The so-called county-wide commendation was just a formality.

It was nothing more than listening to the director of education report on this year's good performance, issuing awards, and finally the county leaders"said a few words".

Jiang Yichen was ranked in the first row because of his highest grades.

Most of the people around him were students from Anyuan No. 1 Middle School. Some of these people were hostile to Jiang Yichen, some were jealous, and some were envious.

But without exception, no one took the initiative to get to know him.

It just so happened that Jiang Yichen liked quietness, so he simply closed his eyes and rested.

As for Pan Yun, Zhang Ya and others who were admitted to a key university, they were in the last few rows, leaving Jiang Yichen with no way to find someone to chat with.

Fortunately, there were not many procedures. After the awards for other people were awarded, Jiang Yichen's grand prize was the only one left.

He took a large cardboard sign from the county leader, which read"Provincial No. 1 in Liberal Arts" and"Admission to Peking University" with a reward of 100,000 yuan.

Jiang Yichen smiled and accepted the reporter's photo and interview

"Jiang Yichen, you were admitted to Peking University with 737 points, the highest score in the province. How do you feel now?"

"It was a normal performance, no surprises."Jiang Yichen said truthfully

"Can you teach your study methods to the next generation of juniors who are about to take the college entrance examination?"

"Just read more books, do more exercises, learn what you don't know, and you will naturally get high scores."

As for why you still make mistakes, it means you haven't really learned it yet.

"……Okay, so is there anything you want to say to them?"

"Work hard and try to surpass me." Jiang Yichen nodded in encouragement, then waved his hand to refuse further interviews.

This reporter was from Anyuan County TV Station. Even if it was broadcast, it was only broadcast on the county station.

Everyone knows that the county TV station is well-known, so who would watch it?

After the commendation meeting, Pan Yun and Zhang Ya waited for him.

The two also received awards, both of which were 5,000 yuan.

Pan Yun was very happy because this money meant that he had earned it through his own efforts.

Even if he bought a laptop, he could buy a better one.

"Jiang Yichen, you are awesome!"

"100,000 grand prize, really awesome, I'll treat you to a big meal later." Pan Yun was originally happy, but when he saw the envelope of 5,000 in his hand and the 100,000 from a big brand on the other side, he immediately felt that his own was not so good.

Jiang Yichen shrugged,"Let's go to Anyuan Hotel for a big meal at noon."

"It's definitely coming."

"You two are destined to be together. You will have a companion in Changcheng University from now on." Jiang Yichen glanced at Pan Yun and Zhang Ya with some joking.

Pan Yun has been practicing bodybuilding techniques for more than half a year and has lost a lot of weight. He also learned swimming and now weighs about 178 pounds.

Although he is still a little fat, he is already stronger.

There is no sense of incongruity between the two of them.

Zhang Ya spat lightly,"This fat guy shamelessly followed my choice." Pan

Yun scratched his head and laughed.

Jiang Yichen smiled. It seems that these two have some stories in the summer vacation."I will leave for Kyoto tomorrow. See you during the winter and summer vacations."

"So urgent?"

"Yes, doesn’t your school start in September?"

"It's almost time, and I have something to do there." Jiang Yichen briefly explained.

Hearing this, Pan Yun was also a little emotional.

Sure enough, graduation is like parting.

"By the way, Achen, I want to ask, can I teach Zhang Ya the bodybuilding technique?"

"Sure, I'm not from any sect, these are just ordinary exercises, and when I have the chance, I will record them and upload them online." Jiang Yichen didn't have any idea of hiding his skills.

Although this fitness technique is magical, one still has to persist in practicing it.

And it's similar to the Eight Vajra Kung Fu, which is just for health and fitness, not some magical skill.

What kind of effect can be achieved depends on the accuracy and persistence of each person's practice.

So far, Pan Yun has only learned 2 sets of multi-point movements.

Pan Yun was a little grateful,"Achen, thank you!"

He is a beneficiary of this fitness technique. He has lost so much weight after practicing it, and there has been no rebound. This is what makes him most happy.

"I will teach you the third and fourth sets of movements in the evening when I have time. The rest depends on your perseverance every day."Jiang Yichen waved his hand and then looked at Zhang Ya,"Zhang Ya, you are more self-disciplined and can supervise him."

Zhang Ya said lightly,"I don't bother to take care of him."

---(˃ ⌑---

Jiang Yichen's graduation banquet was arranged at Anyuan Hotel, with 30 tables reserved.

In addition to Jiang Nanning's relatives, all the neighbors in Jiangjiafang were invited, except for their friends, colleagues, and Jiang Yichen's classmates and teachers. Teacher

Li Qiuxia was also there.

Although her spirit was still not very good, she had a smile from the heart.

Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu were even more smiling all the way, toasting at each table.

In the evening, Jiang Yichen called Pan Yun to teach the third set of movements.

With the previous foundation, Pan Yun learned very quickly. Jiang Yichen also recorded the first four sets of movements with a camera, which was convenient for his parents and Jiang Yixin to practice at home.

Although Liu Yuanxiu had just started, she also felt the benefits of this movement.

She was prone to insomnia, but she slept very well these two days.

However, Jiang Yichen felt that it was because she was in a good mood these two days.

Because Jiang Yichen's great grandfather had already said that they should prepare the biography and open a separate page for Jiang Yichen in the family tree.

This is a great thing that will be passed down in the family!

The next day, Jiang Yichen will take his parents and Jiang Yixin to Kyoto.

After being admitted to Peking University, he will naturally take his parents to Beijing for a tour, especially to show her the school where she will go for the next few years, which is what they are most concerned about.

Jiang Nanning and the other two stayed in Beijing for a full 7 days and visited all the major attractions in Kyoto. Jiang Yichen then sent them to���train.

He stayed and started his college life alone.

Jiang Yichen booked a hotel near Peking University and stayed there temporarily, with 3 million in his hand.

He was ready to start a business.

The next 10 years will be a decade of rapid development of science and technology. Jiang Yichen doesn't want to waste all his time in college and miss those opportunities.

After all, for Jiang Yichen, coming to college is just for this diploma.

With his critical learning ability, he can crit all the courses in the whole university in one month.

Among them, mobile Internet is the biggest outlet.

Driven by mobile Internet, mobile phones, e-commerce, short videos, live broadcasts, etc. have become one profitable industry after another, profoundly affecting the production and life of the masses.

And Jiang Yichen definitely doesn't want to miss this feast.

Especially for Meituan, Jiang Yichen loves and hates it.

Of course, in this life, Jiang Yichen will no longer be a courier with a"yellow robe".

He plans to transform himself and become the helmsman of Meituan.

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