Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 141: (Minor repair)

On Sunday afternoon, "Intellectual Confrontation" ushered in the final battle of the national division. There were nearly a thousand seats in the audience. The fragmentary videos that flowed out in the past two days were frequently searched.

In the afternoon, the public opinion of the society also reached its peak.

At two o'clock exactly, the students of the Yude team came to the studio of the TV station one after another. They accidentally ran into the principal outside the studio.

Principal Xu booked a ticket overnight after receiving the good news last night, and came to cheer for the school team not far away. He waved to his team members outside the studio, "Come on, classmates!"

The principal's secretary smiled and said, "Come on, students, the school board decided to give everyone a little surprise after discussion."

"If you win the finals, the school board will provide you with a shopping voucher worth 50,000 yuan per person."

Highlights Du Feiyang and other Yude cheerleaders cheered loudly for the school team outside the waiting room. Du Feiyang pointed at Zhou Xiu, showing a row of white teeth, "Come on!"

The tidbits draped Zhou Xiu's shoulders and blinked at her, "I heard no Xiuxiu, fifty thousand yuan!"

"It's good, go to China World Trade Center to scan the goods; if it's bad, go back to school to do your homework tonight."

As an intelligence gathering expert, Lan Xin gave Zhou Xiu the edited R game collection last night. Lan Xin said: "Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle."

"Did Xiuxiu watch the video I cut for you?"

Zhou Xiu shook her head, and Lan Xin said, "Let's take a look at the show before the game as a pastime. I worked hard all night."

Zhou Xiu has only watched one game in R, the fourth game and the one in R.

Before the game started, Zhou Xiu flipped through the previous game video at double speed.

After watching for half an hour, Zhou Xiu found that the personal style in R is indeed very strong. Gu Mingxi is good at solving mathematical problems and has almost no weaknesses; Lu Lingshan is good at encyclopedia knowledge, with amazing performance in answering links, and the weaknesses are not obvious; Jiang Jiajun is good at humanities, social sciences, astronomy and geography, especially in the field of biology...

Zhou Xiu flipped through the game at No. 4 Middle School twice, and when she watched, she suddenly noticed a detail, the "digital computer" link. Everyone on the scene focused on Du Heng and Gu Mingxi.

And all the players lined up looking for the strange numbers on the big screen, only Lu Lingshan's eyes were frequently cast somewhere. It seems that I already have the answer in my mind, and I am determining the location of the answer.

Zhou Xiu thought she was dazzled, so she paused and zoomed in to see... Zhou Xiu's brows gradually rose.

After a long time, Zhou Xiu put down the phone, took out the biological data from the schoolbag, and reviewed it before the game started.


At 2:30, the team from R enters the field. The two teams met in the waiting room. Gu Mingxi in R took a look at Zhou Xiu, raising her brows as if she was asking her why she didn't come to 28013 in the morning.

Faced with Gu Mingxi’s familiar eyes from the members of Yude team, Zhang Qi asked Zhou Xiu, "Do you know them?"

Zhou Xiu closed the book, "It's a acquaintance."

Jiang Jiajun looked at Zhou Xiu following the senior's sight. He found that the book she was holding at the moment was the set he was reading recently.

Because of this book, Jiang Jiajun glanced at Zhou Xiu more.

Yesterday, Gu Mingxi said that he had invited a girl to do homework. Although Jiang Jiajun frowned, he did not object. However... the girl didn't seem to come.

Jiang Jia is very interested in math competitions, but not interested in girls participating in math competitions. If you have to have an object of interest, he is the only learning anchor who has been chasing after a long time on the live broadcast platform.

Game start.

The two teams officially entered the finals, and the quiz questions about luck were cancelled in the finals and went directly to the fun intelligence link.

The host smiled and said: "When these two teams came towards me, my heart could not stop beating. I can't guarantee anything else, but I dare say that this must be the history of our "Intellectual Confrontation". The most beautiful game."

The audience laughed at the venue.

The host announced the first part of the competition, "Wrong QR code: QR code is a popular encoding method for mobile devices recently. There will be a randomly selected WeChat QR code of 100 live audiences on both walls, A, B The difference between the two walls is that the B wall has one and only one error.

The contestant has ten minutes to memorize the QR code on Wall A and find an error in Wall B within ten minutes. The team that finds the error the fastest wins. Game start. "

The audience saw two two-dimensional code walls like snowflakes, and they took a deep breath. Is this the ultimate version for everyone to find the difference?

