Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 102: (Catching bugs)

All the students in the school have finished their exams and are waiting at home for their results.

The news of Zhou Xiu's full score in science is like pouring hot oil into the fire, and it burns at a point. At first I didn't know where it came from, but when everyone realized it, it was too late to refute the rumor.

The full screen on the forum is all news predicting Zhou Xiu's full score.

Yu Qingyan covered his face, called Zhou Xiu, and apologized: "Xiu Xiu's sorry, I'm sorry."

Zhou Xiu was on her way to school to make up classes at this time. She received a call and was dazed for a while.

Yu Qingyan told Zhou Xiu of what happened last night, and she waited for Zhou Xiu's answer with her breath.

After a while, I only heard Zhou Xiu on the phone and said calmly, "It's okay."

"Don't think about it so much. Let's have fun at home after the holiday these days. I am ready to go to class."

How can it be okay?

Yu Qingyan was extremely guilty.

The news that Zhou Xiu got full marks on the test was like wings, and flew to someone else's school.

Last night, Yu Qingyan watched the news spread wildly everywhere, as if he had been determined and celebrated in advance, and there was a joint reaction in the fourth middle school.

The more Yu Qingyan looked at it, the more shocking it became. How could this be touting Zhou Xiu, it was clearly discrediting Zhou Xiu.

Fortunately, the Winner class worked hard to dispel the rumors, and lay down and laughed at them. Xu Qing also promptly deleted all the posts in the forum that could be deleted, and this crazy news was disproved.

But after all, the cowhide with full score in four subjects has been blown out. It was a joke after a long time. The students from other schools just saw the rumors refuted after a while.

Yude Middle School wants to be crazy, right? You are eager to publicize it before the test results come out?

The students of the Fourth Middle School are not so exaggerated!


Zhou Xiu came to the classroom on time.

A top student secretly said: "Zhou Xiu's time has been too smooth, and I am overly proud. I don't know how tired the Winner class classmates are to refute the rumors."

Another classmate shook his head, disapproving and said: "This kind of cowhide is daring to blow it out, like the last time I went to the fourth middle school to max out other people's forums, and recruit more gangsters to the school.

After a long period of trouble, it turned out to be a rumor.

The classmates in the math class were discussing this matter, and the discussion was full of enthusiasm. Zhou Xiu sat down with the strange eyes of everyone.

They found that when Zhou Xiu came to the classroom, the original discussion became quieter.

Qi Yaguang walked to Zhou Xiu's position, folded his shoulders and asked, "Zhou Xiu, did you really get perfect scores in the four subjects?"

"Qi Yaguang, is your village Netcom? You don't know the news yet?"

The other classmates were shocked. They suspected that Qi Yaguang deliberately mocked Zhou Xiu in front of her.

Actually, someone really believed the rumor that they had perfect scores in four subjects?

Other students shook their heads, and being able to get to this level is already the strength that the college entrance examination science champion has.

Although the rumors had already been dispelled last night, this arrogant announcement of Zhou Xiu's full score in four subjects in the joint entrance exam was still a shame to Yude's students.

As soon as Qi Yaguang finished asking this question, he greeted a glare from the classmates of Winner.

The Winner class classmates felt offended. Although such a high-profile act of announcing the results was wrong, it is reasonable to say that Zhou Xiu was innocent in this rumor, and she did not do this.

Zhou Xiu did not answer Qi Yaguang, but took out a test paper from his schoolbag and wrote it.

Qi Yaguang returned to his seat and said to Zhong Simiao: "Although it is a little unbelievable, I really want to ask Zhou Xiu about this question."

Zhong Simiao looked complicated: "..."

But you just asked about the appearance of other people's achievements, it looks like it is provocative?

Xie Cheng turned around and couldn't help laughing, "Why can't Zhou Xiu get a full score?"

The top students in the Rocket class dared not make any comments. It is estimated that the entire class was numb by Zhou Xiu's face. They learned to think rationally, remained silent about undecided things, and even tended to believe in Zhou Xiu.

This is a show god!

Believe that she is right. The letter is right, win glory for the school. Wrong, their trembling hearts were also comforted: Zhou Xiu was finally not such a perverted learning machine.

After school.

Zhang Qi took out his mobile phone to Zhou Xiu with a complicated expression, and said, "However, Zhou Xiu, you should go and dispel the rumors."

Zhou Xiu slid Zhang Qi's phone, and after reading all the mocking comments, she turned off the phone.

Zhang Qi found that Zhou Xiu had started to scan the test paper again, and a question mark slowly appeared on his face: "???"

Zhou Xiu finished writing the last big topic, raised her head and said to Zhang Qi: "This level is fine."

"Don't pass your face over to beat others."

Zhang Qi: "???"

Zhou Xiu returned the phone to Zhang Qi and let him see it for himself.

Zhang Qi saw a lot of strange messages appearing under the post he ridiculed Ping Ren last night.

"Yude, what pheasant school, take it out and blow it out like that? It's not necessary."

"Is the nickname "Xiu Shen" that Zhou Xiu proclaimed herself? Narcissism is not narcissism. Has anyone else admitted it?"

