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Chapter 434 Guess how long I’ve been here?

Wang Yue sent Qin Chi to the hospital, but before he had settled down, Feng Xiao hurried over. This made Wang Yue even more sure that Qin Chi and Feng Xiao would probably divorce and remarry not long ago.

Feng Xiao rushed to the hospital and saw that Qin Chi was still sleeping. Then he turned back to Wang Yue and asked quickly, "How is Qin Chi? What happened?"

Wang Yue looked around and found that there was no one near the ward at this moment, so he whispered, "Both the Liu family and his son were involved in the 714 case and provided Gong Yongnian with news about the Xiguan detachment's actions. Captain Hu and I will lure Liu out tonight." When Mr. and Mrs. Shi took the bait, they didn’t expect Qin Chi and Xiaolu to go to the scene with Mr. Liu and his son. Because the case involved Xiaolu, I asked Captain Hu to call Xiaolu away.”

Feng Xiao was a little frightened when she heard this. She didn't expect so many things to happen tonight, so she asked excitedly, "What about Qin Chi? His skills are pretty good, how could he be unconscious?"

Wang Yue twitched the corner of his mouth, Qin Chi's skills were so good, could it be his skills in bed? He thought beauty was in the eye of the beholder, and shrugged helplessly before explaining, "When Qin Chi and Liu Hansen arrived, I played the recording of Liu Mi's confession. I originally planned to take down the crime together with Qin Chi. Liu Hansen's, but I didn't expect Qin Chi to be stunned for some reason, but Liu Hansen reacted very quickly, suddenly violently hurt someone, and strangled Qin Chi's neck. I quickly stepped forward to rescue him, and it didn't take a few seconds. , I don’t know why he fell into a coma.”

Feng Xiao frowned and felt a little embarrassed. She heard what Wang Yue meant, and quickly suppressed the shyness in her heart, and said calmly, "I have found out about Liu Mi's account problem, and also found out about the problem with Liu Mi's account." The account that Liu Mi traded is related to Cheng Yan, and 2 million in cash from Cheng Yan's bank was found, but it is a password box that requires a password to open. I am about to notify you, why are you so anxious? "

Of course Wang Yue knew the news about Feng Xiao, but they didn't have that much time, so he said helplessly, "You have to know that Jiang Huai has been detained by me in the detachment, but Gong Yongnian has been silent, so he must be planning something. , I must dig up evidence of Gong Yongnian’s crime in advance, so that I can apply for comprehensive action to cut off Gong Yongnian’s claws so that he can no longer launch a scapegoat, or detach a detachment to fish for people on his behalf.”

Seeing Wang Yue's patient explanation, Feng Xiao saw that she was not a ungrateful person, so she smiled and said, "Then go get busy, I'll just stay here."

Wang Yue did not delay. He needed to go back to say hello to the old man and ask him to supervise him.

Since the investigation related to Gong Yongnian had already been launched, as early as the day of the 714 case, it was to arrest him, so why did he hesitate?

You know, Wang Yue has taken back the photos in the file and can make a new file, so that he can continue the actions of the former detachment leader.

It's just that Wang Yue was afraid that such a large-scale operation would not be possible without the support of the municipal bureau and only relying on the operational power of a Xiguan detachment.

After Wang Yue returned home, he briefly told the old man what he had learned.

The old man listened to what Wang Yue said and looked at the information about the original Xiguan detachment investigation that Wang Yue had. He sighed and said solemnly, "You will hand in these files and the application for assistance tomorrow. I will call you." A hello, relieve some pressure on your dad, and it’s time to give peace to the people of Tianjin and Hong Kong."

Wang Yue nodded. He also meant the same thing. For the sake of the small roads, the city's road bureau would definitely give its full support, but there was still no way to gain a majority in the city bureau.

Wang Yue didn't say anything. He thought this was the advantage of the second generation. As long as you have the ability, you don't have to worry about opportunities or pressure.

Just when Wang Yue was sighing, a little puppy ran over and wandered at Wang Yue's feet, its tail wagging constantly.

Wang Yue picked up the little puppy and said with a smile, "Why do you dare to come to me? Your master is here."

Of course the puppy couldn't speak, but the owner of the dog, Chen Rui, looked straight at Wang Yue walking over. When he reached Wang Yue, he smiled and replied, "Brother Yue, you'd better be careful. His The teeth are amazing."