Two-dimensional codes are the most irregular, irregular, and hard to remember. Should 100 two-dimensional codes see the year of the monkey, the number of black dots?

When Lao Wang was in his sixtieth year, he felt dizzy when he saw the two-dimensional dock.

Not long after the host announced the rules of the game, the two teams pressed the answer button at the same time. There was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Yude and R both use clickers to circle the wrong QR code.

The host smiled and said: "The answer is correct, and each team will add 10 points."

All the audience at the scene took a deep breath.

Who am i where am i doing? Why can they find it so fast!

The tidbits' mind was blank: "What's the matter?"

Yu Qingyan said dazedly: "Every time I watch a game, I feel like my brain gets 10,000 tons of water. My brain is not the same as the one that learns God."

Tan Ming frowned, "I'm afraid only they know how to solve the problem."

Such a wise thing that is almost a demon and violates human cognition actually happened like this? Does it make sense not to explain?

The audience looked so anxious.

The host asked the players understandingly: "I don't think many audience friends at the scene understand why you can find the difference so quickly. Can you explain your confusion?"

Gu Mingxi in R opened his hands and said, "It's very simple, you can see it at a glance."

Audience: "..."

It sounds like I want to kill him. What is going on! Is this what I want to hear?

On Yude’s side, Xi Shaoyuan replied: “It’s just one look. It’s hard to find out after reading A and then B. But the left and right eyes look at the picture at the same time, the left eye looks at the right picture, and the right eye looks at the left picture. The lines of sight cross. The two pictures do not overlap. The part is the wrong place."

The audience in the audience just wondered about it, and collectively "exclaimed".

Audience: "..."

Although, I still don't understand. In the final analysis, their eyes are different from their own.

Here in R, Jiang Jiajun came back to his senses and praised: "The senior is amazing!"

Gu Mingxi glanced at Lu Lingshan unexpectedly. He spread his hand and said, "It's so normal. Fortunately, the answer is timely. In fact, it is still half a beat. Pay attention next time."

Jiang Jiajun breathed a sigh of relief before he noticed the other hero. Just now when no one else noticed, it was Lu Lingshan who rushed to answer the question.

"Yeah, thank you Senior Sister Lu. Senior sister, you and Senior Master really have a tacit understanding."

Another sophomore player asked: "Senior sister, did you find it too?"

Lu Lingshan glanced at her hand and squeezed sweat in her palm. She said, "I didn't find it, but I saw them rushing to answer, so I followed."

On Yude's side, Zhang Qi's pores were erected, "Fuck, it was dangerous just now. R is so strong."

The fifty thousand vouchers almost flew.

Zhou Xiu, Xu Qing, and Xie Cheng had not had time to respond just now, but fortunately Xi Shaoyuan rushed to answer this question.

Xie Cheng smiled and said, "Calm, we are not weak."

After a session ended, the score was flat.

The host announced the second link, "Labyrinth Guidance: In this session, there will be a 500-square-meter twin symmetrical maze, and each team will walk on one side. The maze is composed of multiple similar line walls, forming nearly a hundred dead loops. There is a dead end loop, and there is only one way out. Now each team selects a player to throw into the maze. The player will blindfold and look for an exit without vision."

“The teammates outside the field try to draw a map of the maze based on the player’s walking path through the walkie-talkie without any prompts, prompting the player to the correct path. During the game, the player will fail the challenge if they go back to the dead end again. The team that walks out of the maze first will win."

After listening to the rules of the game, the audience stared. They glanced at the dense maze of lines on the big screen, all dizzy. Just let them draw the correct path with a pen on the spot, and they can't draw it.

Actually make people walk with their eyes closed?

Don't let people repeat the dead end?

This is simply the rhythm of a dead player.

The team members looked at each other and decided who to send to walk through the maze. Qi Yaguang raised his hands: "Let me go, I can only do physical work at the weakest level."

Xie Cheng shook his head, "No, the talent who walks the maze is the most important thing."

Zhang Qi looked at Qi Yaguang and said, "Do you have a good sense of direction? If it's not good, you won't be able to tell the left and right when you go in. If you make a mistake, we don't understand it outside, and the whole team is finished."

One of the difficulties of the problem is that it is not allowed to repeatedly walk the dead end, so it is extremely difficult to walk the maze.

So Zhou Xiu became a maze walker.

The two teams came to the outdoor venue.

When Zhou Xiumeng was thrown into the maze, she found that she had difficulty walking, let alone a sense of direction. In the dark, Zhou Xiu stretched out her hand and groped constantly to fully portray her position to his teammates.

