Jiang Yichen was also a little surprised when he heard Liu Yuanxiu's voice.

How could Principal Liu Youxi, who was pregnant, suddenly come to his house?

But he didn't think much about it. He put down the brush and was about to go out when he heard a hearty voice. Then Liu Youxi's big belly appeared at the door.

"Jiang Yichen, I'm glad to see you. I thought you were going to hide until school starts!"

Jiang Yichen wiped his hands with a towel and said,"Principal, you're kidding. I just went out to play for a few days and stayed at home."

"Really? I thought you were afraid of those reporters!"Liu Youxi said, and when he got closer, his eyes lit up immediately.

""Tsk tsk! Did you write this?"

As he spoke, he came to the desk and looked at the

""It's just a casual work, sorry for the inconvenience." Jiang Yichen said modestly.

Liu Youxi was amazed,"Don't be modest, your level is already 80% of mine."

Jiang Yichen's eyebrows jumped,"So, your handwriting is not bad?"

"Haha, my official script is OK." Liu Youxi smiled, then said,"But to be honest, it's not as vivid as yours. Your handwriting is very comfortable to read and makes people feel very calm."

This is the wonderful use of Hanzhen's brush.

Jiang Yichen smiled slightly, but changed the subject and asked,"The principal came here in person, I wonder what's the important matter?"

"It's like this, the rewards from the county and the school will come in a couple of days, and the county wants to hold a special commendation meeting. I don't know if you've come back yet, so I might as well come and find you myself."

Jiang Yichen's eyes lit up,"The school is going to give you 100,000 yuan this time?"

"Of course not. Normally, for those who want to get into Tsinghua or Peking University, we can only get 50,000 yuan at most. But you are different. You are the top scorer in the province and have brought great fame to our Anyuan No. 2 Middle School. I am not stingy and I will double your money."Liu Youxi said cheerfully.

Jiang Yichen was not polite either."Thank you very much."

Liu Youxi chuckled."In the end, we got the better deal. You are awesome and you even seduced Leng Qingxue. Now there are two Peking University graduates in our school. This is the first time a young lady is riding in a sedan chair!"

"Bah, what seduction, don't talk nonsense."Jiang Yichen said unhappily

"Attract, attract." Liu Youxi laughed and changed his words.

"Anyuan No. 1 Middle School still wants to compete with us, but he doesn't think about it. If Leng Qingxue is in their school, can she be admitted to Peking University? No, they don't have your ability."

Jiang Yichen stretched out his hand to stop Liu Youxi's joy,"Okay, okay, don't talk about other things."

Liu Youxi said seriously,"Then Jiang Yichen, please attend the commendation meeting in the county!"

"You can go, but you don’t have to speak, you just have to take the money." Jiang Yichen thought about it, and agreed to it because of the generous 200,000 yuan reward.

Liu Youxi was a little helpless,"Cheng"

"As a thank you, I will give you a calligraphy piece." Jiang Yichen raised his lips slightly,"You can hang it on the classroom wall later."

Liu Youxi immediately became happy,"That's great, but we have so many classes, one calligraphy piece is not enough!"

"You wish for it. Just one." Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him, then calmed down, took the paper and pen, and after a moment's hesitation, Jiang Yichen wrote the word"静" in running script.

Under the big word"静", Jiang Yichen wrote: 静涼致远.

Then he signed it"Jichou Yichenshu" and stamped it with his personal seal.

Liu Youxi just took a look and fell in love with this calligraphy.

""Fuck! How old are you? You have such a high level of calligraphy at such a young age!"

Even the headmaster Liu Youxi, who is a cultured person, couldn't help but blurt out this. It can be seen how shocked he was.

""I'm going to eat a lot." Jiang Yichen put down his pen and took a long breath.

Jiang Yichen couldn't write more of this kind of masterpiece.

It's easy to get tired.

"You can take it away after it's done." Jiang Yichen looked at it and was somewhat satisfied. Then he took Liu Youxi to the living room and made tea.

Seeing Jiang Yichen's skillful way of dealing with people, Liu Youxi was a little surprised.

He felt that the person in front of him was not a student, but a middle-aged man with a lot of experience.

"What major did Jiang choose?"

"Economics." Jiang Yichen made him a cup of tea.

"Economics is good! It will be very good for employment or starting a business in the future."Liu Youxi expressed his appreciation

"In addition, I also study computer science. As for other majors, it depends on my own interests. Jiang Yichen shrugged.


""Principal Liu, is Teacher Qiuxia back?" Jiang Yichen suddenly asked.

"I'm back." Speaking of Li Qiuxia, Liu Youxi's voice was a little low,"I heard that the treatment was effective, but she can't teach anymore. It's also her age, it's time for her to retire and take care of her health."

"She has been teaching for decades, is very serious and responsible, often corrects homework until very late, and is one of the best teachers in our No. 2 Middle School."

Jiang Yichen nodded in agreement.

Although she was Jiang Yichen's Chinese teacher for only one year, Li Qiuxia's character and image have always left a deep impression on him.

She was a teacher who threw shoes for him!

"The day after tomorrow at noon, we will prepare a simple graduation banquet, and invite Principal Liu to come." Since the other party is here to give a reward, Jiang Yichen was not stingy and invited one more person.

Liu Youxi agreed immediately and said with a smile,"It's to make wine. This is the first time that our Anyuan has a provincial champion!"

Jiang Yichen shook his head and smiled,"As long as everyone pays attention to education, the provincial champion will definitely not be the last one"

"Yes! But compared with other cities, our educational resources are much worse."Liu Youxi said with emotion,"It's not always possible to have a genius like you."

"Really?" Jiang Yichen raised the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps, four years later, Jiang Yixin will be able to make history again.

Although Jiang Yixin does not have a system like Jiang Yichen, with the help of Jiang Yichen's Green Lotus Jade Pendant, calligraphy Buff and many other things, she should never be underestimated.

What's more, with the power of Jiang Yichen's role model as a brother, she will definitely be more targeted.

Having decided to attend the commendation meeting, Liu Youxi did not stay any longer and hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanxiu heard something and came over with some curiosity,"Achen, why are you here, principal? Are you talking about rewards?"

"Yes, it's about 200,000 yuan." Jiang Yichen thought for a while and said,"This money will be left for you to use as pocket money."

Liu Yuanxiu laughed angrily when he heard it,"Okay, you are using 200,000 yuan as pocket money now!"

"Now that we have a house, we don't need to spend any money. Besides, your father and I are still young and can earn money on our own."

"You keep it for your own schooling."

Jiang Yichen waved his hand,"You know, I go to Peking University, tuition is free, and I get a scholarship of 60,000 yuan every year. Not to mention the money I earn, this scholarship is enough for my life."

"That's right." Liu Yuanxiu was stunned.

If you count it, Jiang Yichen doesn't have to spend his own money to go to school.

"OK, I'll save it for you and use it when you get married." Liu Yuanxiu thought about it and made a decision.

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