Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 150: (Medium repair)


City B.

Lu Lingshan and her boyfriend came to Jiang's house as a guest. Both Jiang’s parents and Jiang Dongxue were there, but Jiang Jiajun went to C City to participate in the competition and was not at home.

The parents of the Jiang family are well-educated people. Mrs. Jiang is well maintained. She looks like her 30s in her forties.

Jiang Dongxue gave Lu Lingshan a white and ignored her.

Because Lu Lingshan cheated in the competition, Jiang Jiajun abstained from the competition and was chased by classmates for a long time at the beginning. Jiang Dongxue was very angry about this.

Madam Jiang blamed her daughter: "Dongxue can't be polite. Take your brother and your senior sister around."

Madam Jiang turned her head and smiled and handed the ladder to Jiang Jing and Lu Lingshan: "You young people have something to talk about, let's go play."

Lu Lingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

The Jiang family's parents seem to get along better than Mrs. Xi, and if they apologize to Jiang Dongxue on this occasion, it would be more uncomfortable than killing Lu Lingshan.

The three people walked to the garden in the backyard. Jiang Jing took Lu Lingshan's hand and winked at her. He cleared his throat and coughed, "Lingshan caused you trouble some time ago."

Jiang Dongxue put her arms around her shoulders and said condescendingly, "What's the use of apologizing to me?"

Lu Lingshan's face was green and red.

Jiang Dongxue has a superior family background, excellent grades, a smart head and a beautiful face. I have been accustomed to being sought after since I was young, and my temper is naturally arrogant.

Zhou Xiu's shadow appeared in front of Lu Lingshan's eyes.

Just as smart and arrogant, with excellent grades, but unfortunately from a poor background. If she is really the child of the Jiang family...

Lu Lingshan raised her head and her eyes were slightly red, and said to Jiang Dongxue: "I will apologize to Jiajun. It is the company's decision to use "Intellectual Confrontation" to launch a new star. If it weren't for me, I would be someone else. I was cheated to sign a confidential contract. , Can’t disclose. They asked me to do that, otherwise the contract will be terminated and compensation, I know this is wrong.”

"Sorry... I was wrong."

Lu Lingshan told how she suffered during this period and how the entertainment company ignored her and pushed her out as a scapegoat. Speaking of indignation, tears fell steadily.

Jiang Jing agreed: "Shanshan was also deceived."

Jiang Dongxue did hear about Lu Lingshan's recent events, perhaps because she couldn't bear it, her tight face finally cracked, "Okay, don't talk about it. It's none of my business."

She turned her head and said hardly: "Jiajun will be back in two days. You can keep these words and tell him."

Lu Lingshan finally broke into a smile.

Mrs. Jiang asked Dongxue Jiang to take Lu Lingshan around. After Lu Lingshan walked around, she found that Jiang's family didn't even have a picture of her ex-wife. No wonder Jiang Dongxue and Jiang Jiajun didn't react at all when they saw Zhou Xiu.

Before Mrs. Jiang's father, there was a wife. Her name is Lin Shu. Lin Shu's family is a local rich man in Fragrant Island. After she married Jiang's father, the Jiang family took over the shares and management rights of the Lin Group.

Lu Lingshan went to the bathroom on the second floor with an excuse. The Jiang family's helper she bought gave her father Jiang's hair. Lu Lingshan got her hair and quickly left the Jiang family.

She sent the heads of Zhou Xiu and Jiang's father to a private inspection agency for DNA testing, and the results were 99.9% similar.

Lu Lingshan rubbed her eyes when she saw the result, her fingers trembling a little.

At this moment, Lu Lingshan's heart was full of flavours, jealousy and envy, as well as subtle imbalances. For Lu Lingshan, this result was unexpected and unreasonable.

Zhou Xiu's whistling look appeared in front of her eyes. In the winter, Zhou Xiu wore a half-new and unused padded jacket all the year round; when she was in gym class, Lu Lingshan vaguely saw the coarse stitches on her white-washed sweatshirt. Zhou Xiu always eats the cheapest fast food when he arrives in the dining hall.

This imbalance was quickly erased by these impressions. Lu Lingshan carefully erased the name and key information of the DNA test report, and sent a copy to Mrs. Jiang.