Xie Cheng said on the intercom: "Okay, go to the right and try it."

According to Zhou Xiu's "Ten steps straight, there is a door on the wall on the right hand side", "I have a door on both my left and right hands", "I have reached the end" and so on... Struggling to draw a map while depicting in the clouds and mists.

Xie Cheng prompts: "Go to the left."

Zhou Xiu pondered for a while and said, "You can't go to the left, I remember I walked that way."

Xie Cheng smiled on the intercom, "Yes. Zhou Xiu, you have a sense of direction."

Zhou Xiu: "..."

Zhang Qi frantically said: "When is this! Thank God you still have the thought of making Zhou Xiu!"

Xi Shaoyuan gave a light cough and said, "Go straight."

Xu Qing said gently: "Don't be afraid, Xiuxiu is bold. The next left and right sides are repeated paths."

The audience in the studio saw two people in the maze on the big screen. At first, they progressed slowly like tortoises, always spinning around in place. After a while, Lu Lingshan suddenly followed the correct route.

Yu Qingyan is about to die, "Why is Xiuxiu still spinning!"

The tidbit said: "Lu Lingshan actually walked so fast."

Outside, Xi Shaoyuan glanced at his watch.

He took Xie Cheng's walkie-talkie over and said, "Hurry up. Then you just need to tell us the direction you are going, but the road will not work."

Zhou Xiu said: "Okay."

She closed her eyes, and a map of the path she had walked appeared in her mind, "I probably have a map in my heart. Don't worry, I can."

Yude's teammates outside the court suddenly woke up, and Zhang Qi shouted: "Go and go! Xiuxiu, go! They may be ready to reach the end."

Zhou Xiu suddenly infused confidence, and then walked down. When the vision was blocked, her concentration became more concentrated and her five senses became stronger.

In the studio, the extravaganza saw that the point representing Zhou Xiu finally gradually caught up with Lu Lingshan's progress, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

After a while, Lu Lingshan and Zhou Xiu in the Gemini Maze met together, and Lu Lingshan's headset frantically indicated an error.

"You go back! Left! Go left, you are on the wrong path!"

Lu Lingshan lost her sight, because she had been spinning in the same direction because she had taken the wrong direction, she gradually fell into irritability. Even the embedded earphone on the right ear was loose and didn't care.

It's just that she didn't hear the prompt for a long time, she fumbled for a while and put on the earphones that fell off.

Zhou Xiu heard Lu Lingshan's footsteps in silence, and she stopped.

Zhou Xiu sensitively heard a faint female voice coming from the silent air. As Lu Lingshan approached, her voice became louder, and it didn't disappear until Lu Lingshan's footsteps got farther and farther away.

Zhou Xiu stood there and frowned. She remembered that there was only Lu Lingshan in the team in R...

At the same time, the intercom of the team in R.

Gu Mingxi and Jiang Jiajun kept giving directions, and suddenly they heard a faint female voice, "Second door on the left, go left."

But this voice is not Lu Lingshan's.

The two of them suddenly shook, and Gu Mingxi glanced at Jiang Jiajun.

Jiang Jiajun suspected that he had tinnitus.

Gu Mingxi picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Lu Lingshan, what are you doing?"


Under the instructions of his teammates, Zhou Xiu walked through the maze in fifteen minutes, and after a while, Lu Lingshan happened to also walked through the maze.

The teammates of Yude School suddenly burst into enthusiastic applause.

"Fifteen minutes! This efficiency is faster than opening my eyes!"

"Moreover, I walked through the maze with my eyes closed, without repeating a dead end! Zero mistakes!"

The host was surprised by the speed at which Zhou Xiu came out. She said excitedly: "Fifteen minutes! Is this the unique charm of teamwork? You have shortened the time many times than the experts expected. Let us congratulate the Yude team for winning this time. The victory of the maze guide!"

Lu Lingshan walked out of the labyrinth amidst enthusiastic applause. It was only a minute away, and these honors gave people a hand.

She glanced at the scoreboard, R Squadron was 10 points behind, plus the total points behind before the game, a total difference of 16 points with Yude.

The situation gradually deviated from the plan, and Lu Lingshan suddenly became irritable.

The last link will be the final competition between the two teams. After the two games, the players ushered in a ten-minute intermission.

Zhou Xiu drank a bottle of mineral water, and the tidbits brought her a lot of chocolate, "Eat some, you were exhausted just now?"

