Although the wait was a bit long, it was worth it.

On Monday night, when Jiang Yichen went to the Internet cafe, as soon as he logged into QQ, he received a message from editor Canglang.

Canglang: The contract has been received and the signing status will be modified today. Please keep updating. This week, new book recommendations will be added to the homepage, as well as scrolling text recommendations.

Canglang: The quality of the book is good. As long as it maintains this level, it can be ready for the shelves next week.

Jiang Yichen then opened the website of Qidian and took a look. As expected, the status of the book cover has been modified.

From the original resident work, it has become a contracted work.

This means that Jiang Yichen's book has officially started to generate income.

As of today, Jiang Yichen's"Eternal Life of Creation" has been updated to 150,000 words.

The plot is getting more and more exciting, making people unable to stop after reading it.

Taking advantage of his good mood today, Jiang Yichen took a special look at the comment area.

There are several pinned comments. Except for one in which Pan Yun introduced the relevant rules of the book review area, there are wonderful comments from fans.

One of the fans,"Izumi Tomashiro", commented:"I came across a new book by chance. I just wanted to take a look. I didn't expect it to be so wonderful. I like Jiang Han's character very much. He is resolute and decisive, calm and wise. He has grown from a small servant to where he is now. I am looking forward to the future of Jiang Han under the pen of Jiang Shan."

""Happy Panda" comments: The world view setting is very good. It feels like starting from a small Jiang Mansion, slowly showing a huge fantasy world. The setting of the Three Thousand Avenues is very exciting! I think this book will definitely be enshrined as a god, and I will post it as a proof!

Jiang Yichen read it for a few times and felt very comfortable.

Then he liked these comments.

However, the following new comments made his face darken again.

"Damn, these black people……"

However, some digital accounts are systematically bashing his book.

13445**: This score must have been inflated, disgusting.

2325**: I think this book is plagiarized? What new realm is there? Adaptation is not nonsense.

My heart has become extremely cold: a new author has such a score? You can tell at a glance that the data is inflated. Qidian is really getting more and more disgusting now. As long as you have money, you have data.

Jiang Yichen took a few glances and felt that his mentality was about to explode.

In order to write his first book well, he not only adopted the creative ideas of great writers, but also constantly strengthened the design and improved his writing skills. When he looked back, he felt that it was pretty good, and it was getting better and better. How could it be worthless in the eyes of these people? What made him feel a little better was that there were still many fans who commented and fought back under the comments of these little black fans.

Afterwards, Jiang Yichen updated three chapters, each with more than 3,000 words.

At the end, Jiang Yichen wrote PS

"Today, Jiangshan's first book was successfully signed. It is a memorable day. Here are three updates. I read the comments today and saw that many friends gave high praise. I was very moved and thank you for your love. Of course, I also saw some haters and trolls who abused and slandered me. I was very angry at first, but now I think about it calmly. Maybe I was trolled because someone was jealous."

"Since I have chosen to create online literature, I will not be afraid of wind and rain. Let the precipitation of time and the reputation of book friends speak for themselves!"

After the update, Jiang Yichen was still planning to continue typing for a while, but Pan Yun came over and stopped him.

This kid, without asking in advance, knew that Jiang Yichen was in this fixed place in the Internet cafe at this time

"Come on, let's go change our equipment."

The naked hand grabbed Jiang Yichen, which was very powerful.

Jiang Yichen hesitated,"What's going on?"

"Didn't I tell you before to change the laptop?" Pan Yun said anxiously.

"Damn, did you really ask your dad for money?" Jiang Yichen was very surprised.

You know, a laptop is not cheap at this time, several thousand yuan, how can a senior high school student be willing to give it to him?

Not to mention lending it to others.

Pan Yun chuckled,"Of course, my dad agreed as soon as I acted like a spoiled child."

"Acting like a spoiled child?"

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes.

He really couldn't imagine how disgusting this 200-pound fat man's act of spoiled childishness was.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I got 6,000 yuan today. It's still early. Come with me." Pan Yun said hurriedly.

""Okay, okay, I’ll save it."

Jiang Yichen couldn’t persuade him, so he quickly saved the manuscript in his mailbox and chose to hang up.

There was no evening self-study today, and Jiang Yichen planned to stay up all night in the Internet cafe.

Pan Yun ignored him and led Jiang Yichen away. Then the two came to the largest computer store in Anyuan.

Zhongcheng Digital.

It was already 9 o'clock, and the store was a little deserted, and they were about to close.

Seeing Jiang Yichen and Pan Yun come in, the boss who was playing games stood up,"Handsome boy, what kind of computer do you want, a laptop or a desktop?"

Jiang Yichen didn't know much about computers. In his previous life, he had never bought a computer, and he mostly played games in Internet cafes. Later, when the performance of mobile phones improved, he played Honor of Kings, Chicken Dinner, Genshin Impact, etc. on his mobile phone.

At that time, there was no need for a computer.

Pan Yun looked at Jiang Yichen,"What do you think is good?"

"Laptops, right?" Jiang Yichen said.

In terms of performance, he also knew that desktop computers were better, and generally cheaper.

Although he didn't know much about computers, he had heard jokes.

A budget of 3,000 to open an Internet cafe.

It means that desktop computers are cheap to assemble.

But what Jiang Yichen needs now is convenience.

The boss introduced,"This one, Lenovo Tianyi F41M-MT, is a new model that has just been released. It uses a powerful Intel Pentium dual-core, 1GB memory capacity, and 250GB hard disk capacity, which is enough for normal office and entertainment."

"How much is it?"

Pan Yun asked.

He knew even less about computers. He was completely confused by the parameters the boss mentioned. He only knew how to ask the price.

"4999 yuan."

Jiang Yichen looked at it for a while. The silver-gray body and piano paint workmanship looked pretty good.

But Jiang Yichen didn't like this brand very much."Are there any other brands?"

"Lenovo is the biggest brand in computer industry. We mainly sell Lenovo products here, but you can also take a look at this one, Asus, which has similar configurations. You can see that it only costs 5499."

""Um, aren't there any cheaper ones?" Jiang Yichen was not very interested in these laptops.

Hearing the configuration, 1GB memory, 320GB hard drive, this is too different from the later time. In his previous life, he usually played in Internet cafes, and the people there had at least 16GB of memory. As for the CPU, graphics card and so on, they were all very powerful.

In this era, the performance is still a bit low.

Of course, now running an XP system, ordinary software is still very smooth.

After all, at this time, QQ is only about 30 to 40 megabytes.

The boss heard what Jiang Yichen meant, and immediately turned to introduce the price of about 3,000 yuan.

"How about this one, Shenzhou? 15.6-inch screen, high configuration, very cost-effective, 3900."

I looked around and found that there were few cheaper ones.

"OK, let's take this one."

Jiang Yichen still had some impression of the Shenzhou computer. It was a domestic brand with high-quality materials and a low price. Although it was a little ugly, it was enough for typing.

And it looked like the screen was bigger, which would make typing more comfortable.

Pan Yun tried to bargain, but the boss of the other side saw through that neither of them knew anything about computers, and only reduced the price by 50 yuan, as if he had made a very big concession.

After the purchase was completed and Pan Yun paid, he looked at the computer with a smile,"Shenzhou, what brand is it?"

"Um, domestically made"

"Oh." Pan Yun did not ask any more questions.

At that time, among the domestically produced computers, Lenovo was the only one that was better. Shenzhou was also a representative of junk goods. There was really nothing to show for it. Besides

, no matter what brand it was, they were all assembled goods.


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