Jiang Yichen naturally accepted Pan Yun's kindness.

As a good brother, Jiang Yichen felt that he did not need to be pretentious. The current situation was indeed like this. He had to wait for the royalties to come in, at least until the end of December, but now his handwriting was very painful.

If he had not been short of money, Jiang Yichen would have bought a computer and started typing.

Now Pan Yun helped him to use a notebook in advance, which would be much more convenient for updating novels in the future.

When he left, Jiang Yichen also bought a 2GB USB flash drive to transfer the coded novels.

Of course, in order to ensure safety, Jiang Yichen still prepared for both situations. He must have a USB flash drive and a cloud storage for the mailbox.

He does not use QQ very much nowadays, but the mailbox is still a good thing.

At a time when cloud disks have not yet become popular, it is still very convenient to use mailboxes.

"Are you going back to the Internet cafe?" Pan Yun asked

"Well, the Internet cafe is still offline. I'll go copy the manuscript and write it in my notebook when I get home." Jiang Yichen said,"Besides, there is no Internet now. Even if I want to install it, it will probably take a few days."

Pan Yun smiled and said,"Did you stay up all night?"

"Yeah, I feel like I lost 8 bucks."

"Leave it to me, I'll play the game." Pan Yun said

"……Can you do it? You should not stay up all night with your body shape. I am afraid you can't make it." Jiang Yichen waved his hand and rejected him.

"OK, I'll play for a while and then go home"

"Remember that, I will go back and try the new computer. Jiang Yichen's face was full of smiles,"Old Pan, thank you."

"You're too polite. Please return the manuscript fee to me. I will buy one after I graduate from the college entrance examination, but I want to buy a laptop for playing games." After Jiang Yichen took the USB drive to copy the existing manuscripts, Pan Yun sat down and prepared to start playing Dota.

Unlike Jiang Yichen, Pan Yun was fascinated by the game after he came into contact with it.

But Jiang Yichen was not interested in this ancient version.

Maybe when Dota 2 comes out, Jiang Yichen will give it a try, but he will not really take it as a career.

Although, after learning the critical strike system, it will be easy for Jiang Yichen to become a professional player. After reminding Pan Yun again to go back early, Jiang Yichen carried the new laptop and rode his bike to go home easily with one hand.

When they got home, Jiang Nanning, Liu Yuanxiu and Jiang Yixin were watching TV as usual.

"Hey, Achen, you came back so early today? Didn't you say you were going to stay at Pan Yun's house?"Liu Yuanxiu stood up and asked when she saw Jiang Yichen coming back, but her eyes never left the TV. It was another Anti-Japanese War drama.

She didn't know what was wrong with her mother, she actually liked watching movies about fighting the Japanese devils so much.

Every time she saw those devils being beaten to a pulp, she was very happy.

When she saw them killing their compatriots, she was filled with righteous indignation and felt very distressed.

Jiang Yichen nodded,"I bought a computer, so I won't go to the Internet cafe or his house anymore."

Then he pointed to the laptop computer in his hand that had not been unpacked.

Jiang Nanning reacted,"Where did you get the money to buy the computer?"

"Borrowed by Pan Yun"

"Why buy a computer for no reason?"

Jiang Yixin said with a smile,"I want to write a novel and publish it online, I can make money!"

Liu Yuanxiu took a look and asked,"How much money?"

She didn't blame him. In her eyes, as long as he could get the first place in the exam, it was okay to be a little more independent.

After all, Jiang Yichen is now a little mature, and he is not like before, who doesn't know how to think about others.

"3850." Jiang Yichen said truthfully, putting the package down and preparing to open it.

Jiang Yixin was also very curious and came over to help.

Jiang Nanning thought for a while,"It's not right to borrow money from classmates, why didn't you tell me?"

"It's okay, I'll pay him back after I get paid for my articles."Jiang Yichen explained.

As for asking his parents for it, Jiang Yichen couldn't open his mouth. They both worked hard at the construction site during the day, and when the New Year was approaching, they went to ask for their wages every day.

Yes, they just asked for it.

Nowadays, many people owe money, and some even delay paying wages for four or five years.

So, usually, the family has enough to live a normal life. Although Jiang Nanning has saved more than 10,000 yuan, it is reserved for Jiang Yichen's tuition and living expenses for college admission.

Therefore, Jiang Yichen didn't want to ask his parents for it.

If you really want to buy it, you can wait until you get paid for your articles.

It doesn't matter if you buy it in a month or so.

But Pan Yun asked Jiang Yichen to buy it, so he didn't refuse.

Liu Yuanxiu frowned,"That won't work either. It's not right to borrow money from your classmates. Ask your dad to get the money out tomorrow, and you use it to pay him back."

"this……"Jiang Yichen paused.

Jiang Nanning nodded,"Okay, even if I buy it for you to go to college, don't let us down in the college entrance examination."

"Don't worry." Jiang Yichen agreed.

Soon, Jiang Yichen took out a new black laptop with a logo on it: HASEE.

He checked the configuration:

CPU:Core 2 Duo T5750, main frequency 2.0GHz

Memory: DDR2, 1GB

Hard disk: 160GB

Screen: 15.4 inches, resolution is 1280*800

Of course, this configuration is rubbish to Jiang Yichen, but he doesn't hate it. Instead, he is happy that it allows him to type.

After booting up, it entered the system in about ten seconds.

Oh, it's still a VISTA system.

Jiang Yichen has some impression of this system, but he hasn't used it much. I heard that it is a relatively failed system of Microsoft.

Liu Yuanxiu also came over to take a look,"Is this a computer? Don't play games just because you have a computer."

"This is a laptop, it can't play games."Jiang Yichen explained

"That's good. Where should I put these things?" Liu Yuanxiu pointed to the box.

"No need���, throw it away. The store gave me a computer bag, so you can use it to pack it in the future. Sell these paper boxes." Jiang Yichen took away the accessories and warranty cards that should be kept, and let Liu Yuanxiu dispose of the garbage freely.

Jiang Nanning was also very curious and watched Jiang Yichen fiddling with the computer. He cleared a space on Jiang Yichen's desk for him to put his notebook.

"Dad, can we go to the Internet tomorrow?" Jiang Yichen asked, seeing that he couldn't connect to the Internet.

"How to open it?"

"Just ask the telecom company to pull an internet cable over."

"Oh."Jiangning scratched his head and responded without understanding.

However, the next moment, Jiang Yichen clicked on the wireless network list, and there was a wireless network with good signal strength.

Then Jiang Yichen clicked on the connection.

To his surprise, it was connected immediately!

Is this free WIFI?

He looked at the name of the wireless network and saw: HEDong.

Isn't this the name of the son of his downstairs landlord?

Jiang Yichen smiled evilly and opened the IE browser.

The speed was a bit slow, but he still connected to the Internet.

Then, Jiang Yichen opened Qidian Literature Network and logged in to his account, clicked on the page of"Eternal Life of Creation".

After all, it's good to have a computer and an internet connection!

Jiang Yichen can finally check the status of the book at any time.

The only thing that makes people laugh bitterly is that this cover is an experimental one made by Jiang Yichen after he taught himself PS. The materials he found were from the Internet and were simply photoshopped.

Now it looks really ugly.

Even the editor Canglang sent a message yesterday, asking if he had paid someone to do it?

If it really doesn't work, he wants to do it himself.

Jiang Yichen hurriedly said,"Dad, there's no need to pull the network cable, I'm connected to the Internet."

I'm sorry, classmate He Dong, since you are so generous and open to sharing, I will be disrespectful and use it...

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