"Xiuxiu walked so fast, she looked like she had eyes in the latter half of the journey."

Zhou Xiu told his teammates what he had discovered in the maze. The originally joyful atmosphere suddenly stagnated, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Qi Yaguang glanced at Zhou Xiu, "Are you... sure?"

Under the soft light, she suddenly lowered her head, and the expressions on her face were so bright that she couldn't see clearly. Qi Yaguang did not expect that his former friends would become so strange.

Xu Qing considered it for a moment and said: "I heard that many games do have the situation of designing the table in advance. But this situation often appears in the star talent show."

I just didn't expect...this kind of youth academic intelligence competition will also have inside story.

If there is a script for the intelligence subject competition, what is the meaning of the whole competition? It is no different from taking the answer to the exam room and copying it with your eyes closed.

After hearing Zhou Xiu's narration, he suddenly thought of Du Heng's allergic mistake, and it was so angry that it exploded.

The time for the intermission came, and the topic of Min Gan was forced to stop.

The host announced the third interesting topic: "Happy Matching: Matching is a mobile stand-alone game that is loved by a wide audience. The same color blocks will disappear when they collide together.

Now each player will be provided with a game machine, and within ten operations, the pattern of eliminating music in the hand will be transformed into the designated pattern provided on the big screen. "

Most of the audience at the scene are people who have played the game. The game is more patience, but those who have patience will not be unable to play the game.

It is simply the true love of game scum.

As a result, the rules were changed, and the game mode that was as simple as drinking boiling water instantly became a Shura field of IQ.

The color block in the drop will be eliminated when it encounters the same color. The surrounding color blocks are moved at the same time to fill the empty space. Because of obstacles, the color blocks that are moved and filled may come from above or from the diagonal line. May lead to two eliminations, three eliminations, multiple eliminations...

The obstacle ice cube does not always exist, and it will disappear after the color cube that has been eliminated above it disappears.

Each erasure will cause a large number of color blocks to move. The movement of the color block will cause the elimination, and it will repeat until there are no more than two color blocks connected.

In other words, this is a game that is full of variables and moves the whole body.

Combined with the game picture given on the big screen of the game, the ice cubes are full of ice, a total of 10X20 color blocks, large and small, and there are 10X20 filled color blocks in the preselected area directly in front of the drop.

In this case, you need to get a designated pattern. Really--

Why didn't I bring my brain to watch the game? My brain is not enough.

After listening to the analysis of the difficult points, Du Feiyang had only one word left in his mouth: "Fuck."

It never expected that Xiao Xiaole would one day become this kind of game that can kill people invisible.

As the person who has completed the game, Lan Xin said: "I don't deserve to play this game."

The scum on the court said: "After today is over, Xiaoxiaole may become a nightmare for the learners."

After discussing for a while, we decided to watch the game without thinking.

"I'm here to call Xueshen, I know they're great, it's enough—"

I don't want to study how good they are, or why the learners do this, because the fragile brains of the learners will become deadlocked!

Yude's team discussed the idea of ​​solving the problem for half an hour. After the discussion, the assistant distributed the game console to everyone.

The host announced the start of the game. Ten operations were performed. Each contestant thought about it carefully, and the color blocks on the moving interface disappeared a few times.

Some players got the expected results step by step, while others were wrong steps. As a result, after ten operations, the twelve players lost six in an instant. Only six people remain.

These six people are Zhou Xiu, Xi Shaoyuan, Xie Cheng, Zhang Qi, Gu Mingxi, and Lu Lingshan.

Yude's students suddenly cheered.

Lu Lingshan wiped off the sweat from her thumb, and she saw that there were only two players left on her side, and Yude still had four players.

In the audience, there seemed to be still the mocking faces of Yude's tidbits. The situation has completely deviated from the originally designed script route.

After the difficulty of the two games increased, Zhang Qi and Xi Shaoyuan should be eliminated.

Xie Cheng should not continue to sit here either.

The difficulty of the game continued to increase, from the original 10x20 enlarged range to 20x20... The players' faces gradually sweated.

The difficulty gradually increased, and the game became a 30x30 scale. Lu Lingshan suddenly eliminated the graphics quickly. The audience burst into enthusiastic applause.

Even Gu Mingxi looked sideways and gave Lu Lingshan a surprised look.

A voice came from Lu Lingshan's earphones: "Okay, let's stop. Let Gu Mingxi from your school get out of the limelight!"

