The coach outside the examination room, Hei Mian Shen, has experienced the taste of Pharaoh's myocardial infarction for a long time.

"I came out so soon? The exam is not over yet, right?"

Although Zhou Xiu is not a student of their fourth high school, this is a national competition and represents the honor of the province. Black Face God has already summarized Zhou Xiu into his own camp, and only hopes that she will be able to rush to a higher ranking.

Didn't expect this student to come to such a hand during the exam? Heimianshen had great opinions on Zhou Xiu.

The smile in Zhou Xiu's eyes has not faded, her eyes flashed with joy, and she said, "Thank you, teacher, for your concern."

The black-faced **** choked, "You figure it out, I'm not caring about you!"

This is clearly a careless accusation against her!

Zhou Xiu pursed her lips and said, "Well, I see, thank you teacher."

After the exam, Zhou Xiu returned to the dormitory and turned on the phone. The phone that had been turned off for a long time saved 999+ unread messages. The news rolled in, and the chat window shook out one by one. Zhou Xiu's phone almost didn't get stuck.

In the discussion group, Yu Qingyan lonely sent news all afternoon.

"Now Xiuxiu should be ready to go out of the examination room, Buddha bless Xiuxiu to win the gold medal!"

"Now Xiuxiu should be in an intense experiment. Class 24 is in biology class, and the biology teacher is asking for Xiuxiu's phone number. Xiuxiu, waiting for the teacher's call to come over soon>_

Zhou Xiu turned up again and asked in the tidbits of last night: "Du Heng has returned me news, Xiu Xiu has no news at all."

"Call us back after the exam, we have good news for you!"

After Zhou Xiu read the chat log, the bell rang for the end of the exam.

The system is distressed: [The time saved for the exam is so plainly wasted on the historical news. Boy, go eat! 】

Zhou Xiu took a shower in the dormitory and changed into clean clothes to eat in the cafeteria.

Xu Qing's phone rang in time, and his faintly smiling voice came from the receiver: "Don't bring your cell phone? Trivia and they are here, let's have a meal together. We are waiting for you downstairs in the laboratory."

Zhou Xiu said, "Okay."

Zhou Xiu returned to the laboratory downstairs, and the tidbit gave Zhou Xiu a bunch of flowers, "Thank you!"

Yu Qingyan said: "surprise! Congratulations on the end of the calamity!"

The flamboyant act of sending flowers to the public drew strange and enviable looks from many students.

Zhou Xiu took the flower and said dubiously: "It's not that exaggerated. It's just an exam. You will have evening study later. Please go back to self-study class after dinner. In fact, the food here is pretty good."

Zhou Xiu solemnly took out the pamphlet issued by the competition committee, and showed them the recipe, only then did they believe it.

When Lan Xin saw Zhou Xiu’s handbook that this legendary competition student could only possess, he looked forward to it, "Can Xiu Xiu give me this competition brochure as a souvenir? I will cherish it!"

Lanxin wanted to put this instruction manual with a spirit of learning on the table, read it when he was tired from reviewing his homework, and inspire himself.

Zhou Xiu gave it to Lanxin. She glanced at the flowers in her arms and asked, "Xuxu gave me flowers. Does Du Heng have any flowers?"

Yu Qingyan secretly gossip with Zhou Xiu: "Yes, Sister Xu bought two copies. When Sister Xu sent flowers to Du Heng, she was almost knocked out of school by the teacher."

Just now, Du Heng walked out of the examination room and was given flowers, shocked to heaven. The students in the fourth middle school couldn't walk anymore, and the teacher's eyes widened instantly. In this kind of school with a strong learning atmosphere and prohibition of premature love and madness, the act of sending flowers to the teacher is tantamount to blowing sand in the eyes of the teacher.

Especially the coach of the provincial team, his face turned black and he looked at the tidbits questioningly, as if he was going to beat a mandarin duck.

But given that the object of the puppy love was Du Heng, the teacher endured it because he had just finished the exam.

At this time, a large number of students in competition were walking out of the examination room, and Yu Qingyan looked at these people with the gaze of a scumbag worshiping a tyrant, "Xiuxiu, these are all learning gods, right... This is my first time. Seeing so many learning gods."

Zhou Xiu coughed, "Yes, they are all excellent classmates."

Lanxin said: "Our Show God is awesome, and can compete with Xueshen from all over the country!"

The tidbits took Zhou Xiu's hand, "Don't say go to dinner, I'll treat you. There is a nice restaurant near No. 4 Middle School."

When the group went outside the school, Du Heng was called over by the tidbits, and everyone had a lively dinner.

After dinner, several girls obediently returned to Yude for evening study.

"You should have done well in the exam, Xiuxiu's face is full of smiles. Waiting for your good news." The tidbit squeezed Zhou Xiu's face.

Yu Qingyan quietly said to Zhou Xiu: "If you have a chance, you must remember to sign a contract and give it away. Don't miss this rare opportunity!"

Zhou Xiu looked at the backs of them leaving in a hurry, feeling very warm.

Xu Qing saw Zhou Xiu's eyes and asked her in a small chat: "I heard the teacher said that you handed in your papers in advance."

