Highlights called Zhou Xiu again to verify, but unexpectedly the cell phone prompted busy and could not be connected.

With an idea, she took out the small takeaway card of Zhou Xiu's small restaurant and called Zhou Xiu's father according to the contact information on the card.

The phone finally got through, and Zhou Xiu's voice came over there.

It was late at night, and Zhou Xiu's voice was a little soft.

Everyone asked Zhou Xiu: "Xiu Xiu, what does the full score mean?"

Lan Xin rushed to grab the white question: "Does mathematics, physics, chemistry, and birth all get full marks?"

There was a faint um voice.

At this moment, all the students from Class 24 wowed in surprise, and they flew into the sky, dizzy, they heard it right!

Yu Qingyan said in a pleasant surprise: "Our Xiuxiu is really reliable!"

"Xiu Xiu is awesome!"

A scumbag said: "I declare that Xiuxiu will be my idol in the future!"

In the past few days, the scumbag has accepted Zhou Xiu’s difficult family situation and down-to-earth appearance, and even can’t help but feel sorry for her and love her, wishing to get those who scolded her and ridiculed her out and beat them up. It’s only a few days' time, they Almost forgot her ability to destroy humanity in school.

Slap in the face...or is it strong?

The classmates of Winner class received a knowing blow. Several classmates had complex faces. Is it a godly prediction to dare to love this rumor?

Zhang Qi looked dumbfounded, and stuttered for an unprecedented time: "Zhou Xiu, I, I **** really took it."

Speaking of full score in the test, in a blink of an eye, you really got a full score in the test.

This kind of extremely low-probability thing happened abruptly.

Xiushen not only showed off the face of the other school, but even the people in his own school were dizzy by the show.

The Winner classmates were so wronged and arrogant to refute the rumors at the time, and now their faces hurt. They seem to subtly feel the taste of the Rockets class?

No wonder the Rocket classmates didn't mix up this matter at all.

This group is absolutely excellent classmates, who can learn from the past history and learn lessons.

The tidbits clapped and applauded: "It's gone. Go home and sleep late at night. Go to school tomorrow to get your grades!"

The scumbags and the Winner classmates expressed their feelings that they were too complicated and couldn't sleep at all when they went home.

They digested their emotions on the spot, and couldn't help but talk about Zhou Xiu on the topic.

Zhang Qi recalled: "Zhou Xiu is really amazing. I realized it when I played cards in the botanical garden."

Zhou Xiu played effortlessly and moved freely. He didn't even use his full strength, he had already pressed Zhang Qi fiercely on the floor and rubbed wildly. No matter how hard you struggle, it won't help.

Both Xi Shaoyuan and Xie Cheng are not as good as her.

The students from Class 24 also talked about Zhou Xiu's past, and Yu Qingyan proudly said:

"I think the most powerful thing about our Xiuxiu is not the brain. Really, her self-discipline and perseverance are the most terrifying."

The others nodded.

This is the most terrifying thing. Xie Cheng didn't make people feel scared, but Zhou Xiu made the scumbags shiver.

Does anyone learn consistently when others are relaxing and having fun?

Does anyone consistently delve into the details, read the academic literature for months for questions that they can’t write, and even if they are not good at foreign languages, they still translate it bit by bit with Google.

Has anyone memorized words countless times, forgot to memorize, and forgot to continue to memorize... The cycle repeats, but never gives up.

Always on the subway at six o'clock, looping English listening.

Always be on the book list and keep the record of the number one borrowing.

"I'm going back." Tan Ming suddenly stood up and said.

Xu Qing also left.

Du Feiyang has long since disappeared.

Then the scumbags in Class 24 figured out what they were, and retired in twos and threes.

Why are there people who work so hard, work so shiningly, hard work so scary.

The existence of this kind of people seems to remind them not to waste their lives, not to waste everything they have now. Because I have struggled in the darkness of people, desperately fighting for it.

The next day.

The teachers and students of the school return to school to receive the scores of the joint examination.

The news of Zhou Xiu's full score in four subjects flew all over the school like wings.

Su Baizhi heard the news and said in awe: "I'm superb!"

Full score in science, a group of show! In the number of champions in the science college entrance examination over the years, there are few people who can be so brave.

Su Baizhi hadn't had time to log in to announce the good news. Many people couldn't help it last night and commented on all the comments mocking Zhou Xiu overturning the car.

