The atmosphere in the elevator became a little solemn.

Lu Lin smiled bitterly,"What do you think about this?"

"I have to report this to the school admissions director." Yang Guoqing thought for a moment and said

"OK, let's report it."

The elevator arrived and the six people went in one by one, but when the elevator closed, Liu Xiyuan rushed out.


Lu Lingguo cursed and was startled, but before he could react, the elevator closed and took the five people to the first floor.

"Did she agree?" Yang Guoqing blinked.

"She is at a higher level, so she may have more power to make decisions."Lu Lin secretly said that this was a bad idea, and he quickly took out his mobile phone to ask for instructions.

But in the elevator, the signal was not good again.

He was very worried.

At the same time, Jiang Yichen, who had just closed the door, hadn't spoken yet, and there was another knock on the door.

""Dong, dong, dong!" Jiang Yichen stretched out his hand to open the door, and to his surprise

, he saw Liu Xiyuan.

Because of the sprint, the other party was still panting.

""Student Jiang, we at Peking University agree to your second condition." Liu Xiyuan looked at Jiang Yichen and said firmly.

Jiang Yichen was a little surprised,"Can you make the decision?"


"Okay, tell me when you are done, I will apply to Peking University. Jiang Yichen nodded. Liu

Xiyuan's breath became a little smoother,"How about we sign the agreement first? Of course, don't worry, these conditions will be written in the agreement."

""Okay." Jiang Yichen thought about it and agreed.

For those people in the admissions office, they were still worried about accidents without signing a contract.

After all, not everyone can keep their word.

Soon, Zhang Yu, who went out with them, revised the contract content under Liu Xiyuan's telephone guidance, and came up to sign the contract. Then the two said goodbye and left.

Seeing that things were quiet, Jiang Yixin smiled and hugged Jiang Yichen's arm,"Brother, you chose Peking University?"

"Well, Peking University is also very good."

Liu Yuanxiu was cleaning the table and grinned,"The scores will be checked tomorrow, and you were admitted today. Today is like a dream."

Jiang Nanning also helped to wash the dishes,"Okay, he must be tired after all the way back, let him rest."

As for which school to choose, he was very happy.

Tsinghua and Peking University are the two top universities in China!

No matter which one you choose, the gold content is enough

"Yes, yes, yes, Achen, go take a shower and go to bed, don't worry about anything else." Liu Yuanxiu said hurriedly

"Tomorrow we will go to our hometown to worship our ancestors and thank them for their blessings. Our Jiang family has produced a top scholar!" Liu Yuanxiu was muttering to himself about tomorrow's events.

As they said, smoke really was coming out of the ancestral tomb.

For several generations past, no one had passed the imperial examination, let alone the top scholar.

Jiang Nanning was also overjoyed,"I'll talk to my uncle later, and we must open a separate page for Achen when compiling the family tree."


Well, Jiang Yichen felt that his admission to Peking University would be widely boasted.

But this was a good thing, Jiang Yichen was not the kind of person who would walk at night in fancy clothes.

The spotlight would only highlight his handsomeness.

Jiang Yixin wanted to follow him to the room to play, but the next moment Liu Yuanxiu's voice came over.

"Xinxin, where are you going? Why don’t you come and help clean up?"

""Okay." Jiang Yixin pouted, feeling very helpless.


Tianfeng County, East Sichuan Province.

After her mother came to change shifts, Mu Qingshu finally had time to put away the envelope and went to the nearest bank with a bank card from a rural credit cooperative.

Then, she saw a surprising number.

300,000 yuan.

Not a cent more or less.

The password is her date of birth.

She also went to the bank counter to ask for this card, but did not get any useful information.

But this amount is too shocking.

Deng Jianguo’s so-called"loving person" actually knows her story so well.

She thought for a moment that Deng Jianguo raised money to donate in order to protect her self-esteem.

It's just that he was named"loving person". She couldn't help but respect Teacher Deng Jianguo more in her heart.

With this money, Mu Qingshu believes that her debts can basically be paid off. After her father gets better, she can also go to junior college with her work-study program.

If everything goes well, she can go to undergraduate and take graduate school.

Without a comprehensive science course, Mu Qingshu knew that her score would hardly have any hope, let alone get into college.

The only options left were to repeat the year or go to a junior college.

Now with this donation, repeating the year was possible.

Back at the hospital, Mu Qingshu told his mother, Li Qiong, about this.

Li Qiong was in very poor health, frail and had many complications. In order to treat her illness, more than 200,000 yuan had been spent over the years.

In addition, Mu Qingshu also borrowed some money to study.

"Qingshu, are you telling the truth?!"

Hearing Mu Qingshu's words, Li Qiong couldn't believe it.

You know, 300,000 is a big deal.

How could there be so many kind-hearted people donating?

"Qingshu, tell me honestly, you didn't do anything stupid, did you?"Li Qiong held her hand, a little worried.

Mu Qingshu shook her head,"Mom, how could I do anything stupid? I was thinking of going to Pengcheng to work and help the family after Dad got better."

""It's hard for you, kid." Li Qiong sighed and hugged Mu Qingshu in her arms.

Just as the two were sighing, a cell phone rang.

It was the only cell phone in the family.

Mu Xingzhou's old Nokia.

Mu Qingshu took the phone.

The screen was cracked, but it was still usable. But he couldn't tell whose phone number it was.

"Hello, how are you?"

Mu Qingshu answered the call and spoke first.

The young voice obviously made the other party pause.

"Hello, are you Mu Qingshu’s parent?"

"I am Mu Qingshu, who are you?"

"Hello, I am Liu Xiyuan from the Peking University Admissions Office."

The words exploded in Mu Qingshu's mind with a buzz.

Peking University? Admissions Office?

If it were in the past, Mu Qingshu really dreamed of doing exceptionally well in the college entrance examination and getting into Tsinghua University, Peking University, or Shanghai Jiaotong University.

But everything became a bubble after he missed the comprehensive science exam.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, are you listening?"

""Yes, what can I do for you?" Mu Qingshu was a little surprised, but she did not lose her judgment. To her, this call was very much like a scam call.

"It's like this," the voice on the other end of the phone continued sweetly,"We know that student Mu's grades have always been good, but due to special reasons, he missed a comprehensive science exam. In the spirit of loving talents, Peking University has prepared a comprehensive science self-study exam paper. If possible, after the results are checked tomorrow, you can take Peking University's comprehensive science self-study exam.……"


Mu Qingshu was completely confused.

Is there such a thing?

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