Jiang Yichen still has a deep impression of the"Zhongshan Journey" activity.

In his previous life, since 2011, all senior high school students in Anyuan have carried out such an activity.

That is to hike from school to Zhongshan.

Zhongshan is a famous red mountain in Anyuan. It is

10 kilometers away from the county seat. There are the ruins of the Red Army's anti-encirclement and suppression campaign. Nowadays, Anyuan County is also protecting and building it.

In order to enhance the physical and mental will of high school students, Anyuan No. 2 Middle School took the lead in organizing the Zhongshan Journey activity, which gradually became a routine.

Jiang Yichen didn't know why it came out now.

It was equivalent to their class being the first class.

For safety reasons, Li Qiuxia began to call out names.

"Jiang Yichen, Lin Jun, the two of you will be the flag bearers and help the teacher protect the safety of the 56 students in the class."

"During the process of the team marching, if any student is found to be unwell, he should report it to the teacher immediately. Of course, everyone should also pay attention to the situation of the students around them and report it in time if there is any situation."

Jiang Yichen agreed after hearing this.

This is a class collective activity. As a member of the class, Jiang Yichen will not shirk anything.

Li Qiuxia looked at Pan Yun.

The fattest fat man in the class

""Pan Yun, you either don't go or I will ask for leave for you."

Pan Yun's face suddenly flushed,"No, teacher, I want to go too!"

Everyone knows that this is a test of spirit and will.

He didn't want to miss this opportunity.


Li Qiuxia hesitated. There were no heart diseases in the class, but for her, the one she had to pay the most attention to was Pan Yun.

If he fainted, it would be difficult to pull him up without two or three people.

Jiang Yichen glanced at him.

Pan Yun nodded heavily,"If I just walk and don't run, I'll be fine."

Jiang Yichen then stretched out his hand and said,"Teacher, we will take good care of him."

Li Qiuxia thought for a moment and responded,"Okay, Pan Yun, tell me if you feel unwell on the way. The school has arranged an ambulance to follow you the whole time..."

Pan Yun's face became even more embarrassed.

It seems like I'm going to get in the ambulance.

---(˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)After class, Li Qiuxia specially called a small meeting with the class committee and Jiang Yichen to arrange specific things, and then they were ready to wait for the day to come.

Early on Friday morning.

Jiang Yichen didn't even do the physical exercise. He wore sportswear and washed up.

"Has my child grown a little taller?"

Looking at the energetic Jiang Yichen, Liu Yuanxiu asked with a smile

"It's about one or two centimeters taller."

Jiang Yichen has measured it and found that his entire body has grown again since he started practicing bodybuilding techniques.

"Mom, is the meal ready?"

"Okay, I'll bring it out."

Liu Yuanxiu said with some worry."It's the same in your school. There's nothing to do, so you let people walk to Zhongshan."

"This is a group activity, you don't understand."Jiang Yichen shook his head.

In his previous life, he was a courier and encountered Zhongshan's long journey on the road. At that time, there were traffic police to help control the traffic. Rows of high school students carrying bags followed the large group, and the scene was quite spectacular.

Now that he has become one of them, he is very interested.

"I don't understand, but you have to be careful, understand? Don't try to be brave." Liu Yuanxiu prepared breakfast and solemnly reminded

"Got it."After a simple meal, I found that Liu Yuanxiu had already prepared a water cup for me, and a small bag of salt beside it.

No matter how early the activity started, my mother would always get up earlier to prepare everything for me.

"That's salt. If you sweat a lot, remember to put some salt in your drink."


"There is also iodine and gauze in it, just in case something happens."

"Got it." Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Yichen waved his hand and left in a hurry.

As an assistant, Jiang Yichen had to arrive early.

The meeting place was in the center of Anyuan County Citizen Square.

There were 13 classes in the senior year of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School, with an average of 52 students in each class, a total of 672 people.

Of course, there were also students who took leave for various reasons such as health reasons for the Zhongshan long-distance activity, so there were about 600 people.

Only now did teachers and support personnel arrive in a scattered manner.

Li Qiuxia, wearing a plain gray sports suit, waved to Jiang Yichen,"Here."

Class 9 was located near the middle.

Two long lines stood in each class.

Jiang Yichen and Lin Jun were the flag bearers


"Well, it's pretty cool."It's a good choice to let you be the flag bearer." Li Qiuxia said with a smile, and handed the small flag in her hand to Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen raised it and tried it. It said, Class 9, Senior 3.

On the back was a slogan,"Courage, Perseverance and Dedication".

It should be prepared by Li Qiuxia herself.

She has a very good literary quality. She was also very optimistic about Jiang Yichen, but at first she thought Jiang Yichen wrote traditional novels, but she didn't expect it to be online novels, which was more or less a pity.

After all, online novels are not mainstream and cannot become classics.

"Qiuxia, is this Jiang Yichen?"

Just as Jiang Yichen was looking at the flag, a pot-bellied man came over. Next to him was Zhang Yunlong, the head teacher whom Jiang Yichen had met last time.

"Principal, that's him."

Li Qiuxia also nodded and said to Jiang Yichen,"Yichen, this is our Principal Liu Youxi."

Jiang Yichen took a look at the other's huge belly.

Wow, it looks like she is pregnant.

It is estimated that she is at least six or seven months pregnant.

"Hello, Principal Liu."

Liu Youxi laughed and touched her belly,"Classmate Jiang Yichen, you really have a sharp gaze. I'm pregnant."

Jiang Yichen touched his nose,"Principal, you are joking. What's the matter, Principal?""

"Today's Zhongshan Expedition has an activity where student representatives present flowers to the martyrs, and I would like to invite you to come." Liu Youxi looked at him closely.

Jiang Yichen frowned.

For a large-scale event like this, it is definitely impossible to cram at the last minute. People should have been arranged long ago. How could they tell me about this on the day of the event?

Seeing that Jiang Yichen hadn't replied yet, Liu Youxi said,"I know that your teacher Qiuxia couldn't invite you, so I came here in person." After the other party said this, Jiang Yichen couldn't continue to show off.


"But I hope you won't let me do these things next time, I'm a low-key person."

Liu Youxi heard Jiang Yichen agreed, and laughed happily,"You are shining now, you can't hide it."

"As the saying goes, when jade breaks through the stone, its light shines thousands of feet high. Jiang Yichen, you have to get used to being stared at and even looked up to."

"Because I believe your future will be even brighter"

"Of course, it would be great if we could turn this attention and focus into a force that leads people to be positive and good within our capabilities."

"Looking forward to your bright future!"

Before leaving, Liu Youxi gave Jiang Yichen some stern teachings. No, it can't be called teachings, but rather expectations.

Jiang Yichen was puzzled,"Why is the principal so optimistic about me?"

"Because students who can score 600 points are very strong, but not outstanding. However, those who can easily score more than 700 points are gifted and rare."

"That is a true genius that is one in a million!"

Liu Youxi left with emotion.

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