The so-called mock exam was not very formal, nor did it disrupt the seats. It was just that the invigilation was a little stricter.

But for Jiang Yichen, it didn't matter.

Looking at the test paper, Jiang Yichen felt his mind was clear. He could quickly respond to all the questions he saw and come up with the most correct or optimal answers at the moment.

Not only that, Jiang Yichen's handwriting became more beautiful.

Although he learned the Jianghu style, when his learning progress improved, Jiang Yichen found that he was good at everything and had a good understanding of all kinds of fonts.

Although he has not yet formed his own font style, he can look at it from the appearance of the test paper.

After two days of mock exams, Jiang Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I haven't read for many years, and I'm really not used to it now.

Fortunately, with the learning system, learning anything is no longer a problem.

The only thing I'm not used to is that there are no smart phones, no Douyin, BI station and other entertainment things.

Even games are rare in Internet cafes now.

"Old Jiang, let's go to the Internet cafe." As soon as the invigilator left, Pan Yun immediately pulled Jiang Yichen to the Internet cafe. He didn't even let Jiang Yichen ride a bicycle, but sat on Pan Yun's bicycle.

"Damn, you fat guy, move in a little, I feel like I'm going to be squeezed out." Jiang Yichen kept complaining along the way.

This guy, I really don't know what happened, he is so fat.

In the process of getting fat, he still looks cute.

Pan Yun said,"Hold me tight, you bastard.""

"Get out." Jiang Yichen rejected him decisively,"Are you obese?"

"No, I just ate too much meat before, and now I can't lose weight." Pan Yun was a little depressed

"I think you can go jogging with me in the evening." Jiang Yichen thought for a while and said.

After rebirth, Jiang Yichen slowly felt that he still had to pay attention to his body. In his previous life, although he was only in his 30s, his physical condition was already going downhill.

Since he has started over again and can quickly improve his learning skills, it is also a matter of course to exercise his body.

You must know that his martial arts skills are still in a weak state.

The others have all risen, but this one is lagging behind, which is not pleasing to the eye.

Pan Yun hurriedly refused,"No, I want to run a few times, you have to take me to the hospital"

"Shit, is it that serious?"

"That's not it, I can only take a walk." Pan Yun parked the car, feeling a little helpless.

"Anyway, find a way to lose weight, otherwise no one will want you."Jiang Yichen shrugged and followed him to the Internet cafe.

In his previous life, when he was in high school, Jiang Yichen would go to the Internet cafe every weekend.

Although he knew that it was not easy for his parents to make money, he wanted to study hard and get into a good university.

But he had poor self-control and poor learning talent, and he was in a state of half-giving up on himself.

Pan Yun skillfully turned on two computers, and the two sat together.

""Log in, log in." Pan Yun was extremely excited. As soon as he turned on his computer, he immediately clicked on the icon of the Haofang platform.

This game came out last year and became very popular after more than half a year.

Jiang Yichen was stunned for a long time and couldn't remember what his account was.

"I have registered before." Jiang Yichen simply registered an account directly,"The Legend of YC Brother"

"Damn, it's a new account."Pan Yun said depressedly

"It doesn't matter, I'll take you flying later."

Jiang Yichen was very calm, it was just playing a game, he just needed to learn a little."You play first, I'll see if your level has dropped."

"Hey, how is that possible? I am a fat guy with flexible fingers."Pan Yun said proudly.

As he spoke, he quickly entered the room of Chenghai 3C.

Jiang Yichen still had some impression of this game. It was an RPG map where players could buy multiple heroes and perform multiple operations to win by knocking down the opponent's base.

Pan Yun was also a noob. He couldn't even control one hero, let alone multiple heroes.

But after all, he had played many games and had a feel for the game. He could switch heroes and use skill shortcuts very quickly.

Even Jiang Yichen couldn't understand why this guy had such flexible hands.

While watching, Jiang Yichen couldn't help but think of those fun games.

"If you ask me, play Dota." Jiang Yichen logged in and went straight to the Dota zone.

At this time, Dota 6.51 was more popular.

Pan Yun turned his head and took a look."Isn't this a game I heard is quite fun recently? But I haven't played it yet."

"Let's try the AI."Jiang Yichen built a room directly, pulled Pan Yun in, and then started the game. He chose 1 easy, 1 medium, and 1 crazy, and the enemies were all crazy.

Pan Yun complained,"Damn, crazy AI, we can't beat it!"

"I told you, I'll take you flying"

"I can't"

"It's okay, just choose Skeleton King and use basic attack."Jiang Yichen recommended.

This hero has only one active skill, which is to use basic attack to kill people, and there are two lives left, which is especially suitable for novices.

Jiang Yichen explained it for a while, then ignored him, and chose a Earthshaker to go directly to the middle.

As for Pan Yun, let him get a feel for it by playing against AI, and he will get the hang of it slowly.

After all, he is a veteran of Chenghai 3C and World of Warcraft, and the basic operations are the same.

However, when Jiang Yichen controlled the hero to the river to fight with the enemy, Pan Yun had not yet left!

"What equipment should I buy?"

"Eat trees, big medicine, branches"


"Look at each store." Jiang Yichen didn't know what store it was.

Although the AI computer was stupid, there was a big difference between crazy and simple. In just over a minute, his simple electric���Died in battle

"First Blood!"

At this moment, Pan Yun slowly rushed to the battlefield.

Well, he came to the middle lane and fought side by side with Jiang Yichen.

"You go ahead, don't share your experience with me." Jiang Yichen said hurriedly.


Then, he controlled Skeleton King to walk under the enemy tower. He was soon killed by the enemy's defense tower (Ghost Tower) and the mid-lane hero Xiao Y.

By the way, he helped the enemy level up.

Jiang Yichen's face was dark, and he comforted himself in his heart,"Forget it, I'm just a novice!"

After all, he was fighting against a robot. Once Jiang Yichen got a jump knife, he would soon get a kill.

"Damn, Old Jiang, you are awesome!" Pan Yun was just there to make up the numbers. When Jiang Yichen reached level 24, he was only a little over level 6.

"Of course, I'm a legend."

Jiang Yichen was a little proud, looking at the super god's record, and proudly drank a sip of drink.

Then, he watched the video again, and in his mind, the system prompt sound kept ringing

【Ding! Learning to generate critical hits, with a critical hit multiplier of 85 times! Your video game (dota) learning progress has been improved. Your video game (dota) skills have been upgraded to level D, and the current progress is (165/10000)】

Unconsciously, I watched for 15 minutes and actually generated 85 times the critical hit. I reached the D-level learning progress in one fell swoop.

Now Jiang Yichen looked at his performance again, and quickly found some time-wasting actions. Well, there is still room for improvement.

If the previous Jiang Yichen could have a segment of 1000 with the memory of his previous life, now it has risen to at least 2000 points. With his hands folded across his chest, Jiang Yichen's mouth corners slightly raised. Jiang Yichen is only 18 years old now, which is the golden age for e-sports. It seems that if he really continues to study like this, it is not impossible to form an e-sports team!

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