Half an hour later, Lao Wang led his students back to the hotel. As soon as he walked into the hotel lobby, he saw a group of teenagers. The uniforms they wore revealed which school they were students.


With dozens of strange eyes falling on them, Yude's students felt a little subtle: "..."

Yu Qingyan and several girls from Lanxin have already taken a shower, and they are in the hotel lobby giving room cards to their classmates. At the end of the assignment, the people were almost scattered, and she lowered her mouth, "Squad leader...I want to sue!"

"Your employees are too bullying!"

Yu Qingyan's black eyes stared round and round, and she told Xu Qing what had happened just now.

After hearing this, Xu Qing smiled, and passed the fruit platter and milk she bought to Yu Qingyan: "Okay, I see."

"Take it to eat, bribe you."

Yu Qingyan accepted a big bag of "bribes", a heavy load of four people. Usually the classmates in the class would share good food with each other. Yu Qingyan's heart warmed up, and he returned to the room after thanking him. .

The tidbits opened the plastic bag and took a look, then knocked Yu Qingyan, "Don't just pick up other boys' things in the future."

Yu Qingyan protested with a hum, "How could the monitor be another boy? He was thinking that we didn't have dinner!"

Lan Xin reminded: "The rice **** and chicken wings you ate before getting on the plane are not dinner? The plane meal is not dinner?"

Yu Qingyan whimpered, "That's because Sister Xu didn't eat. Sister Xu didn't eat a bite of rice."

The tidbit said "silly girl", and at the same time he took out his mobile phone to transfer money to Xu Qing.

After ten o'clock in the evening, girls who pay attention to their size are seldom willing to eat again.

However, Zhou Xiuwan used to eat fruit snacks to cushion his stomach during his study. Usually, he would not go to bed until 11:30, and he couldn't move. Even if there is a game tomorrow, it will be no exception.

Tidbits handed Zhou Xiu the platter with the most bananas. When Yu Qingyan was eating strawberry and watermelon happily, he realized that Zhou Xiu originally liked bananas.

Zhou Xiu didn't eat any fruit. She opened the live broadcast room and turned it into a silent state. At the same time, she took out the biological review materials and started to learn.

The pencil turned around at her fingertips, and Zhou Xiu thought for a while and wrote the test questions fluently.

At this time, "struggling to redeem the national gold" happily blew up the gift barrage.

He sighed: "After a busy day, I can still see the anchor learning biology, and I don't feel tired in an instant. Hey, is the anchor still out so late?"

"Efforts to rush to Guojin" found that Zhou Xiu's study table was not the one at home, but Zhou Xiu often studied outside. Guojin's brother didn't care about this detail, and soon followed Zhou Xiu to immerse himself in the world of biology.

"Efforts to flush IMO" came out of the shower and took a look before going to bed, because he couldn't wait for Zhou Xiu to learn mathematics.

However, his gaze suddenly froze at this moment.

Is the table used by the anchor familiar? The vase on the table... His eyes moved to the desk in the room, exactly the same.

IMO jokingly said: "If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, go to the hotel to open a room and study?"

Zhou Xiu ignored the barrage and was immersed in learning. The phone shook, and Xu Qing's message popped out: "I have heard about everything just now. Sorry, there will be a surprise compensation tomorrow."

After Yu Qingyan and Lan Xin ate their snacks, they still wandered around Zhou Xiu's side. They were unwilling to go back to their room. They seemed to have been infected by Zhou Xiu's learning enthusiasm, and took out the test papers from their schoolbags and started writing.

Blue Core patted the test paper disgustingly and said, "Oh, hell, how could I put it in my schoolbag."

After a long night of self-study, I came to City B to play. After a long time of exhaustion, I should relax and relax when I return to the hotel. At this time, music, movies, and red wine are the best match.

You must know that in such times in the past, the tidbits have led them to go shopping, buy, buy, and buy.

The four girls in the room were all studying and fell into a quiet state, accompanied by the bustling night view of the city outside the window and the busy world. The lights of the distant building gradually went out...

Everyone gradually reached the last question.

