched Liu Hansen and Qin Chi walking forward slowly. When the two of them reached the first floor of the building where he was, he used a strong flashlight to directly hit Qin Chi. The position with Liu Hansen turned into daylight, and then he took out his mobile phone and played what Liu Mi said.

"You promised my father that you would forgive my loan when the detachment was ready for action. I got the files investigating your boss."

"On July 14, I ran into trouble. When I saw the files of Gong Yongnian's gang, I took them out and wanted to pay off my gambling debts."

Qin Chi and Liu Hansen were walking forward nervously when they suddenly heard this recording and their bodies froze.

Of course, Qin Chi was familiar with the speaker's voice after all, because people from their detachment often came into contact with Liu Mi, and he was a frequent visitor.

This made many pictures that Qin Chi couldn't figure out in his mind become clear in an instant. However, thinking too much in that moment caused his cranial pressure to rise sharply, and he had a splitting headache in an instant.

Liu Hansen's face changed drastically. When he heard the voice, he was stunned for a moment. He immediately realized that he had made a mistake. He subconsciously got angry and strangled Qin Chi's neck with his arms, and instantly killed Qin Chi. Put down.

Qin Chi had a splitting headache and was instantly weak. Now he was strangled by Liu Hansen's neck. He didn't even react and was restrained instantly.

Liu Hansen, on the other hand, put one hand around Qin Chi's neck, picked up a brick with the other hand, and threw it at Qin Chi. From the looks of it, he seemed to want to deal with Qin Chi first, and then deal with the people around him.

Wang Yue was originally on the second floor. His original plan was for Qin Chi to confront Liu Hansen after hearing the recording. He had already asked Su Yong to record here.

However, what Wang Yue didn't expect was that Liu Hansen was more ferocious than he imagined. As soon as he reacted, he violently injured others.

Seeing this scene on the first floor, Wang Yue jumped down quickly. He didn't have time to adjust and kicked Liu Hansen up to the creaking spot where he was holding the bricks.

Liu Hansen was startled by Wang Yue who suddenly fell from the sky. However, he subconsciously took the brick, changed its direction, and smashed it towards Wang Yue's feet.

Wang Yue quickly changed from kicking to whipping, and smashed his leg towards Liu Hansen's head. This fierce look made Liu Hansen know that as long as this leg hit him, he would be disabled or dead.

Liu Hansen quickly retracted his arm to cover his head, and put a brick on his head. He faced Wang Yue's feet, hoping that the brick would block him and maybe hurt Wang Yue.

This time Wang Yue didn't change his moves. It was really too late. He could only increase his strength a little more and kicked the bricks hard with the soles of his feet.

Liu Hansen also realized at this time that it was okay for him to block it like this, because the hit would knock him to the ground.

However, it was too late at this time. Wang Yue kicked the bricks hard, and the back of Liu Hansen's head hit the ground hard. This made him dizzy. He strangled Qin Chi's arm and let go. a bit.

Wang Yue was not forgiving, and kicked Liu Hansen in the head again. The rapid speed made the wind sound, and it was more cruel than the previous kick.

The back of Liu Hansen's head was hurting and he was feeling dizzy, but he also knew that if this kick hit him, he would suffer a concussion at the very least.

Liu Hansen was heartbroken and quickly pushed Qin Chi in front of him towards Wang Yue. Just in time to catch Wang Yue's kick, he waved the brick and threw it at Wang Yue and Qin Chi.

Wang Yue gathered some strength and kicked Qin Chi, kicking Qin Chi away and missing the brick at the same time.

It's just that Qin Chi's head hurt now. He was hit by Wang Yue's kick and hit the cement pillar. His head was also hit and he fainted immediately.

After Qin Chi's body left Liu Hansen, Wang Yue turned around and kicked Liu Hansen, who was unable to dodge, onto a cement pillar. He never gave Liu Hansen a chance and knocked him unconscious with several more kicks.

Su Yong was not at ease either. When he heard the recording being played, he rushed here, but by the time he arrived, Wang Yue had already captured Liu Hansen.

Su Yong rushed over and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. He was not surprised at all that Wang Yue was able to deal with Liu Hansen, but now the situation changed too fast and the original plan was useless.

Su Yong looked around and saw that Qin Chi was unconscious, so he quickly went to check. He found that Qin Chi was still breathing, so he asked anxiously, "What should we do next?"

Wang Yue glanced at Qin Chi and said calmly, "I'll take Qin Chi to the hospital first. You can continue to interrogate Liu Hansen here, and then call Hu Yibiao. He can come back now. I'll leave this place to you two. ”

Su Yong hesitated. He thought about it carefully, and then said tangledly, "What if the path we came with Qin Chi turns back again?"

