Then, Jiang Yichen played a few more games with Pan Yun, and received a lot of"666" and"awesome" certifications.

Of course, they still played in human-computer mode, and did not play against real people.

"This game is more fun than Chenghai!"

After playing a few games, Pan Yun slowly got the hang of it.

With so many heroes, each with different skills, and a 50-50 battle, how to win requires a lot of skills and strategy.

Jiang Yichen nodded,"That's for sure, this game will be very popular."

He still remembered that in his previous life, dota and league were the two mainstream e-sports games, and of course there was also the King of Glory mobile game.

Just from this, you can see how strong the vitality of this game is.

The so-called Chenghai 3C has only been popular for a few years.

Pan Yun smiled and said,"Okay, I'll try this too."

"You can read more about the hero's skills. In addition, you can download some video recordings of the game to improve your level."

Jiang Yichen said, but he closed the game and opened the webpage.

Coming to the Internet cafe is not about the game, but to see if there are any good channels.

It can not only improve your skills, but also make a little money.

To be honest, although Jiang Yichen now has a critical hit system, he is still unsure about how to use it to make more money.

At present, the things that Jiang Yichen can learn, in addition to the knowledge for the exam, are life and art skills. Martial arts are more about strengthening the body and have no other uses.

After all, Jiang Yichen is not a sports student.

He is just an ordinary senior high school student preparing for the college entrance examination.

And it is the kind of poor student who is difficult to get into college.

Of course, everything has changed now.

Jiang Yichen can not only get into a good university, but he also believes that if he spends a little time learning those skills, he can enjoy life very freely.

But that is all in the future.

Today's Jiang Yichen still has to consider making money.

There is no way, he is not a rich second generation.

Both of his parents are migrant workers working on construction sites.

Even the house is rented.

If possible, Jiang Yichen feels that he should give his parents superior living conditions earlier so that they don't have to work so hard. They don't have to worry about making money every day, and they can travel around when they have time.

When the Hao123 website was opened, various commonly used web pages and advertisements appeared on it.

In addition to some messy advertisements, Jiang Yichen unexpectedly saw popular novel recommendations.

""The Best House Servant?"

Jiang Yichen was still very impressed by this novel. The protagonist Lin San traveled to a dynasty that built history, married a beautiful and wealthy woman, and reached the pinnacle of his life.

He opened Qidian Chinese website and began to read.

【Chapter 1, Young Master (1)

The autumn wind is gentle and the shadows of the trees are graceful.……】

Jiang Yichen read for a while and felt that he was getting into the mood. This online article was written in a very different way and could make people addicted.

In his previous life, although he read it often, he always felt that no novel was particularly good and he couldn't find the same taste as before.

One novel after another was exciting for hundreds of thousands of words, and then it became boring.

Some were even long and boring, like an old lady's foot binding.

Jiang Yichen also heard that there were AIs writing novels, but after reading for a long time, he didn't know what the AI was writing.

【Ding! Learning produces a critical hit, the learning time is 20 minutes, and the critical hit multiplier is 99 times! Your writing skill learning progress has increased by 1980 points. Your writing skill has been upgraded to level D, and the current progress is (1074/10000)]

Jiang Yichen, who was flipping through the book quickly and studying how to write, had unknowingly read for 20 minutes.

Feeling the pleasure and knowledge reserve brought by learning critical hits in his mind. With a full D-level writing ability, Jiang Yichen obviously felt that his mind was clearer, and it seemed that he had a lot of inspiration to write down.

He still remembered that many novels in his previous life were very popular. Although he couldn't remember them by copying them, it was a good choice to write them according to the settings.

In addition, there is the problem of writing equipment.

Jiang Yichen's family is not rich.

It can be said that Jiang Nanning and his wife worked on the construction site every day for Jiang Yichen and Jiang Yixin to study. Not to mention being tired, they didn't save any money.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been renting a house all the time.

"Ah Chen, are you reading a novel?" Pan Yun finished a game and was beaten by the computer. He turned around and looked at Jiang Yichen, asking curiously.

"What novel?"

"The Best Butler"

"Does it look good?"

"Not bad."

Pan Yun chuckled,"Then I'll come down and check it out on my phone."

As he spoke, he raised his phone.

He had a phone, the Nokia 5320XM.

This phone had just been launched this year, and Pan Yun bought it during the summer vacation.

Jiang Yichen's eyes lit up slightly.

Nowadays, it is very difficult for him to buy a computer, whether it is a laptop or a desktop, and it is still difficult to write novels to make the first pot of gold.

But what if you use a mobile phone?

But it is feasible, that is, for now, Jiang Yichen does not have a mobile phone, and in addition, writing novels on a mobile phone is also very wasteful of the phone.

Or, write it in a notebook first, and then choose to code it into an electronic version when you are online all night.

After all, the Internet fee for all-night Internet access is generally cheaper. For example, the New Era Internet Cafe where Jiang Yichen is now charges only 8 yuan for an all-night Internet access.

This is much more cost-effective than spending money to buy a mobile phone.

As Pan Yun spoke, he was about to search for novels in txt format on the Internet.

At this time, the copyright awareness was far less than that of ten years later, and many pirated TXT novels could still be found on the Internet.

《The book"The Best Houseboy" is also very popular. The women in it have their own characteristics. Of course, most of them are taken into the arms of the protagonist, but the overall writing is very moving. It was one of the more outstanding works at the time.

Now it is almost finished and can be read to the end.

Pan Yun took the card reader and downloaded the novel to the memory card, and then put it back into the phone.

"Hehe, now I can read it before going to bed at night."

Pan Yun opened it and took a look. The effect was good, and he said proudly.

Jiang Yichen coughed lightly,"Take care of yourself."

Some of the descriptions in it are still slightly vague. Pan Yun is even more full of blood at this age. Don't be self-reliant every day, it will hurt your body to some extent.

"Hey, I'll go to bed at 12 o'clock at the latest, don't worry." Pan Yun waved his hand

"If you are addicted to reading, you won't say that."

Jiang Yichen shook his head. He knew that sometimes when a novel is good, you can't help but read it, even if you stay up all night. In

Jiang Yichen's previous life, his myopia was close to 1,000 degrees. In addition to the bad reading and homework habits when he was in school, he read novels on his mobile phone.

Hehe, but in this life, Jiang Yichen doesn't plan to read novels every day. He plans to write novels by himself.

It's time to prepare some good novels to spoil others.


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