Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 137: (Medium repair)

Kong Mingsuo was playing, 88 wooden slats were twisted into many shapes, and time passed by his fingertips unconsciously...

Gradually, the light of the stars dimmed. A touch of white belly appeared in the east, and the light dispelled the darkness. The first ray of sunlight in the morning fell on the two people. Xi Shaoyuan turned off the flashlight, still turning Kong Mingsuo with his fingers.

Among the lofty mountains, the morning sun gradually rises, the golden brilliance is shining and not dazzling, and the golden light that is sprayed is like spraying thin, coating the gaps in the clouds with a ray of light.

The classmates were woken up by the alarm clock, and three or two classmates emerged from the tent. At 5:30 in the morning, everyone woke up and gathered at the observation deck.

After looking for the tidbits for a long time, I couldn't find Zhou Xiu, so I called for Xiu Xiu, and Zhou Xiu appeared in the observation deck.

This is the first time for many people in their lives to watch the sunrise with the collective. Xu Qing recorded a VCR, and together with Chaoyang, he took pictures of all the students in the class.

The tidbits made a video for Du Heng. Du Heng quickly answered the phone. Du Heng's voice contained a thick nasal sound: "What's wrong, when will you be back?"

The tone of laziness seems to be mixed with a little dissatisfaction—

Then, the tidbits turned the camera lens of the phone, the sun slowly rose, the mist was like billowing water, and the clouds that covered the sun floated away, and the golden light shone in an instant. Du Heng stopped talking.

Many classmates also secretly filmed this scene and sent it to their crush.

On Monday, Yude Middle School.

Lao Wang checked and accepted everyone's homework. Although all these students went to the autumn outing, none of them left the weekend homework. Lao Wang was very satisfied. He analyzed the next game schedule for everyone in the conference room, and Yude was about to play against the team.

The gimmick in the "Intellectual Confrontation" finals is "North-South Battle". Yude is about to face the H middle and the fourth middle to the R middle. Compete for the championship from the teams that won in the semifinals.

Lao Wang watched the video of the H game in the past year, and was silent after watching it. He didn't mention any extravagant hopes anymore.

too difficult…

The H middle school is a champion team. It is not only a champion team, but also a well-known domestic super middle school, an enhanced version of the fourth middle school.

After passing the information to the team members, Lao Wang said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, relax. The principal said that he will take a chartered flight to City B next weekend!"

Everyone: "..."

Lao Wang thought very positively and optimistically: The big deal will be a two-day trip to City B. The school wants fame, and now it has fame, without any burden.

The system faintly thought: What bullshit?

[Junior, you want to win the championship, right? Duck! 】

Zhou Xiu smiled: [Well, thank you. 】

Although 100,000 yuan is not a lot, it is only 20,000 yuan for each person, but Zhou Xiu spent a few days serious and serious to the game. Zhou Xiu wanted to play and also wanted to win prizes.

After the end of "Intellectual Confrontation" is the national biological competition, and there are two biological national competition players in the team. In the eyes of Lao Wang, competition is much more important than entertainment. After the meeting, Lao Wang specially encouraged Zhou Xiu and Xu Qing:

"I won't add any burden to you this week, review the biology!"

"Come on!"

Zhou Xiu read the newly bought "cell" science magazine word by word, and found some interesting topics to study. The week passed quickly.

On Friday, the members of the Yude team took a leave of self-study in the evening, and after school in the afternoon, they rushed to the airport with Lao Wang. The school has chartered a plane to let the support team and the participating team members go to City B together.

Yu Qingyan was chirping on the plane with excitement. She covered her chest and muttered to herself: "I never dreamed that our school would become the top four in the country."

"It's still the North-South finals, we are the South's representative team!"

This is such an affair!

But no one took care of her.

On the plane, Lanxin asked about the tidbits: "Sister Xu, Du Heng and the others should have set off too, which hotel are they staying at?"

Lanxin wanted to let Du Heng come out to meet and get together tonight, invite everyone to have a meal or something...

The tidbit shook his phone, "They left long ago, the hotel where they settled, um, let me see, here—"

Everyone looks at the map on the mobile phone. The hotel is in another area far away from the TV station. You must get up early tomorrow morning. Don't even think about the party tonight.

The fourth is too stingy.

Everyone: "..."

At nine o'clock in the evening, when the plane arrived in City B, Lao Wang announced some precautions and took everyone to find food. The tidbit is that a few girls came to the front desk to receive the newly booked hotel room card.

The front desk clerk received a call, hesitated for a moment and said: "Sorry, there was an error in the system during the peak period, and the order conflicted. The VIP suite you booked is no longer available. We will refund you all the fees here."

Yude's girls were in an uproar, Lan Xin wiped her face, and just laughed at No. 4 Middle School for booking a remote hotel, now that the nearby hotel is almost full.

At this time—a girl dressed in stylish and beautiful clothes and covered in luxury goods came to the front desk. She took off her sunglasses and asked: "The system went wrong? So do we still have the VIP suites we booked?"

The front desk glanced at her name, surname Jiang, Jiang Dongxue, R in city B. The students in this school are either rich or expensive, so it's not easy to offend them.

The front desk handed her the room card.

When Yu Qingyan saw this scene, his eyes widened with anger.

Beautiful girls will have natural hostility when they meet each other. The tidbits wear a red dress, and they are as tender as cherries, which are as bright as a pinch of juice. She collided with luxury girls.

Then a group of young men and women came to the hotel. They chatted a few words with the luxury girl. The luxury girl pursed her lips like stars holding the moon.

