Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 140: (Minor repair)


That was the No. 1 team in the country last year!

Lao Wang's heart was caught by a burst of ecstasy, and his grinning mouth gradually expanded, almost to the root of his ears.

Yude's students were only busy and happy, and only realized with hindsight that H is a national team! They hugged each other ecstatically and jumped up on the spot.

Some students immediately picked up the flowers on the seats, which they bought before the game and prepared to give them to the school team.

Regardless of the outcome of the game, thank the school team for their dedication this month and welcome their return.

But... Unexpectedly, they went farther stubbornly! This bunch of flowers, which represents the end, has also become a celebration of flowers.

When the host announced the restoration result of the last Rubik's Cube, and when the Rubik's Cube with all six sides of pure color appeared on the screen, the cells of Yude's students were stimulated to tremble.

As if there was current flowing through, the scalp was irritated and numb. These scumbags have felt for the first time in their lives... the unparalleled charm of mathematics.

Mathematics is so wonderful.

Tan Ming looked at the girl who was packing up the draft paper and pen on the stage, and her little gesture of turning the pen while supporting her chin seemed to glow. Although she is not in the center of the stage, she is like a beam of light, attracting the attention of others.

The students from other schools who came to watch the game just thought it was incredible.

Lost in H?

The judges on the field continued to comment. One of the teachers jokingly said: "I restored the 17th-order Rubik's Cube in one hour. Does this count as a Guinness Book of Records?"

Another teacher took off his glasses and said, "One of the difficulties of the 17th-order Rubik's Cube is that it is too heavy and difficult to twist. This is not the 17th-order in reality. Strictly speaking, it is the 17th-order Rubik's Cube in the mathematical field. ."

The host noticed the excitement of the Yude audience and was amused. She said: "It seems that everyone is very excited. Wait a while, don't worry."

"Aren't you curious, who is the player who completely restored the Rubik's Cube?"

The Yude students on the court shouted uniformly: "Xiu Shen—Xiu Shen—"


They have a honeyed confidence in Zhou Xiu, because from the preliminary to the present, Zhou Xiu has always brought them surprises.

The host blinked mysteriously, "Look at the big screen--"

I saw the last Rubik's Cube on the big screen turned over, the clicker ID displayed on the back of it was 03, and the number 03 was Zhou Xiu.

There was a "wow" from the audience, and the fierce cheers were like waves, and the waves were higher than the waves.

In the audience, Yu Qingyan held her face inconceivably: "Wow! What a show!"

At this moment, Blue Core's eyes also flashed with tears of excitement.

Lu Lingshan suddenly stood up when she saw this familiar name.

She glanced in the direction of Zhou Xiu on the court--

In Lu Lingshan's impression, Zhou Xiu barely passed the Mathematical Olympiad, as if it was yesterday.

Zhou Xiu...has become so strong now?

After the game, the two teams on the field shook hands amicably.

The captain of the Xin'ao team said to Zhou Xiu: "You are very strong. Although you did not make it to the end, you are very happy to meet you. Is it convenient to leave a contact information for future exchanges?"

"You are polite." Zhou Xiu gave him his contact information.

The captain of the Xin'ao team was the first to submit an answer and still had a 36% correct rate.

Walking out of the studio, the members of the Yude school team were surrounded by people. As if they didn't want money, the little friends stuffed a bunch of flowers into their arms.

Zhou Xiu was still in a daze until she stepped out of the TV station.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the game and eliminate the possibility of cheating, each team member gets a different confusion cube.

During the game, Xi Shaoyuan knocked down all the steps on the clicker very early, and Zhou Xiu accidentally glanced at his answering steps.

Xi Shaoyuan looked at Zhou Xiu's answer, and he changed one of the steps before submitting the result.

After returning to the hotel, she looked at Zhou Xiu who was staring at the window for a long time, stretched out her palm and shook it in front of her eyes:

Yu Qingyan said, "I've recovered my mind, I'm pretty!"

Tidbits curled his lips and smiled: "Why, still reminiscing about the victory of the game?"

Zhou Xiu is calculating the Rubik's Cube recovery rate of the first edition of Xi Shaoyuan's answer, 100%, frowning... Why does Xi Shaoyuan want to modify the answer?

Many pictures appeared in front of Zhou Xiu's eyes: Xi Shaoyuan's first finger under the starry sky wall; the night when he was on the top of the mountain during the autumn tour, he assembled Kong Mingsuo quickly and easily; Pharaoh's excessive preference for him...

The trivia asked questioningly: "What are you talking about, why?"

Zhou Xiu shook her head: "No."

