Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 110: 110

.But she still doesn't want to hide in the KFC and blow on the heating.

Rain poured into her low-quality plastic shoes, and the girl carried a heavy snakeskin bag, thin clothes, and thin shoulders.

Everything about her seems incompatible with this bustling metropolis.

At this time, a black car slowly stopped in front of her.

A middle-aged woman walked out of the car holding an umbrella. Her makeup was exquisite like a person on TV. The moment the woman saw the girl, her cold face was a little surprised.

"Zhou Xiu? Get in the car."

Mother Xi's eyes fell on Zhou Xiu's urea snakeskin bag on her back.

Zhou Xiu was suddenly embarrassed, and her lips trembled and explained: "This is... a little bit from my parents."

Zhou Xiu is not tall, at most one meter six, but the snakeskin bag on her back seems to be taller than her, which looks very funny.

Some time ago, Xi's mother's good sister accidentally rescued a country girl in the mountains.

The good sister recounted Zhou Xiu's deeds on the phone angrily:

"Zhou Xiucai went to high school. She was number one in the school when she entered the entrance examination, but did you know? For her cousin's 50,000 yuan betrothal gift was taken by her grandma to change her relatives, she was so young, she would have to marry more than 30 Year-old man! I paid her the money, just..."

It was only after doing a good deed that he had picked up a hot potato and threw it to Xi's mother.

Xi's mother did not have the sympathy of a good sister, but providing a little girl's food and clothing is just a matter that can be solved at will.

She said politely: "Get in the car."

Zhou Xiu's snakeskin bag was put in the trunk by the driver, and she got on the car in a daze. After getting in the car, she found that there was still a boy in the car.

The boy sitting in the car was wearing a British-style light gray diamond sweater. The sneakers on his feet were clean and spotless, as if they had just been taken off a store shelf.

The leather car cushion in the car is also pure white and flawless.

The heating in the car is very sufficient, and people can't help but yearn for it.

However, as soon as Zhou Xiu lifted his foot, the inferior plastic shoes suddenly cracked, and the toes that were flushed with cold inside were exposed like a cracked mouth on the heel of the shoe.

The shoes kept dripping dirty water, Zhou Xiu retracted her toes in embarrassment.

The boy in the car slowly raised his head, his handsome face seemed to be soaked in the sun, his brows were flying, with the arrogance and self-confidence unique to a teenager.

He looked at Zhou Xiu casually, as if looking at the **** on the side of the road.

Indifferent and disgusting.

Zhou Xiu's skin became warm, she turned her head and wiped the sewage with the rag handed by the housekeeper.

"Close the door, move faster, I have another meeting to open later." Xi's mother urged like an order.

Zhou Xiu whispered: "Oh, good."

Zhou Xiu moved into the Xi's house, and the night was flat and there were no waves. It seems that there is one more person in the family, and nothing has changed.

Mother Xi rushed to the meeting overnight, but did not return all night.

The young master of the Xi family, that boy didn't regard Zhou Xiu as the same thing.

Zhou Xiu took a hot bath, lying on the bed warmly, she had a long dream that night. She dreamed of her life like a nightmare.

In the dream, although "Zhou Xiu" escaped the bad luck of marrying the old man in the mountain ditch, he fell severely on Xi Shaoyuan's body.

She fell in love with the young master of this rich family.

In the third year of high school, Zhou's dad was seriously ill and urgently needed 50,000 yuan for surgery. "Zhou Xiu" is embarrassed to ask the Xi family for money, but can only use the holiday to work hard to earn money.

And Xi Shaoyuan, who celebrated his girlfriend's birthday at the same time, shot a bracelet of 300,000 yuan.

When "Zhou Xiu" saw the price tag of the bracelet in Xi Shaoyuan's study and counted the string of zeros, her heartstrings trembled. If she could marry a wealthy family... All her troubles in this life would disappear.

She began to dress according to the type Xi Shaoyuan liked, madly to please Xi Shaoyuan.

In the end, she did not impress Xi Shaoyuan, but people in Xi Shaoyuan's circle had long been uncomfortable with women like "Zhou Xiu" who wanted to marry a wealthy family.

Finally, "Zhou Xiu"'s mind was discovered by Xi's mother. She was severely humiliated by Xi's mother, and she was sent back to Shangougou's hometown to marry an old man...

"I provide you with food, clothing, and school, so you seduce my son to pay me back?"

Thunder flashed outside the window, a silver light flashed, and the thunder fell.

Zhou Xiu woke up sweating profusely.

This dream is too real.

[Hello boy, don’t doubt, the dream that I just played for you is the life you will experience next. It must be known that it is useless to rely on the mountains to fall, and to rely on everyone to run. 】78 Chinese whole network

[This is the learning system. Teenagers, please hurry up and study hard and enrich yourself! 】

[It's hard to get a son in a poor family. The Galaxy Interstellar Cold Gate Support Foundation·Learning System is here to serve you wholeheartedly. 】

Sent back to Shangougou's hometown, what awaited her... Zhou Xiu, who had just been rescued from the devil's cave, knew nothing more.

