Four Seasons Inn.

The tidbits came to Zhou Xiu's side, her hands propped by the window.

The night sky in the country was shining with stars, and it was pitch black all around, and you couldn't see your fingers. There was the sound of frogs in the vast fields, and wisps of breeze blowing away the summer heat.

The tidbits found that Zhou Xiu's father went home after cooking, but Zhou Xiu did not.

She looked at Zhou Xiu with complicated eyes, and slowly said: "Xiu Xiu...Actually, I have seen your sister Laidi. She went to Yude to find you the day before yesterday."

Zhou Xiu saw the worried look in the tidbits, and quickly understood the reason why the little friend suddenly visited.

She couldn't help laughing, her heart feeling warm.

Zhou Xiu said to the tidbits: "I'm fine, do not worry about it. Your bath water is ready, go and tell them."

The tidbits "cut" and put his hands on his shoulders, "We are not worried about you."

After hearing that it was time to take a bath, I went upstairs to inform others.

Even during the summer vacation, there were not many guests in the inn. A group of college students came some time ago, and they just ran out of hot bath gas every day.

Late at night.

The friends who had been running around for a day and washing up gathered together, and everyone seemed to be alive.

For these rich second-generation teenagers, today is really a complicated day.

The tidbits had just finished the shower, and his white arms and legs were quickly covered with large bags of mosquito bites.

While spraying toilet water, she scratched it.

Tan Ming saw the tidbits like this and said: "Nin Yi Ren, I will go to the canteen tomorrow to see if there are mosquito coils on sale."

Lanxin had a joke before, but after sitting for a while at dinner, she also grew a bag all over.

Yu Qingyan raised the phone and walked back and forth in the room.

She collapsed and said: "I'm telling you an unfortunate news. It seems that the internet is not working here."

For girls with internet addiction, the absence of the internet is like every second.

Everyone: "..."

Even though they were mentally prepared, they found out that it was too different from what they had imagined when they came to Zhou Xiu's house.

The poverty and occlusion are surprising. It is no wonder that there is such an unthinkable thing as giving underage girls in exchange for a betrothal gift. The girls began to brainstorm all kinds of news about the abduction and trafficking of women.

But Tan Ming felt very upset when he thought of Zhou Laidi's saying that Zhou Xiu's "fiance" wanted her back.

The more Lanxin's brain replenishes, the more worried she sighed: "It's not easy for Xiuxiu to get to the city. Yuan Shao's mother is so nice."

Yu Qingyan clenched his fist and said, "We are going to take the safety show back this time!"

Zhou Xiu knocked on the door at this time, she walked into the room with a box of mosquito coils, took out the matchbox with a "chat", and patiently lit the mosquito coils.

Zhou Xiu lit the mosquito coil and said, "The conditions here are not very good, you should go back soon."

As soon as Zhou Xiu's words fell, the others retorted in unison.

Tan Ming was the first to say: "No."

The tidbit stopped his tickling hand, "I'm not going."

The boss of Du Feiyang said unwillingly: "We just came, let us go back? Xiuxiu is too interesting."

Zhou Xiu shrugged and said nothing.

She took out the dry wormwood, lit a match and burned it, and wisps of fireworks gradually rose. After the fireworks dissipated, Zhou Xiu went to put down the screen window.

Lanxin found that there were no mosquitoes in the house miraculously.

Zhou Xiu smoked from room to room and said goodbye to everyone.

"Tomorrow I will take you around and stroll around, good night."

In the next few days, the scumbags found that Zhou Xiu's verbal description of "the conditions are not good" was really not polite.

The internet appears from time to time, and the bath water must be burned by yourself. The temperature during the day is too hot and the night is too cold. What's more terrifying is that the water pipe burst the next day they came here.

The boys also went to help repair the water pipes.

But after the two most collapsed days, this group of friends gradually became familiar with the environment. Started to live a hard and simple country life with Zhou Xiu.

The Du's bodyguard, who came with a group of children, called Mr. Du, and he described the situation here.