In the past, Lu Lingshan would not carelessly make such a mistake of stealing the limelight. But the enemy on the other side was Zhou Xiu, Xi Shaoyuan, whom she had been asking for, and many Yude students who had mocked and doubted her.

This admired and admired look made Lu Lingshan's vanity once reached its extreme.

Then Lu Lingshan chose to be eliminated obediently.

Zhou Xiu and Gu Mingxi were left on the court to confront each other.

Finally, these students ran out of difficulty levels, and their records remained flat. The chief director's eyelids jumped, and intuitively couldn't let them play this math game anymore, so the host quickly ended the show and withdrew it.

The host said: "The classmates' competition is so exciting that the time is always forgotten. "Intellectual Confrontation" once again ushered in a forced delay!"

"Now "Intellectual Confrontation" enters the finals overtime. How much water a bucket can hold depends on the shortest board. This is the famous wooden bucket principle. If you want to become a comprehensive high-quality talent in the 21st century, you must abandon it. Short board."

"Overtime: Know your weaknesses. As the saying goes,'The person who knows you best will always be your enemy'. Players from both sides are asked to randomly select questions from the question bank to evaluate their opponents. Correct answers will add points, and mistakes will deduct points."

Among thousands of eyes, Lu Lingshan chose the language on behalf of R.

At this moment, the tidbits were so angry that they squeezed several air rods.

The student from Class 24 covered his face, "Fuck, Xiuxiu's English——"

That is really terrible. The scumbags in the audience immediately rushed to their hearts, and they only hated replacing Zhou Xiu on the stage.

This question is open for the week show! Let labor and capital come!

Qi Yaguang also covered his eyes with his hands, "OMG..."

What is really afraid of.

Zhou Xiu was clicked by R to answer three questions, and the remaining two questions were completed by Yude's members. After the last game, Zhou Xiu understood what Lu Lingshan had gotten...

Zhou Xiu still chose the math question. When choosing the question, Xi Shaoyuan interrupted her action: "Zhou Xiu, wait a minute."

Xi Shaoyuan spoke a few words to the staff, adjusted the spare question bank from last year, and he randomly selected a few questions and sent them up.

Overtime starts.

Zhou Xiu got the first question, and the host played a movie clip, "Please write down this dialogue. The time limit is 30 minutes."

This is an excerpt from "Inception". People who are familiar with Zhou Xiu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness, Xiu Xiu's English is silly but loves watching movies. She has watched this classic movie no less than five times.

Zhou Xiumo wrote this 5-minute dialogue.

For the second question, the host continued to read: "The next thing is an academic conference. After playing it again, ask the contestants to translate the conference simultaneously."

In the third way, the host read: "'Iamhonoredtobewithyoutodayatyourcommencementfromoneofthefinestuniversitiesintheworld...' is a speech by a well-known person, please recite the speech in full."

After listening to these three questions, Rao could pat his chest and say that the scumbags who helped Zhou Xiu to take the English test were also shivering.

After hearing the topic, they almost fainted.

The audience exclaimed, "Fuck, are language topics so perverted?"

Translation of academic conference content has reached the top professional level. Let alone recite a speech.

The indifferent beginning of this passage is simply unthinkable. Who would have the time to pay attention to the beginning and full recitation of a certain speech?

After ten minutes of preparation, Zhou Xiu began to fluently translate it in Chinese: "The curvature-dimensionality bound theory of the measurement structure has several motivations: to compare functionals in a completely different structure from Euclid. And geometric inequalities..."

In a sound of exclamation, Zhou Xiu completed the simultaneous translation.

Then she recited the full text without thinking: "Thankyou.I\'mhonoredtobewithyoutoday......"

This was Jobs's speech at the graduation ceremony of Stanford University, until Zhou Xiu recites the second paragraph, and many people reacted.

As soon as Zhou Xiu's voice fell, the audience was silent for a moment, and there was a burst of warm applause and cheers.

This is a well-deserved one, a real master.

At this moment, Lu Lingshan was so shocked that she couldn't describe it in words. She looked back at Zhou Xiu in disbelief.

Zhou Xiu's English is suddenly so strong that it is unfamiliar.

The next four, five and six questions are completed by Xi Shaoyuan. The first question: Please mark all the place names and river names on the map in English. Question 2: Please select a sentence and express it in 15 languages.

Either one is a rare topic that can kill people.

But... Xi Shaoyuan picked up his pen and finished the map translation easily. He began to think about the last question. On the sentence wall, he chose the sentence "I love learning", using English, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, Thai... and so on in fifteen languages.

