Because of the college entrance examination, the small Anyuan County seemed to become lively in an instant. The top scholar and the third scholar in the liberal arts of Anxi Province went to Anyuan. This news was spread in an instant. From the principals of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, it quickly reached the ears of the director of the Education Bureau. Not only that, teachers from the admissions offices of famous schools, some even at the director level, rushed over. It is understood that teachers from the admissions offices of more than 4 schools have already arrived in Anyuan. After contacting the school, they rushed directly to Jiang Yichen's house. Jiang Yichen, who had just arrived home, saw that there were already two groups of people sitting in his house. The fat principal Liu Youxi and the grade director Zhang Yunlong were chatting happily with the teachers in the admissions office. There were also 4 people in the admissions office. Jiang Nanning had told him on the way that they were from Tsinghua University and Peking University. As soon as Jiang Yichen came in, everyone stood up immediately. The two admissions teachers from Tsinghua University and Peking University quickly surrounded him.

"Hello, Jiang Yichen. I am Liu Xiyuan from the admissions office of Peking University. We have talked on the phone before."The beautiful Liu Xiyuan spoke first.

She is a beautiful woman with both good looks and good figure.

Jiang Yichen's eyes lit up slightly, and he stretched out his hand and shook it gently,"Hello, Teacher Liu."

"Hello, I am Lu Lin from the Admissions Office of Tsinghua University.

The tall man next to him also shook hands with Jiang Yichen very politely.

"I’m Yang Guoqing from the Admissions Office of Fudan University…"

Oh, it turns out someone from another school has arrived.

Jiang Yichen shook hands with everyone, then motioned for everyone to sit in the living room.

Liu Youxi smiled from ear to ear and patted Jiang Yichen affectionately,"Student Yichen, you did very well in the college entrance examination!"

"Really? Aren’t the results out yet?"

"I just heard that he seems to be the first in the province."Zhang Yunlong interrupted.

However, the results have not been made public yet, and it is not convenient for several schools to report the scores directly, but they are just planning to compete for the person first.

Liu Xiyuan said:"I just communicated with your parents, and they said they would wait for you to make a decision. I don’t know if Jiang Yichen has a major he wants to study. In terms of liberal arts, our Peking University is the best, and there should be no other school that can compare."

"Director Liu, don't be too harsh on me. We at Tsinghua University are no less good in liberal arts." Lu Lin immediately retorted.

"Our school's Chinese language and literature and journalism are also among the best." Yang Guoqing from Fudan University also said

"As long as you choose our school, tuition fees are waived, you are recommended to study for a master's degree, you can get a scholarship of 50,000 yuan per year, and you can study abroad at public expense..." Liu Xiyuan began to introduce the policy again.

"Tsinghua can offer better conditions, you can choose any major, and a scholarship of 60,000..."

Liu Xiyuan was a little annoyed. It was all here, and some conditions were like open bidding.

Jiang Yichen waved his hand,"What about studying abroad at public expense? I don't need these. In addition to the above basic conditions, I have two conditions. I will choose the school you can agree to."

"Mr. Jiang, please speak."

"Yes, as long as it is not excessive, we can agree on the spot"

"I am the same."

Jiang Nanning listened and did not interrupt.

His son is grown up, let him make his own decision.

No matter which school this is, it is something they never dared to think about before.

"The first condition: There is no restriction on the major I study. As long as I have enough energy and can complete as many courses as I can, I will be given a degree certificate."

"No problem, as long as you can pass the professional exam, you can study for a master's degree in any major you want."Liu Xiyuan immediately agreed.

Lu Lin from Tsinghua University also followed closely,"We can"

"We can do it too."

Well, Yang Guoqing from Fudan University felt that he was just here to make up the numbers. Tsinghua and Peking University are here, and they often don't have an advantage.

Jiang Yichen raised his lips slightly,"As for the second condition, I'll write it to you after dinner. I'll choose the school that agrees first."

At this time, Liu Yuanxiu had already prepared the meal, and greeted with a smile that couldn't be shaken off,"Yes, yes, everyone, eat first."

"Well, then we'd be remiss to refuse." Liu Xiyuan smiled brightly, and stood up with her assistant Xiao Zhang.

While speaking, she pulled Liu Yuanxiu's hand and said,"Sister, this dish is really well cooked. No wonder you can raise such an excellent son."

Liu Yuanxiu was so flattered that she was at a loss for words, and said happily,"It's just a home-cooked dish, don't mind it.""

"I came in a hurry today and didn't bring any more gifts. This is a new makeup gift box that my sister can use on a daily basis." Liu Xiyuan was very enthusiastic. She praised people and gave gifts, which opened the eyes of the two men, Lu Lin and Yang Guoqing.

Jiang Yixin was caught by Liu Yuanxiu and busy in the kitchen for a long time. Seeing this situation, she was also very envious.

Tsinghua University, Peking University, and her ideal Fudan University, all came to the house just to grab her brother to go to their school.

The brother is really awesome!

Jiang Yixin, with stars in her eyes, was pulled over by Jiang Yichen,"Sit down and eat."

Then he introduced,"This is my sister Jiang Yixin"

"The little sister is so pretty." Liu Xiyuan's eyes lit up, and she took out a small gift box like a magic trick,"This is a fine bookmark from Peking University, I hope you like it.""

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yixin glanced at Jiang Yichen and happily accepted it.

After a series of things, even Jiang Yichen was satisfied with Liu Xiyuan.

No matter what, this woman is still very attentive.

Soon, a dinner was completed in a somewhat warm atmosphere.

Liu Youxi and Zhang Yunlong came to have a meal and left early after the meal.

As for the other admissions office teams who came to snatch people, they chatted and learned about Jiang Yichen's affairs while praising him.

It can be said that Liu Yuanxiu has never laughed as much as today.���

After dinner, Jiang Yichen returned to his room and wrote a page of paper, on which was Jiang Yichen's second condition.

Liu Xiyuan and others also provided Jiang Yichen with their own conditions based on the previous ones. The rest was to wait for Jiang Yichen to make his own choice.

His second condition became the most decisive one.

"Three of you, this is my second condition. If you agree, you can contact me before tonight."Jiang Yichen handed the envelope to the three of them.

Liu Xiyuan was about to open it.

"Don't dismantle it yet. You can dismantle it after you leave. You can also ask your school for permission." Jiang Yichen gestured with his hand

"Well, I won't say anything else. I believe you can see our sincerity at Peking University." Liu Xiyuan stretched out her hand,"I hope to see you by the Weiming Lake at Peking University.""

"Jiang, please consider us."Lu Lin also stretched out his hand and shook

"We are not inferior to others in Fudan, at least it is close to home!"After Yang Guoqing arrived, he was also somewhat helpless. He encountered Tsinghua and Peking University head-on, and more or less became a supporting role.

Jiang Yichen still smiled slightly,"I am waiting for your reply as well."

Several people said goodbye and left one after another.

But while waiting for the elevator, they all opened the envelope at the same time.

The next moment, the three people who saw the letter were all stunned, and their big eyes looked at each other...

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