The next day at noon, Jiang Yichen, carrying a backpack and a big suitcase in one hand, took this little follower, Jiang Yixin, to Anyuan Bus Station after getting off Jiang Nanning's motorcycle.

After meeting up with Fatty Pan Yun, they took a car to Hongzhou.

It took 6 hours along the way.

When they arrived in Hongzhou, it was a little after 7 o'clock in the evening. They spent a little more time to get to the train station, and the train to Shanghai at 9 o'clock was scheduled.

Jiang Yichen didn't want to sit in a hard seat, so he changed to a soft sleeper as soon as he got on the bus.

Along the way, Jiang Yixin was either listening to music or looking at the scenery, asking questions. Pan Yun, an enthusiastic frequent tourist, proudly replied that the road was not lonely. At

7 o'clock in the morning on January 13, Jiang Yichen and his group of 3 arrived in Shanghai.

The hotel was arranged by Qidian Company. Because Jiang Yichen brought people with him, the company also thoughtfully opened another standard room for Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen was very satisfied with this move.

After putting down his things, Jiang Yixin looked at the tall buildings in the distance and exclaimed,"Wow, this Magic City is so beautiful!""

"Modernization started relatively early, and in a few years, many cities will be built very beautifully."Jiang Yichen took a look and didn't feel much.

After graduating from high school in his previous life, he went to Pengcheng and Yangcheng to work, and he still had a deep understanding of the development of the cities outside.

Especially the subway, the lines were added very quickly, and the subway stations were getting more and more beautiful.

The only thing that remained unchanged was the increasingly high cost of living.

Many people envy living in big cities, thinking that they can earn seven or eight thousand a month, and some even tens of thousands.

But if you calculate his living costs, you can feel the difficulty of their lives.

It is difficult to rent a house, let alone buy a house.

If ordinary people don't have much money, then even if they work hard in this big city for many years, they may be able to buy a small house of 50 or 60 square meters at most.

It's better to go home and buy a 140-square-meter mansion.

Of course, Jiang Yichen doesn't need to consider too many difficulties in buying a house now. With the critical strike system and the experience of rebirth, making money will not be a difficult task.

Even buying a big house in the Magic City or Kyoto is not impossible.

Pan Yun said with a sigh,"The Magic City is definitely there. Tomorrow I will take you to see the Bund, which is more beautiful."

Jiang Yichen nodded," I have an event tomorrow, so I still have plenty of time today. You guys can plan your itinerary in the hotel. We'll go to the Bund first in the evening."

"No problem." Pan Yun made a gesture.

Jiang Yichen brought a notebook and started typing on the round desk on the side.

Pan Yun and Jiang Yixin discussed the itinerary.

"I want to visit Fudan University"

"You are only in the second grade of junior high school, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Let me take a look at the school I like first." Jiang Yixin said with a raised mouth.

Jiang Yichen curled his lips while typing,"With your current grades, it's hard to say whether you can go to university."

"Humph, brother, you are powerful now, you can laugh at your sister……"

Jiang Yichen shook his head,"Okay, okay, I won't eliminate you. You can go to Fudan University."

Pan Yun suddenly asked,"Achen, will you choose Fudan University in the future?"

"No way, I think I will go to Kyoto University." Jiang Yichen thought for a moment and said,"But it's still too early, the college entrance examination is still half a year away."

"Awesome people always speak with confidence."Pan Yun was envious.

As they quarreled and made a fuss, they slowly came up with a plan.

Including going to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Huangpu River Night Tour, Hengshan Road and other places.

By noon, Jiang Yichen had already written 3 chapters with more than 10,000 words. Just as he was about to go for breakfast, the doorbell rang.

Pan Yun chose the bed outside and got up to open the door.

Outside the door was a woman in a professional suit with a professional fake smile. Although she was stunned when she saw the fat Pan Yun, she still concealed her fake smile."Hello, is this Mr. Jiang with the pen name 'Look at the country I have built'?"

Pan Yun turned around and shouted,"Achen, looking for you."

Oh, it turned out not to be.

The woman was a little surprised. He thought that those great writers of online novels were all weirdos like Pan Yun!

Soon, she saw Jiang Yichen.

Tall and handsome, with a confident smile, she was a little stunned.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"I am the contact person for the annual meeting of Qidian Company. My name is Xiaoyun. The woman introduced herself with a smile."It's lunch time. Please go to the restaurant on the 3rd floor for lunch.""

"This is a meal ticket."

""Okay." Jiang Yichen reached out and took it.

"I wish you a pleasant meal. If you need anything, you can contact me directly."Xiao Yun handed over another business card and then went to other rooms to remind them.

Just as she was leaving, two people just passed by and were about to go downstairs for dinner.

At this moment, they stopped.

"You just look at the kingdom I have conquered’?"One of them was a thin man with long fuzzy hair and dark circles under his eyes, staring at Jiang Yichen and asking.

Jiang Yichen felt that the voice was not very polite, and immediately turned cold,"Who is it?"

"This is such a disappointing starting point. A new author who has not yet completed a novel and relies on luck can be invited to attend the annual meeting."The thin man continued to mock.

An art student with long hair pulled the person next to him, as if trying to stop him.

Pan Yun was about to get angry, but was stopped by Jiang Yichen.

""My chopstick friend, although I don't know your name, I guess you must have been crushed by me." Jiang Yichen smiled and replied


"Okay, Xiaodao, don't cause trouble."


The thin man snorted coldly and left arrogantly.

Pan Yun spat,"Damn, who is this?"

"The name Xiaodao is probably the one who wrote the book Xiuxian Ji. Jiang Yichen thought for a moment and said

"Damn, isn't that the one who was knocked off the overall ranking by your book? His book isn't good, it's just water every day." Pan Yun pouted."How dare you bother us."

The exposure rate will be very different between being on the overall ranking and not being on the overall ranking.

This person was squeezed out by Jiang Yichen's"Eternal Life of Creation" more than a month ago, and his income also decreased a lot.

Ha, he holds a grudge.

Jiang Yixin cleaned up and came out,"Brother, why is this person so rude?"

"Not everyone has the quality." Jiang Yichen shrugged, and then took the two to the restaurant.

Pan Yun laughed,"It seems that your trip to the annual meeting this time will not be peaceful."

"At the annual meeting, they dared not mess around"

"You never know, some people just want to step on others to gain a sense of superiority." Pan Yun reminded.

Jiang Yichen nodded,"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

After opening the elevator, a familiar person appeared. He had a sharp face, long hair, and a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

""Magic machine?"

Jiang Yichen asked tentatively.

"Ah you are?"

"《"The author of"Eternal Life of Creation", Jiang Shan." Jiang Yichen introduced himself.

He felt a little nervous, after all, he copied the other party's idea a few years later!

Shen Ji smiled slightly,"Your book is well written, and some of your ideas coincide with mine."

"Any chance to have a deeper discussion?"

""Okay." Shen Ji nodded and then stopped talking.

He was a bit of a loner and didn't want to communicate with others.

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