The tidbits are about to love Zhou Xiu, she rubbed Zhou Xiu's face vigorously, "Xiu Xiu is really proud!"

"Tomorrow afternoon, we are going to play against R. Come on for the last game!"

Blue Core said: "Break them!"

"It makes them scream!"

Tonight, the tidbits originally planned to take Zhou Xiu to City B, take her to Shin Kong and China World Trade Center to scan the goods, buy and buy, and spend a happy night. Yude actually won!

Tidbits worry about myself, I will be so nervous tonight that I can't sleep.

Zhou Xiu took out the biology book and read it with relish.


the other side.

Gu Mingxi in R did not go to watch the afternoon game because he was not interested.

R is already famous enough, you don't need to be on TV to increase your reputation. For Gu Mingxi, mathematics is something worth spending time. If it weren't for the second-line players to be too foody and affect the school's image, Gu Mingxi would not appear in the arena at all.

The same is true for Jiang Jiajun. The national biological competition is imminent. For this show, his ten thick biological development materials have not been finished.

However, the anchor he chased had finished reviewing them half a month ago.

Until the teammates who watched a certain game sent over the recorded live video... the whole afternoon, the two seniors and younger brothers who stayed in the room to prepare for the Olympics (Sheng Ao) were all stunned.

Jiang Jiajun frowned: "..."

"Is there anyone more perverted than the captain of the Shinao team in H?"

Jiang Jiajun thought that Middle School R would be at war with Middle School H, but he didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin in the middle.

Jiang Jiajun raised his head and was about to speak to the senior. I saw--

Gu Mingxi turned the video back and watched it again. His eyes were fierce, as if staring at his lover-mathematics, which was as hot as ever.

Jiang Jiajun had already seen the blame, and continued to work **** the creatures.

Gu Mingxi saw the 17-step Rubik's Cube restore its pure color in one second, and his always cold eyes flashed stunningly. But it is limited to this, the moment he is about to turn off the video-

Seeing that the big screen gave a close-up of the handshake between the two teams, Gu Mingxi glanced casually, and his eyes suddenly froze.

The girl who solved the Rubik's Cube looked calm and weak, but her hand outstretched was rougher than the captain in H.

All the details seemed to be opened up in an instant, Gu Mingxi suddenly put down the book and stood up.

Jiang Jiajun glanced curiously and asked, "Where are you going, senior?"

Gu Mingxi went to the cloakroom and changed his clothes. He looked into the mirror and said, "Go find my future girlfriend."

He glanced at his junior with contempt, and quickly took it back.

So stupid, and lie to him that the anchor is a man?

Jiang Jiajun: "..."


dinner time.

Thanks to Xu Qing's blessing, Zhou Xiu had a luxurious meal. The on-site decoration of the restaurant is like a fairy tale dream, with a wide variety of desserts and desserts, and the sweet aroma makes people feel the taste of happiness.

Yude’s students had a lively celebration here. Lao Wang told the principal the first-hand news from the front line, and by the way, broadcasted the joyous atmosphere of the scene to them.

The news almost didn't break people's happiness. The principal was dizzy at first, and he was so happy that he couldn't speak. The principal's secretary cried, "But I booked you tickets for tomorrow afternoon."

The principal waved his hand happily: "If you change your ticket, you will refund the ticket if you can't change it!"

The frustration of Du Heng's allergies was diminished a lot, but she still went to the hospital after dinner.

Zhou Xiu went for a walk outside to digest after dinner. When she and Yu Qingyan, Lanxin and others walked to the door of the hotel, she was stopped by a boy.

Zhou Xiu looked up at him and recognized that this was the captain of the R team.

Upon receiving the boy's gesture, Yu Qingyan and Lan Xin stepped back wittily, but it was only a few steps.

Gu Mingxi handed Zhou Xiu a room card, "Here you are, come here tomorrow."

A string of question marks slowly floated on Zhou Xiu's face: "???"

Gu Mingxi lifted his lips and smiled slowly: "I will be here tomorrow morning with'National Gold'. We have a lot of interesting Olympiad questions. You should be interested."

"Right, anchor?"

The syllable of "bo" seemed to have magical powers, slightly shaking people's eardrums, creating a sense of relief. Gu Mingxi's cold eyebrows were covered with warmth. It's like treating a friend you've known for a long time.

His eyes are simple and direct. Although his behavior is frivolous and easily misunderstood, fortunately Zhou Xiu is not a person who thinks too much.

Zhou Xiu immediately thought of "National Finance" and "IMO", both of whom are very good netizens. "National Finance" has taught her English for a long time.

Zhou Xiu shook her head and said, "No, thank you."

