"I really don't understand you. Why do you write novels every day without reviewing?"

When the hero controlled by Pan Yun died and waited for resurrection, he chatted casually and asked the question in confusion.

Jiang Yichen snorted,"Brother is a genius. If I spend some time studying, I will be your ceiling. Don't be envious, don't be jealous, just look up to me."

"Don't be too confident. This is just a mock test, not the college entrance exam. No matter how talented you are, you can't not study and review every day."Pan Yun reminded

"I'm still learning." Jiang Yichen smiled and said nothing more.

After a while, he typed two more chapters.

Jiang Yichen pressed his aching spine, feeling helpless.

Using this method to accumulate the first pot of gold means that the probability of winning lumbar disc herniation, spinal disease, etc. is much higher.

Pan Yun had already played a game at this time and was a little bored, so he opened Jiang Yichen's novel on the web page and started to read it.

"By the way, where is the cover of your novel?"

"I was also thinking, should I make a cover myself?"Jiang Yichen's eyes were bright.

"Forget it, it's better to spend money and find someone to make one online."Pan Yun suggested

"That's too much trouble."When it comes to spending money, Jiang Yichen is a little reluctant.

Just going to the Internet cafe to type has used up all his savings. How can he afford to hire someone to make the cover?

Even for the next Internet fee, Jiang Yichen is thinking about whether to ask this fat man to borrow some for emergency.

While talking, Jiang Yichen opened the webpage and typed a sentence in Baidu search: How to make a novel cover.

At this time, the search engine was still relatively clean, and Baidu Zhidao question quickly appeared.

A netizen named"xuqianqian1982" replied:

"Photoshop tutorial: Creating a novel cover character. http://www.****/Photoshop/93120.html. The tutorial explains it very clearly, including the background, characters, eyebrows, decorations, etc., all of which can be designed according to the effect you want. It is relatively simple and you can understand it at a glance. According to the tutorial steps, you can make your own novel cover.

I hope the above is helpful to you."

Afterwards, Jiang Yichen took advantage of the remaining time and began to learn PS by himself.

Pan Yun took a look and said,"Oh, yes, I heard that this software can be used for photo editing, but it is probably difficult unless we sign up for a class."

"Really? Isn't it just a matter of self-study?" Jiang Yichen said, and continued to watch the video carefully.》

"……"Tsk, young man, don't be too confident, you won't be able to control yourself." Pan Yun shook his head and continued to read the novel.

Because he was following the updates every day, Pan Yun finished reading it quickly and helped manage the book review area.

This saved Jiang Yichen a lot of things.

Normally, he didn't have any time to take care of these things, just coding, typing and uploading.

Fortunately, as time went by, Jiang Yichen already had a lot of manuscripts in stock, just waiting for a big explosion after they were officially put on the shelves.

Just when the time came to 11 o'clock and Jiang Yichen was about to leave, the QQ at the bottom of the screen suddenly jumped.

Jiang Yichen clicked it and saw that it was a message that he agreed to pass the friend's message!

"Wait, add the editor!"

Jiang Yichen sat back without looking back, intending to finalize the contract.

Putting on the headphones, the familiar QQ message notification sound happily jumped in his ears.

Jiangshan: Hello, Mr. Canglang! I am the author of"Eternal Life of Creation""Look at the Kingdom I Conquered".

Canglang: Hello. Why don't you add extra time during the daytime work?

Jiangshan: I only have time after 10 pm.

Canglang: Yes.

Canglang: Agreement.doc (whether to download)

Canglang: Print 2 copies of the agreement, sign them, and mail them to No. 996 Huanke Road, Demon City Free Trade Pilot Zone, Mr. Liu, 131********

Jiangshan: OK.

Canglang: Are you a newcomer, or have you written a novel before?

Jiangshan: This is my first time writing a novel.

Canglang: Well, your novel is very well written. Please send the contract as soon as possible. I will arrange for the contract to be changed to the signed status as soon as the contract arrives. As long as you maintain the quality in the future, I will arrange these recommendations for you.

Jiangshan: Thank you, Canglang. / bow

The chat between the two was very brief, but what Jiang Yichen didn't know was that on the other end of the network cable, the bearded man who was about to go to bed saw Jiang Yichen's message and agreed to chat.

Otherwise, he would not pay attention to those messages at all when he was off work.

That was not working time.

But this author is not ordinary.

The novel he published has not been advertised. It has slowly gained readers by relying on stable updates every night, and then it has been sent to the new book list through the extremely high click-to-push ratio of readers.

Now it has entered the overall list. Although it ranks last, it has great potential.

The sophisticated writing style and the plot arrangement that attracts readers very much made him feel addicted.

And more importantly, he is still a newcomer.

This means that only an ordinary standard contract is enough.

Of course, when this book really becomes popular, it is natural to discuss the details of the contract for the next book.

But as an editor, being able to sign such a potential book, I believe that the rewards in the future will not be small.

Although Jiang Yichen was reborn, he has never written a novel online or signed a contract, so naturally he doesn't know these twists and turns.

But he also understood that he was not famous now, so he naturally did not have the initiative.

As for the contract, to be honest, it was quite harsh.

For example, the copyright belonged to Qidian, and as an author, he had basically no rights except normal income.

After reading the contract, Jiang Yichen saved it in his QQ mailbox.

Pan Yun also took a look,"This is the signed contract, and it's the first time I've seen it!"

"Okay, let's go, I'll print out the contract tomorrow." Jiang Yichen had a smile on his face and patted Pan Yun on the shoulder.

Pan Yun chuckled,"Today is such a good day, I have to congratulate you anyway, buy a bottle of iced cola?"

Jiang Yichen nodded,"It's a good idea, but I'm sorry, I don't have any money anymore."

"It's okay, I'll lend it to you." As he spoke, Pan Yun immediately went to the front desk and bought two bottles of ice cola,"Remember to pay me back when you get the manuscript fee."

Jiang Yichen was not hypocritical,"Okay, I'll treat you to a big meal when you get the manuscript fee."

The two walked shoulder to shoulder, striding towards home with a step that didn't recognize any relatives.

As December was approaching, the temperature had dropped a lot.

In a while, we would have to prepare to wear down jackets.

Drinking the cold cola made Jiang Yichen feel extremely refreshed.

【Ding! Learning produces a critical hit, and the critical hit multiplier is 36 times! Your walking (fitness) learning progress has increased by 396 points. Your walking (fitness) has been upgraded to level D, and the current progress is (94/10000)】

The more you walk, the more relaxed you feel.

It seems that through exercise, Jiang Yichen's physical fitness and physical condition have improved.

Especially when upgrading, this change is more obvious.

After only walking for 11 minutes, Pan Yun was a little out of breath."Finally home, I have to ride my bike here next time."

"No, you have to exercise more."

"Damn it, you are not tired, but I am not in good shape." Pan Yun said depressedly,"But walking with you makes me feel more relaxed, I hope I can lose some weight."


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