In the afternoon, Zhou Xiu came to the school to get his grades. She walked all the way, familiar or unfamiliar students who came to meet Zhou Xiu would more or less quietly send a sentence:


"Xiushen keep on going!"

Zhou Xiu speeded up with embarrassment and walked quickly into the campus.

At two o'clock exactly, the Chinese scores were updated successfully. At this time, all the scores of the joint exam were announced.

The scumbags exchanged their grades with each other, and the classroom was filled with a pleasant atmosphere.

In the past, scumbags would not exchange their grades so generously. But after the results came out, it turned out to be pretty good.

Their consistently swollen character prompts them to "preach" everywhere unconsciously. Their faces can't wait to write "come to ask for results" and "for exchanges" with a sigh of expression.

There was a hahaha laughter in the classroom.

Yu Qingyan looked happy when he saw the tidbits and asked about the results of the tidbits.

Trivia raised his eyebrows, and simply reported his results, "109, 105, 143, 201."

There is no such bullying scum... Yu Qingyan quickly took out his mobile phone, tapped digits one by one, and calculated the total score.

Tan Ming quickly figured out the answer and reported it: "548."

The scumbags gave a "wow, oh" surprise, and Yu Qingyan said excitedly: "Sister Xu is so amazing, she actually crossed the line!"

The line drawn by the science forecast this time is 499, which is nearly fifty points higher than the tidbits.

I am afraid that no one in the class could be on the same line except Xu Qing. The scumbags remembered the days when they were criticized in the past week, when the teacher scolded barbecued pork, and people hated it, as if they were far away, just like things in the last century.

It seems that Lao Huang didn't scold them for barbecued pork anymore this semester.

The scumbags smiled, "You don't even see who the boyfriend is."

"Shen Du, can it be great?"

The tidbits showed a rare expression of embarrassment. She turned her head and asked Xu Qinghe Tan Ming with her hands on her shoulders, "Squad leader and Ming senior, you all did well in the exam? And you, you, you..."

Asked the name of the place one by one.

Xu Qing said: "Let me check."

Everyone refreshed their grades neatly and uniformly. When the students saw the updated grades, smiles appeared on their faces, as did Xu Qing and Tan Ming.

Du Feiyang refreshed his Chinese performance and total score. He glanced calmly, then closed the web page.

Then-Tan Ming watched Du Feiyang rush out of the classroom like a whirlwind, the seats empty.

"What's wrong with Du Feiyang?" The scumbags looked embarrassed.

Isn't it... the test failed?

Tan Ming remembered that Du Feiyang had lost his relationship some time ago, and the whole person had lost his words and became silent.

He coughed slightly and changed the subject: "Zhou Xiu should be here, and everyone will ask about her grades later."

As soon as Zhou Xiu was mentioned, the scumbags chatted enthusiastically.

Zhou Xiu walked into the campus and was caught off guard to see Du Feiyang ran down the stairs with a "swish", and hit him head-on.

Du Feiyang raised his eyebrows and asked Zhou Xiu enthusiastically: "I heard that all four subjects have perfect scores. Have all the results come out, have Xiu Xiu checked them, have they all done well in the exam?"

Zhou Xiu saw Du Feiyang's energetic face and said, "It looks like you should have done well in the exam."

Du Feiyang touched his head and nodded shyly and happily: "Yeah! I am very happy today."

He said seriously: "Thank you, Xiuxiu!"

Zhou Xiu looked back and saw Du Feiyang rushing to the playground and venting like a small motor.


At 2:30 in the afternoon, all the students from Class 24 arrived. MissLi, the head teacher, brought a bunch of gifts to the classroom. All the classmates choked up. The boy couldn't help blowing his whistle, and the atmosphere reached its climax.

Tian Ya, have been with MissLi for so many years, I never dreamed that I would receive a gift from her one day?

Everyone applauded in excitement, and there was a wave of heat. The classmate who was dangling in the corridor subconsciously glanced at Class 24.