Wang Yue knew from Chen Rui's eyes that Chen Rui was making a pun. Chen Rui must have heard the conversation between him and the old man.

Chen Rui was about to take the exam. Worried that she would be too distracted and affect the exam, Wang Yue smiled and said, "This is the responsibility of the police. It is normal for us to do this. Also, when this matter is over, you It’s almost time to prepare for the college entrance examination, which university are you going to take?”

Chen Rui knew that Wang Yue was handling the 714 case, but Wang Yue didn't want her to know. She could only shake her head helplessly. Thinking that the college entrance examination was about to take place, she glanced at Wang Yue with some reluctance and said hesitantly, " My grades are a bit poor. I will be admitted wherever I can. However, I do want to study law. If I can’t get into a local university, I would like to go to another place. My teacher said that if I work hard, I can almost get into Qingcheng University in Jinling. , this test should be easier.”

Wang Yue twitched his lips. This girl had even studied the name of the school. She must have made up her mind. The reason why she wanted to go out of town was definitely not the grade problem Chen Rui mentioned. After all, he often helped Chen Rui make up classes and her grades were not good. Not much different.

Wang Yue felt that Jinggang was Chen Rui's sad place. Chen Rui's parents and brother all died here. It was really not a good place to remember.

Wang Yue also knew that Chen Rui was because he was in Tianjin. Chen Rui hesitated a little and said with a smile, "Nowadays, the transportation is so developed. It only takes four or five hours to go from Tianjin to Jinling by high-speed rail. It is faster by plane. You You can come back at any time, and I will visit you when I have time, but why do you think of studying law?"

Wang Yue thought that Chen Rui studied law because she wanted to enter the police system. He couldn't bear to break the little girl's dream. Because of Chen Rui's brother's problems, she basically said goodbye to any position in the system.

Chen Rui didn't know that Wang Yue felt sorry for her. After hearing Wang Yue's words, she smiled. After a while, she lowered her head and said in a muffled voice, "I want to learn the law and understand it. If my brother had understood it at the beginning, Those who abide by the law will not go astray, leading to the destruction of our family."

Wang Yue looked at Chen Rui, who was forced to smile like a flower, and was a little distracted. This girl was in the same grade as Miaomiao, the same snack foodie, one was carefree like a happy elf who had not grown up, and the other had experienced He experienced a huge change in his family and grew up in an instant.

While Wang Yue was still in a daze, Chen Rui's face slowly turned red, and Wang Yue's eyes were a little too hot.

The old man looked at Wang Yue, shook his head helplessly, and suddenly misunderstood Wang Yue, so he quickly asked, "Has the automatic snatch recognition software you mentioned been ready?"

Wang Yue also reacted immediately, his old face turned red, and he said quickly, "We are still working on it. That project is relatively large, and we have been very busy recently. According to the current progress, it will only be completed in three or two months."

The old man nodded. He was still talking to people in the system about this matter, and it would take some time. After a while, he said, "Last time Zhou Bureau from Xishan came to Tianjin and I met him. , I told him your idea, and he was very supportive and said that when you have developed it, you will try it out in Xishan first."

Wang Yue's eyes lit up. It was a province. If it ran well in Xishan, it could be used across the country soon. Thinking of Cheng Feng's world, the country had simply become a no-go zone for crime. He thought I feel that in the future this world will become Cheng Feng's world, and then the future will be so wonderful.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue said with a smile, "This time Su Yong, who I have worked with in Xishan, came to Tianjin and Hong Kong to cooperate with me on the case. After I have been busy for this period, I will speed up the progress and try to get it done before he returns to Xishan." Develop the software."

The old man thought that Wang Yue was happy for his future promotion, so he nodded and said with a smile, "If you have any questions, just tell them. We still have many technical talents. I can transfer a few to you and speed things up." schedule."

Wang Yue didn't know what the old man was thinking, so he smiled and said, "Don't be so anxious. After I complete the development, when I need to conduct a trial operation in Xishan, I really need some professional talents to be responsible for connecting with the local system."

Wang Yue and Mr. Chen Rui were chatting happily in the old house in the compound, but Su Yong and Hu Yibiao became busy.

When Wang Yue and Su Yong spoke, their voices were relatively low, but Liu Hansen was knocked unconscious by Wang Yue's beating and could not hear the conversation clearly.

