Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 105: (Catching bugs)

The final summary meeting of the second year of high school ended. Zhou Xiu got off the podium. Before she could open the scholarship envelope, she was pulled up by the tidbits and pushed.

Trivia, hand the camera to Winner's classmates, "Come on, do me a favor."

All the classmates from Class 24 leaned close to her, set up their poses in an instant, and the camera recorded the moment with a click.

After Zhang Qi took a picture, the camera passed to Xi Shaoyuan's hand.

Before the students from Class 24 had time to pose, everyone murmured in surprise and excitement.

"Yuan Shao!"

Xi Shaoyuan held the camera and said lightly: "Are you ready, three twenty one--"

He squatted down, adjusted his focus, and pressed the shutter at the girl squatting in the middle.

After taking the photo, Xi Shaoyuan returned the camera to the highlights.

The girls said: "My God, Shao Yuan actually took pictures of us!"

He still squatted to take pictures of them. This is too gentleman!

"Sister Xu, which photo he took, I want all the photos he took!"

After taking the group photo, Zhou Xiu opened the envelope and saw the scholarship cards in several envelopes. The single subject award was 2000RMB, and the first grade was 80,000RMB.

Yu Qingyan leaned over and took a look, feeling sour.

"Fuck, Xiuxiu, you are rich!"

She has always known that the school's scholarship is generous, but she did not expect it to be so generous. It turns out that this is what it's like to be first in grade...

She didn't know until now that she could get rich by studying hard. No wonder there are so many top students who are willing to stay in Yude to study.

Since entering high school, Xie Cheng has almost held the first position in his grade. How rich is he in the past two years? Yu Qingyan couldn't help thinking deeply.

Looking at the huge scholarship, Zhou Xiu folded the envelope slightly with her thumb and walked out of the gymnasium.

Although Zhou Xiu hadn't slept well in the past month for this exam, she felt that everything was worth it after receiving the scholarship.

I earned 13,0500RMB in a joint entrance exam, which is probably unimaginable in previous Zhouxiu.

She stretched, her bones were tingling.

Zhou Xiu flicked the envelope, 【Sure enough, the school is generous. 】

The system sighed and said earnestly: [Youth, you don’t lack—]

You are not short of money now, so don't care about rewards too much.

The corners of Zhou Xiu's mouth rose, and he collected a few scholarship envelopes, and corrected: [Who said I am not short of money. 】


Class 24 classrooms.

The classroom was full of joy. The scumbags opened their gifts one by one. After opening the blue core, she found that it was a beautiful fluffy ball. She touched it happily and couldn't wait to start the handwork according to the instructions.

The gift of the tidbits is a complicated and beautiful headband, and Du Feiyang's gift is a hard paper model...Everyone got what they like.

The students talked about their summer vacation arrangements enthusiastically just before the departure, and the activities were arranged in a variety of ways.

A certain scumbag said: "I want to treat the mailing table for a semester of hard work."

Yu Qingyan asked Du Feiyang: "Where are you going to go again?"

Du Feiyang shook his head and said, "I'm not going."

She asked Tan Ming again, "Where is the senior?"

Although Tan Ming was given the freedom of control during the summer vacation, the school team also canceled the training camp because of the unexpected incident of playing basketball at the end of last semester and the third year of the next semester.

Therefore, he did not arrange for his summer vacation, and for a while he was at a loss, "It hasn't been decided yet."

He glanced at Zhou Xiu secretly, planning to go to the small restaurant of Zhou's home to brush up on his presence during the summer vacation.

I don’t know who discussed organizing a trip during the summer vacation.

This proposal was actually approved by a large number of votes.

The tidbits suddenly asked Zhou Xiu, "Is Xiuxiu free at this time?"

Zhou Xiuzheng was immersed in the Biology Magazine, she raised her head, "It seems that there is no time."

The first month was training for the competition, and the next month... She was going back to the countryside.

"I want to go back to my hometown."

The tidbits sighed regretfully, and the scumbags said jokingly: "It seems that if you want to take a group tour, you have to wait until the college entrance examination is over."

Xu Qing shook her head and said jokingly: "This is not necessarily true. What if Xiuxiu will represent the country and play IMO or IBO?"

IMO is the International Mathematical Olympiad, and IBO is the International Biology Olympiad. In previous years, it was held in July during the summer vacation. For this second year of high school students, it is the first month after the college entrance examination.

Although this joke is just a joke.

"What are these two Os?" a scumbag asked. Other scumbags immediately began to popularize science.

After listening to popular science, other people said, "It has expanded, and I don't dare to show the appearance of participating in the international Olympic competition!"

