From a vertical comparison, Chen Hao did relatively well in the Chinese mock exam this time.

Around 110 points, which is also his usual level.

However, that was compared with himself.

After seeing Jiang Yichen's results this time, he really felt the gap.

The Chinese subject is completely different from other subjects. It is very subjective. To be able to score more than 130 points is very impressive.

This means that his composition score is very high and his modern Chinese reading comprehension is very good.

Until the papers were distributed, Chen Hao was a little confused and didn't know how he got back to his seat.

Li Qiuxia on the podium was very happy,"The average score this time has increased by 8 points. It seems that everyone's serious preparation and review have paid off. I hope everyone will continue to persevere."

""Teacher, can we cash out our rewards?" a curious person asked.

"Of course." Li Qiuxia nodded,"Tonight, let's watch a movie."

"Ah! Watch it at night……"

Everyone sighed.

Li Qiuxia smiled and said,"That's right.���Yes, if I show movies during the day, the principal will probably fire me."

It's evening self-study, so it's okay to show movies.

"Can I go to the cinema to watch it?" Someone else asked

"this……"Li Qiuxia was a little embarrassed,"Let's just watch it in the classroom."

If they really went to the cinema, the movie tickets alone would cost nearly 2,000 yuan for all 52 people in the class. That would be a month's salary.

A few boys in the back row were a little bit ruffian, whistling,"What's the point of that? Just let those who want to watch watch it, and those who don't want to watch it can have a holiday."

"That's right."

Someone took the lead, and the class dispersed all of a sudden, each saying their own thing.

This made Li Qiuxia look very unhappy, and then she slammed the table heavily," bang!"

"Zhou Xiaofeng, you better be honest. The improvement of the class average score has nothing to do with you. You are the one who is holding the class back the most."The boy who was scolded by Li Qiuxia was the tallest in the class. He was wearing a jersey and sitting casually.

When Li Qiuxia said that, he showed disdain on his face.

But he didn't continue to argue.

Li Qiuxia coughed lightly and said,"In addition, the top three students please come to the stage."

"First place, Jiang Yichen, 132 points"


Suddenly, the whole class was buzzing again.

Many people were whispering to each other,"Isn't Jiang Yichen the new transfer student?"

"His grades are so good? Transfer to our class?"

"Isn't this score enough to get into the Class 6 Rocket Class?"


Why do I feel like a big guy is here to fry fish in the class!

Li Qiuxia ignored the noisy classmates and continued,"Second place, Qin Xiaoxin, 122 points"

"Third place, Pan Yun, 120 points."

This kid is pretty good."

Jiang Yichen walked in front and made his first official appearance with his classmates.

Before this, Jiang Yichen was not very familiar with the people in this class.

Because he was a transfer student, he basically didn't know anyone in this class except Pan Yun. In addition, his grades were poor, and he didn't have much impression of himself in his previous life. These people probably didn't remember that there was such a classmate.

But today is different.

Jiang Yichen calmly accepted the surprised and somewhat admiring eyes of his classmates.

He knew that his sudden success was just the beginning.

With the learning crit system, Jiang Yichen is destined not to be a low-key person, and it's time to enjoy the feeling of being in the spotlight.

Jiang Yichen, who was in the middle, smiled slightly.

Pan Yun squeezed Jiang Yichen with his fat arm and laughed."Awesome, Achen!"

"This is just the beginning."Jiang Yichen said calmly.

On his right was the legendary Qin Xiaoxin.

Compared with porcelain dolls like Zhang Ya, Qin Xiaoxin was much more mature.

She was 1.7 meters tall and had a big frame. Although she was not fat, she was very fleshy. Her face was also slightly fat, and her appearance was average. There were not so many school beauties in a small city.

At this moment, she looked at Jiang Yichen next to her with some surprise.

Obviously, a man who had just transferred to another department took away her first place, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Not only that, she also developed a little curiosity about him.

Jiang Yichen Although Chen is only 1.7 meters tall, he is neither fat nor thin. He is the type who looks thin when dressed and muscular when undressed. Of course, he has regular facial features and can be considered a bit handsome.

Now with the halo of being a good reader, he seems to have a more elegant temperament.

Li Qiuxia said again,"This time, Jiang Yichen did perform very well. His paper is very beautiful and his handwriting is very beautiful. He got all the points he deserved. It's just that he lacked a little in some subjective questions. If you have time, you can borrow his paper and take a look. Then you will know where the gap is."

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes, feeling a little helpless.

This teacher is so long-winded. He asked people to come up and give the rewards quickly, but he also asked people to stand here stupidly.

"As agreed before, I have rewards for the top three students."

Li Qiuxia smiled and took out a briefcase from the side, and took out three notebooks.

"Here, this is the notebook I reward you with. In addition, this is the Huanggang mock test paper I carefully selected. I believe it will help improve your grades."

After taking the notebook, Li Qiuxia took out three stacks of tutorial books (test paper type).

This made everyone laugh.

Jiang Yichen also rolled his eyes.

What's the difference between this reward and giving hundreds of exercise books to children as a thank you?

This teacher is too weird...

The thick notebook is useful, and Jiang Yichen can continue to use it to write novels. He took it and said,"Thank you, teacher."

"Keep working hard. Chinese, math and English are the three key subjects. As long as you can get more than 360 points in these three subjects, you can go to university regardless of the other scores."


After receiving the"reward", the three returned to their seats from the podium.

The class fell silent again. It was obvious that everyone was not interested in the reward. Some even thought that there would be nothing good to watch in the evening.

Jiang Yichen, whose Chinese grades improved dramatically, soon became the new hottie in the class.

When the Chinese class was over, many people gathered around.

After getting to know each other, they borrowed the test papers to look at.

"Damn, Jiang Yichen, how come your handwriting is so beautiful?"

"It's beautiful and well-written. Please teach me."

Jiang Yichen coughed lightly,"I just practiced with the copybook."

As he spoke, he took out the copybook he had practiced for a few pages and showed it to everyone.

"This is the Jianghu style. Is it easy to learn?"

"The handwriting on your test paper doesn't look like Jianghu style."

"Well, this font is all related, one thing leads to another." Jiang Yichen answered lightly.

As for what others said, he didn't care. Anyway, he had a critical hit system, so once the learning progress was improved, he would naturally learn it.

"Jiang Yichen, let me take a look at your test paper."At this time, Chen Hao's voice rang out harshly.

Jiang Yichen looked over and saw that Chen Hao's face looked like he had eaten a fly, and he shouted at Jiang Yichen in a distorted voice.

"Why? You're willing to accept the loss. Where's your ice cream?"

Zhang Ya stood up at this moment."It's all ordered. Boys, come with me to get it."

"Hey, I'll go. Pan Yun raised his hand proudly and walked forward.

"You fat guy, how about this?"

"……Of course I can do it! Don't underestimate me."

Watching Zhang Ya leave with a few boys, Chen Hao's face changed several times, and finally he snorted and ran out of the classroom.

If he stayed any longer, he would probably be embarrassed.

Jiang Yichen dealt with a few classmates who came to borrow the test paper, but unexpectedly, something passed by under his nose, and he reached out and took out the thing in the drawer. He looked at it in shock, and it turned out to be a pink envelope!

Damn, is this the legendary love letter?

Jiang Yichen looked up and saw a small girl with a ponytail in front of him running back to her seat with a red face.

Uh, who is this?

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