As the large group approached the afternoon, they successively climbed to the top of the mountain. The students put their luggage together. Under the leadership of the class leader, they took out the materials and started to set up the tent.

The squad leader of Winner Class urged: "Everyone move faster, and go to eat early when you're done."

Many students didn't know how to set up a tent. The first time they got started, they stood crookedly and couldn't stand up.

Tan Ming noticed that Zhou Xiu's complexion was a little pale, and his eyes drifted to the girl's side. After a long time, the tent was not set up. Du Feiyang laughed: "Obviously, your handicap is so bad that you can't even set up a tent. You still want to play Kongming lock? Tsk..."

Du Feiyang took the tent three or two times and it was ready.

Tan Ming took apart the tent by himself with a sullen face, and successfully built it in one go. Du Feiyang gave him a thumbs up.

This is the first time that the trivia, Yu Qingyan and Lanxin girls came to camp on the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise. They have no experience in setting up tents. A few people fiddled for a long time but didn't set up a big tent for four people.

Zhou Xiu sighed. She picked up the tent, squatted on the ground, took out the instructions, and started to set it up.

Yu Qingyan clenched his fist and said, "Xiuxiu, don't move, you can rest and rest next to you. We can do it!"

Lan Xin also said: "You mentioned so many things to climb the mountain before, and if you don't take a good rest, be careful to kill you tonight."

With a snort, Zhou Xiu sent Zhou Xiu to rest.

She glanced at it and found that Xu Qingli's tent was tall and beautiful. When she turned her eyes, Tan Ming Du Feiyang's tent was also beautiful. Then she saw Xi Shaoyuan's tent, which was as standard as a textbook.

The tidbits went to Xi Shaoyuan. Before she could speak, Xi Shaoyuan passed her blindly...

At the same time, Yu Qingyan's excited voice came from behind her.

Yu Qingyan said pleasantly, "Thank you Yuan Shao!"

Xu Qing spent less than ten minutes setting up tents for the other girls. There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and the girls were moved by his clean smile and gentlemanlike demeanor.

When Xu Qing had a good reason to help Zhou Xiu and the others, she saw this scene as soon as she turned around--

In the distance, Xi Shaoyuan inserted the bracket neatly into the soil, and a spacious tent was set up.

After setting up the tent, Feature Yu Qingyan and several girls happily got into the tent to experience the experience. Xi Shaoyuan took out a thermos bottle from his backpack and handed it to Zhou Xiu. Zhou Xiu refused and shook his head without asking for it.

I saw Xi Shaoyuan plug the thermos into Zhou Xiu's arms while others didn't care, and touched her head by the way.

At this time, everyone was busy setting up tents, and didn't care about what happened in this corner.

Xu Qing's pupils darkened, and the smile on her lips disappeared completely.

The relationship between Zhou Xiu and Xi Shaoyuan...when did it become so good?

He called Xiuxiu and walked towards Zhou Xiu.

Xi Shaoyuan nonchalantly plucked a dead leaf from Zhou Xiu's head, and put it away blankly, and said, "Hot water, I bought too much. You drink more."

The tidbits in the tent chuckled when he heard these words. Drink plenty of hot water, this is really... from the care of the steel straight man.

At the same time, the tidbits have been paying attention to Yu Qingyan's emotions, and I don't know what she would think of the relationship between Yuan Shao and Xiuxiu.

Although the tidbits are known earlier than Yu Qingyan, there is no feeling of progress bar at all, and the tidbits will not tell anyone.

Yu Qingyan was uncomfortable with the look in the tidbits. She opened her hands and said, "That...well, I was a little surprised, and a little bit, um, sad."

Yu Qingyan coughed heavily, "However, I have no interest in Yuan Shao. I have a desire. I always thought that Yuan Shao would like Sister Xu. So Lu Lingshan has been targeting Sister Xu."

"Now think about Lu Lingshan's stupid stupidity. For so many years I haven't noticed that Sister Xu likes Du Shen. Or Sister Xu hides deeply!"