Yu Qingyan stretched her waist after finishing writing the test paper. She yawned and realized that it was already midnight.

After Lan Xin finished his homework for the weekend, he raised his head and asked, "Are Xiuxiu nervous?"

After all, everyone’s expectations for this game are so high, they must be nervous...

Zhou Xiu turned off the live broadcast and said, "It's okay."

As for making money, there is nothing if you can't make money... I also gained a lot of fun on the way to participate in the competition. Zhou Xiu had never played like this before.

Trivia asked: "I'm going to watch Du Heng's game tomorrow morning. Will Xiuxiu go?"

The tidbits took out a dozen VIP front-row seat tickets, 30 tickets in a row, almost blinding everyone else.

"Wow, Sister Xuhao is inhumane. Do you want to make a team to watch the game?"

"I'll go, I'll go!" Yu Qingyan and Lan Xin signed up quickly.

In the morning, the fourth middle school played against R middle, and Yude and H middle played in the afternoon. Zhou Xiu thought that there was nothing to do anyway, so it was better to watch the game.

Before going to bed, Zhou Xiu did not see the text message from Xu Qing.


After Zhou Xiu's girls woke up early in the morning, they were woken up by the waiter to go to the restaurant for dinner.

Yu Qingyan was still stunned after washing, and followed the waiter to a separate restaurant. Dozens of exquisite breakfasts were brought up like water, and there were chefs cooking on-site next to them.

Yu Qingyan glanced sleepily and saw the incredible tender and tender beef under the chef. She suddenly said, "Ah, this is Kobe beef..."

Trivia happily took a box of caviar.

The girl who was present last night suddenly understood. They are a little bit confused, the hotel is making up for them?

The total price of booking a suite is not as expensive as this meal.

Fifty thousand pieces of beef, 11,000 cans of caviar, expensive truffles, foie gras... and other high-end ingredients are too overkill for breakfast. This is a weekend worth picking up the wind and sunshine, dressed up beautifully, and photographed with a mobile phone religiously without dead spots!

However, at the moment they were plainly dressed and wearing uniform uniforms. The girls bit their lip, took out their mobile phones and took a lot of uploads.

Zhou Xiu had never eaten the Kobe beef that Yu Qingyan said in his mouth, but felt that it was very well cut and very tender in the mouth. In addition to being in a hurry, she finished her breakfast quickly.

Other students in R who were eating breakfast saw this scene, and a girl stared wide-eyed: "Why can they eat those, we don't?"

There is no such food in the menu to order...

The younger brother Jiang Jiajun was chatting with his senior from the National Olympic Team and his relatives. He heard the words and said, "The young owner of this hotel is a student of their school."

"No wonder." Jiang Dongxue showed a trace of contempt in her heart, glanced at the tidbits that were coming out, and withdrew her gaze.

With a cold smile on her face, she said to the senior: "Come on, senior!"

Senior Gu said, "Let's go, brother, don't look at creatures, everyone will look stupid."


Xu Qing arrived at the restaurant at seven o'clock and happened to collide with a group of people who were about to leave.

Yu Qingyan and the others said, "Thank you, monitor!"


Xu Qing asked: "Is the breakfast delicious? Are you so anxious to go to the game?"

Zhou Xiu nodded: "Yes, I'll see it later, don't worry. We will accompany the highlights to pick up Du Heng and the others."

After seeing this scene, I couldn't help but curled my lips and asked, "Will the squad leader go to see it?"

Xu Qing nodded, and he got a live friendship ticket from the highlights.


At nine o'clock, "Intellectual Confrontation" officially kicked off. The first link is still quizzes on encyclopedia knowledge, Zhou Xiu only needs to watch the score. She took out an exam paper and wrote it unhurriedly, as a way to pass her free time.

The side-by-side tidbits, Yu Qingyan, Lan Xin, and the students from Class 24 were extremely excited.

The Fourth Middle School is finally not standing opposite Yude this time. At this moment, Du Heng still has another identity, that is, the "brother-in-law" of Class 24. The sister-in-laws all smiled with relief. The uncles are also silently calling the fourth middle school.