I saw all kinds of gifts on the podium and the ground in Class 24. They let out a cry of surprise, and quickly understood, showing envious eyes.

MissLi couldn't help saying: "Don't make trouble, keep your voice down!"

She cleared her throat and said, "That's it. Our class performed very well this semester. Thanks to everyone, I got a lot of rewards. A semester is over. I think this reward should be given to you."

MissLi held a stack of transcripts in her left hand and a list in her right. The students came up to receive the grades one by one, saying:

"Du Feiyang."

"Talk about it."



"Zhou Xiu."


Every time a classmate clicks, the head teacher takes out a small gift from the bag and hands it to him/her, by the way: "Keep on working hard."

The scumbags saw the gifts given by the class teacher, and they gradually changed from big to small. What did they discover sensitively?

Tan Ming took the opportunity to glance at Du Feiyang's achievements, his eyes were surprised and startled.

Tan Ming was a little bit happy about his results, but compared with Du Feiyang, he was still a bit less--

Yu Qingyan stretched her head to look, "Damn, Du Feiyang werewolf."

She looked heartbroken on the surface, but secretly got a high score in the test.

I saw that Du Feiyang's score bar said 557 at the end.

After sending out the last gift, MissLi looked around the students and said movedly: "Thank you for studying so hard."

"I announce that there will be no English homework this semester." Her gaze fell on Zhou Xiu, and the ending slipped, "Except for Zhou Xiu."

The scumbags think of Zhou Xiu's 114 points. Although it is a bit unkind, they want to laugh at what is going on.

Xueshen was actually punished to do homework?

Everyone was holding back a laugh.

Zhou Xiu lifted her chin indifferently, and opened the present from the head teacher with the other hand.

A wood-carved music box, opened the lid, and the clear music rang ding ding dong dong.

The music is "City in the Sky"


After the class meeting, the students from Class 24 lined up and went to the gymnasium for the grade meeting.

The scumbags were holding a gift in their hands, and the team walked toward the gymnasium neatly. The students in other classes showed suspicious eyes when they met.

"Why are their class holding a gift box?"

"Your class...who's birthday is coming?"

The scumbags enthusiastically shook their heads and said, "No, no, this is from our class teacher!"

"She said that we did very well this time, and she specially rewarded us!"

"Let me see, what's inside?" A scumbag slowly opened the gift box.

Students in other classes: "..."

MissLi led the team and couldn't help but hold on.

Zhou Xiu sat down, and the grade leader calmly announced the data of the entrance exam: "In this entrance exam, we have a total of 700 points or more in the second year of high school. Among them, the highest score for science is 700 points, and the highest for liberal arts is 667 points. , The online rate of science books is 68%, and the online rate of liberal arts books is 71.5%."

Hearing the news of 700 points, the whole year was in an uproar.

Yude actually has a student who can get 700 points?

The students in the grade quickly took out their mobile phones and posted the first-hand news on the forum.

"There is good news ahead, Xiushen is pleased to mention 700 points!"

The students in the Rocket class suddenly raised their heads and looked in the direction of Class 24. The highest score this time was not Xie Cheng?

This time Xie Cheng scored 695 points in the test, but did not reach 700. Xie Cheng's score was already very abnormal, and Zhou Xiu could not expect Zhou Xiu to go further.

The students in the Rocket class were shocked and couldn't help whispering: "Didn't Zhou Xiu score 114 in the English test?"

As soon as Zhou Xiu's English score came out, everyone agreed that Xie Cheng was the first place in the entrance exam. Zhou Xiu's Chinese test is difficult to score above 130.

The top student counted the seconds, "This means... Zhou Xiu's Chinese test scored 136 points."

It's horrible, Zhou Xiu's last subject of Chinese was 136! I thought that Zhou Xiu's full score in four subjects was abnormal enough, but she didn't expect to be even more exaggerated because she even scored seven hundred points.

Xie Cheng glanced at Zhou Xiu unexpectedly, and then stepped onto the podium.