The tidbits frantically tickled Yu Qingyan, wishing to kill her in the tent.

After a while of jokes, Yu Qingyan watched enviously as Xi Shaoyuan plugged the thermos bottle to Zhou Xiu who was in his menstrual period, and said, "He has converged a lot in recent years. From the shining light, such a dazzling person to the present Low-key. I think he must be... sad."

"Xiuxiu should make him happy."

Trivia & Blue Core's face gradually appeared a string of question marks: "???"

In reality, only a girl like Yu Qingyan can have such a genuine affection.

The tidbits did not tell me a little sadness from Xi Shaoyuan's upright back like a little white poplar. With a wealth of wealth and a little finger, how many beautiful girls are willing to moths into the fire.

After finishing the housekeeping, the students hurriedly ate dinner in the restaurant on the top of the mountain. Compared with the delicious roasted whole lamb and hearty dishes last night, the food tonight is not too simple.

Du Feiyang clamped a piece of pork and tried to make it into a crispy, fatty, but not greasy roast lamb.

After dinner, the classmates of the two classes gathered together. They raised torches at the designated place and held a small bonfire party.

Everyone starts to play the game, and the classmates who lose the game have to perform a talent show. In Zhang Qi's horrified gaze, a Winner classmate took out playing cards and suggested: "Playing together in groups——"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Qi immediately stretched out his big hand to cover his mouth, and the scum around him quickly pressed the honest man to the spot.

"I dare to play cards in front of Xiushen?" Is it because he didn't wear thick clothes during the spring outing, or his face was not swollen enough?

At this moment, Zhang Qi only had a strong idea, wanting Zhou Xiu to lose once and Xi Shaoyuan to lose once, completely shameful. Qi Yaguang held the same mood, firmly vetoing all projects that required brainstorming.

Scumbags: "..."

Come on, don't use your brain, don't use your brain, and projects that don't use your brain are so sweet!

Everyone racked their brains and came up with a few random probability games, such as frog jumping, carrot squatting, throwing handkerchief...

Even though Zhou Xiu tried her best, she was dragged down by the scum and won a prize. Amidst everyone's cheers, Zhou Xiu stood up.

She was a little nervous and said, "I have no talent, let me sing a song."

Wow! Everyone gave a warm applause!

Class 24 students have never heard Zhou Xiu sing, let alone the Winner class. The boy played the music enthusiastically, and the girl prepared the camera to start recording.

With these dozens of gazes, Zhou Xiu slowly began to sing.

A light singing came from the top of the empty mountain. The singing is like wisps of breeze, blowing away the heat of autumn and making everyone's heart peaceful.

"I used to have a light pace, and I have taken firm and unrestrained steps."

"The innocent and fearless face, can't wait to pack the whole world."


"The back will explain all my whereabouts, and I will wander with myself in the future."

The sunset glow of the setting sun fell on Zhou Xiu's face, in her dark hair and sparkling eyes. At this moment, it was dazzling and extraordinary.

Some boys secretly broke down the wild reeds on the side of the mountain road and dedicated them to Zhou Xiu.

The distant mountains, the setting sun, the forests, and the tired birds form a harmonious picture. The girl stood holding a bunch of pale yellow reeds, closed her eyes and sang softly. At this moment, people were thrilled.

Listening to the singing, Xi Shaoyuan's heart trembled suddenly and turned his head.

Xu Qing had been staring at Zhou Xiu closely, the love in her eyes was about to overflow, but at the moment all eyes were on Zhou Xiu, and no one cared about him.

Tan Ming looked at Zhou Xiu obsessively, touched his beating heart ignorantly, and his heartbeat told him: "I really want to confess to her."

After Zhou Xiu sang, Du Feiyang yelled his throat, "Ah! Isn't this the ending song of the light of the country, "I can't help but let my fate!"

"Sure enough, he is a show **** in battle, and his favorite songs are so different."

Everyone laughed loudly.

