
As the second mock exam, the Anyuan County Education Bureau still attaches great importance to it.

Especially after Anyuan No. 2 Middle School had a super-talented student, the pressure on the director of the Education Bureau was much greater.

At the meeting, the principal of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School questioned on the spot that Anyuan No. 2 Middle School had created a false high-scoring genius through improper means. He said that Anyuan No. 2 Middle School leaked the test questions and did not supervise the exam strictly.

For this reason, the Education Bureau simply swapped the invigilators.

The invigilators of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School, Class 9 of Senior 3, were sent to a team of two of the most strict and perverted teachers.

Liu Shuimin, the grade director, was a slightly fat body with a super big belly. He was the nightmare of the students of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School. He was super strict in supervising and patrolling, and any cheating behavior could not slip under his nose.

As an exception, there was a female mathematics teacher named Qiu Ping. Although she was only in her 30s, she had a very fierce personality and was very strict with cheating.

Anyuan No. 1 Middle School sent these two people to supervise Class 9. The purpose was self-evident.

That was to keep a close eye on Jiang Yichen.

To see if he really has the ability or is just a name.

For this reason, Jiang Yichen was arranged to sit in the middle first row.

Right under Liu Shuimin's nose

""Xiao Qiu, do you think Jiang Yichen is really good or just pretending to be good?"

Liu Shuimin asked jokingly as he walked to the classroom with the test paper.

In front of him, Qiu Ping, who was over 30 years old, was wearing intellectual clothes, twisting her waist and walking with a charming figure, which made people feel itchy.

Qiu Ping said contemptuously,"You will know after you take a look this time."

"However, I have always believed that no one can easily get more than 600 points. I asked someone, before the third year of high school, Jiang Yichen was a science student with a total score of less than 250 points. It is impossible that he would make rapid progress by switching to the liberal arts class, right?"

Liu Shuimin nodded,"Yes, this world emphasizes science."

"Is this the class?"

Qiu Ping paused and looked at the class in front of her.

Under Li Qiuxia's organization, all the students in Class 9 had already taken their seats, and the examination seats were also disrupted and separated from each other.

Jiang Yichen sat in the first row.

He was resting with his eyes closed, and soon felt a hostility.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a girl and a boy holding papers, staring at him as they came in.

Jiang Yichen was not afraid at all, and he looked at them.

"You are Jiang Yichen, right?"

Qiu Ping had a stern face, but Liu Shuimin smiled and spoke.

Jiang Yichen nodded but didn't say anything.

"He is indeed a handsome man."

Liu Shuimin smiled and praised him regardless of whether he said anything or not.

Qiu Ping coughed lightly,"Dear students, I am the chief invigilator today. I will give you one minute to check your seats to see if you still have cheat sheets or books. If you do, please take them out. If you find any after one minute, you will be considered cheating and will be directly awarded zero points!"

The voice was sharp, as if it was stung and hurt people.

Some people in the audience moved rustlingly, and some tore off the small pieces of paper stuck on their seats.

Liu Shuimin, on the other hand, smiled and went around for a patrol.

Under his eagle eyes, he could find the words written on the desks, and take a closer look. If it was related to the exam, he would immediately spread a piece of white paper on it and stick it up with transparent tape. It was so strict that it was simply inhumane.

Poor students like Zhou Xiaofeng turned pale.

It's over, it's over!

Encountering such a perverted invigilator, this mock exam was completely sentenced to death.

I was thinking that I could do some small tricks to raise the score a little bit so that it wouldn't be so ugly, but now it's almost a bubble.

This fucking college entrance examination shouldn't be so strict!

I heard that during the college entrance examination, the invigilators are usually from surrounding counties and cities, and sometimes they will take care of each other and let them off a little.

At least don't copy too much, just take a slight glance, there's no problem.

But it's estimated that with the two invigilators in front of me... In the exam, there is almost no possibility of cheating!

Qiu Ping looked at the students who were frightened like frightened birds under the podium with great pride, thinking: You little brat, you still want to escape from my palm?

But the next moment, she saw Jiang Yichen under her nose. He was still calm, with a faint smile, and seemed to not care about this trick at all.

Qiu Ping was shocked. Is this really the king?

Soon, the exam bell rang, and Liu Shuimin distributed the papers very carefully, while Qiu Ping continued to stare at Jiang Yichen and others, her eyes full of aggression.

The main thing is that if someone dares to cheat under her nose, she will be given a ruthless zero.

The first subject is Chinese.

Jiang Yichen first glanced at the test questions, then wrote down his name and class information, and began to do the questions calmly.

Neither Liu Shuimin nor Qiu Ping are Chinese teachers, but they have a general Chinese literacy.

Liu Shuimin kept patrolling the exam with his hands behind his back, and soon came to Jiang Yichen.

Looking at the other party's smooth rhythm of answering questions, he was stunned for a moment

"This guy is really good at what he does!" Liu Shuimin returned to the podium and spoke softly to Qiu Ping.


But when it came to writing the composition, Qiu Ping couldn't help it. She came over, wearing glasses, leaning sideways, and carefully watched Jiang Yichen write the composition.

As if feeling that the light was blocked, Jiang Yichen subconsciously raised his head.

In front of him were two mountains pressing down, and the surprised and puzzled eyes.


Oh my god, it's so scary."

Jiang Yichen was taken aback.

Qiu Ping then coughed lightly, left with a stern face, and shouted to other students,"Don't look around!"

Jiang Yichen didn't make any drafts for the whole composition. He just went through the structure in his mind and wrote it down quickly.

With his strong writing ability, Jiang Yichen didn't need to revise his writing. He wrote it in one go.

When handing in the papers, many students looked bitter, and only a few with good grades looked better.

Chinese, nothing can be measured, but when Jiang Yichen and other students left and sorted out the test papers, Liu Shuimin spoke up,

"Wow, this handwriting is really good."

Qiu Ping also sighed,"Yes, it lives up to its reputation. It seems that No. 2 Middle School really has a genius!"

"Your math exam is this afternoon. You can take a good look at it. If this person is really a genius, we have to recruit him to our No. 1 Middle School as soon as possible."

Liu Shuiping said seriously,"How can a second-rate middle school cultivate such an outstanding student?"

Qiu Ping sealed the test paper, still with a cold face,"Let's take a look in the afternoon."

But despite her cold face, she became the special inspector when the math exam started in the afternoon.

Liu Shuimin stood on the podium and inspected everywhere, while Qiu Ping gathered next to Jiang Yichen, supervising him alone.

The faint fragrance made Jiang Yichen's nose feel uncomfortable and he wanted to sneeze.

But when he thought of a cold-faced beautiful teacher watching him, he still suppressed it.

The formulas, numbers, and letters in her pen were all written very beautifully, as if they were works of calligraphy!

This was the first time Qiu Ping was amazed by a math test paper.

In her eyes, it was no longer doubt and questioning, but appreciation that could not be concealed.

"I, Qiu Ping, want this person!"

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