Zhou Xiu took a breath of air.

It is not easy to get the scholarship of the system.

Zhou Xiu spent a lot of energy on biology and mathematics competitions this semester, and his homework will inevitably regress.

The strength of the city’s key middle schools is not weak, especially the Super Fourth Middle School, with dozens or hundreds of perfect scores in every subject. If you want to get the first place in a single subject, you can only take full marks.

The system said: [You feel good after the exam, keep on working hard! 】

The system was convinced of Zhou Xiu's cruelty to himself. In addition to normal eating, resting, and exercise time, Zhou Xiu wrote test papers and endorsed it.

The schedule is densely arranged, rigorous and orderly.

Zhou Xiu happily took out the lab key given to her by Teacher He from her schoolbag, went to the lab to fetch materials, and enthusiastically started several experiments.

Class 24 classrooms.

The scumbags returned to the classroom of their class after the exam, and the classroom was filled with the joy of vacation.

Xu Qing asked: "Is the entrance exam difficult this time?"

"Difficult!" they answered in unison.

It's too difficult. At the end of last semester, only the math part was critically hit, but now every subject uses the exam papers of other key schools.

Wanting to change the rankings from the original hundreds on the final grade list to thousands, the scumbags suddenly shuddered.

Xu Qing asked again: "But... have you finished writing?"

Everyone was stunned after hearing the words, and the topic was difficult or difficult, and it seemed that it was not completely impossible to continue. It's not as frustrating and frustrating as after finishing the math exam last semester.

MissLi smiled slightly and said, "It's fine when you finish writing. Our class's results this semester will definitely be better than last semester."

The head teacher has a mysterious confidence in the students in the class.

The scumbags were encouraged and bravely got together to confront the final exam answers.

The first correct answer is the English subject.

Xu Qing wrote down his English answer, and everyone pieced it together, and quickly came up with a standard answer. Although there are a lot of scumbags in Class 24, the English subjects of Class 24 are definitely ranked first in the ordinary class.

Sometimes they can even get better than the Rockets class.

After correcting the English answer, Yuan Ruoyi suddenly asked: "Where is Xiuxiu?"

"Yes, where's Xiuxiu?"

"Where did she go!"

As the standard answer to mathematics, physics and chemistry while walking, she is not there! Without her, these disciplines of mathematics, physics and chemistry are so compatible?

The tidbit said: "Xiuxiu has not returned to the classroom after the exam."

She called Zhou Xiu, and the phone was also turned off.

Xu Qing told everyone to wait a moment, "You continue to check your Chinese and chemistry scores."

He took the key out of his schoolbag, walked out of the classroom and ran down the stairs.

When he walked to the biological laboratory, he gently opened the door and he found Zhou Xiu as expected.

In the empty laboratory, she was doing experiments in a white coat, glasses, mask and gloves. He was slim and slender, and his ponytail was shining.

In midsummer, the sound of cicadas on the campus gets stronger. There is a faint fragrance of flowers in the air, it is the white magnolia blooming...

Xu Qing did not say anything, and stood at the back door of the laboratory watching Zhou Xiu doing the experiment.

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Xiu finished the last step and let out a soft sigh.

Xu Qing walked in and asked, "Aren't you leaving?"

"Everyone is waiting for you to get the answer."

Zhou Xiu took off her mask and said, "I'm coming right away."

She quickly packed up the experimental equipment, and threw the disposable gloves and masks into the polluted trash can.


When Zhou Xiu and Xu Qing returned to the classroom, Yu Qingyan exclaimed, "Where did the monitor find Xiuxiu?"

This is too smart, just like the roundworm in Xiuxiu's belly.

Xu Qing shook the lab key between her thumbs, "Lab."

Tan Ming noticed the time when Xu Qing left, and it had been half an hour since he looked at the clock. The scene of him returning to the classroom side by side with Xu Qing and Zhou Xiu, instantly felt very heartbroken.

He took out the math textbook in silence and looked at it without a word.

The scumbags looked at Zhou Xiu with a frightened look, and the sports committee jokingly said: "I just tried so hard just after the exam, are you still alive?"

"I'm just going to have fun." Zhou Xiu said. She took out a piece of paper and quickly and neatly wrote down the answers to the subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

As Zhou Xiu wrote, the students around him were right.

"Fuck, is this the answer?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong again. I was still wrong."

"Mathematics is too difficult this year, right?"

Sorry, we are going to be blind...

The students from the Winner class next door heard the news that Zhou Xiu wanted to correct the answer, and went to the 24th classroom to see Zhou Xiu's correct answer.

So they saw an exaggerated scene--

Zhou Xiu took a pen and sat in the crowd. After she wrote the multiple-choice questions, she also silently wrote down the steps of the big questions. After finishing the mathematics, she wrote the answers to the science and comprehensive subjects in one go.

"That's how Zhou Xiu usually agrees with you about the answer?" The Winner classmates were shocked.

All... There is no need for debate, is it right to treat it directly as the standard answer?

The process of answering the answer is extremely comfortable for the scumbags.

The scumbags proudly stood up and said: "No need."

"We believe in Xiuxiu."

Although Zhou Xiu might be wrong on some of the questions, for the scumbags, this small error is enough to ignore.

People who have a better memory than her do not have as good a memory as her, and people who have a better memory than her do not have a better memory than her. He closed his eyes and referred to her answer, which was roughly equal to or less than a hundred and eighty points.