Next, several girls were recruited again and again. The classmates who were good at singing and dancing danced, and the tidbits danced a folk dance and won the applause of the audience. Yu Qingyan and Lan Xin choreographed a jazz dance on the spot and danced wildly. Get up and push the atmosphere of the audience to the climax.

The classmates were sitting together under the starry sky, listening to moving songs and watching wonderful dances. Everyone was very happy and extremely joyful.

As night fell, the monitors of the two classes announced that they would go to bed early so that they could get up early tomorrow morning to watch the sunrise. The students reluctantly withdrew their hoarse voices and reluctantly put out the campfire. After they washed up at the guest house in the scenic spot, they went back to their tent to sleep.

Before going to bed, they touched a few gigabytes of video material and smiled contentedly.

Late at night--

There was the sound of everyone sleeping in the tent.

In the early hours of the morning, Zhou Xiu's stomach hurt suddenly, and she quietly put on a thick coat and crawled out of the tent.

Zhou Xiu noticed that outside the tent, there was a faint light beam in the distance, shooting diagonally from the ground into the air. Following the light, Zhou Xiu fumbled and found the light source.

Seeing such a scene through Guang Zhouxiu, she was suddenly stunned.

Under the night sky, Xi Shaoyuan was playing with Kongming locks, his hands quickly assembled lock plates, and his slender fingers were as dexterous as a jumping elf.

The boy's profile is white and clean, his eyes are pure and focused, and a mole on the corner of his eye seems to glow. The sky full of stars is beside him, romantic and dazzling.

Zhou Xiu stood by and looked at the Kong Mingsuo in Xi Shaoyuan's hand quietly. He moved so fast that he split five sets without thinking. Zhou Xiu put down the watch in her hand for half an hour.

Xi Shaoyuan, who was immersed in his own world, finally heard the movement. He turned his head and glanced at Zhou Xiu, then slowly retracted his gaze and continued to play with the cleats.

But the speed in his hand has slowed down.

Zhou Xiu walked up to Xi Shaoyuan's side, "Let's play. I want to see if it can be assembled in the end."

Xi Shaoyuan didn't say a word, she squatted aside and watched him slowly fight together, seeming to have failed awkwardly.

Xi Shaoyuan was impatient with being seen, and finally he handed over Kong Mingsuo to Zhou Xiu, "Don't sleep? You can play by yourself."

Zhou Xiu twisted the twist lock for a moment in thought, and the wood let out a soft "poof", and she put the Kong Mingsuo that Xi Shaoyuan had failed to fight to the right place.

Zhou Xiu looked at the starry sky and said, "I think the most beautiful thing is the mysterious nature, the endless and endless life."

Xi Shaoyuan didn't speak, he unlocked all the Kong Ming locks Zhou Xiu had put in his hands and put them in the bag.

Xi Shaoyuan used to believe that the eternal things are the most beautiful things: the same is the starry sky above your head, and the other is the perfect mathematical law.

Then there were more of them.

It is Zhou Xiu.



Mr. Pingsheng always thinks of a dog

Will remember my missed full attendance


I wish I could have better hands

Allow me to pretend that my full attendance is still there:)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-1400:00:14~2020-04-1500:01:37~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 1 boring and tiantian;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 164 bottles of Miaomiao; 100 bottles of Mangbei; 98 bottles of sweet and sour pork ribs; 66 bottles of KERRY; 58 bottles of Xianxian’s family; 50 bottles of sashumalu and Xia Ranxi; 46 bottles of scallion mixed with tofu; _ (:з」∠)_40 bottles; tiantian 30 bottles; Qing Xiyue, MHUNM 10 bottles; colorful skirt, Jing 8 bottles; Xingyue 7 bottles; less sugar, no vegetables, splendid flowers, please call me to study when you see me , Fu Yuxue ~ Youyan first-level distribution, 5 bottles of Bijin; 4 bottles of Beidong Nuanyang; 3 bottles of His Royal Highness Qiqi; 2 bottles of Chengbi, FlowerMo, Jupiter not far away, and dessert-loving chess pieces; Xiaolu Xiaolu Kuaikuai Run, Cai Cai loves to eat orange 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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