What is shocking is that "Xiu Xiu loves to learn" is actually a player of Yude's team.

Zhou Xiu's performance is like a large-scale killer, invincible. When they were watching the game in the audience, the students in R hated the contestant Zhou Xiu, and they loved and hated him.

The demeanor she showed in the last language session was impressive. The audience who watched the Zhou show game knew that her English was not good, but in the end she translated it!

At that moment, the Jedi counterattacked, and even the R high school students who were standing on the opposite camp couldn't help but turn to each other.

Today, Fate told them that Zhou Xiu was actually the anchor who complained about English **** in the live broadcast room every day? These two students had the feeling of being an anchor.

The girl suddenly laughed in epiphany: "Ah, no wonder it can be translated. If it is an anchor, it would be correct!"

"I remember that during the summer vacation, we stayed up late with the anchor and translated several mathematics documents. We have all read the mathematics documents derived from the Mathematics Conference in recent years. The most difficult question is simply a sub-question for you. ."

Jiang Jiajun was originally the protagonist, but now he is robbed of the limelight by his classmates, and he is not jealous. He stood aside and curled his lips slightly, watching his classmate hold Zhou Xiu's hand, and excitedly recalled the days when he struggled and struggled together.

Although separated by a network cable, the biology competition implicated them together.

They followed Zhou Xiu to set goals and gathered at the National Biology Competition today.

The serious learning exchange experience meeting has become a small noodle-based site.

Two students from Xueba in R said: "The review materials recommended by the anchor are very useful and awesome! I felt very relaxed when I wrote the question today."

If the classmates who watched the live broadcast together can stick to Zhou Xiu, maybe they will be able to stand at the finals today.

"It seems to be simpler than the league. At the beginning, the league head was big. It turns out that it is really useful to work hard to review. Don't give up lightly until the last minute."

Zhou Xiu did not expect that her live broadcast could affect so many people. She was sincerely happy to see that the fans in the live broadcast room had these gains today.

At first, the live broadcast was just to let the large amount of funds rewarded by the system show up, but gradually it has become a way for Zhou Xiu to record the past.

Xu Qing called Zhou Xiu, and Zhou Xiu said to them: "Sorry, I have something to do, let's go there first."

"Come on for the lab exam tomorrow!"

The three nodded together, they stretched out their palms and crossed them together and looked at Zhou Xiu.

Zhou Xiu curled her lips and stretched out her palm. Everyone shouted, "Come on!"

The eyebrows of this group of teenagers are full of confidence, and their eyes are full of expectations for tomorrow. All the efforts have been sowed yesterday, and tomorrow is the harvest season.

Xu Qing said to Zhou Xiu: "You didn't bring your mobile phone, did you? Teacher He called you."

Zhou Xiu answered the call, and Mr. He's kind voice came over the phone: "Zhou Xiu, are you nervous?"

Zhou Xiu said, "Fortunately, I'm not nervous."

On the other side, Yude Middle School.

The teachers in the entire office gathered together to listen to Mr. He’s call. Mr. He smiled and said, “It’s good if you don’t be nervous. Zhou Xiu, you usually study very hard. can."

"The teachers are looking forward to you and Xu Qing bringing good news back."

The biology teacher of Class 24 pushed Mr. He, and whispered: "You have to let the children listen to what you said. How much pressure should be exerted."

For the biology group of Yude Middle School, they have not touched a gold medal for many years. Two good seedlings have finally appeared this year, which are so rare that they can't wait to be treated as baby bumps.

Teacher He coughed vigorously a few times, and then the other teacher said a word.

"Come on!"

"Remember to review the questions carefully in the experimental part, and be bold and careful."

"If you encounter an experiment that you won't be able to, follow the steps to deal with it, and strive for extra points."

"Tomorrow, I will take the test for a whole day of experimentation. It is more psychological quality. In fact, there are very few students who can get full marks for each question. Try to stay calm and get the points you deserve."

Zhou Xiu's heart was very warm when he heard these kind and gentle instructions.

A smile appeared on her eyebrows.

The biological laboratory equipment of Yude Middle School is very advanced, and the school occasionally invites professors from the scientific research institute to give students experimental classes. Zhou Xiu and Xu Qing got the lab key given by the teacher, and the experimental operation is their strength.

The theory test is the weak point.

Finally, Mr. He got his phone back and said: "I heard that the theoretical test results will be announced tonight, Zhou Xiu, have you all passed..."

Teacher He just finished saying that the team leader was already reading the list of students who passed the theory test. Zhou Xiu was the first student whose name was pronounced. Zhou Xiu waited for a while. After listening to the team leader, he read the entire list.

Xu Qing is the first few in the countdown.

When Zhou Xiu heard the words, she curled her lips and said, "We've all passed. Teacher, let's talk more about it tomorrow afternoon."

"Good, good." Teacher He who received the good news laughed from ear to ear and hung up the phone.

Zhou Xiu's team is the host team. The team leader and coach are teachers from the university or middle school, and the team leader in the fourth middle school becomes the coach of the provincial team.

At the learning exchange symposium, the previous seniors had finished sharing their experiences, and Hei Mian Shen glanced at Zhou Xiu.

"Zhou Xiu, you go up too."

When selecting members of the provincial team, Zhou Xiu's solid experimental foundation was eye-catching, and the black face **** asked Zhou Xiu to come to the stage to share his experimental experience.

Zhou Xiu closed the English magazine with a smile, and said to the team leader: "Teacher, I don't have any makeup today."

The black face **** was choked, his neck stubborn, and his black neck gradually turned black and red.