"Not this year. Winter vacation will always be possible next year, right?" a scumbag asked.

Tan Ming coughed, "Um... Did you forget that the winter school has to make up lessons. We make up for half a month, and Xueba may make up lessons every day."

The scumbags shivered, and the suffering of the tyrants was really not something ordinary people could easily eat.

Contribute to the competition unconditionally regardless of winter or summer vacations, or weekends.

Yu Qingyan remembered Zhou Xiu in June. He was so busy that there was almost no time to rest. It is hard to find time to review the exam. No wonder the English score can not be improved.

The results in the competition are cool, but the effort behind them is beyond imagination.

Although it is regrettable that the itinerary is always conflicting, but the idea of ​​group travel has indeed fallen into everyone's minds.

After chatting, everyone said goodbye to each other, and left the school in groups with the envy of others' eyes.


Zhou Xiu began her summer vacation.

Although it seems... the semester is over, but it doesn't seem to be much different from usual.

Except there is no exam, there is no big reward without exam.

Zhou Xiu still leaned on a drizzle of dozens of yuan on a test paper, and kept the small vault in the stream.

During the summer vacation, Zhou Xiu went to the store at home to help after class, and the traffic during the summer vacation was unexpectedly good.

Zhou Cheng was so busy, he squatted in the hall every night, ticking his calculator, and calculating his accounts. At the end of July, the make-up class was coming to an end, Zhou Cheng told his daughter:

"Parents go back to their hometown. During this time, you have to eat on time, don't do your homework, write that you forgot to eat."

Zhou Xiu paused while writing the exercise pen.

Liu Mei said with a smile, "I have made up enough money with your dad, and we are going back to our hometown in the country to get a hukou."

Zhou Xiu said lightly: "I will go back too."

The couple were taken aback together, "Huh?"

"what did you say?"

They couldn't believe it, Zhou Xiu was still willing to go back to that place, Zhou Cheng's lips squirmed for a moment, and said, "Xiu'er, you, hey--"

Liu Mei said: "You stay here, this matter will not delay your study."

The two of them persuaded Zhou Xiu for a long time.

Zhou Cheng sighed, and Liu Mei was also full of complicated eyes.

Before going to bed, Liu Mei lay on the bed and asked Zhou Cheng in a low voice, "Is Xiu'er afraid that we will be bullied when we go back."

Zhou Cheng stared, "Is such a big man, can we still be bullied?"

He retorted with an example.

Liu Mei curled her lips.

It's just that Zhou Cheng's voice is getting weaker and weaker, and it doesn't seem to be convincing at all.


At the end of July, the last math class.

Zhou Xiu handed over 50 sets of math test papers written this month to Pharaoh. Pharaoh had just put down the chalk and had not had time to wipe his hands.

He flipped through Zhou Xiu's finished test paper, "..."

He encountered this kind of student for the first time in his life. Whenever he mentioned that writing test papers was like a reward, she was the most active in writing test papers in the class.

It's too difficult...The inventory accumulated over the years has been exhausted, and Lao Wang has no test papers to write to Zhou Xiu.

After all, Pharaoh is still Pharaoh. He told Zhou Xiu, "Wait, Zhou Xiu, I will ask other teachers if they have any test papers."

"Summer vacation is so long, and making good use of it will definitely have unexpected results."

Xu Haobo, Li Simiao, Zhang Qi and other students passing by Zhou Xiu took a look at the test book that Zhou Xiu handed in.

Very scared.

Until he walked out of the classroom, Zhang Qi couldn't help asking: "Is Zhou Xiu squeezing Lao Wang's question bank?"

Xu Haobo and his party were speechless.

After a long while, Qi Yaguang said, "What's so great? I also finished writing the test papers that Lao Wang arranged."

Zhong Simiao said lightly: "It seems that Zhou Xiu has finished our current homework last semester. What she writes now is the latest."

Qi Yaguang also choked speechlessly when it was his turn.

After a while, Lao Wang happily went back to the teachers' dormitory and knocked on the door from door to door, asking for the test paper to write to Zhou Xiu.

When the teachers heard that it was written for Zhou Xiu, their eyes flashed, and they excitedly took out their own inventory for many years.

"Is Zhou Xiu so hardworking?"

"Come on, you are welcome. These are the essence papers that I have summed up."

After half an hour, Lao Wang returned to the classroom and enthusiastically gave the test book to Zhou Xiu. He said: "Take it back and do it slowly, and contact me as soon as you encounter problems that you don't know."

Zhou Xiu saw the examination papers piled high in his arms, like a hill, and was stunned for a long time without speaking.