"Sorry, our Yude's learning of God has been offended. She has 150 maths and 300 lixiongs:

"Sorry, it's not a rumor this time."

"Ten thousand times to confess our Da Yude's show god, thank you sophomore teacher for your hard work in cultivating my show god!"

"Take me Xiushen, she is not rubbish, and Yude is not rubbish."

"I Yude is about to fly."

The teachers in the second grade group also heard the news of Zhou Xiu's full score in science, and their faces slowly showed shocked expressions.

Speaking of full scores, is it really a full score?

Other teachers urged Zhou Xiu's head teacher to check his grades, "Xiao Li, what is Zhou Xiu's English score?"

MissLi couldn't help holding her forehead, covering her face, "114."

The teachers were dumbfounded when they heard it, and couldn't help being speechless. This, this is really a science meal, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the liberal arts are as weak as a chicken.

Zhou Xiu's scores in science are extremely high, but when he adds his English scores, he is tied by Xie Cheng.

The Chinese teacher said: "The total score of Chinese is still being compiled today, and it will come out this afternoon..."

But at this time no one paid attention to what the Chinese teacher said.

The teachers are too sorry for Zhou Xiu's English performance.

A top student who wants to sprint to the provincial rankings can barely be ranked without seven percent. Because in previous years, the college entrance examination super four high school can have about ten 700 points.

They couldn't help looking at MissLi with accusing eyes, and even the fiery eyes of the grade director fell on MissLi.

The grade director shook his head and said confusedly: "Why is the head teacher as an English teacher, her English is so bad? Isn't your classmates in English very good?"

"Our class Xiecheng has 147 points in English."

If this English score is transferred to Zhou Xiu...

can not imagine.

MissLi couldn't help covering her face: "..."

Although she didn't understand how Zhou Xiu could do science so well, but her English was so bad, she really wanted to know why!

The head teacher felt a little ashamed.

Finally, teacher He from the Rocket class said objectively: “It’s pretty good to be able to pass the exam like this. Her energy is too distracted this semester.”

"I write a lot of math Olympiad every day, and a lot of work has been done in biology competitions."

The pity of the teachers' hearts gradually dissipated, but it was still too pity.

MissLi clenched her fist and said, "Next semester, I will pay close attention to Zhou Xiu's English score."

The tidbits told Xu Qing to stop deleting posts. She said: "The monitor will stop banning topics in the future. I will let people check the IP."

"It's better to block than to sparse. I don't believe Xiuxiu's reputation will be so bad."

Xu Qing then opened up the authority.

Yude's students happily went to their forum area to post comments and share happy things.

""Science Full Score of Show God"

The forum updated Zhou Xiu's test scores in various subjects, highlighting the dazzling scores of the four subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Students from key schools were referred to Yude's forum for the first time to check Zhou Xiu's results. When they found Zhou Xiu English 114, the students of the Fourth Middle School couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Yude’s students are still rejoicing with Zhou Xiu’s perfect scores in four subjects. They were surprised to see her weak English. Many students with good English scores couldn’t help but laugh:

"Blow my show god, I have confidence in show god, next time show **** will test better!"

The masters of other schools insisted: "English is 114 points, what's the point?"

"I thought I was so arrogant after taking the provincial science champion, but it turned out not to be. English only scores so little, it's far from it!"

Yude’s student replied: “The full score in the test is amazing, so I will not mention it.”

"Science full scores are great, don't you believe that you have to take a test yourself?"

Su Baizhi said: "Give everyone a bite and give your Chinese scores in the afternoon. Let Rong squat to show his Chinese scores. I did a great job in the exams!"

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the Chinese results of the Fourth Middle School were announced. This time, there are 10 students in the fourth middle school with a score of more than 700 points.

After receiving the news, Jiang Yuanyuan said lightly: "It seems that Zhou Xiu should have missed seven hundred points."

And Jiang Yuanyuan took the 706 exam this time.

Lu Liu scored 710 points in the test, and Du Heng... scored 735 in the test, and it was confirmed that it was the highest score in the entrance exam.

Lu Liu held his cheeks, curled his lips and said, "That's not necessarily true."

"Tell me the tidbits, Zhou Xiu memorized Chinese so thoroughly."

Her phone rang, Lu Liu glanced at the phone, and silently glanced at Jiang Yuanyuan.

I saw a screen full of exclamation marks on the tidbits, "Xiuxiu Chinese scores 136!!!"

