Once this idea was planted in Qiu Ping's mind, it could not be stopped.

Especially after finishing the English and liberal arts exams, Qiu Ping immediately called the principal.

"Jiang Yichen is a true genius. I suggest that the school recruit him to Anyuan No. 1 Middle School at any cost."


"This boy has the potential to be admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University!"


The principal of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School was very surprised and did not reply for a long time on the phone."As soon as the mock exam results come out, I will ask Shuimin to contact him and try to recruit him."

"No way!"

Qiu Ping said sharply on the phone,"Once the mock exam results are out, it will be even more impossible for Anyuan No. 2 Middle School to let you go."


This is equivalent to completely trusting Qiu Ping. If Jiang Yichen fails to get 600 points in the mock exam, then poaching him would be a joke.

Although there are not many people who can get 600 points in the liberal arts department of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, it is not impossible.

""Principal, believe me, I have never seen anyone who can make a math test paper look amazing, but today I saw one." Qiu Ping said with recollection

"OK, I'll ask Shuimin to go find him right now."

The principal made up his mind and hung up the phone.


Unlike the perverted duo who invigilated the exam, the students of Class 9 of Senior 3 burst into tears and screams as soon as the exam was over.

Pan Yun was fine, he never did these little tricks, he would score as many points as he could.

"Hehe, you felt it this time, right? The invigilators from Anyuan No. 1 High School were here to supervise the exam, and they were so eager to give us all zero points."

"It's OK, but that woman is too annoying. She always comes over to watch me do the questions, which affects my speed."

Jiang Yichen shrugged.

Pan Yun smiled and said,"That is the best math teacher in the liberal arts department of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School. I heard that she is very good and very strict."

Jiang Yichen nodded, savoring the fragrance.

After all, he was in his 30s in his previous life, and he didn't have any feelings for these girls who were just in their third year of high school. On the contrary, this kind of woman who was just 30 years old was attractive.

"That disgusting fat guy, always walking around with his big belly, so annoying."

Pan Yun spat and said"Puh"

""Cough cough!"

A heavy cough was heard, and the fat man Liu Shuimin, whom Pan Yun mentioned, stood in front with a sullen face and glared at Pan Yun unkindly.

Pan Yun was startled unexpectedly, and covered his mouth with his bare hands, his eyes rolling wildly, and tried to pull Jiang Yichen away with one hand.

However, Liu Shuimin spoke first, and his originally sullen face turned into a smiling face,"Student Jiang Yichen, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"What can I do for you, teacher?"

Jiang Yichen stepped forward, speaking in a loud voice without any fear.

"I am the head of the senior class of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School. My name is Liu Shuimin.

Liu Shuimin first introduced himself politely."From this mock exam, I can see that your level is very high. I hope you can come to our Anyuan No. 1 Middle School Liberal Arts Rocket Class."

Jiang Yichen was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party was looking for him for this purpose.

But after thinking about it, he understood.

"Director Liu, you are overpraising me. I am just an ordinary student."

"Don't rush to refuse." Liu Shuimin stretched out his hand and continued,"As long as you agree to transfer your student status to No. 1 Middle School, our Anyuan No. 1 Middle School is willing to give you a scholarship of 10,000 yuan in the past six months."

10,000 yuan?

Jiang Yichen smiled slightly,"Director Liu, although I am short of money, I don't want this money. I am doing well in No. 2 Middle School and don't want to transfer schools. Thank you for your kindness."

As he spoke, Jiang Yichen turned around and prepared to leave with Pan Yun.

"Hey! We can still negotiate! 20,000, what do you think?" Liu Shuimin waved his hand and said,"30,000? ? 50,000! This is the highest authority I have, Jiang Yichen……"

But there was only Jiang Yichen's back, and he waved his hand to refuse.

Ugh! You are not tempted by so much money?

It is simply incomprehensible!