A week later, Mrs. Jiang finally asked Lu Lingshan to meet alone.


City C.

After the national biology competition, Zhou Xiu returned to Yude Middle School, and the end of the October monthly exam for the third grade group has come to an end.

As soon as Zhou Xiu arrived in the classroom, he saw the sorrow everywhere in the classroom, and the study committee members were distributing examination papers for various subjects. Because the monthly exam in October is the mid-term exam, a parent meeting will be held after the mid-term exam.

When the classmates saw Zhou Xiu who had returned from the national competition, their eyes were full of tears, and they all looked at Zhou Xiu with envious eyes. Zhou Xiu came back at exactly the right time, perfectly avoiding the mid-term exam in **** mode.

Du Feiyang said: "Xiu Xiu came back in time. I just finished the monthly exam yesterday."

Another student said: "Congratulations, Xiuxiu, successfully avoided the enemy's big move."

Yu Qingyan rolled up the textbook and knocked on the desk, and said solemnly: "Hey, hey, can Xiuxiu use it to avoid the exam? She is obviously the one who can just finish the exam."

A male classmate said "Uh" and teased: "Hurt! This is not necessarily true, Xiuxiu avoided the English exam anyway."

Hearing this, everyone laughed unkindly.

Zhou Xiu returned to her seat and put down her schoolbag.

The head teacher just walked into the classroom to patrol the morning class, and she saw Zhou Xiu sitting in a seat that had been vacant for a week.

MissLi happily said and asked: "You are back, did you just end the game yesterday?"

She said enthusiastically and handed Zhou Xiu an English test paper, "You came back just right. Use self-study to write the English test paper for the mid-term exam. Come to my office after school and I will listen to you."

Zhou Xiu: "..."

Zhou Xiu took out a water-based pen, opened the test paper and started writing.

Just as the head teacher left, the surrounding students burst into laughter.

Whether it is a blessing or a misfortune is a misfortune that cannot be avoided, and the one that should come can never escape.

The academic committee distributed math test papers one by one, and the tidbits of the papers fell on Zhou Xiu's desk. The bright red "108" points are marked on the white roll surface. Even Zhou Xiu couldn't help but shine.

"666, sister Xu is great, just 110 points short of one multiple-choice question!" a classmate said.

A male student said: "Sister Xu has a score of 120, the future can be expected."

"That is necessary, you don't look at who your brother-in-law is." Yu Qingyan said.

The students’ test papers were handed out one by one. Yu Qingyan scored 99 points, Lanxin scored 101 points, Du Feiyang scored 116 points, and Tanming scored 125 points. The students in this area have basically passed mathematics.

Even the scores are higher than one by one.

In the blink of an eye, the mathematics scores of these students have improved gradually, and the results are very gratifying. Xu Qing, who is in charge of distributing the test papers, smiled and said, "Everyone did a good job this time."

When Zhou Xiu saw the bright red numbers on the side of the results column, she couldn't help but look sideways.

I remembered that when I first met them, Tan Ming was sixty to seventy points, the side story was fifty points, Du Feiyang was forty points, and Yu Qingyan's Lanxin was hovering at two or thirty points. One is more tired of learning than one.

Yu Qingyan held his "99" sub-paper, showing a sweet smile, "Well, it's easy this time. If I'm not so careless, it would be fine. If the monitor is taken the exam, I will be able to pass the exam. "

The mid-term exam questions are easy, it is impossible. Especially the math test papers are still issued by Pharaoh.

Although the tidbits did not score 110 points in mathematics, this result is an improvement for her.

Blue core is always looking for questions that should not be wrong, and constantly regrets: "If the calculation is not wrong, I can get three more points. There is also the fifth multiple-choice question, and the third question is filled in the blanks. The first big question is the calculation question. I should round up to 120..."

The scumbags were suddenly silent: "..."

This is a bit inflated.

Zhou Xiu glanced across the faces of the students and found that although they were complaining, the joy in their eyes could not deceive anyone.

Everyone's efforts seem to have paid off.

If Yu Qingyan's tidbits and their performance can be counted as normal performance, then it is definitely a dark horse counterattack.

Tan Ming's surrounding students saw that the "125" on his test paper received critical blows.