In the dream, the woman who gradually turned from clumsy to paranoid, and the one who became crazy for Xi Shaoyang, made Zhou Xiu feel strange and confused.

Zhou Xiu didn't pay attention to the strange sound in her ears.

In the morning when the aunt of the Xi family called to get up for breakfast, Zhou Xiu saw Xi Shaoyuan who was well-dressed. She was shocked. The night was too hazy to see the young master of the Xi family.

His looks are really amazing.

But Zhou Xiu remembered last night's dream, and fell in love with him to be sent back to Shangougou to marry an old man. Zhou Xiu couldn't help shaking, and took a step back.

The aunt looked at Zhou Xiu suspiciously.

"Don't you know each other yet? You are still so born, Xiuxiu, you can introduce yourself to the young master soon."

Zhou Xiu in the dream was very happy and said a long introduction to herself, but he did not get a response from Xi Shaoyuan. Seven or Eight Chinese is the fastest^ mobile phone terminal:> Zhou Xiu calmly stated: "My name is Zhou Xiu."

Xi Shaoyuan hummed vaguely. He didn't even bother to lift his eyelids. He didn't change his posture and ate his breakfast lazily.

It seemed that Zhou Xiu was just an insignificant passerby to him. Zhou Xiu drank the white porridge and thought boredly:

Indifference was originally Xi Shaoyuan's true character.

The aunt of the Xi family sent Zhou Xiu to Yude Middle School to report.

Zhou Xiu walked into her new class with a heavy heart.

Before coming to the big city yesterday, Zhou Xiu was full of expectations for the new school and new classmates. But Zhou Xiu couldn't be happy about the foreseeable dream last night.

They reject her, despise her, tease her, and have great malice towards her.

Zhou Xiu wore a uniform and fat school uniform, her face was thin, and her long-term malnutrition made her look ordinary and fair. Obviously, such transfer students cannot arouse the interest of teenagers and girls.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Xiu."

After a hurried introduction of herself, Zhou Xiu took her seat and became a little transparent in the corner.

[Trust me, learning can make you rich, but men can’t. 】

【Dear, you there? Hello. I need your reply here. 】

The learning system absorbed the civilization of this era after one night, and quickly adapted to the trend of the times.

Approaching noon, after the last physics class, Zhou Xiu's stomach rang in due course.

Xi's mother is a very ambitious woman, but she is not delicate at all in her life. On the first day of enrollment, she forgot to give Zhou Xiu pocket money.

Zhou Xiu and Xi Shao didn't know each other before, so she would rather stay hungry than deliberately borrow something from him like in a dream, in order to get closer to each other.

She kneaded a ball of waste paper and diverted her attention by writing the test paper.

After writing a multiple-choice question, she squeezed her stomach.

[Ding—please try to solve a math finale independently, and the correct answer will be rewarded with 10RMB.]

The unpleasant voice rang again.

Zhou Xiu's eyes fell on the math test paper, and she did not believe this sentence. But better than nothing, Zhou Xiu solved the finale.

This is a geometry problem. Zhou Xiu sharpened her pencil, drew auxiliary lines, and patiently solved the problem step by step.

She frowned and was so upset that she wanted to throw away the scratch paper several times.

The key schools are not comparable to those in remote mountainous areas, Zhou Xiu racked his brains.

The tidbit is Zhou Xiu's tablemate. She just woke up and found that there was another tablemate next to her. Still a taciturn girl.

Facial yellow and thin, look like malnutrition. One morning passed, and she was so quiet that she didn't say a word.

Usually only the tidbits are cold to others, no one is cold to her. But the tidbits met an opponent for the first time in his life.

Obviously her new tablemate is not interested in her at all.

Very satisfied with the tidbits.

After school, the tidbits took out his cosmetics without delay, added a little powder, and reapplied lipstick.

The new tablemate did not leave, but directly pulled out the math test paper and wrote the finale.

The two girls in the back seat, one quietly writing the test paper, and the other putting on makeup in front of the mirror. There is a clear distinction, and no one will bother anyone.

The leader of the math group of Yude, Wang, is notoriously perverted. He usually likes to tease everyone with some weird problems, and boringly flipped through the reference answers for the tidbits.

The root number is five.

He got the answer right... The tidbit glanced at Zhou Xiu and knocked on Zhou Xiu's desk.

"Copy it to me after finishing the homework."

Her tone was a little twitchy. But Zhou Xiu didn't care.

"Oh, you can find it yourself."

[The answer is correct, the 10RMB is already in your pocket. 】

Zhou Xiu finished several other big math problems in one go, and was about to lie down on the table and take a break. But when she unconsciously put her hand in her pocket, she touched a piece of money.

Taking a look, a gray-blue grandfather Mao was looking at Zhou Xiu with a smile.

Zhou Xiu rubbed her eyes and looked startled.

Zhou Xiu was convinced that her pockets were clean and that the money was indeed "made out of nothing".

[Dear, please enjoy the fruits of your labor in time. The fruits of labor in exchange for knowledge are **** sweet. 】

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