Having worked as a courier for many years in his previous life, he had seen a lot of chaos in society, especially as the economy developed, but many people had lost their traditional culture and good social atmosphere.

It can really be said that this is a society where money is supreme.

Money is everything, and without money, it is difficult to move forward.

People laugh at the poor but not at prostitution, which makes some students with distorted values sell their bodies and souls for money.

Jiang Yichen has thought about doing something.

But what can he do alone?

It's good enough to not follow the crowd and be able to keep himself out of trouble.

Looking at Jiang Yixin next to him, his eyes were clear,"No matter what major you study, you should first achieve absolute financial freedom. If possible, I also want to change or influence some people through myself."

"Of course, what is more important is to live a carefree life!"

Jiang Yichen's mouth curled up slightly.

If you live your life again, you will naturally live a happier life.

Now is still the stage of making money. When you accumulate money later, the world will shine with my light!

"Xinxin, how is your study going recently?"

"Very good, now I have learned everything the teacher taught, and some questions are not difficult for me at all. Jiang Yixin was very proud.

"I am now a study committee member."

Jiang Yichen looked at her approvingly,"Not bad, but don't be proud, the learning of knowledge is endless."

"Got it."

After arriving at the new house, both the living space and the living environment have improved significantly.

The only thing that Liu Yuanxiu is not used to is that the place where she buys groceries is a little far away.

For this reason, she had to listen to Jiang Yichen and take the motorcycle driver's license test, otherwise the scooter she bought would be wasted.

Binjiang No. 1 is very close to Anyuan No. 2 Middle School, and Jiang Yichen usually rides a bicycle to school.

This makes Jiang Nanning very envious. His own car is still a Jialin motorcycle, and he has been riding it for nearly ten years.

Compared with the scooter he just bought, it is like one on the ground and the other in the sky.

The only thing that makes him feel a little advantage is that the fuel consumption is lower.

However, Jiang Yichen makes money, and it belongs to him. Jiang Nanning is in a very calm state of mind, and still works diligently on the construction site every day.

It's just that he smiles a lot more when he is working.

There is no need to talk about these family trivial matters. After the 100-day oath-taking meeting, the mock exam will follow.

It's just a hundred days, and there will be more than 4 consecutive mock exams.

It's to use exams instead of training, so that everyone can get into the most familiar test state.

After the first mock exam, the competition between Anyuan No. 1 Middle School and Anyuan No. 2 Middle School began.

When the results of the liberal arts mock exam were announced, the whole school was in an uproar.

First place: Jiang Yichen, Class 9, Senior 3, with a total score of 708 points.

Second place: Leng Qingxue, Class 9, Senior 3, with a total score of 653 points.

Third place: Luo Qi, Class 13, Senior 3, with a total score of 603 points


Among them, the top two are also the top two in the liberal arts of the whole county!

Jiang Yichen's total score is very stable. He ranks first not only in the county but also in the city in the mock exam.

Although there was no big fanfare, Principal Liu Youxi has already publicized the results of Jiang Yichen and Leng Qingxue from Anyuan No. 2 Middle School internally.

Anyuan No. 1 Middle School is not to be outdone. It also publicizes that Leng Qingxue's grades in its own school have greatly improved and are expected to impact Peking University and Tsinghua University.

People who don't understand will be surprised.

Hey, why are there two Leng Qingxue?

However, the director of education was happy and troubled. There are still too few liberal arts students in Anyuan County who are admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Now there are two seedlings, which is simply too surprising.

The only distressing thing is that because of the competition for geniuses, the principals of the two schools often come to make a fuss in front of them.

Compared with the pride of these principals, Li Qiuxia, as the class teacher, is much more happy.

"In this mock exam, our class performed very well!"

Li Qiuxia smiled from ear to ear,"The first place is Jiang Yichen, there is no doubt about it, this time his score reached 708 points, only some points were deducted for some subjective questions"

"Leng Qingxue also performed very well, with 653 points! She should be able to get into Tsinghua University or Peking University."

Leng Qingxue's face was slightly happy, and she turned her head and glanced at Jiang Yichen with her beautiful eyes.

But Jiang Yichen closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, and ignored these things.

It turned out that when she was in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, 630 and 640 were already the upper limit, and she even felt that it would be impossible to reach this score if the questions were a little more difficult.

But now she feels that there is still room for improvement.

Rather than a bottleneck.

Pan Yun smiled, his score this time was 513 points, which was close to the score line for the second-tier universities.

It is naturally good to be able to go to undergraduate school.

After graduation in the future, there will be more jobs to choose from.

"I'll treat you to dinner tonight." Leng Qingxue wrote a note and gently handed it to Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen glanced at it and wrote directly on the side,"No need"

"Then, is it okay for our study group to have a dinner together?"

Leng Qingxue was speechless after seeing Jiang Yichen's straightforward reply.

When she was in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, so many people pursued her hard, and they were eager to invite her to dinner together.

But with Jiang Yichen, she really felt ruthless suppression.

In terms of grades, she was beaten by him.

Even in terms of beauty, Jiang Yichen didn't seem to like her.

If Jiang Yichen hadn't looked at her with appreciation when she occasionally showed her bulging chest, Leng Qingxue would have suspected that Jiang Yichen was practicing the Sunflower Manual.

Seeing the note sent by Leng Qingxue again, Jiang Yichen still refused.

Wouldn't it be nice for him to use the time for the dinner to write?

What's more, if he agreed to her invitation, she might even treat him to a hotel after eating and drinking!

Leng Qingxue's figure and other things are indeed good, but her personality and other things are not the type that Jiang Yichen likes.

What's more, in his heart, he has a label for her.

That is for A woman who will do anything to achieve her goal.

This kind of woman is very dangerous.

Today, she can agree to any request from Jiang Yichen in order to improve her grades.

If they are together, tomorrow she may hurt and betray herself for other purposes.

It is better to avoid this kind of girl.

Jiang Yichen adheres to the attitude of not taking the initiative, not being responsible, and keeping a distance.

He does not want to have any in-depth entanglement with her.

Seeing that Jiang Yichen still disagreed, Leng Qingxue curled her lips, feeling helpless.

Li Qiuxia was still speaking on the stage, praising a large number of people, many of whom were from Jiang Yichen's study group.

For example, Pan Yun, Zhang Ya and others.

Especially Pan Yun, from taking the junior college entrance examination, he suddenly got to the point of taking the second-tier university entrance examination.

His ranking in the class was as high as 12th.

If Jiang Yichen and Leng Qingxue, the two cheaters, were eliminated, he would even be in the top ten!

From the middle of the grades, he suddenly ran to the top ten in the class. It is not an exaggeration to call it a pig's sudden progress.

"In addition, the day after tomorrow, Friday, our school is going to organize a Zhongshan Journey. As a practical course for senior high school students to hone their skills, everyone is required to go unless there are special circumstances."

Finally, Li Qiuxia mentioned the"Zhongshan Journey" activity.

This word made Jiang Yichen a little stunned.

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