Gu Mingxi withdrew his room card. He looked around Zhou Xiu, stepped back and closed his eyes as if he said with emotion:

"You are exactly the same as I imagined."

Zhou Xiu: "..."

After Gu Mingxi finished speaking, he left, and Yu Qingyan and Lan Xin hurriedly walked to Zhou Xiu's side.

Contacting the captain in R at such a distance, Yu Qingyan, a straight-faced dog, was instantly critically beaten in his heart.

Although he didn't understand what happened, Yu Qingyan didn't dare to look directly at Gu Mingxi. As if looking at Gu Mingxi, his heart pounded and blushed.

He looks real, handsome, and exudes strong hormones.

Yu Qingyan stuttered and asked Zhou Xiu: "Xiu, Xiuxiu! He...what is he looking for?"

Blue Core asked generally, "Does Xiuxiu recognize him?"

Zhou Xiu thought for a moment and shook her head.

Knowing online, it should be...not knowing.

The first time I met, it was so amazing to hand over the room card?

Yu Qingyan and Lan Xin's jaws were about to fall to the ground. As high school students, they felt like people living in the Qing Dynasty.

Yu Qingyan said with a straight face: "Xiuxiu, you are famous now, and you will encounter more temptations in the future, but you can't just give you the room card and pick it up!"

Lan Xin said with a serious face: "It's not good to look good!"

After Zhou Xiu nodded, for a long time--

Yu Qingyan tangled his fingers and said, "Well, you can consider taking one after the university."

Lan Xin shyly covered his face, "Don't miss a male **** like him."

Blue Core has watched the video in R, and with a heart to collect enemy intelligence, he carefully searched for Gu Mingxi's information. His resume is not perfect like a real person.

He was the first place in the World Mathematical Olympiad last year.

He actually... handed Xiuxiu the room card? At this moment, the image of the male **** collapsed to a complete defeat.

Zhou Xiu smiled, shook her head and said, "You have misunderstood."

"There will be no competition tomorrow morning. He and his younger brother will write test papers and ask me if I want to join and communicate with each other..."

Yu Qingyan and Lan Xin's shy, longing expressions split in an instant: "..."

Jiujiu Ning choked and was speechless.

Is learning God worthy of learning God? Xueshen handed the room card to Xueshen just to write test papers together.

the other side.

Xi Shaoyuan closed the curtain's hand and hesitated for a moment. Through the glass, he saw Gu Mingxi in R handing Zhou Xiu's room card. The two were talking and laughing, like friends they hadn't seen for many years.

Xi Shaoyuan drew the curtains of the dining room to hide his gloomy, jealous gaze.


The next day, in the morning.

Zhou Xiu didn't go to the 4th Middle School and H Middle School held in the morning, but stayed in the hotel to do his homework. The presence of Gu Mingxi and Jiang Jiajun reminded her to prepare for the competition.

Holding the ipad with the tidbits, Zhou Xiu picked up the question sent by Gu Mingxi online.

I don’t know where he asked for Zhou Xiu’s contact information. When Zhou Xiu returned to the hotel, he found a new friend’s red dot, “I’m'working hard to IMO'”

Zhou Xiu just clicked and passed, and a lot of test questions were sent from the other side.

Zhou Xiuzheng used the ipad with tidbits to write the test papers, and the more he wrote, the more energetic he was, as if he had fallen into the vast ocean of mathematics.

Gu Mingxi sent the answer on time, "Did you finish?"

Zhou Xiu made so many mistakes for the first time, and was so confused. The difficulty of the questions of the International IMO Competition is really not comparable to that of ordinary competitions.

Gu Mingxi sent a voice note, "Come on, 28013, I will teach you."

There was a smile in his voice.

The moment Zhou Xiu finished changing the test paper, the system suddenly dinged: [Complete the 60th International IMO Test Questions, reward 100RMB. 】

Even the correct rate is ignored by the system, and you can get rewards after you finish writing.

It can be seen that the accuracy rate of the test paper she wrote is extremely low, and Zhou Xiu is a little staggered.

Xi Shaoyuan also didn't go to the fourth high school game. At nine o'clock, when he came back from the outside, he remembered that Gu Mingxi handed Zhou Xiu's room card last night. The elevator went up to the 26th floor, where Zhou Xiu and others lived.

Xi Shaoyuan pressed the button to open the door and stopped. He walked to the door of a certain room. The door of the room did not close tightly. He pushed slightly——

I saw Zhou Xiu opening the window, writing and drawing on the ipad with an electronic pen, looking at the screen with concentrated eyes, sometimes frowned slightly, sometimes lost in thought...