After Wang Yue left, Liu Hansen soon woke up. When he opened his eyes and saw the appearance of Su Yong standing in front of him, he was startled.

Liu Hansen blinked his eyes in confusion. If his hands were not tied, he would have rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw. He felt that he must have been beaten so hard by Wang Yue that his My head is still confused, otherwise, how could the person in front of me be alive here.

Su Yong would not give Liu Hansen a chance to think about his reaction. When he noticed that Liu Hansen was awake, he pulled out the rag and said with a grin, "Your son dared to betray Boss Gong. I think you and your son are tired of living. I will come today." I’ll give you a ride.”

Liu Hansen looked at Su Yong, who looked exactly like Cheng Yan, and was trembling with fear. He said in a trembling voice, "Cheng Yan, don't mess around. Gong Yongnian and I have been friends for many years. I am not something you can do whatever you want." moveable."

Su Yong curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Don't think you are very important. You are just a watchdog kept by the boss in front of the Xiguan detachment. You are not familiar with raising it. Your son betrayed the boss again this time. Do you think I can keep him?"

Liu Hansen now believed that Cheng Yan was still alive and that the dead one must be a substitute. He suddenly collapsed at this moment and said with some excitement, "Fourth Master, please let us father and son go. Otherwise, we wouldn't have done it last time." With cooperation, it would be impossible for Boss Gong to get rid of Chen Xi and his gang at once, and also kill the two captains of the Xiguan detachment, and clean up the tail so smoothly. Our father and son have made a great contribution to Boss Gong. "

Su Yong was so happy. He didn't expect that after Wang Yue left, he could get so much information from the interrogation, so he pretended to be unmoved and said with a sneer, "I still think the dead are safer. You What do you think?"

Hu Yibiao had been here a long time ago. When he heard this, he rushed over and said excitedly with a gun, "Captain Wang asked me to come over. I thought it was just Boss Liu, but I didn't expect there was a big surprise. I didn't expect Cheng Yan You have a substitute."

Liu Hansen saw Hu Yibiao and Hu Yibiao holding a gun. His eyes suddenly lit up and he said excitedly, "Captain Hu, save me. I know where Gong Yongnian often lives, and I also know his mobile phone number. I also know that he has a My mistress is pregnant with his child. As long as you save me and my son, I will tell you everything."

Hu Yibiao's eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "Okay then, I'll capture this Cheng Yan first, and then take you back to the detachment to take notes!"

When Su Yong saw this situation, he knew it was time to leave. He rolled his eyes and said proudly, "Captain Hu, don't be proud. Our boss will definitely not let you go. And Liu Hansen, you guys Father and son, it is best to stay in the police station for the rest of your life, otherwise I will kill you."

Hu Yibiao rolled his eyes. It was his first time to work with Su Yong. He didn't expect Su Yong to be so good at acting. He thought that he, an old undercover agent for decades, couldn't lose to this guy, so he became possessed by the actor and did vicious things. He said like this, "You, Mr. Cheng, are just a fool. You were killed by Boss Gong once, but you still want to be killed again. You are so loyal."

Su Yong had a black line on his forehead. He just said a harsh word before leaving to increase the effect. Unexpectedly, Hu Yibiao wanted to continue acting. He was very afraid of revealing his secret, so he didn’t say anything more and pretended to be surprised and shouted, ‘Boss! ’, he turned around and ran away quickly.

Hu Yibiao looked back cooperatively, and then immediately looked back at the direction Su Yong was running. Knowing that Su Yong must have gone to buckle Liu Mi, he took out a hand buckle and buckled Liu Hansen.

Seeing that Su Yong was gone, Liu Hansen breathed a sigh of relief, then sneered at Captain Hu Yibiao and said, "Captain Hu, what are you doing?"

Hu Yibiao didn't expect Liu Hansen to be so shameless. He wanted to pretend to be stupid at this time, so he smiled and said, "Boss Liu, how long do you think I have been here?"

Liu Hansen's face turned pale after hearing this. He smiled and said, "What Captain Hu is talking about, I don't quite understand."

Hu Yibiao took out his phone, shook it, and said in a deep voice, "Would you like me to play you the video of your conversation with Cheng Yan?"

Liu Hansen collapsed when he heard this. He never thought that the police today love to take videos so much. He hated the person who invented the mobile phone camera. It was as if he had a camera with him. It was too unsafe.

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