The next day was Monday.

Jiang Yichen temporarily put away the notebook for writing novels and continued to review.

Although his current level is not enough to get full marks, it is no problem to get around 600 points.

However, now he also feels that learning is endless, and it is not the case that everything will be fine after the learning level is improved.

If you relax too much in learning, the level of these mastered learning will slowly decline over time.

Jiang Yichen does not know the speed of decline yet, but this is also a risk.

In addition, taking time to study occasionally and increase the level of knowledge is also beneficial to oneself.

After all, Jiang Yichen can't say, I have learned everything and don't want to come to school, right?

"Jiang Yichen, the Chinese test papers will be handed out today, are you ready?"

As soon as he entered the room, Chen Hao stood up and spoke loudly to Jiang Yichen.

Zhang Ya, who was sitting in the row in front of him, puffed her lips, a little helpless,"The money is all with me, what are you still arguing about? I've already ordered a Coke."

Jiang Yichen raised his lips slightly,

"Remember to return the money to Pan Yun later."

"Are you so confident?"

Zhang Ya's porcelain doll face showed a smile.

"You don't know this." Jiang Yichen shrugged.

Zhang Ya smiled and handed 200 yuan to Jiang Yichen,"Okay, I'll return the money."

Seeing that the two of them were chatting and ignored him, especially when Zhang Ya returned the money, Chen Hao got angry.

"Zhang Ya, what do you mean? The results haven't come out yet, so why are you so sure that Jiang Yichen won?"

"Yes, because I saw the report card."

Zhang Ya smiled, and there seemed to be some mockery in her smile.

Others might not know this, but Jiang Yichen knew that Zhang Ya's father was also a teacher at Anyuan No. 2 Middle School. Although he did not teach this class, it was certain that Zhang Ya must have had a way to know the scores in advance.

After all, the papers were cross-graded.

"This is impossible!"

Chen Hao was immediately furious.

He couldn't believe it at all. When Jiang Yichen was in the science class, he clearly found out that his Chinese score was only 60 or 70. How could he possibly have a higher score than him?

At this moment, Chen Hao was already wondering if he didn't write his name on the test paper!

"If you don't believe me, forget it." Zhang Ya snorted."Your money has already been spent, thank you for your generosity."

Jiang Yichen looked at the confused Chen Hao with a professional fake smile, and continued to move forward and returned to his seat.

When the morning self-study bell rang, the fat man Pan Yun hurried in.

""Huhu, I'm almost late."

Pan Yun panted and sat down, pushing Jiang Yichen to sit a little to the side.

Looking over his shoulder, the fat man looked a little listless.

"Stayed up late? You have panda eyes."Jiang Yichen said with a smile

"Hehe, there is nothing I can do, I read a few more chapters yesterday."

Pan Yun scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Jiang Yichen shook his head,"Isn't it good?"

"Looks good. Lin San is so awesome, he can easily capture any woman."Pan Yun smiled foolishly.

"Study hard, it will be useful to you when you pursue Zhang Ya"


Jiang Yichen stopped teasing him and moved the novel notebook in his hand over,"Here, take a look at the novel I wrote."

"What? You wrote a novel? Pan Yun was stunned.

"Don't be so startled."

Jiang Yichen reached out and slapped the fat on his back.

Pan Yun didn't get angry, he lowered his head and started reading.

This was the first chapter Jiang Yichen wrote. It mainly started by secretly learning martial arts, and introduced the world and the division of martial arts realms.

Of course, at the end of the chapter, there was a conflict point.

That was the protagonist Jiang Han, who forgot what the young master had told him because he was so fascinated by it.

Naturally, the conflict and slapping part came later.

Jiang Yichen had an idea in his mind, but he hadn't started writing yet.

"What's next!"

Pan Yun finished reading it carefully and felt that he was still not satisfied.

"There is no more behind. Jiang Yichen took it back.

"How could it be gone? You are not a eunuch, are you?"

"Get lost, I haven't written it yet." Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him,"What do you think?"

"It looks quite smooth, but it's only one chapter, so I can't tell whether it's good or bad."Pan Yun said truthfully,"But how come your handwriting is so good?"

"I just practiced for a few days. Jiang Yichen also answered truthfully.

He really practiced with the copybook for a few days, and the actual writing time was estimated to be less than two hours.

But because of the learning crit, he improved all of a sudden.

Now his hard pen calligraphy is not the best in the school, but at least he can write works to participate in competitions.

""Fuck, you're such a snob." Pan Yun raised his middle finger to show his contempt.

In the past few days, as a deskmate, Pan Yun has felt Jiang Yichen's snob behavior many times.

Usually, he didn't spend too much time reviewing and preparing, but suddenly he found a problem that he couldn't solve, and Jiang Yichen immediately explained to him the idea of solving the problem.

It felt a bit like a teacher.

Jiang Yichen smiled without saying a word, took out his notebook, opened the pen cap, and continued writing.

By the time class started, Jiang Yichen had written nearly a thousand words.

His writing speed had also improved.

The first class was Chinese as usual.

Teacher Li Qiuxia walked in with a test paper and a smile.

"Attend class"

""Hello, teacher."

After the opening part, Li Qiuxia adjusted her glasses and said,"Dear students, after our teachers worked overtime, the results of the Chinese mock exam have been released. Overall, the average score is higher than that of last year's final exam."

""The student committee will hand out the test papers." Li Qiuxia said to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was still immersed in what Zhang Ya said. He stood up in a daze and went to the podium to take the test paper.

"Liu Tao, Chen Cheng……"

On the side, Chen Hao called people one by one, and those who were called came forward to get the test papers.

The people who received the test papers had different expressions.

Some didn't care at all, just glanced at it casually and didn't care.

There were also some who studied very hard, but they were a little disappointed when they saw the results.

It was probably because they didn't get what they expected.

Naturally, there were also some who were very excited.

The next moment, when Chen Hao was about to call the name, he was stunned and stood there dumbfounded.

Li Qiuxia frowned and said,"Jiang Yichen."

Jiang Yichen stood up and went forward to get the test paper.

Li Qiuxia smiled,"Jiang Yichen did very well in this mock exam. If he continues to do well at this level, he will definitely be able to get into a good university in the college entrance examination." Jiang Yichen nodded and took the test paper from Chen Hao.

Chen Hao's eyes were dull, and he let Jiang Yichen take back his test paper.

At least he knew what he was doing, and continued to call the roll mechanically.

But there was still a big red score in his mind, printed firmly.

132 points!

How could this score be possible!

You know, Qin Xiaoxin, who has the best academic performance in the class, only scored around 120 points.

How could it be over 130!

Did he cheat?

Once this thought came up, it flashed in Chen Hao's mind uncontrollably.

"Chen Hao……"

He didn't even realize that his name was called.

But when he reacted, a bright red score of 115 appeared in his eyes.

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