Lunch was a buffet. Jiang Yixin and Pan Yun had never had much experience with it, so it felt very new.

Jiang Yichen reminded them many times not to order too much in case they couldn't eat enough.

When eating, you can see people gathering in groups.

Some familiar masters were eating and chatting together, and some people with weird personalities were eating alone, looking at their phones and not saying a word to others.

Jiang Yichen didn't plan to integrate with these groups.

Coming to Shanghai was more of an opportunity to see the outside world.

The three of them sat at a small table, eating and chatting.

Shura Xiaodao on the side was complimenting others in a loud voice, as if he was afraid that others couldn't hear him.

"Tomato God, you should be the first at this year's annual meeting"

"No way, this year's"Eternal Life of Creation" is a dark horse, and my work can't compare to it." The man with fluffy hair shook his head and said.

He didn't have any other thoughts, it was just self-deprecating.

Shura Xiaodao hurriedly said,"He is just a rookie who has just started out. When the book was first published, I don't know how many clicks and recommendations he bought!"

��Qie glanced at the knife and said,"I've read it briefly. This book is of good quality and very attractive. It's good that the new generation is better than the old generation."

"I wonder if the author of this book is here at the annual meeting. I am looking forward to meeting him."

The long-haired boy next to him said,"He's right there.""

"Oh?" Tomato's brows relaxed and he looked at Jiang Yichen who was chatting and laughing."It's not that fat guy, right?"

"No, that handsome young man looks less than 20 years old."The long-haired man said.

Shura Xiaodao snorted coldly,"I don't believe it. Looking at his appearance, he probably just entered college. How could he have such mature writing skills in his first book?"

"Hey, you can't judge a person by his appearance." Tomato waved his hand,"Let's get to know each other later."

Unlike Shura Xiaodao, Tomato's mentality was much more normal.

The original first place was taken by"Eternal Life of Creation", especially the number of alliance leaders. As an old god, he couldn't even compare with the new gods. Although he felt a little disappointed, he didn't feel jealous.

After hearing this, Shura Xiaodao became even more angry and despised Tomato in his heart, but at this moment, he still kept a fake smile in front of others.

"I'll go talk to him." Shura Xiaodao stood up.

The long-haired man wanted to stop him, but he put his hand down as soon as he raised it.

Forget it, it's hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words.

Jiang Yichen didn't order much food, so he had finished eating and was drinking tea.

A skinny monkey put his hand over.

"Jiangshan, right? Our God Tomato wants to meet you."

Shura Xiaodao said this with a smile, and those who didn't know would think that the two were very close.

Jiang Yichen frowned and pushed the other's hand away first,"I'm not interested in getting to know you, get out of here."

Pan Yun also raised his head, and got angry when he saw Shura Xiaodao,"Hey, what do you want?!"

Shura Xiaodao sneered,"You just made a little achievement, and you are so arrogant? God Tomato is one of the three supreme gods of Qidian. If you offend him, you will suffer the consequences."

"Oh, then let's see how you can let me take the blame."

Jiang Yichen sneered

"Are you still studying? You little jerk, you really don't know how to behave?"

"It is your honor that the Tomato God wants to meet you, don't be ungrateful!"

Jiang Yichen's face darkened as he listened."A dog that licks the knees, barking wildly."

"Damn, what did your mother say?!"Xiuluo Xiaodao was still thinking about using Chinese to provoke Jiang Yichen, but he didn't expect that Jiang Yichen's words would make him explode, and he stretched out his hand to slap Jiang Yichen in the face!

Jiang Yichen's eyes shrank slightly, and the opponent's gesture instantly appeared in his mind like slow motion.

His left hand instantly blocked with Wing Chun techniques, and his right hand was a fist, punching quickly, but in an instant, Jiang Yichen rushed forward and put his right fist directly on Xiuluo Yidao's neck!

The strong counterattack made Xiuluo Yidao, who was already thin, stunned. The whole person was pressed down by Jiang Yichen and bent his waist. If he went down a little more, he would fall to the ground!

""Get out!"

Jiang Yichen shouted, and then he pulled back his fist.


Shura Yidao's whole body went limp, and he sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

The sudden change made everyone who was eating the buffet turn their attention here.

Tomato, who had been paying attention, brightened his eyes slightly.

"No wonder he could write"Eternal Life of Creation", he really knows Kung Fu!"

Tomato also took a special look at this sudden dark horse. The writing is sophisticated, and the methods of practicing Kung Fu are written as if they were real.

Now it seems that this person really knows Chinese martial arts.

Could it be true that there is a martial arts family like what is written in the novel? A hidden family?

No, no, that is all made up by the novel author.

Those who believe it are fools.

But this"Look at the country I have built" is indeed very mysterious.

Tomato stood up and walked over,"Is it the God of Jiangshan? Hello, I am Tomato"

"I don't dare to call myself a great master. I have heard of Tomato for a long time, but meeting him in person is not as good as hearing about him."Jiang Yichen looked at Tomato with a smile, and did not drive him away directly. Based on what Shura Yidao said just now, it is estimated that this Tomato is not a good person.

Jiang Yichen did not want to make close friends with him.

Tomato was stunned for a moment, then reacted and looked at Shura Yidao with contempt,"Brother Jiangshan, you misunderstood me. I sincerely want to get to know you."

"I just met this Shura Yidao, I'm not familiar with him."

Shura Yidao just stood up, and when he heard what Tomato said, he left in disgrace.

Jiang Yichen's face looked a little better."Sit down."

Tomato smiled and nodded, and without delay, he sat down directly.

"I have also read a lot of Brother Jiangshan’s"Eternal Life of Creation". I feel that the world is huge, the settings are novel, and the writing is refined. I really can’t imagine that the author is so young. I wonder what year of college Brother Jiangshan is in?"

"I'm a freshman this year." Jiang Yichen replied briefly. Since the other party was offering him a favor, he was not stingy."I'm just a newcomer to online writing. I can't compare with you in writing style and plot. I'll ask for your advice if I have the chance.""

""Hey, I'm being modest."

Tomato laughed.

People around him looked at the two people talking loudly. Tomato was a frequent visitor to the annual meeting, and many people knew him, but they were unfamiliar with Jiang Yichen. Many people whispered to each other.

"who is he!"

"《What is the name of the author of"Eternal Life of Creation"?……"

"Look at the kingdom I have conquered. This nickname is really weird."

"Humph! You are so bold to call yourself an emperor!"

Compared to people like Shura Yidao, Tomato is undoubtedly a better person, at least he has a high emotional intelligence.

He chatted with Jiang Yichen for a while and got along very well. Later, he even drank a few drinks with Jiang Yichen.

"It's a shame that we met too late! Brother Jiangshan, here are my QQ and contact information, we can communicate more in the future."Fanqie took a piece of white paper, wrote down his information, and handed it to Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen was not polite, took it, and also wrote down his QQ number for the other party.

As for other things, in fact, the two could not communicate much.

Fanqie is one of the great gods of Qidian, and there is also a competitive relationship between the two.

Not to mention, in the overall list,"Eternal Life of Creation" has just squeezed the other party's book that has always been ranked first.

No matter how generous the two are, the fans of the two books are the same, and there are already signs of"friendly exchanges".

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