Next, the students in the grade looked numbly watching Zhou Xiu go back and forth on the podium several times, and respectively won the first scholarship in five subjects and the first in total score.

The teacher who gave the scholarship couldn't help saying: "Zhou Xiu, don't go down, just stand where you are."

The student below couldn't help laughing.

Among the six subjects, Xiushen won the first scholarship in four single subjects alone. Isn't it good to just stand still?


Lu Lingshan logged into Yude's forum.

She saw the news about the interaction with Du Heng in the fourth middle school, and the rest of the forum was full of news that Zhou Xiu had scored four points in the test, and her chest couldn't help but panic.

But Lu Lingshan thought about it, Du Heng's family went bankrupt, and Zhou Xiu's English was as bad as ever, and she felt relieved.

However, in the afternoon, Lu Lingshan quickly refreshed, and she gave out the good news that Zhou Xiu scored 700 points.

The post "Have you voted for the Yude school flower" came into view and it hurt her eyes.

"Yude's school girl is Lu Lingshan, black question mark face, did I admit it? Facelift, poor grades, cheating on exams, squatting on a new post, begging for re-election. I want to vote for my Xiushen!"

"Blow Xiushen's plain face!"

When the hand went down, it was a photo of Zhou Xiu standing on the podium receiving the scholarship.

Lu Lingshan bit her lip and worked so hard to suppress the suffocation in her chest.

She made a phone call and asked, "Did Zhou Xiu really have a husband in the country before? Didn't you lie to me?"

On the other end of the phone was a girl from the countryside named Zhou Laidi.

She nodded, and said with a strong local accent: "Yes, yes, you tell me where my uncle's house is."

"Let's go to join him in the city."

Lu Lingshan smiled and told Zhou Laidi the address.



Don’t be afraid, Xiuxiu is the most brutal one

The best relatives are of no use, don’t make troubles or get upset

It's just a plot


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-1923:55:50~2020-02-2100:30:31~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Jinwan;

Thank you for the little angel who throws the grenade: Beaded Rotten Girl Ai Mei Nan attacked 1

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmines: Thai, Gu Xi, Ye Ye Chi Yaoyao, Look Around, 34707789, Yan Yan, 21256071, Mo Yu, Yue Shu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 79 bottles of Big Big; 50 bottles of Yusheng and Muyi; 48 bottles of moukaka; 35 bottles of Yuan Lang; 30 bottles of astra, 37814127, and abril; pig’s happiness, luseless, favorite ten, 38201849, Xiao Chen Yixin Only study, Xiaohuahua, yukiya, noodles don’t cry, I love to eat 20 bottles of meatballs; zq, Lemiao’s Erye, Momo, Tangerine Juice, Chuyu, Thai in Thai, Acridine is very busy, charming and charming, Just look around, Anna doesn't know the king. , 27678367, Cai Cai Cai Cai, Chi Ying, Chun Lin Chu Sheng, Shan Ying, Ynnn, I will eat watermelon in summer, buckwheat, frogs, frogs, melons, lily sauce 10 bottles; 263398449 bottles; bbibbi 8 bottles; today is excellent ! 6 bottles; Chestnut, kk, Perqing, unsweetened fish balls, little cute, 5 bottles will not hang at the end of the term; 352,166,474 bottles; ;Seagull, I really want to eat you, Huangquan Road, the other side of the flower blooms, a large tuo ball, Ami, Xin, ice11, His Royal Highness Qiqi, Cai Cai loves orange, Qi, Ari’s September 2 bottles; Lu Nian, Shan Yi’s pig’s head, cute little white, wailing wailing, I like freedom, do you want to add more today, Xiao Ayun has to learn today, west bank rain, it’s Hui Duck, North Alley, knowing quiet, Xiaolu Xiaolu fast Run, □□ile——M, pomelo Xiaoranran, meditation tea, black jade, my name is Li Suixi, I grew up eating cute, Yoyo Deer, the head of the sword-drawing pie, the rose is deserted, yanyanyan, the first meeting under the eaves ?, Xi has 1 bottle of Hehua;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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