The Winner class students couldn't help but argue with Zhou Xiu. The Winner class student Qiao Qiao said: "Should this question be half of the number five? The particle is under the superimposed action of the magnetic field and the electric field..."

Qiao Qiao expressed that he was reluctant to believe in Zhou Xiu's physics. Qiao Qiao's physics occasionally gets full marks, but Zhou Xiu does not.

Zhou Xiu is too authoritative in class 24, right?

Even Xie Cheng has never been so trustlessly trusted and supported by his classmates.

Probably because Zhou Xiu and his classmates are too far apart. Qiao thought.

Zhou Xiu coughed lightly and generously gave Qiao Qiao the steps to solve the problem.

After Qiao Qiao asked, a group of top students asked questions one after another. The scene of the answer suddenly became the scene of a large-scale debate.

Scumbags: "..."

Du Feiyang drove them out. He took out his phone and snapped a picture of the answer, and sent them Zhou Xiu's answer photo.

"Well, you can go back and discuss one by one. Later, our class is going to dinner."

Although the final exam is difficult, the scumbags expressed that they did not want to revisit the details of the final exam at all.

Lan Xin said: "Believe in Xiuxiu."

"Xiuxiu studied very hard this semester, and her grades should be good." Yu Qingyan said, touching her chin.

Winner's classmates took the standard answer in a complex mood, and went back to the classroom to face it.


In the evening, Yude's gossip exploded.

There was a news spread among the top students of Winner class-"Zhou Xiu's four scores in mathematics, physics and chemistry." Is this rumor actually a stamp stamped by Winner class students?

Zhang Qi's phone calls were blown up, and he refuted the rumors one by one: "No, no, we have never said such things."

Zhang Qi had a black question mark face, "We are not a marking teacher, how can we know Zhou Xiu's score?"

A classmate from No. 4 Middle School actually called him to ask him, Zhang Qi said, "Oh my God, brother, don't bother me, okay..."

The news even reached the fourth middle school. Zhou Xiu didn't get a full score. Isn't it embarrassing?

Zhang Qi suddenly felt the seriousness of the matter.

Angrily, he went to investigate the source of the rumors one by one. After finding out, he was stunned. The source of the rumors was that Lan Xin and Yu Qingyan were heard by class 23 students, and they all took Zhou Xiu's answer back for comparison.

The sentence "Believe in Xiuxiu" was passed around, and it became that Wennaban students thought Zhou Xiu got a perfect score?

At this time, the heat of the competition has not disappeared, and Zhou Xiu is in full swing. For the first time, Yude Middle School has joined the joint entrance exam of key schools. Many students in Yude are looking forward to the ranking of this exam.

They very much hope that their school can get good results in the exam.

So... overnight, news of Zhou Xiu's full score in science spread throughout the school.

Winner classmate: "..."

Can't we just throw this pot to us just because we took the answer written by Zhou Xiu?



Thank you everyone~

*Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-1623:58:54~2020-02-1723:59:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Xiao Chen Yixin only learns 3;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: passing years to meddle with sadness, count hate, and 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: laalalalaww, your majesty Huan, LY2; 38313037, the eleventh aunt of the little fairy, Gao Fang's rocket, Xiaobobo, Changan old wine, Cai Cai love orange, Xiao Peng classmate, fifi:) , Su Xi, Kylin, Lin Shen, Yu Sister who has always wanted to vomit, Tangtang, Xiao Chen Yixin only learn, 39633690, Guangming Shen, Puppet, Yueshu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 144 bottles of Li Maibing; 40 bottles of Qianqian and Ersheng QAQ; 35 bottles of high imitation rockets; 30 bottles of Chen Tao; y, CHIC-CHICccc, simple point, pool moon shadow, Xiaohe Jianjian 20 bottles; 17 bottles in one painting; 16 bottles of Porcelain Deer and Mi Mi; 15 bottles of Gu Jianxia, ​​Steamed and Cat; 14 bottles of Duoduo; an unknown fairy, 37733963, maple sugar, tea, Bobo intestines , Linghu Yurou, Shixiaoyi, Congnan, Sumei, Pinellia, kimio, Yiyi, Mint Honey Tea, China, Mr. Dracy, Lao Dan is not an egg, spinach can replenish iron, I guess it will be much more today , Xiao Chen Yixin has only study, 10 bottles of cool sunshine; 9 bottles of Erzhuzi; Lingluo, 377672078 bottles; 6 bottles of the dream of a 900 million boy; Wu Mingyao, Yanyanyan, Zz~, Fei Xiaomiao, Zhiyue, Zizhujinmo, 23413502, Mi Qiao Sauce, JJJ Jennifer, Wind Rolled Lavender, Lin Shen, Seeking Fortune, Minnie Madam, 41072662, Niuniu Fatty, No Egg Yolk, Hades Seven, 5 bottles of Pinker Pinker; 4 bottles of White Deer; 3 bottles of Daxing Liuli, Shanying, and Ami; 41,417,095, 27,880,582, Ari’s September, oops, hello, dream seeker@, you look delicious. , West Coast Rain, I am a little y2 bottle; 29367043, witch, mother-in-law, demon fox sss, blue brick and Daiwa horse head wall, victim, sunny, knowing quiet, Xinyu, Qingning, walking in the wind, eating grapes Don't spit out grape skins, fairies love to eat glutinous rice dumplings~, Xin, Pig who wants to fly, 27601851, Chen Yan, Jessie, I like freedom, wailing, drowsy, 41694081, my name is Li Suishi, I just keep silent, 1 bottle of Chang'an old wine and noodle mino;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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