Seeing Zhang Qi stunned, he couldn't help thinking, are their school and Zhou Xiu so unpopular?


After school, the students all left the classroom in twos and threes.

Lao Wang packed his things and asked Zhou Xiu jokingly: "You really got a perfect score in the math test?"

Zhou Xiu handed the completed test book to Lao Wang, and said, "Don't you know the teacher in a few days?"

Lao Wang glared at her with a dark face, and when he opened the test book written by Zhou Xiu, the dissatisfaction on his face miraculously disappeared.

Lao Wang was very pleased to check, and Zhou Xiu finished writing the Mathematical Olympiad for the entire summer vacation ahead of time.

This made Lao Wang couldn't help but reflect. With such time to care about gossip, it would be better to assign more homework to Zhou Xiu!

Lao Wang smiled and said to Zhou Xiu: "Come on, go to my office."

"I just found a few sets of test papers some time ago, and I just left them for you to write!"

Zhou Xiu satisfactorily followed Lao Wang and took the test papers, a thick stack of 60 sets in total. Write two copies a day, and one summer vacation will be over.


After school.

The traffic skyrocketed during the summer vacation, and Zhou Xiu went directly to the parents' shop to help after school.

In order to comfort the scumbags of Class 24 that they did not see Zhou Xiu's "lovesickness", they went to the small restaurant of Zhou Xiu's home to take care of the business. They were extremely diligent.

Tan Ming packs a portion of snail noodles to eat at home almost every day, trying hard to get a sense of existence in front of Zhou Cheng.

As for the other students who came to the "Zhou Ji" restaurant and saw Zhou Xiu carrying a plate to deliver food, they were very sad.

The students in their class are really poor.

She went back and forth in the store, so busy, waiting for the guests to leave, holding a rag to wipe the table and tidy up the dishes and chopsticks.

The scumbags were born with the golden key, and almost lived the days when they were clothed and stretched out their hands for food. The biggest obstacle encountered in this life is probably the scumbag of academic performance.

They have been studying for so many years, and they have never encountered classmates from such a family.

Du Feiyang wanted to help Zhou Xiu, but Zhou Xiu stopped him. Zhou Xiu said helplessly: "You haven't done such a thing before, don't make trouble."

"Go home when you're done, it's a bit hot here."

Du Feiyang stared blankly at Zhou Xiu's swift work, feeling that he was... really messing up.

When Tan Ming saw Zhou Xiu so busy, he couldn't help but say, "Why don't you ask an aunt to do more work."

Although these words were spoken out, maybe I won't see Zhou Xiu in the summer vacation, but Tan Ming couldn't help but say it.

Zhou Xiu finally finished cleaning up, and said: "I have already invited, but I haven't hired anyone yet. I'll only take a few days."

Zhou Xiu really didn't expect the business at home to be so good, it's not like that in the shop.

Tan Ming frowned upon hearing this, but then quietly let out a sigh of relief.

During the holiday period, not only students from Class 24 occasionally come over, but even young people living nearby love to run here.

While the young man was blowing on the air conditioner, he waited for the food to be served, and watched the handsome men and women in the store by the way.

"This store has been open for a few months, and this is my first time here. Wow, there are a lot of luxury cars parked outside."

"What is the magical part of this store, why can it attract so many beautiful young ladies and younger brothers to patronize?"

They do not believe in evil.

So they took a bite of the dish, "The taste is okay."

Then they immersed themselves in the meal, dropping the chopsticks faster and faster, and the girls were all stunned when they stopped.

"We actually ate such a big dish?"

The old customer next to him said: "The boss's craftsmanship is still okay."

Except for students from Class 24 who come to the small restaurant from time to time, many students from Yude Middle School have tried their best to find this small restaurant.

The boy ordered a lot of dishes and ate slowly while blowing on the air conditioner until it was cold before leaving. They can be in close contact with Xiushen for a long time, and they are satisfied.

A flash of surprise flashed in the girl's eyes, "I'm really beautiful and delicious in my showy dress."

Her face is clean and pure, she is wearing a skirt and a white apron, and a pair of slender snow-white legs are exposed under the apron. In the noisy and chaotic small restaurant, she was like a snow lotus in full bloom on the snow-capped mountain in the mural, quiet.

Although he was better than fireworks, he became more and more deserted.

It made people feel a sense of disobedience. People like her shouldn't have appeared in such a chaotic and noisy market.

But when she came with a plate and asked softly, she made the guests feel like a god, too happy to imagine.

Yan Gou felt a little offended, but he didn't expect that one day he would lick his face in such a spicy-eyed work clothes.

At two o'clock at noon, the passenger flow decreased, Zhou Xiu wiped her sweat and finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The next day.

Su Baizhi woke up and saw that the post she had posted about the achievements of the squatting show **** was deleted, and many posts mocking Zhou Xiu were deleted, but now there are comments mocking Zhou Xiu overturning the car.

Even Wennaban, who was in the second year of high school, took the initiative to admit that Zhou Xiu did not take the four subjects with perfect scores.

