Jiang Yichen didn't feel any attraction to Leng Qingxue.

When Jiang Yichen walked home, he thought about it and thought that it was probably because this person was not his type.

Although she looked cold but was warm-hearted, it was not the kind of natural relationship, let alone a comfortable feeling.

Well, of course, in terms of figure, she did have some capital.

But compared to Leng Qingxue, he had already passed the ignorant and restless period of high school, and would not easily like or accept someone.

Although, Jiang Yichen also looked forward to a vigorous love.

Maybe it will be in college, maybe in the journey of life. As soon as the college entrance examination was over, Jiang Yichen began to plan his holiday life.

Pan Yunren was called by Jiang Yichen before he woke up, and the two went to Ping An Driving School to sign up.

Nowadays, the cost of enrolling in a driving school is less than 2,000 yuan, and it is relatively easy to get a license at this time.

"Chen, I was just thinking yesterday that the wonderful holiday life was about to begin, but I didn't expect it to end so soon."Pan Yun was a little depressed

"It's summer vacation, the sun is so strong, we come to learn to drive, isn't it obvious that we will get a tan?"

Jiang Yichen smiled,"No, I won't get a tan."

While speaking, he took out a small hat from his crotch.

""Fuck, you are shameless." Pan Yun raised his middle finger,"I want to buy one too."

The two joked for a while, and then went to take the first subject test.

Pan Yun still shouted that he didn't know how to do it, but the test was super loose at this time, and it was almost guaranteed to pass.

Jiang Yichen just looked at the question bank for a while, and with the arrival of the learning crit

【--Driving: E-level (56/1000)]

He immediately reached the E-level level, understood all the theoretical knowledge, and even mastered half of the driving skills theory.

Now if Jiang Yichen is asked to drive, he will guarantee that he will not drive into the ditch.

Subject 1, passed with full marks.

When Pan Yun was doing the test, Jiang Yichen quietly guided him and he also passed quickly.

"Fatty, take some time to brush up on your knowledge of Subject 1, and don't become a road killer who doesn't even know 'turn left to go straight'."

Although he passed the theoretical exam, Jiang Yichen still reminded him.

"Got it, I looked at the question, it's the grandson who's driving, no matter what the situation is, just slow down and give way."Pan Yun did the question, and after seeing the correct answers, he understood most of it.

Jiang Yichen laughed,"Right."

The two of them walked out of the traffic police brigade with their arms around each other.

"Let's go sign up for a swimming class."

"No way, swimming? I'm afraid I'll sink and won't be able to get out.……"

Pan Yun was a little dumbfounded.

What's going on? Don't you, Jiang Yichen, need to rest?

It's vacation now!

It's ok that you don't go to the Internet cafe with me all night, but you are so tight on time?

You are simply a"time management master"!

Jiang Yichen explained,"Swimming is a very good way to lose weight. You have already mastered the second set of bodybuilding exercises. I think if you practice swimming again, it will be good for the third set of exercises."

""I'll do it."

When he heard that it was good for bodybuilding, Pan Yun immediately agreed.

Originally, there were a few movements in the second set that he couldn't do because he was too fat, but fortunately, after half a year of weight loss, he successfully lost nearly 20 pounds, which allowed him to barely do it.

Therefore, he had great faith in the bodybuilding technique taught by Jiang Yichen.

Other advertisements are loud, saying that you can lose 30 pounds in a month or something like that. Those are nonsense advertisements. They are either diet pills or fasting. They are too harmful to the body and easy to rebound.

But Jiang Yichen's bodybuilding technique is not like that. It can not only lose weight, but also enhance physical strength and endurance. It is simply a magical skill that men dream of.

Pan Yun believes that if Jiang Yichen is willing to spread this, he will definitely gain countless benefits and fame.

Of course, he is not stupid. He will not shout about the benefits he has gained.

So, the two of them organized a swimming pool again. Stuck, I finally had a great day at the Internet cafe.

After Pan Yun lost some weight, his finger flexibility improved significantly. He reacted faster when playing Dota and CS, and his scores increased rapidly.

Jiang Yichen was willing to play with him.

The two swept all the way, from 10 o'clock in the morning to 8 o'clock in the evening. The two played for 10 hours in a row. I played 16 games in the beginning, all of which were won in a row.

Jiang Yichen's Dota score was ranked within the top 1,000 in an instant. All the players he met were masters.

In the 17th game, Jiang Yichen was also struggling.

Of course, it was not because his current B-level high-level electronic game level was not good, but no matter how strong he was, he could not withstand the defeat of his teammates.

Pan Yun's level was obviously not in this segment, and he immediately became an ATM.

In the last game, Jiang Yichen's Blue Cat's 20 kills did not prevent the base from exploding.

"Ah Chen, I'm holding you back." Pan Yun was a little embarrassed. The swordsman he chose died 11 times and only killed 2 people.

This was the result of Jiang Yichen's help and reminder.

If there was no reminder, the number of deaths would probably be as many as the number of times Jiang Yichen's blue cat killed people.

Jiang Yichen shrugged,"If you want to go up in your rank, you need to train two points. One is to earn money, and the other is awareness, the awareness of preventing ganks and the awareness of cutting in."

"I will work hard!" Pan Yun clenched his fist to encourage himself.

Led by Jiang Yichen, he has already experienced the deep charm of the game.

Compared with these true masters, Pan Yun feels that he still has a huge gap.

Jiang Yichen then asked,"Would you like to play professionally?"

"Professional? You mean you play this game professionally?" Pan Yun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head,"I'm just interested in playing."

Jiang Yichen nodded, then glanced at the several friend-adding messages on his computer.

"Great! Add me as a friend"

"That's awesome, brother!"

"Master, are you interested in playing professionally?"

Jiang Yichen closed all the messages one by one and ignored them.

With his current level, playing professionally is no problem at all.

But if he was asked to play professionally, that would be too much.

Just when he was almost done, Jiang Yichen saw a familiar ID, 820

"Brother, let's queue together if there is a chance!"

Jiang Yichen was a little surprised. This was a real gaming master, but he didn't know why he noticed him.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yichen clicked to agree.

Pan Yun took a look and said,"Achen, your level is so high, you can play professionally."

"I don't have such an idea." Jiang Yichen shook his head,"Do you think that with my level, I still need to go the professional gaming route to make money?"

"Hehe, that's right."

After Jiang Yichen added 820, he ignored it and said,"Okay, I'm tired after playing all day, let's go."

Then he turned off the phone and prepared to leave.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yichen and Pan Yun went to practice driving.

Then, the pleasant voice of the system rang in his mind.

【Ding! Learning produces a critical hit, and the critical hit multiplier is 90 times! Your driving learning progress has increased by 990 points. Your driving level has been upgraded to D level, and the current progress is (46/100)]

After only practicing for 10 minutes, Jiang Yichen felt that he had basically mastered the driving skills under the critical hit of learning.

Jiang Yichen practiced for a while and stuffed a pack of cigarettes to the coach.

The coach asked Jiang Yichen to take the second subject test tomorrow.

Pan Yun was left confused and watched Jiang Yichen enter

"Achen, is this what you meant by practicing driving together?"

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