As Jiang Yichen sang"The Crossroads Where Phoenix Flowers Bloom", with the sadness of separation, people's eyes were filled with tears.

Jiang Yichen was more or less touched. Fortunately

, the boss came up with a bunch of kidneys,"Young man, you sing well!"

Pan Yun also grinned and said,"Achen, you sing well, almost 80% of my ability, I think we can sing a duet"

"Get lost, go practice your new imperial concubine's drunkenness." Jiang Yichen scolded with a smile.

Everyone laughed and chatted, and drank a lot of wine.

Fortunately, these girls had just graduated from high school. Except for Zhang Ya and Leng Qingxue, they all tried to drink a little.

Zhang Ya had a good alcohol tolerance. Although her face was flushed, she was not drunk.

Leng Qingxue was a little drunk. No matter how much she was persuaded, she would not listen.

When it was 10 o'clock in the evening, Qin Xiaoxin left first and slowly began to disperse.

Pan Yun drank a little too much and mumbled something, and no one knew what he was saying."……Go to the Internet cafe and stay up all night……"

"Go home and sleep."

Jiang Yichen patted his fleshy shoulder heavily.

"Zhong Ling, take Zhang Ya home and tell her when you get home. Although Jiang Yichen had drunk a little, his mind was still very clear.

Zhong Ling nodded,"Okay."

"No, I'm not drunk. Jiang Yichen, let's have another bottle if you dare." Zhang Ya waved her hand, not admitting the fact that she was drunk.

She was cheerful and free-spirited, and was indeed a good girl. No wonder Pan Yun liked her so much.

"What about Leng Qingxue?" Zhong Ling asked

"I'll take a taxi to send her back later." Jiang Yichen thought for a moment and said.

As for the dinner expenses, everyone agreed to split the bill as a thank you to Jiang Yichen for setting up a study group and helping them improve their grades.

Jiang Yichen wanted to pay, but was stopped and did not insist.

Zhong Ling nodded, looked at Jiang Yichen again, and pulled Zhang Ya, who was still talking nonsense, out.

Pan Yun resisted the drunkenness and followed,"You, you wait for me."

"You fat guy, you can't even hold your liquor as well as I do!"

Zhang Ya wasn't particularly drunk, she patted Pan Yun, took a few steps, then turned around and said,"Jiang Yichen, you can't bully classmate Leng Qingxue!"


Damn, am I such a person?

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes.

Next to him now was Leng Qingxue with her hair loose.

Leng Qingxue was not drunk. After everyone left, she raised her head slowly.

Her eyes were a little red, and there were some tears,"Jiang Yichen, I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Where to go?"



"My father is in Guangzhou, and he probably won't come back to Anyuan after this trip." Leng Qingxue said quietly in a light voice.

Jiang Yichen didn't understand why she suddenly talked to him about this, so he didn't say anything.

Leng Qingxue continued,"I said at the beginning that as long as you help me break 660 points in the college entrance examination, I will agree to one condition. You, any condition, I agree to it."


Jiang Yichen remembered that Leng Qingxue had talked about this.

But it was not because of this that Jiang Yichen agreed.

It was because of the system's reward.

Otherwise, Jiang Yichen would not bother to take care of so many trivial matters.

Leng Qingxue's face turned red, and her ears were ruddy."Mention it tonight. After today, maybe we will never see each other again."

Jiang Yichen advised,"It's not a life-and-death separation, why would it be difficult to see each other again"

"Really?" Leng Qingxue paused, then looked at Jiang Yichen,"Will you propose conditions to keep me?""


Jiang Yichen felt puzzled, but he quickly realized it.

Could it be that this girl also likes him?

Damn, he is handsome, there is really nothing you can do about it.

How come every girl likes him?

"You are drunk, I will take you home."

Jiang Yichen did not answer directly, but shook his head and said, just pretending that he did not hear the other party's question.

Leng Qingxue was not stupid, and she understood when she saw Jiang Yichen say this.

"Let's go."

Leng Qingxue stood up and walked slowly in front.

"Should I call a taxi?"

"No, could you walk with me for a while?"

""Okay." Jiang Yichen nodded.

After all, they had sat at the same table for half a year. Now that Leng Qingxue was leaving, it was understandable that he would accompany her.

"I'm not drunk." Leng Qingxue shook her head slightly, and then said to herself,"Sometimes, I wonder how good it would be if I had known you earlier."

Jiang Yichen smiled calmly,"Knowing me earlier? I guess with my score of 250, I wouldn't have the honor of being known by you."

"You are hiding your incompetence, right?"

Hiding your incompetence?

Jiang Yichen was a little amused. He was really not good at it before, so why should he hide his incompetence?

If he had not been reborn and had the ability to learn critical hits, he would at most be admitted to an ordinary university. After graduation, he would be able to find a good job and become a rich man with the help of some insights from his previous life.

If Jiang Yichen had not ranked first in the county, Leng Qingxue would not even have heard of his name.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Yichen kept his distance from her.

Because she was beautiful and had good grades, she became the object of licking by some boys such as"Liang Ge". Now that she ranked first in the exam, they are getting close to her. It was probably the same reason.

Of course, a very important factor here is that Jiang Yichen looks as handsome as the fans in his novels.

If Jiang Yichen was as fat as Pan Yun, the other party probably would not like him.

Leng Qingxue said faintly,"My parents divorced when I was young, and my father loved me very much. He would satisfy whatever I wanted. But now it's not possible. After the college entrance examination, I have to obey his arrangements and go to Guangzhou to live."

"Guangzhou is pretty good, it's a big city with a good living environment"

"But I don't like big cities at all"


"Big cities are very cold, everyone is busy and can hardly stop for a moment."Leng Qingxue shook her head.

Jiang Yichen glanced at her and said jokingly,"But you are also cold."

Leng Qingxue suddenly stopped.

The two walked along the road by the river. The street lights on the side were a little dim.

Leng Qingxue took Jiang Yichen's hand and put it on her chest.

"Do you think I'm cold too?"

The touch was soft.

Jiang Yichen pulled his hand back as if nothing had happened,"Cold on the outside, but warm on the inside."

Leng Qingxue blushed slightly,"Jiang Yichen, you really don't want to put forward any conditions? I said, any conditions are fine.""

"The results haven't come out yet." Jiang Yichen laughed and didn't want to answer directly.

After all, the other party was leaving tomorrow, and Jiang Yichen didn't want to make people too sad.

"I believe I can pass the exam." Leng Qingxue said firmly.

"That's not certain. Sometimes people are easily misled and may even fill in the wrong answer sheet."Jiang Yichen held his head with both hands and smiled faintly. Leng Qingxue thought about it and continued to walk forward."Well, then, we'll wait until the results come out."

"At that time, my promise to you will still be valid."

"I will wait for you to bring it up until the end of my life."

Jiang Yichen raised his lips slightly,"Student Leng, you are still young, don't talk about life and death lightly. Every stage of life is very beautiful. When you pass this stage, you will find that everything is not as important as you think."

"Just like, I help you without any effort on your part, it is nothing more than a matter of convenience."

After sending them here, Leng Qingxue's home has arrived.

Jiang Yichen waved his hand and said,"Let's go, we will meet again if we are destined to.""


Leng Qingxue couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she saw Jiang Yichen turning around in a rather casual manner. The sixteenth moon had already come out, reflecting the gentle surface of the Yuanjiang River, and it was unusually bright.

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