Su Baizhi had a complicated face. Although she said that the results had not yet come out, she inexplicably believed in Zhou Xiu and still wanted to expect a full score. Bai Zhi tried to repost a post about squatting results, but he didn't expect it to be deleted by Seconds. Such a familiar taste...

Su Baizhi completely gave up the struggle.

There is no shortage of days left or right, she is waiting for the results.

A week later, the scores of the joint entrance examination have gradually come down.

The examination papers are modified by machines, and the examination papers are disrupted by the teachers of various key schools to review the papers, which is a bit slow.

The English subject came out first.

Zhou Xiu scored 114 points in the test. After receiving Zhou Xiu's score in the tidbits, she couldn't help but want to laugh when she looked at Zhou Xiu's depressed face, but she finally patted Zhou Xiu on the shoulder and comforted:

"You can take the exam next time. Let's review it together in summer vacation."

After all, it is in three digits. In the tidbits, thinking that Zhou Xiu spends most of the semester in competitions, it is inevitable that she will fall behind in English. The next science is Zhou Xiu's strong point.

Then the grades in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology also went down.

Zhou Xiu's phone number was broken, and WeChat sent 999+ messages and countless voice calls. At this moment, the network of her mobile phone broke down, and even the messages could not be sent.

Zhou Xiu simply turned off and restarted the phone without a temper.

After she turned it on, she saw her results in mathematics and comprehensive science.

The system dinged to a sound--

【Ding——The four subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry have a full score, each subject is awarded a total of 20,000RMB, and the accumulated rewards are 22,500RMB, for a total of 42,500RMB. 】

Because Zhou Xiu is at home at the moment, sitting at the desk and reading. The door of the room was locked, and the curtain of the window had been drawn, forming a secretly enclosed space. The system waved boldly.

Zhou Xiugang raised her head, and a stack of pink banknotes fell unexpectedly from the sky, falling from the sky like flying leaves, and slammed on her.

Her vision is full of pink.

Zhou Xiu was stunned by the money. She caught the money thrown on her body and shook her head helplessly at the system:

【naughty. 】

The system said: [Happy or not? 】

After Zhou Xiu picked up the banknotes one by one and held them thickly in her hand, she would have time to reply to the messages sent by her classmates.

Trivia asked: "Quick, quick, Xiuxiu, go and check your scores, and then ask you, quickly, and tell me how much you scored on the test!"

Zhou Xiu replied briefly: "Full score."

The tidbits looked dumbfounded: "..."

She handed her mobile phone to the classmates around her. At this time, there were a lot of scumbags gathered in the tidbits house. When they saw this sentence, their brains hurt. What does full score mean?

Which subject has a perfect score? A perfect score or a few...

Class 24 and Winner class students who received the news: "..."

Could it be a full score in all four subjects, right?

Wait, at this moment they actually feel that their absurd speculation is a bit close to the truth?



Touch your head.

Everyone has a hard time waiting. There are red envelopes in the comments of this chapter today.

Compensate everyone~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-1723:59:23~2020-02-1915:10:51~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep-water torpedo: 1 ninini;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Jinwan;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: 41075151, crape myrtle porridge, 1 cat who wants to eat oranges;

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: Xiao Chen Yixin only learns 2; Qiang Qiang 11, JJJ Jennifer, Juvenile Eater, Milk Xiao Si Hao, Yue Shu, Weight Loss, Wen Liang, 42009193, YZR1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Red Bean; 40 bottles of Dark Night Yizhiwu; 37 bottles of Ranbao; 36 bottles of Shang; 30 bottles of Shangsign and Min Min; as long as the name is long enough, I will be 27 bottles; Master Zhanshu Huang Shaotian 24 bottles; Quan Yuxi 22 bottles; Magi 21 bottles; Shanyue I don’t know what’s in my heart, Lullallu, Nairoluo, Haha, Melinda 20 bottles; Wen Yiliang, 19 bottles of lemon bitter gourd tea; 2503093311 bottles; 25580293, Suxi, 30647569, Mu Mo, 0b003, Mo Yue, Lily Sauce, Good Boy, Unsweetened Fish Ball, YG has a right leader, w, ah? Li, Qing Xun, Master Zimu, 37550091, kwai, Doudou, Shanying, little cousin~ , Listening, 8646.10 bottles; Xingyue 9 bottles; Lingluo 8 bottles; Shili Guqinghuan, Oh Huo 6 bottles; 40359272, white hair on the pillow, stand-alone account, I am poor again today, 珵璟?, Cangsheng Tage, 186336155 Bottles; Mosheng, 3 bottles of pa; I am half immortal, I think everything is galaxy, do you add more today? My name is Li Suixi, Serina, it is a curry of 94, Yan Xiaowu No. 3, I want to eat watermelon and small jingle bells in summer 2 bottles; chestnut, thinking about money in clothes, sleepy bugs, Xiao Ayun have to study today, jianmo98, I like freedom, orange white, mango pancake, I ban you, know the quietness, dream in my dreams that I can’t wake up , Li Ke, Cai Cai loves oranges, Nancheng saves the old year, meat eaters Axi, Zhiyue, It's Hui Duck, and a bottle of Dragon Girl Xiaolan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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