Jiang Jiajun's heart is tantamount to setting off an earthquake and tsunami.

He never thought that Zhou Xiu would be the anchor he had been chasing for a long time.

Because "Xiu Xiu loves to study" is too diligent, and the perseverance is extraordinary than that of ordinary people, plus the rough hands she exposed during the live broadcast, in Jiang Jiajun's imagination, she should be a girl with glasses, taciturn, and a very ordinary look. .

However, Zhou Xiu was a little outstanding. As the seed player of Yude team, the light of the stage always chased her. Such a girl is actually being laughed at by fans for being ugly, so she doesn't like to show her face, "Xiu Xiu loves to study"?

Jiang Jiajun's mouth opened for a long time without closing it.

He adjusted his emotions for a long time and finally stretched out his hand, "Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Jiang Jiajun."

Zhou Xiu also reached out and shook Jiang Jiajun, "My name is Zhou Xiu."

After Jiang Jiajun accepted the fact that Zhou Xiu was "Xiu Xiu loves to study", he was nervous for a long time, not knowing what to say.

The team leader took the students to see the examination room, Xu Qing urged Zhou Xiu: "Xiuxiu, we are going to see the examination room."

Zhou Xiu pursed her lips, then turned her head and said to Jiang Jiajun, "We will talk after the exam."

"Come on, I wish you success in the exam!"

Jiang Jiajun said shyly: "Well, the anchor has to come on!"

"I wish you a gold medal."

Jiang Jiajun, a fan who saw the idol's silly look, made Gu Mingxi snorted, "Everyone is gone, what else are you looking at? Let's go, let's go to the examination room."

Jiang Jiajun found that the senior was not surprised. Reminiscent of his unprecedented behavior of inviting Zhou Xiu to do his homework, Jiang Jiajun woke up in an instant. He quickly stepped forward and strangled the senior's neck to vent his anger.

After lunch, the students from the provincial teams took a short break and walked into the theory examination room on time at 2:30.

The system said: [Come on, Xiuxiu! 】

[Go all out to compete for the first place! 】

National competition NO.1 rewards 30WRMB, NO.2 rewards 25WRMB, and NO.3 rewards 20WRMB. It is a rare opportunity to make money in the competition!

Zhou Xiu took out the water-based pen calmly, 【I will. 】

In this year's theoretical examination questions, many research literature reading questions have been added. Although many school tyrants were prepared for a long time, they were still abused.

After Zhou Xiu had a lesson in the league, he usually pays great attention to the reading of the literature. Every issue of the international journals and every article of Zhou Xiu is carefully read. When encountering cutting-edge biotechnology literature questions, it is no longer a game to try luck. Answering blindly, but with a clear mind, and done in one go.

It took Zhou Xiu an hour and a half to write the twelve-page test paper. After finishing writing, Zhou Xiu carefully started from the beginning, checking the answers one by one.

The students present here are all elites who have gone through various selections. Everyone who can go to the national competition will go for the gold medal. They scrutinize the question carefully, sometimes frowning, sometimes suddenly realizing that they are struggling to write, and strive to perform to their best condition.

The classroom was filled with the rustling of homework, and occasionally the sound of turning over test papers.

The short two hours passed quickly, and the students walked out of the examination room one after another.

This time, the number of students who handed in papers in advance was much less. After the exam, the familiar provincial team members exchanged the questions that were just completed.

But there are also many students who have no thoughts to communicate. The results of the theory test will be announced in the evening. After the test, the test takers will go to eat first while they are still eating.

After the exam, Xu Qing asked Zhou Xiu: "Are you ready for the college interview?"

Before the closing ceremony of the biology competition, there will be a presentation by colleges and universities, and the students will be signed on the spot. The students with the top 50 overall scores in previous years will be eligible for admission to Qingbei, and 51-100 students will be admitted to colleges and universities after passing the interview.

Zhou Xiu said, "I didn't prepare, what's the matter?"

Before participating in the competition, Zhou Xiu heard many examples of students who had recommended Qingbei in the past. At that time, Zhou Xiu was just a student who came to study in the city from the countryside, and Qingbei was only a distant symbol for her.