He said one sentence, the translator said one sentence.

After Xi Shaoyuan finished speaking, the whole audience cheered and broke through the air, almost overturning the venue with enthusiasm.

When it was R's turn to answer the questions, Lu Lingshan received three math questions. After reading the questions, her cheeks suddenly faded and she remained silent for a long time.

The host hesitated for a moment, and read the questions one by one: "Please answer these three questions within fifteen minutes. Let {an} be an arithmetic sequence. Which of the following conclusions is correct is..."

"Find the maximum and minimum values ​​of the function y=7-4sinxcosx+4cos2x-4cos4x."

After the three questions were read out, the students in the audience gave a "wow". The scumbag used to find it difficult to understand the topic of "Intellectual Confrontation", but this time he did understand it. The topic was incredibly close to the people.

Damn it, isn't this just a math question for the college entrance examination? They took out their pen and did it, as if they could do it too? Xueba thought for a while, and then he figured out the answer.

The members of the Yude team are too kind and kind, right?

Compared with the title given to Yude in R, it is simply a docile little sheep. But Lu Lingshan was stunned for fifteen minutes. The host announced that it was time. She hadn't got the answer yet.

"Lu Lingshan, answer the question quickly, what are you in a daze!" The student in R could not help reminding.

Lu Lingshan was waiting for the answer from the earphone. She didn't know what was wrong. She always reported the answer on time to remind her staff that there was no news.

Facing the audience's incomprehensible and puzzled eyes, Lu Lingshan's palms began to sweat, and her forehead gradually sweated. Only by exerting her composure can she control her calm expression.

The staff who docked with Lu Lingshan looked bewildered when they heard the questions reported by the host.

Because... this is not a math problem that appears on the desk at all! In a hurry, she asked the program team to tune all the question banks. After a while, she found the answer.

Fourteen minutes have passed, and the assistant finally passed the correct answer to Lu Lingshan.

Lu Lingshan quietly reported the answers to these three questions, which happened to be on the dead line of the last two minutes. After answering this question, her back was wet with sweat.

Despite Lu Lingshan's question, a seed of suspicion fell in the hearts of the audience.

Why can people who can make complex inference calculation problems like "Happy Diminish Music", but even such simple math problems in the college entrance examination have to think for a long time?

The host smiled and said: "The answer is correct! Next, I will ask Gu Mingxi of the R Squadron to answer the three questions given by the Yude team."

The subject reported by the host was a math contest problem, and the difficulty was several times higher than the previous one, and it was not at the same level at all.

"Please answer within half an hour: Given a point A and a line segment BC, set a point P in space so that there is a point X on the line segment BC that satisfies the angle APX is a right angle, and try to find the trajectory of all such points P."

"Four real numbers, the product of any three of them plus the fourth number equals two..."

Gu Mingxi stood up and said, "Only representing an individual, I give up answering."

The members of the R lieutenant colonel looked at each other and drove Jiang Jiajun out. Jiang Jiajun pursed his lips solemnly: "Sorry, I also give up answering."

One or two give up answering, is it because the question is too difficult? The Xueba Jiang in the audience did it suspiciously, and he really couldn't do it in a short time. It is normal for them to fail to do it, but it is impossible for Gu Mingxi to fail to do it!

All the students were in an uproar, and the players in R were a little confused and didn't understand what was going on. A game that should have been brilliant, ended abruptly in this abrupt way.

The host announced: "Congratulations to the Yude team for winning the championship of "Intellectual Confrontation"!"



good night.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-1823:55:37~2020-04-2023:49:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Li Ke, neighbor Sakata-kun, Xiaozhu Putong——! , 11122, fleeting year, 37715346, Dongdong, 1 empty city;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Wang Xiao’s little tortoise, already a salted fish, 50 bottles of Min suga; 28 bottles of Yiren JJ; 25 bottles of meow dumplings and fish dumplings; 22 bottles of sugar gas girls; listening, Niannian, Shanying, Chu Wen, ermao, 18800512, 2589306320 bottles; 10 bottles of Psyche, Zhang, Qian, fleeting, lightly innocent; 7 bottles of Mo; colorful skirts, Mojingling, Jinqin, Eyiyiyi, Pick the moon tonight. 5 bottles; beet, 11122, less sugar and no vegetables, 2 bottles of Lanyu Lingxin; um, yeah, Dongdong, 40087353, Li Ke, sunny, run quickly, 23396140, 40526131, 1 bottle of Xingyu Xingchen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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