Zhou Xiu said, "I will hand it in after three inspections."

The two of them exchanged the content of the experiment question, and Xu Qing smiled slightly and said: "It shouldn't be a big problem to win the gold medal. The teacher will be very happy. Give him a call to say goodbye."

The results haven’t come out yet, Zhou Xiu edited a text message and sent it to Teacher He, “Everything went well for the exam, don’t worry.”

After the exam, all the students were very happy, like a sigh of relief, and like having a dream come true.

The competition students in Zhouxiu's dormitory were originally very tense, and they were in a state of competition a few days before the exam, with little communication.

After the exam, they can chat. In the night, they chatted one after another, “I’m not telling you, I’m really jealous of you, why can you be so relaxed?”

Zhou Xiu said: "It's not easy."

Before participating in "Intellectual Confrontation", Zhou Xiu watched creatures all day. In the summer vacation, I made up for a month of competition classes, and took a thick test paper back to the countryside for the remaining month.

Everyone: "..."

After talking for a long time, a girl murmured softly: "The competition is really tired. I'm in the third year of high school, and I won't have to participate again next year."

Another girl said: "To be honest, I didn't know the meaning of the competition for a while...until I listened to Professor Liu Enshan's speech."

It comes from the pure love of living things in the heart and the exploration of the mysteries behind nature. Once you enter the pit of living things, you will never come out again.

"Will you report biology major?"

The other girls said, "Yes."

A girl thought about it for a long time, then sighed and said, "It shouldn't be. I heard that biology is a pitfall. You have to go on studying and even study abroad to get ahead. Generating power for love is difficult thing……"

Perhaps the National Biology Competition is her last journey of "powering for love".

Another said: "There is still half a year to consider, I don't want that much for the time being."

The girl who asked the question suddenly got excited: "Let's add a contact information. After the results come out, remember to say goodbye to each other. Maybe we can still become classmates in the future."

Zhou Xiu listened to the roommates' complaints, and her heart moved slightly with emotion.

Without the system, Zhou Xiu would probably struggle as fiercely as a girl chatting tonight. She was born in poverty, and she understood the concept of "poor" too deeply.

In his freshman year, Zhou Xiu's ideal major was finance and computer science.

System: [Don't worry, I will always be with you. 】

[Please be bold to love creatures! 】


The total T score of the candidates will be announced within a week, and the next two days will be a long college presentation and college signing interview. Many health competition parties happily signed a referral agreement.

The top 50 are directly recommended to Qingbei, and 51 to 100 are admitted with a reduction in points.

Xu Qing didn't sign, Zhou Xiu knew he planned to study abroad. Du Heng didn't sign it either. Du Heng's statement was that he did not report the biology major.

The long five-day national biology competition is over, Zhou Xiu and the students in the dormitory bid farewell one by one.

Jiang Jiajun looked at Zhou Xiu reluctantly, and stepped back and got on the bus. Finally, he shook his hand at Zhou Xiu: "When the results come out, Xiuxiu remember to say goodbye!"

"Thank you for your company for half a year!"

On the way to the airport by bus, Jiang Jiajun logged in to the live broadcast software and tied the card to top up tens of thousands of dollars. He squeezed planes, yachts, and rockets with his thumb frantically, and threw a hundred thousand dollars.

Barrage gushed frantically in the live broadcast room.

"Student brother is so big today?" said "trying hard to IMO" in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Jiajun glanced at the back of the bus, Gu Mingxi lowered his hat and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

Other fans said: "What happened, Xiao Jin's account was hacked?"

Although he usually rewards, but Lin Lin always adds up to only a few thousand yuan.

The other two R high school students who came to participate in the national competition also followed a wave of rewards, "Thanks to the anchor for the guidance!"

"The anchor is very awesome! I will continue to follow up the anchor's biological review, and strive to enter the national team!"

The two students felt very relaxed after taking the experimental exam. Coupled with the advantages of the theoretical exam, they have confidence in this year's gold medal. Compared with Qingbei, what's the reward for this point?

All of a sudden, the screen was full of rewards, and the fans in this live broadcast room were really tyrants!

The fans know that today is the end of the National Biology Competition, so how many of them actually met the anchor?

"Envy and jealousy, raise your hand, I also want to see the anchor."

"I look forward to the anchor of the National Mathematical Contest, come on, and see me in the national competition."

"The biology is finally over, the anchor don't be lazy, I order you to come out and write math!"

"I'm waiting for you, at the scene of the National Digital Competition."

"After watching the barrage, I am convinced. There are indeed a lot of real students in this live broadcast room. Kneel to learners."

Jiang Jiajun smiled when he saw this sentence, and he quickly typed the next sentence: "Looking forward to the reunion of the national mathematics competition and the anchor."

"The national competition is in city B, we entertain you!"


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-2920:24:31~2020-04-2923:03:37~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 49 bottles of wuwu; 8330 bottles of wuhen; 20 bottles of Gula Bar there; shadows and giraffes do not need to sell cute, surplus cats, and 10 bottles of Zero; 6 bottles of bitter wood; wait for the next chapter, 5 bottles of night travel; I can! , 255802931 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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