But today, it suddenly becomes very close, as if it is within reach.

There was a glimmer of expectation in Xu Qing's eyes. He asked, "Why, do you want to study abroad?"

"In terms of biology majors, it is better to study abroad, such as Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, etc., biology majors are very strong..."

Xu Qing actively recommends foreign universities.

Zhou Xiu shook her head and corrected: "I never thought about going abroad."

"I will take the college entrance examination, and I don't need to be recommended."

Xu Qing was a little surprised when he heard that, he straightened his glasses.

As soon as Zhou Xiu had finished speaking, the team members around the corner listening in secretly were stunned, "Zhou Xiu, are you not preparing for an interview?"

To be honest, most people participate in the competition to pass the qualifications and reduce the scores. Few people would be willing to give up their qualifications to be sent/reduced, otherwise, what is the point of squeezing time for the college entrance examination review and hard preparation for the competition?

System: [Probably...for money. 】

Everyone does not know how to evaluate Zhou Xiu. Does Zhou Xiu decide that he is not in the top 100 and just give up struggling, or think that he will stand out in the college entrance examination?

It took so much energy to get to this day, and it’s all here, so how about attending an interview by the way.

Jiang Yuanyuan said: "Go back tonight and prepare for it. I need an English self-introduction to show my strengths and advantages. I will ask you some professional questions. This can't trouble you."

Jiang Yuanyuan thought of Zhou Xiuneng's Interpretation Conference, and the English introduction should be trivial to her.

Zhou Xiu spread her hands: "Don't think about it so much, wait for the results to be announced tonight."

Speaking of theoretical examination results, the members of the provincial team fell into a dead silence, and the topic was successfully ended.

In the evening, the team leader coaches held a student welcome party.

They organized students to exchange learning experience and methods. Jiang Jiajun has been looking for Zhou Xiu after taking the exam.

He ran into Zhou Xiu in the auditorium and ran to Zhou Xiu excitedly: "Anchor, thank you so much!"

"The'enzyme hyaluronidase' tested today, I have seen it on "cell". There is also'cancer cells metastasize through protein'..."

Jiang Jiajun followed Zhou Xiu to read a lot of scientific literature, and every month science magazines were purchased, as well as the ten instinctive information books that he started with Zhou Xiu before the exam that could drive people crazy.

Zhou Xiu said, "You're welcome."

The other two people were shocked: "Jiang Jiajun, what are you talking about?"


Is the anchor "Xiu Xiu loves to learn"?

Jiang Jiajun’s classmates had previously been used by him as the anchor "Xiu Xiu loves to learn". There were 4 R students in the city B team. They learned that Jiang Jiajun had met with the anchor, and they have been paying attention to Jiang Jiajun after the exam.

Although they are not as enthusiastic about the live broadcast as Jiang Jiajun, they occasionally take out their mobile phones to watch videos after studying.

As a result... They watched Jiang Jiajun walk up to a beautiful girl and called "Anchor".

When the two people met each other, they exchanged inner shocks. The anchor who imagined that he was a big man with his feet was actually a beautiful girl?

One of the girls took out her mobile phone, logged into the live broadcast room, and silently typed a paragraph: "The scene of the national game, the anchor Yanji."

"The anchor is super nice!!!"

At the end she put a long string of exclamation marks full of a screen.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-2701:18:48~2020-04-2900:12:26~

Thank you for the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 year ago, sorrowful;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: One bite;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: CYF175 bottles; Moon Snow 42 bottles; Sunny Coral 30 bottles; No trouble 23 bottles; Huh, Sleeping Cat, rpd1120 bottles; Dumping 15 bottles; Pig Mark 13 bottles; Peas, Da Da Da Da Duck running, bustling is the most ignorant, Yaya, 20904453, TAKGya, Feiyu☆ 10 bottles; Jing, Coral, Mojin Lukai 5 bottles; Less sugar, no vegetables, Yiyi Yaya 3 bottles; 381641392 bottles ; Yanyanyan, 255802931 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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