Dad Du was almost amused when he heard it, "It's his, he thought he was going to a tourist attraction! It just happened to be hard and sweet."

Du Feiyang received a call from his father, and Dad Du said earnestly: "When the'transformation meter' was on fire many years ago, your mother wanted to send you to reform and reform, and now you have just fulfilled her dream. Yang Yang, to you Xiuxiu in class will study hard and come back at the end of the month."

Du Feiyang: "..."

President Du received the photos of three meals a day sent by his son, squatting by the stove to boil water and firewood, and feeding pigs and cows, and decisively posted to the circle of friends with the accompanying text: Son’s Deformation Meter.

Others brushed up on this post and took a closer look. They actually saw the daughter of the boss of Xia Ce Entertainment, the son of the boss of Jinyue Hotel, and the prince of Wanrun Supermarket... all of them were the children of the boss and boss.

They can't help but have complicated minds. What do these elders always think, is it frustrating education for their children?

Parents of other students, such as the parents of Winner class students, saw Mr. Du's activity, and thought it was the children who were sent to the countryside by their parents for reform.

He pityed these children.

It's miserable, it's still miserable for class 24. Is it because of poor academic performance and terrible rebellious personality that you have to be sent for reform?

Zhang Qi's father patted his son on the shoulder, "Du Feiyang seems to have been sent to the'transformation meter' by his father."

Zhang Qi was amused when he saw the pictures of Du Feiyang, Tan Ming, Yu Qingyan and others miserably feeding pigs, boiling water, and collecting firewood. Saved their embarrassed photos manually.

After Mr. Du happily finished posting his son's news, he found that there were a few complaints below that these children were naughty and rebellious, and they really should have suffered more.

He said quietly in his heart that your child is naughty and rebellious.

The owner of the inn is the village head. He was very happy to receive these half-sized guests. In addition, they were very generous, killing chickens and ducks twice in three days.

Although the ingredients are monotonous and there are few ingredients, the food is barely acceptable. Sometimes Dad Xiu is too late to cook for them, and the taste of the local dishes does not match the appetite, so everyone has less appetite.

Zhou Xiu knew that this group of students usually cherished the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, and they picked up their mouths, and said nothing.

After lunch, the friends went back to the room to rest.

Trivia and Tanming came down to fetch fruits to eat. When they passed the kitchen, they found a child devouring leftovers that were about to be dumped. Trivia screamed.

The child turned around and saw the tidbits and suddenly choked. The chicken bones choked in his throat, and his body was shaking like a sieve for a long time and could not speak.

Tan Ming didn't say anything, but the tidbits were stunned.

Trivia poured a glass of water and patted him on the back, "It's okay, you eat slowly."

The girl who often cleans the inn went into the kitchen and grabbed the child by the ears, and sternly scolded him in the local dialect.

The child grievedly finished the meat on the plate and disappeared.

The tidbits were a little shocked, "Um, actually... it doesn't matter. Don't scold him."

The cleaning girl is called Song Erhua. She said in jerky Mandarin, "It's you guys! Please don't waste any more food!"

The two were inexplicably reprimanded, Tan Ming was a little inexplicable, and the tidbits looked at Song Erhua without speaking with his arms folded.

At this time, Zhou Xiu heard the movement coming in, and the tidbits saw that she called Song Erhua out, whispering a bunch of local things, and touched Song Erhua's head.

Both of them were speaking the native dialect that she didn't understand. They looked at the tidbits and turned their heads in anger.

After Zhou Xiu sent Song Erhua away, she walked to the two of them and comforted them.

Zhou Xiu stretched out her hand, and the chocolate candies lay on her snow-white palm, "I have already taught her a while ago, I will ask you to eat a candy to calm your breath?"

Tan Ming was so gently comforted by Zhou Xiu, as if he was blown by the spring breeze, his heart melted.

Zhou Xiu took out one candy and ate one. She took them to sit on the ground at the back of the inn. Zhou Xiu turned around and took out the leftovers that everyone hadn't finished eating. In the blink of an eye, several children swarmed up.