Jiang Yuanyuan knocked on Lu Liu's table and asked her: "Lu Liu, do you have any fun with me?"

"Being aspirational to others and destroying one's prestige?"

Is Du Heng's grades not good enough? Is Yu Shen's grades not good enough? There are so many top students, all of whom are better than Zhou Xiu, but none of them are as weird, impetuous and high-profile as Zhou Xiu.

Lu Liu smiled and said, "Who makes Zhou Xiu look so beautiful!"

She saw Jiang Yuanyuan's face turned ugly.

Lu Liu couldn't help shook his head, unlocked the phone and handed it to Jiang Yuanyuan, "See it for yourself."

Lu Liu saw Jiang Yuanyuan's changing face in a second, and whistled, "Everyone, remember this beautiful god, and come on and kill her next semester."

"Don't take it lightly during summer vacation."

"Pack your things and have a holiday!"



Yeah, it’s over 6,000 today

Thank you all for your tolerance

Sorry sorry~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-1915:10:51~2020-02-1923:55:50~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 38522555, Jin Feng, ▼Chrysanthemum Crazy Two Two ▼1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: the **** of light, and 1 crape myrtle porridge;

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: Su Xi, 2 don’t eat fish tonight; 42372623, Laozai, Cat bones, Jun Lulu, Guangming God, apple, Euphemia, White Tiger and Whale, Nothing to do, Yan Ya, 42009193, 24154435, Duan Yueban, Xiao Chen Yixin only have 1 study, Shanying, and huihui;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 282 bottles of Cunyou; 130 bottles of Rainbow Soup; 50 bottles of Passerby; 45 bottles of Pearl; 37 bottles of Ciao; 39921804, ▼Chrysanthemum Crazy Two Two▼, 4169368130 bottles; fleeting 25 bottles; polm, 22 bottles of frogs, frogs and melons; pigs, giraffes do not need to sell cute, Geiha, 25893063, 38720223, sugar candies, meow, cushions, old demolition, A meow 777, bag sauce meow meow meow, Lu Lulu slowly 20 Bottles; light glass smiling, crape myrtle porridge, 15 bottles of lost dumb; ch, 14 bottles; obsessive °, peach pear apple 12 bottles; Chang'an has Gillian, Xingjian, Luna, Miao Er, Xiaojiao ww , Jos702etc, is easy acridine, salted fish stab, cloud with wind, celeste, eat jujube pills, Menana, 23 good brother, Ye Ye Shengge, Cong Nan, Qearl?, Liuli Feixue, zz joy and much more , Xiaxia Little Angel, Guai, S. Lee, Acridine is very busy, Xiaolu Xiaolu run fast, Tong Xiqian, Audrey, Huakaixing Feixue, Shanshanjin, Baa, Shanying, Spinach can replenish iron, eat cute 10 bottles of growing up; 8 bottles of Lingluo; 7 bottles of Princess Xuanxiao; Fengcheng Dingyu, Tinglan, Ai Malt, Yuyuan Jingmeng, Luoluo, Yu, yuewen10311, I really want to eat candied chestnut, Zz~, Teng He Daxue, Meow at the coffee shop, 40622840, His Royal Highness Qi Qi, Li, 41640516, Lost in the Human, Zhu Xin, Crazy and Sweet Girl, Fat, Picking the Moon tonight., sofia, chestnut, Liu 5 bottles of Bao, Jujiu; 4 bottles of toffee sweet or not, Xin, sunset sun; 3 bottles of big dumplings, Wangzi small cherries, true heart forever, peas, cat bones, Zhiyue, and oranges from the orange family; Koala drinks pear soup, Nana Sheng, Ari’s September, Jiangnan small water turtle, Xingyue, L. Lawliet, 2 bottles of my name is Li Xiaochuang; yanyanyan, sugar girl, ever, I’m proud of it, and greatly increased today What's more, demon fox sss, Xiaofan, Serina, Wei Yuchenchen, Hui Duck, 27349504, Abao, the cute little white, the pig who wants to fly, Wan Cheng, witch, grandmother, Fang Wu, Sherry , Cute Little Pig, □□ile-M, North Lane, Gengsha, Veronica, Aoaoao, Xue, lookercool, Chinese cabbage halved, lotus pond flowers blooming, LY, Fanfou, seagulls, sleepy bugs 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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