"Jiang Yichen, look how much the principal values you!"

Zhang Yunlong, the head teacher, said with emotion.

But Li Qiuxia was not happy with him."What does the principal's attention have to do with you? You are just joining in the fun."

"You!" Zhang Yunlong was a little anxious,"I said, Teacher Li Qiuxia, I just asked Jiang Yichen to go to Class 13. Why are you so prejudiced against me?"

"What do you mean by"no, just because you have bad intentions, I don't want to bother with you." Li Qiuxia is also about to retire, and she is not interested in this grade director.

Jiang Yichen didn't want to join in the fun, and just when he saw a group of classmates arriving, he said,"Teacher Li, I'll go see if the students have arrived."

""Okay, go ahead." Li Qiuxia's expression softened immediately.

Although Zhang Yunlong was very angry, he still calmed down and forced a smile,"Teacher Li, I was wrong, okay! I promise, I won't do this again."

"That's more like it." Li Qiuxia was not unforgiving. Seeing that the head of the grade had lowered his posture and admitted his mistake, she still forgave him.

Of course, the most important thing was that when the students from Anyuan No. 1 Middle School tried every means to recruit people, Zhang Yunlong also got angry and slammed the table.

Zhang Yunlong laughed and said,"You are experienced, I believe that Jiang Yichen and Leng Qingxue in your class will definitely be able to get into Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"Leng Qingxue is not a student of our school"

"Who knows?"

"We are in our school, and it is our grades that got us into Peking University and Tsinghua University."Zhang Yunlong smiled proudly,"No, it's your teacher Li Qiuxia's grades!"

Li Qiuxia was also happy when he said that,"It's still unclear whether they can all get in!"

The difficulty of the exam will be different every year.

Last year, almost 650 points were enough to get into Peking University.

But the year before, only 640 points were needed.

If Leng Qingxue can maintain a stable score of around 660, the probability of getting into Peking University and Tsinghua University should be very high.

As for Jiang Yichen?

Forget about this kid, he performs too stably.

If he hadn't been able to get first place in every exam, Li Qiuxia would have had a heart attack if she saw him painting and reading miscellaneous books every day.

She was afraid that such a good seedling would be taught badly.

Not to mention the confrontation between the two, Jiang Yichen saw Pan Yun, the fat man, coming.

He was wearing a loose sportswear and a vest to prevent leakage.

But this still couldn't stop his coquettishness

"Achen, have you practiced today?"

"No, I came early."

"Hey, I just did a set of exercises and I feel much stronger.

Although Pan Yun is still fat, his physical fitness has obviously improved.

"Can you finish the second set?" Jiang Yichen asked with a smile.

"Not yet." Pan Yun had a headache,"I'm too fat, there are a few movements I really can't do."

Jiang Yichen shook his head,"Then skip it."

""Okay, I'll listen to you." Pan Yun shook his legs and started to warm up.

After a while, the students from Class 9 of Senior Grade 3 came one after another.

Leng Qingxue arrived on time, wearing cool sportswear, and her figure was very eye-catching.

Even Pan Yun was a little shocked.

But Zhang Ya next to him pinched her directly,"You men are all old perverts."

Pan Yun scratched his head and argued,"I didn't see"

"This is appreciation, the aesthetic concept of normal people."Jiang Yichen shrugged.


"What are you talking about?"

Leng Qingxue seemed to have heard something, and asked Jiang Yichen with a smile.

She was always cold to other people, but not to Jiang Yichen.

According to the words of the previous life, when others were licking her, she was also licking the male god.

Of course, this statement was a bit too much, because they did not lick.

It was just some closeness and admiration in their hearts.

Maybe there was also some ignorant love.

"Come on, line up."

Jiang Yichen called out, and then a group of girls stood in Jiang Yichen's team.

On the contrary, Lin Jun's side was full of boys.

"Match them up, otherwise the speed will be messed up."Li Qiuxia saw it and hurriedly stopped Jiang Yichen from leading the female soldiers, and separated them by inserting space.

"Everyone should take good care of the students around them."

It was the first time for this activity, and Li Qiuxia was still nervous. She ignored the dissuasion of others and said that she would definitely walk with everyone.

Behind Zhang Ya was Pan Yun, and her best friend Zhong Ling joined Lin Jun's line.

"Fatty, can you really do it? I don't want to take care of you." Zhang Ya pouted and asked Pan Yun.

Pan Yun raised his eyebrows,"Don't worry, I'm very strong."


"How could that be false? You just have to not fall behind."

"Oh, I run often."

"Then we'll see."Pan Yun was not afraid at all.

If it was before, he would never dare to walk such a long way, but now he felt strong.

Then a whistle sounded.

The class at the front began to move.

By the time the ninth class started to move, several minutes had passed.

But no matter what, this large-scale"Zhongshan Long Journey" operation has begun.

Because it was only 7:30, the sun was not very strong.

There were also traffic police on the side of the road to help maintain order. There were also reporters with long guns and short guns to follow and shoot.

This was the first student hiking practice in Anyuan's history.

Although some cities outside also have it, it is very new to Anyuan.

For this reason, some parents are very worried, and they want to ride their bikes to follow to ensure logistics and safety.

But they were all rejected by Liu Youxi.

He plans to carry out a practical activity in the true sense to train and enhance the willpower of many students.

He believes that after this practical activity, no matter how they grow in the future, they will always I remember that when I was in Anyuan No. 2 Middle School, there was such an activity that left a deep impression on me.

At the beginning, everyone was very happy and eager to try.

But in less than half an hour, the whole team began to slack off to a large extent.

Some weaker boys and girls began to be unable to move.

Principal Liu Youxi quickly asked everyone to rest on the spot.

Not only that, as time went by, the sun rose. It was okay to bask in the sun for a while, but if you bask in the sun for a while, you would feel hot and sweaty all over.

Jiang Yichen raised the flag to signal everyone to stop and rest.

It was only half an hour's walk, and for his C-level walk, it was just like shopping.

With the help of the physical fitness technique, he didn't feel tired at all.

The same was true for Leng Qingxue behind him. She seemed to exercise regularly and didn't feel any discomfort.

At this time, he sat down and began to drink water and rest.

Jiang Yichen turned around and looked at the physical condition of his classmates in the team.

""Zhong Ling!"

Just as Jiang Yichen was looking at the people in his line, Zhang Ya screamed, which immediately alerted him.

Turning around, he saw that the little girl Zhong Ling felt dizzy and fell to the ground in the place he just passed!

""Pan Yun, call the teacher!"

Jiang Yichen ordered loudly, and then rushed forward and picked the person up.

Only then did he see that Zhong Ling's lips were slightly pale and her sweat was cold.

""Zhong Ling! Zhong Ling!"

Jiang Yichen gently patted Zhong Ling's shoulder, but there was no response.

He remembered some emergency first aid methods learned last night, as well as the critical hit medical skills (first aid): D-level (653/10000), and laid the person flat, saying,"Everyone spread out a little, let in some fresh air."

Lin Jun rushed over at this time,"Do you want to do artificial respiration? Let me do it!"

As he spoke, he immediately leaned over...

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