The chicken was quickly eaten up, and Zhou Xiu gave the children one by one the candies that were unnecessary for the tidbits.

The children happily called Sister Xiuxiu, and one of them said crisply in Mandarin: "Thank you, big brother and sister, I will take you to boating tomorrow!"

Zhou Xiu touched his head, "No, you can do your homework. You must study hard."

"No, no, let's go together."

Tan Ming and the tidbits watched Zhou Xiu feeding the children like a bird, and they were very surprised.

Zhou Xiu lowered her head and said softly, "People here don't like to waste food, because they are relatively poor...Many people can eat meat only during the holidays."

"There is also Erhua's younger sister, who was starved to death before."

Only then did I remember that when Zhou Xiu was eating at school before, it seemed that there was never any food left. She listened, and her lips squirmed.

After Zhou Xiu divided the food, several children scattered around, and soon took their homework textbooks from home and came to Zhou Xiu's side.

They twittered about Zhou Xiu's homework, and Zhou Xiu solved them one by one. Tan Ming saw this scene and felt inexplicably familiar.

This... why is it so like Zhou Xiu tutoring classmates in the class?

After Zhou Xiu tutored the children with their homework, she also took out the test papers, took out the table and chairs and sat under the cool eaves to write the test papers.

There was a constant ringing in her ear; [Complete an Olympiad test paper, reward 10RMB. 】

As Zhou Xiu wrote, he took out a large grandpa Mao to the eldest child, "Go buy a pound of sugar and eat it."

"Take the big brothers and sisters to go boating tomorrow."

The sixth grade boy took the money decisively and agreed.



Sorry, sorry, it's a little late.


Red envelope compensation everyone, there are red envelopes in the message~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-2823:39:28~2020-03-0200:17:17~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Hua Butterfly, did you study hard today? Xiao Chen Yixin only has one study and one God of Light;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xiao Yuan Bao ~ 207 bottles; Yi Mi Yan Yu 179 bottles; Xiao Xiao Yi 124 bottles; Qi Wuhuan 100 bottles; 3063788880 bottles; 71 bottles the following year; Lily 57 bottles; abril, Meow Kitty 40 Bottles; 37 bottles of Piang; 35 bottles of confusion; 29 bottles of this carp not carp; 27 bottles of Yuzhi; Q25 bottles of peach blossoms; like a water and an Iraqi person, I really want to eat hot pot, nephew, Mo Xia Zhixin, A, a steel jumper , Babyfish 20 bottles; Juju 19 bottles; buckle meat 18 bottles; giraffes do not need to sell cute, wind, and autumn 15 bottles; SUGA3913 bottles; 2475190012 bottles; Mu Bai, Yun Xiran, Lin Ma, CK Slim, Linglong Dice An Hongdou, Dear Mango, Haha, Luo Jiayi, Lemon Meng, Rongruo Qingqing, Prosperity Lost, Xiaoyi, Yulan Youruo, A Liang and A Hui, 808257, Ping Yi, Yan Yufei, Mashed Potatoes, Dtiiddtri, Kabaka Second, love to eat meatballs, 10 bottles of Jiuyi Jiuyang; 9 bottles of Qingguang Yanyan; 8 bottles of wasteland and Muwanshuang; 7 bottles for growing trees and dogs; 6 bottles for babies; Quiet, 36860039, In summer, I have to eat 5 bottles of watermelon, tiger, hermit's purple, 纡erhuan, Su Xiaoqi, artemisz□□, Hualu, etc. JY, aunt, Kalu, seasheep, and 4 bottles of fragrant pear; Xiaobaishu's skirt, Kang Zhuning, Y_EE3 bottles; 745732, lsry, white deer, Serina, Oh, 223, ^O^2 bottles; Sixiuxiuxiuxiu, Know Jing, Cong Rong, Beixiang, Xingshi, Qishi phasor , Boating every day, Sleepy bugs, Lu Hanbao, Blue Brick Daiwa Horse Head Wall, Wang Yuxiu, I like freedom, have you studied hard today? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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