Lao Wang said with a smile, "I'm kidding, you pick two books and write them back. The topic is expensive and not expensive. You can practice your hands more during the summer vacation and keep the sense of the question."

Zhou Xiu read the catalog carefully and chose the test questions of number theory and calculus.

Zhou Xiu said thank you to Lao Wang. Lao Wang wiped the sweat from his forehead, "No, it's more tiring to take you with a student than with a class. It's better to take a good exam in the league."

This kind of tiredness is not the tiredness on the market, but the tiredness in the heart. Lao Wang was always worried that Zhou Xiu's head would go to the students, and he would usually care about time allocation with Teacher He.

After the exam, it is inevitable to worry about it, and the results are as exciting as a roller coaster ride.

Zhou Xiu: "..."

"Thank you teacher, I will work hard."

She watched Lao Wang leave the classroom. In the hot summer, Lao Wang was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, sweaty, and the soaked T-shirt on his back became darker.

Zhou Xiu retracted his gaze and ran over to help Lao Wang share a few test papers.


Zhou Laidi got off the bus and took a note next to him and asked passers-by where "Yude Middle School" was.

Until she walked to the door of Yude Middle School, her eyes were filled with wonder and panic.

This school is as beautiful as what you see on TV, tall, magnificent, and solemn. On the left and right sides of the school entrance stood tall and mighty guards. Before Zhou Laidi took one more step, he was stopped by the security guards.

It coincided that the students of the Mathematical Olympiad were out of school, and the students came out in twos and threes, and the handsome men and women dressed in fashionable and beautiful clothes.

The students in the city dressed so nicely and all in spirit, Zhou Laidi yelled, "Zhou Xiu!"

Qi Yaguang turned his head and found that someone was calling Zhou Xiu.

She stopped, Zhou Laidi enthusiastically took Qi Yaguang's hand, "Do you know my sister, right? My sister is Zhou Xiu!"

Qi Yaguang glanced at Zhou Laidi suspiciously. Although she knew that Zhou Xiu was a student transferred from the countryside, she didn't expect it to be such a countryside?

Zhou Laidi dressed like a refugee.

Zhou Laidi was dark-skinned, dressed in rustic and outdated clothes, with low-quality plastic shoes on his feet, and his palms and nails were dirty. This was far beyond Qi Yaguang's imagination.

When Zhou Xiu first transferred to school, although she dressed simple and plain, she seemed quite reserved and arrogant. Qi Yaguang

But when the person in front of her looked closely, she didn't look like Zhou Xiu.

Qi Yaguang withdrew her hand, and Zhou Laidi didn't care. She said angrily: "Zhou Xiu is too unconscionable, and eating spicy food in the city will treat our family %¥@#¥*&@……"

Qi Yaguang was not interested in listening. She silently took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Zhou Xiu. Suddenly she realized that she hadn't saved Zhou Xiu's phone number, so she sent a message to the tidbits.

"There is a person who claims to be Zhou Xiu's sister, who seems to have come to find the difference. At the gate of our school, come if you are near the school."

After receiving the news, I rushed to the school.

There were Yu Qingyan, Lan Xin, and Tan Ming who came with her. Standing at the gate of the school, Du Feiyang hooked his thumb at Zhou Laidi:

"Come here, we are Zhou Xiu's classmates, what can you tell us about?"

When Zhou Laidi saw Tan Ming, Xu Qing, and Du Feiyang, his eyes flashed suddenly and his head was dizzy.

I'm dying, did Zhou Xiu go to school with these beautiful people?

Qi Yaguang briefly whispered a few words to the tidbits.

The tidbits walked over and grabbed Zhou Laidi, and several people took her to a tea restaurant near the school gate.

Trivia Throwing the bag away, tapped the table with his thumb, "Sit down."

Zhou Laidi was taken aback and sat down.

Trivia asked: "We are all friends of Zhou Xiu. She is not here now, what can you tell us, what can you do to find Zhou Xiu here?"

Yu Qingyan said, "Don't be nervous, we are very friendly."

She smiled.

When Zhou Laidi saw these beautiful and handsome boys and girls, she was looking into places that looked exquisite and expensive. She was jealous and scared, and she couldn't speak for a long time.

Du Feiyang threw away the menu and looked at her with a black face, "No, we are not Zhou Xiu's friends, we hate Zhou Xiu."

Xu Qing unexpectedly gave Du Feiyang a look of admiration.

Zhou Laidi’s eyes lit up, Zhou Xiu offended these city students? Just like in a TV series?