Xi Shaoyuan knocked on the door.

Zhou Xiu said, "Please come in."

Xi Shaoyuan walked in. He saw the topic Zhou Xiu was writing. The familiar topic made his heart tremble slightly, and he turned his head.

Zhou Xiu was a little surprised to see that the person was Xi Shaoyuan. She asked, "Will you write?"

Xi Shaoyuan turned his head, and when he was about to deny it, Zhou Xiu put the pen in his hand.

Xi Shaoyuan sat down and wrote a few lines of fluent formulas on the screen.

Zhou Xiu looked at the steps and thought about it for a long time, and she said, "So I can do it, why didn't the Rubik's Cube get it right?"

The idea used in this geometry is exactly the same as the restoration of the 17th-order Rubik's Cube.

This was deliberately picked out by Gu Mingxi and sent to Zhou Xiu.

Xi Shaoyuan's gaze fell on Zhou Xiu, watching her clean profile face, the slight morning light showed the light fluff on her face, soft and beautiful.

At this moment, she pursed her lips, as if she had just eaten strawberries, and was dyed with a layer of water-red strawberry color.

After a long time, Xi Shaoyuan asked, "Do you...do you really want to win?"

His voice was too soft, as if he could be blown away by the breeze by the window as soon as it fell.

Zhou Xiu didn't seem to hear it.

After finishing the two big questions, Zhou Xiu closed the ipad. At this time, the phone rang with a "ding", and Zhou Xiu checked the new news.

At twelve o'clock, the match between Middle School No. 4 and Middle School H was over, and the tidbits sent a screen full of frontline news, "Xiu Xiu! Du Heng won! No. 4 Middle School won!"

The Fourth Middle School went all out to get the highest score in each link, and the score almost broke the table, just catching up with the points in R.

The voice bar of the tidbits was mixed with fierce cheers. She said excitedly: "Xiuxiu, it's a pity that you didn't watch the game!"

The news of the 24 class students arrived almost at the same time, 99+ news is enough to show their excitement at the moment. Yu Qingyan yelled happily: "Gosh, I didn't even think of this reversal."

Lan Xin said in a low voice, "If we can win R, brother-in-law will still have a chance to fight R again. Xiuxiu, be sure to cheer this afternoon!"

After listening to the voice note, Zhou Xiu said seriously: "Of course I want to win."

"Every match must be done with all efforts to not regret it, right?"

Xi Shaoyuan said in his heart.

Got it.



Xiuxiu: You have to do your best in every game so that you won’t regret it, don’t you?

(Subtext: Brother-in-law works so hard, can't fall behind, right?

Harahara: Understand


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-1723:26:25~2020-04-1823:55:37~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 2 Nuomi Cats; Dongdong, Huang Dou, Shanying, 42325077, 323164611;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 210 bottles of Cong Xiaocong; 100 bottles of y; 80 bottles of Rainbow Soup; 70 bottles of this user is not in the service area; Ignorant, 3492422, lulululu, 50 bottles of small bag food; 40 bottles of Lu Mu; it is Minmin, not Zhao Min, 36 bottles of Tianya Lone Dog; wuhen83, a blank, Si Yue, IFYOU, kangaroo stealing gold, marshmallow in the clouds 30 bottles of noodles without crying; 25 bottles of meow glutinous rice **** and fish glutinous rice balls; OGgirl, winnie, listening,?, autumn, did Noran eat meat today, zz happy more, Icechoi, Xingyoulan 20 bottles; cute little bookworm 16 Bottles; 15 bottles of Xiaowei; leila, cutie, coriander, Gui Haixin, flax, too hard to lose weight, haha ​​smile, sugar ball mami, Maimai nameless, good cub, delusional fat to eat not fat, 垰垰Big Devil, Psyche, Fengzhi, Chr, Zangzhang, MHUNM, Ericawu, Qianqianer 10 bottles; Jing, Chuyu 8 bottles; Yusheng 7 bottles; passersby A, B, B, Ding, Acridine are busy, Little Moon, 6 bottles of Orange ; Pick the moon tonight., colorful big skirts, Qianxue, Jinqin, Qi An, the cat after eating, Jiang Er Er, did you drink more water today, Porcelain Deer and Mi, Xin, Meng Da Miao, Silent 5 bottles of Jenny; 4 bottles of cute little princess; 3 bottles of Maureen, Tanglizi, Beet, and a big watermelon; 2 bottles of sxy1256, Twilight, Koyama; 23396140, yangy612, Nine Chestnuts, 40087353, Qingyan, Meat Eater Axi and Cai Cai love oranges, sake, and a bottle of Qing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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