Hehe, after all, the Fourth Middle School is the Southern Team. No matter how unpleasant the Fourth Middle School is usually, the two teams seem to be reunited as a family at this moment. Hand in hand to earn face for the South.

"Ahhhh, Brother Du is so amazing!"

"Fuck, how could he lose to Xiuxiu, I can't figure it out!"

Zhou Xiu watched the score from time to time and was immersed in the world of creatures... After a long time, she raised her head and found that the tidbit was breaking her fingers with a cold face.

Yu Qingyan was full of grief and indignation wishing to beat her chest, "Damn, when did Lu Lingshan become so alive."

"This little **** has all the right answers?"

Lan Xin said in a low voice with confusion, "It seems I remember that she was not good at math, right?"

When the game entered the fun puzzles, the two teams scored a few points in the fourth, and Zhou Xiu sat up slightly.

The host announced the rule, “Digital Computer: On a 20x5m digital wall, a thousand random numbers will be randomly rolled out every five seconds. There is a wrong number in every five of the random numbers, making them mutually exclusive. There is no connection between them. In a certain second, all numbers except the wrong number will form a different series. Please find this second."

"All combinations of numbers are randomly cycled three times."

Yu Qingyan rushed towards her face when she heard the familiar suffocation of the subject, "This is the familiar taste of "Intellectual Confrontation"."

Lan Xin said: "It's over, I just want to faint after listening."

There are a thousand numbers, two hundred sets of arrays, and there are chaotic interference items. This is a **** rhythm that a computer can't calculate!

Du Heng stood under the digital wall and looked around. The digital wall with white screens only left the back of his black head. The moment the numbers began to roll, Du Heng's glasses reflected dense numbers, and the audience present felt as if they were watching a science fiction film.

Gu Mingxi of the National Mathematical Olympiad in R was also touching his chin and staring at the wall.

Time is passing by, and neither team has an answer.

The audience was silent.

The host cleared the points of the two teams and used Group B data to challenge again. Towards the end, members of the R team discussed it once, and Lu Lingshan suddenly said, "Stop in 25 seconds!"

"Congratulations on getting the points for this link in R!"

The audience was in an uproar.

The host announced the rules of the competition: "Obviously: There are no two leaves that are exactly the same in the world, nor will there be a feather that is exactly the same. The contestants will have half an hour to observe a feather, and there will be a hundred pigeons on site, please The contestant selects the pigeon with this feather."

After hearing this link, her face suddenly became ugly, and she closed her eyes.

The audience at the scene ushered in another faint, don't all the feathers look exactly the same? One hundred pigeons, each pigeon has at least dozens of wings, adding up to thousands of wings. For people with poor eyesight, the scalp is numb.

Zhou Xiu asked what happened to the tidbits, and the tidbits said: "Du Heng is allergic to animal hair."

After the game started, Du Heng quickly wrote down the feather pattern. The staff held the pigeon and spread the feathers of its wings. He put his face close to the pigeon and sneezed.

After dozens of sneezes, Du Heng's face became allergic and red, and he announced that he had quit the game.

Half an hour later, in R, the target feather was found among nearly a thousand feathers with little difference.

In the audience in R, Jiang Dongxue smiled at the tidbits.

The cheers of their students were deafening. The tidbit patted Zhou Xiu on the shoulder, and anger flashed in his eyes: "Xiu Xiu, you have to come on!"

Lan Xin and Yu Qingyan also patted Zhou Xiu on the shoulder: "Come on, win a round for brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law is too miserable!"



Oh, good night everyone~

*Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-1523:55:23~2020-04-1700:59:43~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Yue Shu, Xuan Zhong, and Nuomi Cat;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 22 bottles of Duck Duck running; 10 bottles of Jin Jin Gao, Miao, Chen Yu's mother, Yu Chen Chu, and Hua boss eating shrimp; shadow, Jin Jin, colorful skirt 5 Bottles; 2 bottles of Lanyu Lingxin; yangy612, Meat Eater Axi, Nine Chestnuts, White Deer, White Chicken, Beet, Ye Ye Shengge, Jiang Er Er, have you drink more water today?

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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