He took a deep breath as if he had done psychological construction for a while, and then he sternly said with his hands behind his back: "You are fine, it is because the teacher is biased in his thinking. I misunderstood you before..."

He sighed. "Go up, do the experiment operation tomorrow."

Zhou Xiu pursed her lips and stepped onto the podium. She shared her experience about the experiment to the members of the provincial team, which quoted many classic experiments, which is almost easy to come by, which will be very helpful for tomorrow's experimental exam.

The classmates who were absent-minded or took the time to review with the materials were also fascinated at this moment, and took the draft paper to jot down frantically.

The students in the audience could see that Zhou Xiu's experiment was very strong. After her sharing, the members of the provincial team gave a warm applause.

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Du Heng, "Eh, Du Heng, do you think you are better, or Zhou Xiu."

Du Heng raised his head and looked at Zhou Xiu on the stage, his careless eyes suddenly became clear, and after a long time he said, "I don't know."

"If it's math, I am better than her."

Jiang Yuanyuan: "..."

The answer to the wrong question is Du Heng's consistent narcissism. However, Jiang Yuanyuan witnessed Du Heng's abnormal results, and even after listening to Zhou Xiu's sharing, she still thinks Du Heng is stronger.

In the league, Du Heng's original score without T value was much higher than Zhou Xiu's.

The students of the provincial team discussed in private: "I heard that their Yude laboratory is great, is it true?"

Yue Shi had experienced it personally and nodded, "Yes, the experience of taking the experimental class is very cool."

Thinking of this, Yue Shi regretted why he had to abandon Yude Middle School for 200,000 yuan.

Xu Qing has never seen what other schools’ laboratories are like, and they can’t be compared. He spread his hands and said, “It’s okay, but the equipment is more complete, not much different from other middle schools. But our school has a transmission With an electron microscope, you can clearly see the thylakoids in the chloroplast."

The classmates who didn't understand were confused, the classmates who understood cast envy, jealousy and hatred at Xu Qing, Nima, is this kind of hatred, okay?

An instrument worth over one million yuan is given to high school students, which is purely a money-burning behavior.

"Your school is really rich, and both software and hardware can keep up." The fourth middle school student said enviously.

It is a pity that it has not been among the top middle schools for so many years, and most people think of it as aristocratic private middle schools, not key middle schools.

In the evening, after the welcome party, Zhou Xiu returned to the dormitory, watched the mathematics decompression on her mobile phone for a while, and quickly washed up and went to bed.


The next day, Zhou Xiu got up early to change clothes, put on a high ponytail, and went to the exam with energy.

The laboratory test runs from 8:00 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon. Candidates cannot leave the lounge during the rest period and can only eat boxed lunches.

The experimental questions of biology have a large amount of questions, but they are relatively basic ones, including zoology, botany, ecology, biochemistry, macro biology, micro biology, and each part takes 90 minutes. From the morning to the afternoon, it is not allowed to return to the dormitory during the lunch break. The continuous examination puts a lot of mental pressure on the candidates.

Although the experiment operation time is very long, many candidates lack practical experience and have not finished the experiment.

Although Zhou Xiu wasted a month during the summer vacation and returned to the countryside, he did not participate in the experimental training organized by the school. But when she had nothing to do, Zhou Xiu went to the laboratory to perform experiments to decompress. Although the content of the experiments was large, she was not in a hurry.

The system said: [Come on! 】

It read the rewards of the national biological competition in Zhou Xiu's ear again.

Zhou Xiu: 【……】

The professor on the inspection tour saw Zhou Xiu's beautiful experimental operation from a distance through the glass window.

Every step of the girl is clean and tidy, and the data processed by her hands is concise and clear, striving to make every item perfect.

Zhou Xiu finished the experiment ten minutes in advance, processed the data mentally, wrote the last experiment report, submitted the test paper and walked out of the examination room.

System: [Today's boy is also a very confident boy! 】

[This is the national competition, this is a 30W bonus! 】

For the experimental exams where time is tight, she still turns in the papers ahead of time if others can't finish them. What is this not being brave?

Zhou Xiu lowered her head and smiled, 【calm down. 】

The professor outside the classroom asked the candidate for the first time: "Are you doing well in the exam?"

Thanks to his good memory, Zhou Xiu quickly recognized the professor who visited the exam. He is a professor at the School of Life Sciences at National Tsing Hua University and has a high status in the field of molecular biology.

It was Zhou Xiu's first contact with such a great god, and it took a long time for her to remain calm.

Professor Li also recognized Zhou Xiu, and he smiled slightly, "Your academic results are excellent. Are you ready for an interview?"

Zhou Xiu shook her head, "No, I didn't think about relying on competition to send."

"Very ambitious, go to the National Tsing Hua University Challenge Class after the college entrance examination."

Zhou Xiu hummed softly, her eyes flickering, she raised her head and said to the professor: "If there is a chance!"


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-2900:12:27~2020-04-2920:24:31~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 Zixuan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 200 bottles of Wenzimu; Dongxiao like the moon, 80 bottles of big size; 60 bottles of Qi Yue Wuyi; 49 bottles of Qingzheng; 30 bottles of Fengliu; 20 bottles of sunshine and Jenny; unknown junior, I really want to eat Hot pot, 45132153, 10 bottles of meat, moon, coriander; 397066646 bottles; Qianmo Jing'an, shadow, Mo Jinlu Kai, Jiang Er'er, did you drink more water today? 5 bottles of cats after eating; 2712072, 2 bottles of fly; 23396140, Fawn Fawn, run quickly, 19021502, yanyanyan, 25580293, 1 bottle of smelly;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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