Wang Yue rolled his eyes, carried Qin Chi and walked out. As he walked, he said, "It's simple. I'll call him later and ask him to come to the hospital to meet me. By the way, I'll ask him to inform Qin Chi's ex-wife that he will If I hear something happens to Qin Chi, I will definitely rush over immediately."

Su Yong gave a thumbs up. He didn't expect Wang Yue to have such a trick, so he smiled and said, "Qin Chi will get back together with his wife in the future, and you will be their matchmaker."

Wang Yue rolled his eyes and said to the unformed Su Yong, "Hurry up and tie up this Liu Hansen. When I leave, you may not be able to control him yourself. Don't let him kill you. Also , you quickly move to another place and clean up the traces here."

Su Yong curled his lips and said with great disdain, "With this kind of thing, how could I easily capsize in the gutter when I easily singled out five of them."

Wang Yue saw a black line on his forehead. He continued to move forward without arguing with Su Yong. He knew that after he left, Su Yong would definitely show off his extraordinary tying skills again when no one was around. .

Sure enough, as Wang Yue expected, as soon as he walked out of the building, Su Yong rushed up and tied him up before he had even taken a few steps.

Su Yong didn't admit that it was his own fault. He just thought that it would save some energy and there would be no need to go through so much trouble.

Even so, Su Yong was still worried and found a piece of rag to stuff Liu Hansen's mouth. He waited until Hu Yibiao came over, then he felt relieved and interrogated with Hu Yibiao.

Wang Yue carried Qin Chi outside the construction site, and quickly called for a car. While waiting for the car, he called Xiaolu again, but the car came before he finished the call.

Xiaolu rushed to the detachment and was guarding the detachment building with Hu Yibiao and several other police officers, each with a gun. They were still nervous until now.

The reason given by Hu Yibiao was very strong. He said that he had just received news that someone would come to rescue Jiang Huai tonight and asked him and Captain Qin to go back and help.

When Lu Mingjia heard the news, he was immediately shocked. He quickly hung up the phone and told Qin Chi about the situation.

Qin Chi originally wanted to go together, but Liu Hansen was willing. He quickly said, "Captain Qin, we are all here. Let's go in and take a look first."

The path was also a little tangled. They were thinking that they were already here. How could they just leave like this? They wanted to see it anyway.

Qin Chi hesitated for a moment and then said quickly, "Xiaolu, you go back first. I'll follow Lao Liu in and take a look, and I'll rush back right away. Jiang Huai's matters are more important."

Lu Mingjia hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Captain Qin, please be careful. If it doesn't work, we can help Old Liu find Xiao Liu tomorrow. Those people looking for Old Liu may be trying to divert us away."

Qin Chi hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, you go back quickly and call me another car. I'll go in and take a look and I'll go back right away."

Lu Mingjia nodded and hurriedly walked out. After driving away the car the three of them came with, he quickly called another taxi.

When Wang Yue carried Qin Chi out, the car he called was still far away. The car he was anxious to get on was the car Lu Mingjia called.

Lu Mingjia was very nervous holding the gun. This time he vigilantly turned his cell phone to silent, but the screen still lit up, which was very obvious even in a room with the lights turned off at night.

Hu Yibiao knew that Wang Yue would not take the initiative to call him, and would definitely call Lu Mingjia if something happened, so the moment Lu Mingjia's phone came on, he immediately reminded Lu Mingjia.

After Lu Mingjia answered the phone, he realized that Qin Chi was unconscious and was rescued by Wang Yue who rushed to the scene. After he hung up the phone, he hurriedly said to Hu Yibiao next to him, "Captain Hu, this time Your news may be wrong, their target may be Team Qin, Team Wang said Team Qin is unconscious."

Hu Yibiao rolled his eyes and asked pretending to be anxious, "Where did this happen? How are Team Qin and Team Wang doing?"

Lu Mingjia didn't understand Hu Yibiao's weird expression and said anxiously, "Team Wang took Team Qin to the hospital. The incident happened at the No. 1 construction site in our district."

Hu Yibiao nodded and quickly urged, "Xiaolu, you go to the hospital to check on Team Qin's condition. I'll go to the construction site to check on him right away."

Lu Mingjia didn't say much, and quickly left the detachment with the gun and went to the hospital.

Hu Yibiao waited for Lu Mingjia to leave, and then he was ready to go to the construction site to meet Su Yong. Before leaving, he also ordered, "I'll go to the construction site to have a look. You should be more vigilant. I'm worried that this is trying to distract the tiger from the mountain."

When the police officers heard what Hu Yibiao said, they were all shocked at the same time, and they all secretly admired Hu Yibiao. Captain Hu had more experience.

Yes, if this is the opponent's way of seizing the opportunity, Jiang Huai may really be kidnapped. Moreover, Team Qin and Team Wang are already safe, so there is no need to be so anxious.

However, the police officers were all deceived. If this was really the case, Hu Yibiao should not have gone to the construction site alone.

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