She immediately seemed to pour beans, and Barabara revealed all Zhou Xiu's old stories.

"...Zhou Xiu is very hateful. You don't know that she married someone, and she won't give up after taking the gift. She will pretend to be pitiful. She cheated 50,000 yuan from others, regretting the marriage and came to the city.

"Now her husband is miserable. People have arranged a wedding drink, but the wife who got it ran away. The whole village is making fun of him..."

Listening to the tidbits, I couldn't help but break my fingers.

Tan Ming's face turned black.

What kind of a lie to save an out-of-school boy with fifty thousand yuan? The cost of a class dinner is not enough.

After clicking on something, she beckoned to Zhou Laidi and dismissed Zhou Laidi casually.

"You take it, we won't entertain you if we have anything else."

When Zhou Laidi saw the waiter serving delicious and expensive cakes and snacks, she couldn't believe it.

"All, all for me?"

Trivia nodded.

After Zhou Laidi finished speaking, Xu Qing asked her for her contact information. For the first time, Zhou Laidi had a handsome and gentle boy asking her for contact information. Zhou Laidi did not have a mobile phone, so she was shy and excited to give Xu Qing the address. .

After Zhou Laidi left, several people were still immersed in shock, as if they were living in a dream. Before they woke up, they were lost in thought.

After contacting Yuan Shao's family for supporting Zhou Xiu half of the information, everyone was silent. They thought that Zhou Xiu's family was already very poor, but they didn't expect it to be so poor and so miserable?

This group was frightened in their lives.

Yu Qingyan remembered the composition written by Zhou Xiu again, and her brain made up for it. She turned her head and wiped her tears quietly.

The tidbit said: "Xiuxiu once said that she will go back to the country when she finishes the competition course."

This sentence was like a deep-water bomb, and it awakened everyone.

Du Feiyang asked in surprise: "Why did she go back to that kind of place?"

Aren't you afraid of getting caught up by the best relatives again for a betrothal gift?

Tan Ming said: "No, you can't let her go back."

The tidbits hesitated for a while, thinking that this was not feasible. What Xiuxiu has experienced rests on others. I am afraid that ordinary people will never want to go back to the country for a lifetime, but she still has plans to go back. There must be something important.

"Do you think Xiuxiu doesn't know how to measure?"

Everyone was very embarrassed after thinking about it. Xu Qing said indifferently: "Shall we go to the countryside?"

"Xiuxiu's house should be a tourist city. It has beautiful scenery and magnificent mountains and rivers. It is really a rare and good place."

Trivia&Yu Qingyan&Lanxin&Du Feiyang&Tan Ming were shocked: "..."

They looked at Xu Qing with admiring eyes.

Fuck, it sounds so reasonable, so heart-warming what is going on?



Good night~



Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-2100:30:31~2020-02-2223:59:04~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Jinwan;

Thank you for the little angels who cast grenades: 412,220,123; God of Light, 1 small pants;

Thanks to the little angel who cast mines: 13 small pants; I wish Changge, Cai Cai love oranges, and Jimin is the best! , 42275676, ever, Alone, Luo Luo, Su Xi, Chi Yan, Xiao Chen Yixin only has to study, only eat meat deer, Euphemia, God said to have light 1.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4189827250 bottles; 40 bottles of obscene fish; 30 bottles today; black-faced duoer my cub ~ 28 bottles; 25 bottles of Tmins; 24 bottles of Su Xiaoqi; deer who only eat meat, lemon cute, Xiaolin, 24416755, a few icing sugar, 20 bottles; Meow Meow and Lingluo 14 bottles; kxnmy, Qingdeng Muyu, don't want to go to work, Qianxi, Luo it, 11, 40622840, cool summer breeze , Beth, kwai, hiccup., Min Min 10 bottles; MY 8 bottles; sofia 7 bottles; 6 bottles of meatballs that love to eat; Crystal, Twilight, Today is a really good day duck, light forgiveness ☆ summer, Euphemia, son seventeen , Zz~, Mo Li, Yun Fei?, Linghu Yurou, 233464485 bottles; Tinker Bell, Tangtang 33445566, 32177437, Do you want to add more today, Serina, balls, ever2 bottles; LY, Liu Bao, Xixi sister, I wish a long song, never waste far away, Gu Yue Feiyu, Pufei, I like freedom, Luomo Beizhou, Aoaoao, 41160805, my name is Li Xiancui, Shanyi’s pig's head, Feng Xiaoyue, Ziwei porridge, sheep 咩咩, knowing 1 bottle of Lijing, Mysterious, Mcdull, Liuliu, fufu, Xiya;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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