Liu Shuimin felt a little angry, but then he saw Li Qiuxia, who was wearing a flowery dress, walking quickly towards him. He immediately turned around and ran to his car, started it quickly, reversed it, and ran away in one go.

"Damn it, don't let me see you steal my girl……"

Watching the old Santana go away, Li Qiuxia took off her shoes and threw them out.

The shoes fell far away, and Li Qiuxia, who was jumping on one foot, still angrily counted the words"civilized"


This time they met, but what about the next time?

Although Li Qiuxia was angry, she knew that the other party sent Liu Shuimin and Qiu Ping to supervise the exam of Class 9, and they might have come to test Jiang Yichen's strengths and weaknesses.

Now that they knew that Jiang Yichen was a dragon among men, they would inevitably try to poach him.

Anyuan No. 1 Middle School could not accept that there was a student from No. 2 Middle School who had a higher college entrance examination score than all of them.

They had to report to the principal!

For a while, the competition from the principal level began again.

Of course, Jiang Yichen didn't know about these things.

But no matter what, he was too lazy to change classes, so how could he change schools?

It's not like Jiang Yichen was in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, so the critical hit rate of this study would be higher.

It's impossible!

Besides, Jiang Yichen's high school knowledge has been critically hit enough, and even if he spends more time studying, it won't increase much.

Unless he uses university knowledge to learn, it will probably be useful.

For example, after Jiang Yichen took a book"Computer Science and Technology" from the library, he found that his original knowledge of the six courses had new changes.

Added a

【--Computer: F level (43/100)] is also more in line with Jiang Yichen's current learning progress.

He is about to enter university, and if he wants to have new changes and a large learning crit, he has to learn new things.

Jiang Yichen plans to wait until next year to start learning university professional knowledge, and learn some art skills and life skills at the same time, so that he can have���The appearance of connotation

"Achen, why does this person want to see you?"

"Want to recruit me to Anyuan No.1 Middle School"

"Spend money?" Pan Yun said,"50,000 yuan is a lot. I think the reward for applying to Tsinghua University and Peking University is only about 100,000 yuan."

Jiang Yichen smiled and said,"Do you think I need this money?"

"That's right, didn't you get the manuscript fee today? Tell me, how much is it?"

Pan Yun laughed and put his fleshy hand on Jiang Yichen's shoulder, letting him move forward with the weight in the air.

Jiang Yichen slapped his hand away,"It's okay, barely over 100,000."

But in fact, it's not that much.

Jiang Yichen's income from subscriptions alone reached 160,000 yuan, plus 320,000 yuan in rewards, a full 480,000!

Just after deducting taxes, 53,000 yuan was deducted!

It's really cool to become a great god!

No wonder those great gods can earn millions or even tens of millions a year. If they can earn this level every month, Jiang Yichen can do it.

However, Jiang Yichen also understands that this is unlikely.

This time, the alliance leader was attracted by adding more chapters, but not everyone is so rich to directly reward the alliance leader with 10,000 yuan. Just like now in December, the rewards are much less than last month.

But as long as the subscription is stable, the income of about 200,000 yuan per month is still very considerable.

Pan Yun burst into a swear word,"Damn, you cheater!"

"No, you have to treat me to a big dinner!"

Pan Yun held Jiang Yichen back and refused to let him go.

Jiang Yichen was stubborn,"A big dinner is for sure, but not today. You can't have a big dinner tonight.""

"No, I can do it."Pan Yun looked resentful.

"If you really have something to do tonight, come next time." Jiang Yichen waved his hand and refused firmly.

The manuscript fee arrived today. It was the editor of Canglang who reminded him yesterday.

He hadn't checked the details yet.

But there was a bank next to the house he rented, and Jiang Yichen was going to check it out.

After parting with Pan Yun, Jiang Yichen rode his bike to the credit union.

After inserting the card and entering the password, the small ATM machine showed the amazing balance.

426,523.5 yuan!

Rich, really rich!

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