Then the collective gaze turned, and several young people walked off the school bus in R. One of the boys was tall and handsome, and the one at the end of the team seemed to be Lu Lingshan.

After they watched the video and saw Lu Lingshan's team, they immediately realized that Yude should have hit the hotel with R? This hotel is indeed the closest to the TV station.

Yude's classmates were still outside with the teacher to eat supper. Only a few girls had no appetite to eat and chose to go back to the hotel to get the room card first, but they did not expect this oolong.

The people are small and weak. Seeing that their room is about to be taken away by others, the girls in Yude looked at each other, and Yu Qingyan asked, "We don't need a refund."

In the big evening, where do people go to book a hotel temporarily?

As the so-called enemies met, they were extremely jealous. The tidbits folded his shoulders and looked at the front desk with cold eyes. Zhou Xiu, who had been silent for a long time, asked the front desk, "Didn't it mean that there is no VIP suite anymore?"

Zhou Xiu glanced at the hotel management system at the front desk. In just a few seconds, she found their reservation information from hundreds of data. They placed their orders significantly earlier than R.

The front desk smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but these guests were booked first—"

Zhou Xiu took out a card from her schoolbag, handed it to the front desk, and said sternly: "Yes, let us book 50 VIP suites and return it to us, don't you have it?"

What nonsense is Xiushen talking about?

A string of exclamations flashed across everyone's faces: "!!!"

Is she going to grab the room clearly?

As soon as Zhou Xiu's words fell, the eyes of the students in R fell on her. The tallest boy in the company also took a look at Zhou Xiu.

Seeing this card at the front desk, the expression on his face suddenly became solemn. She took the VVIP card and swiped the machine, there was a beep, and her face turned awkwardly white.

The hotel manager noticed the movement here. He checked the order. When he saw the words "Yude Middle School", his mind was dizzy...

He wiped his sweat and said, "I'm extremely sorry, this is a new employee who didn't handle it properly. There is indeed a problem with the hotel's system. You placed your order earlier, and the room should belong to you."

He explained to another group of R students: "I'm very sorry, this is our negligence in work. We will use rooms of similar price here instead. It's just that the room numbers are not continuous and scattered. Do you think this is okay? "

Lu Lingshan's companion, the student in R, suddenly exploded: "How can you make a mistake like this, for a while?"

"Why should we give up our room to them?"

At this time, the most silent boy in the R team spoke, and he jokingly said, "Come on...what's the matter?"

"So be it."

In this way, these two words fluttered and smoothed everyone who had blown up the hair.

The handsome and cute boy in the team looked at Zhou Xiu and felt an inexplicable eye familiarity, but he kept staring at the other girl, embarrassed. He turned his head and said to the luxury girl:

"Sister, the senior is right, let's go upstairs."

A few girls such as Trivia and Yu Qingyan lifted their chins, glanced at them lightly with the rest of the light, and then walked away.

The luxury girls felt uncomfortable, and they encountered this kind of treatment for the first time in their lives. She took a deep breath to keep her calm.

Lu Lingshan didn't speak the whole time, but at the moment Zhou Xiu and the tidbit left, she raised her head and glanced at them.

Lu Lingshan's classmates noticed her movements and asked, "Do you know them?"

Lu Lingshan nodded, "I know, from a previous school. They used to be so unreasonable."

The classmate curled his lips and said, "Yes, I robbed the room. I have no quality!"

When they got to the elevator, Yude's girls surrounded Zhou Xiu.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Show God is great, I love you so much!"

"The action you just handed the card was so handsome, like a boss!"

Another girl hesitated and said, "I saw that group of people seemed to be very background. As soon as they gave their names, the front desk gave them the room. I wondered if we should converge a little when we come to the foot of the imperial city... "

Yu Qingyan said: "Is it not good enough just now? Why should we make room for a system error? I don't want to move the room at night. Have you seen their attitude? It's our turn to refund, it's R's turn. China means changing to rooms at the same price."

Oh, Yu Qingyan's heart is full of grass-like plants.

Blue Core asked suspiciously: "What card did Xiuxiu just handed over?"

Zhou Xiu was almost overwhelmed by a person's chattering voice.

Zhou Xiu said softly: "There is nothing arrogant or arrogant, we booked earlier. Okay, everyone, let's have something to eat after putting your luggage."

With a "ding", the elevator door opened.

After the girls separated, Zhou Xiucai whispered to them: "This is Xu Qing's hotel."

The three of them suddenly cried out—

"The squad leader is too good at hiding, right? We don't know..."

Yu Qingyan bit her lip and said, "When the squad leader comes back, I will give him a short report!"

"So that card is the prize Xiuxiu earned while playing the game?" Lan Xin suddenly remembered.

Zhou Xiu nodded.

When they got out of the elevator and took out their room card, Lu Lingshan and a group of students were passing them in the corridor...



Oh, good night~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-1500:01:37~2020-04-1523:55:23~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 66 bottles; 50 bottles of Tanguliang; 40 bottles of tiantian; 30 bottles of dust in the wind; 20 bottles of Weilan in the Jun family; 15 bottles of Huihui; , I'm not a second one, 3212170110 bottles; Xingyue, Jing 8 bottles; Meow 6 bottles; Little sweet mushrooms, see me, please call me to study, Nicole, shadow 5 bottles; Lingluo, Qiqi 3 bottles ; 2 bottles of Fat Mom; 1 bottle of meat eaters Axi, Yuanyuan, Caicai love oranges, beets, yanyanyan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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