"That's true. Your novel is well written. I think you can make at least a few thousand yuan." Pan Yun thought for a while and said.

Jiang Yichen waved his hand and said,"Let's see the signing situation first."

If the contract cannot be signed, it is equivalent to writing in vain on this website.

It will not generate any income.

And in this era, it is really hard to say how much income can be generated.

Generally, novel writers can get a full attendance award, and 600 or 800 yuan per month is not bad.

As for subscriptions, Jiang Yichen also looked at it on purpose. VIP chapters are charged, and the income for a thousand-word subscription to the author is 0.01 yuan.

To get a thousand yuan in royalties, the average subscription must be at least 500 people.

This result is not so easy to get.

Not only that, Jiang Yichen does not have a mobile phone, so there is no way to pay attention to the results and situation. He can only update in the evening after the evening self-study in the Internet cafe.

When updating the next day, Jiang Yichen had already seen two comments.

One of them was a comment by Pan Yun"Border Town Wanderer", and the other was a self-fan.

The nickname is"Love Late Golden Crow".

He praised it generously in his comments,"I can assert that this will be a very good novel, with a tight rhythm and novel plot. From the first few chapters, you can see that the world it builds is very grand! Please update it soon and give me your recommendation votes."

Jiang Yichen was very happy after reading it and pinned it to the top.

Then he updated 2 more chapters and spent some time coding for a while. At 11 o'clock in the evening, he returned home.

Liu Yuanxiu was ready to go to bed, but she was still waiting for Jiang Yichen to come back.

"Achen, why did you come back so late today?"

There was some suspicion in his tone.

Jiang Yichen made an excuse and explained,"I was reviewing for a while!"

"It's too late, go take a shower." Although Liu Yuanxiu didn't believe it in her heart, she didn't get angry at this moment,"Although you have improved in this mock exam, don't be proud."

Jiang Yichen didn't bring the mock exam results back to show his parents.

Because Liu Yuanxiu couldn't read, she just briefly said that it had improved a lot.

Jiang Yichen agreed,"I know, Mom, don't worry, I will definitely get you into a good university."

As for making money, it's not that Jiang Yichen didn't want to talk about it, but it's useless to talk about it when there is no income yet.

How could Liu Yuanxiu and Jiang Nanning know what online novels can make money?

In their eyes, going to the Internet cafe is just playing games.

So Jiang Yichen had no choice but to hide it first, and then come to confront Liu Yuanxiu when he got the royalties.

At this time, Jiang Yichen was also a little depressed about the era of rebirth.

2008 was a special time. Smartphones had just begun, and the financial crisis had just begun.

Starting this year, China's housing prices have slowly started to rise, and technological development has also been getting faster and faster.

Many people around 2020 will feel that the world is changing too fast when they think back to 10 years ago.

But at the beginning of this year, both the level of technological development and the price and income were not satisfactory.

The only thing that makes Jiang Yichen feel better is that this era has just begun, and there are more possibilities for layout and development.

As Lei Jun said, standing at the outlet of the wind, even a pig can fly.

And Jiang Yichen probably knows some outlets. For him, the more resources he has, the more he can fly.

Today, he is just a senior high school student, and it is difficult for him to make his first pot of gold. It's very profitable!

Writing novels is currently one of the better ways he thinks of.

He writes novels every day, reads books occasionally, and if he gets home early, he will cook in advance. His daily life is simply repeated.

However, Jiang Yichen did not feel much bored.

Because every day, what he learns is growing rapidly.

By mid-November, Jiang Yichen had updated a full 100,000 words on Qidian.com.

The plot of the whole novel has become richer and more fascinating.

The number of clicks has skyrocketed since 50,000 words.

The recommendation votes also increased rapidly, and it soon entered the new book list of fantasy types.

Of course, on this Friday night, when Jiang Yichen opened the official website to prepare for the update, he received a text message from the website.

"Hello, I am Canglang, a contracted editor of Qidian. I have something to discuss with you. Please add QQ: 678XXXXX. Please indicate the author's name and the title of the work when adding."


Could this be the contract message?

Although Jiang Yichen has lived a new life, this is his first time writing a novel, and the contract is a virgin. For a moment, he was a little excited.

He quickly logged into his QQ and added the editor Canglang's QQ.

But it was night time, and there was no response at all.

After half a day, Jiang Yichen's excitement slowly dissipated.

It seems that he will have to wait until tomorrow to make any progress.

After collecting his thoughts, Jiang Yichen continued to type.

"Ah Chen, you are really here." Suddenly, a chubby hand came over.

It was Pan Yun who squeezed in with a lewd smile on his face,"Come to the Internet cafe and don't even call me."

"I'm writing, and now I have to update every day. Do you think it's easy? I've used up all my pocket money just on the internet fee." Jiang Yichen shrugged and squeezed against the wall to make more space for Pan Yun.

Pan Yun nodded in understanding,"Hey, your book is doing very well. I see it's on the new book list. Why haven't you signed the contract yet?"

"I have received the contract information." Jiang Yichen had a smile on his face.

After typing for so long, he finally got some rewards.

If he still couldn't sign the contract, then there would be nothing he could do and he would have worked in vain.

Pan Yun was very happy,"I told you that your book will definitely be signed. I think you will be famous. My son Yichen has the potential to be a great writer!"

"Get lost." Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him.

"How many drafts do you have saved now?"

"I have about 300,000 words on hand."Jiang Yichen estimated and said.

In order to write this novel, Jiang Yichen basically spent most of his time every day on writing, and the effect was very obvious. His writing level was only one step away from Grade B!

Now Jiang Yichen has planned his own world view and values when writing this novel. Although the general setting at the beginning was copied from"Eternal Life", as he slowly wrote it down, many things have changed.

With Jiang Yichen's own thoughts and designs.

Maybe it may not be possible to write 5 million words like"Eternal Life", but according to the current schedule, there is no problem with about 3 million words.

This is a great test for Jiang Yichen's hands.

These hands not only have to write by hand, but also type quickly on the keyboard.

In Pan Yun's eyes, Jiang Yichen's fingers were flying, and he didn't even look at the keyboard and screen. His eyes were fixed on the handwritten novel in his notebook, and his ten fingers were like lightning!

The first keyboard input (Wubi) skill to reach Grade B level demonstrated great power, with 157 words input per minute!

"Damn, you pervert!"

Pan Yun cursed.

"Don't bother me, just play your game." Jiang Yichen didn't even look at him and continued typing.

"Damn it, you don't want to play Dota with me!"Pan Yun was a little depressed. It was you who brought me into the game, but now you only care about killing and not burying. You let me play alone without anyone to play with.

"Your level is too low. You should practice more in your segment. I can write a chapter by playing a game with you. What a waste of time."

"Damn, you look down on me, don't you? I will definitely improve myself!" Pan Yun manipulated Rourou's hand and continued the battle between the low-ranked players.

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