A certain scumbag shook his shoulder and asked, "Oh my God, what excites you clearly, mathematics is advancing so leaps and bounds."

"Obviously it seems to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du."

Yu Qingyan nodded, and said thoughtfully: "It's just like two people..."

Tan Ming stuffed his test papers into the drawer and said lightly: "Go and go, do you still speak human words? This is my normal level."

Du Feiyang scolded with a smile: "Cut, shameless."


"I just praised you, so you can't breathe?" The scumbags laughed and talked.

Tan Ming glanced in Zhou Xiu's direction. She leaned against the window and wrote the English test papers issued by the head teacher. After staring for a long time, Zhou Xiu glanced back at him.

Tan Ming's ears gradually turned red. He rubbed his ears, took out a math test paper from the drawer, and spread it out on the table to mute the questions.

Why did you take the 125 test?

Because he likes girls with full marks in math.

During the game, Zhou Xiu was calm and calm on the stage, and the most dazzling light fell on her. She participated in the competition, worked hard to review, and competed all the way to the national competition with the best people to compete for the place.

He can't be too far behind her, and he looks forward to standing next to her one day.

Although he can't be like Xu Qing and Xie Cheng, he can participate in shows and competitions with Zhou Xiu, and discuss academic problems with her easily. But it is clear that you can work hard for it. Try to get close to her.

math class.

Lao Huang rarely praised the progress of class 24 in the mid-term exam. "The students have made a lot of progress in this exam. In the ordinary class, our class is second in mathematics. As long as you are willing to work hard in mathematics, the results will be quick. of."

"Come and applaud yourself."

There was sparse applause in the hall, and Du Feiyang said to Lao Huang: "After all...salted fish have dreams, and barbecued pork has a dream for barbecued pork."

The scumbags from Class 24 laughed loudly.

Old Huang had a sceptical thought, and his words were extremely choked: "..."

"Barbecued Pork" is a stalk, you can't get through this life?

Lao Huang glanced at the big question that Du Feiyang made a mistake on the test paper, and ordered him to solve the problem, "There are so many words, you can come up to help the teacher solve this problem."

Du Feiyang stood up quickly, picked up the chalk and wrote the steps on the blackboard.

Du Feiyang, who finished writing the last formula, raised his head again with confidence in his eyebrows. He asked, "Teacher, did I do it right?"

Exactly right, Lao Huang was silent.

He looked at this naughty student. One year later, he seemed to have become completely different.

It seems that he is not the only one. There are also the girl who puts on makeup in class, the boy who sleeps in the corner, and the bottom student who takes the exam every time, many, many...

And the girl who had just returned from the biology competition after making him so angry.

Lao Huang coughed and said happily: "Although you feel cumbersome, but I want to say it again. Please don't be proud, and you will have to do better next time!"

The scumbags held their heads high and said swellingly: "That's a must!"

"Brother Xinyixin, okay?"

"Pride is impossible. After all, our class still has a perfect score in mathematics all year round."


Zhou Xiu took a class to finish the mid-term math test papers. She raised her head and glanced around and found that the tidbits were listening carefully to the comments, taking notes from time to time. Tan Ming wandered around and copied the problem-solving steps on the blackboard, and even the most lazy classmate in the class did not sleep.

Under the topic, the boys and girls in white shirts and school uniforms have vigorous, clean and tidy faces. They tacitly looked at the densely packed formula steps on the blackboard, and their focused eyes seemed to glow.

The overall mental outlook has been completely renewed.

Zhou Xiu couldn't help but curl her lips.

After class, the tidbits turned to the water-based pen, and she told Zhou Xiu: "Xiu Xiu, I don't want to go abroad, I want to stay in China to go to university."

Zhou Xiu was so surprised that the textbook she was holding almost fell to the ground, "Huh?"

After a while, Zhou Xiu thought that Du Heng had said that he did not want to apply for a biology-related major and did not sign a contract during the National Biology Competition. She faintly heard that Du Heng intended to sign with National Tsing Hua University to pass the math competition.

Zhou Xiu didn't ask why the tidbits were, but picked up the water-based pen on the desk and put it in her hand.

"So, it's too late to review from today. Xuxu will work hard to get into the exam."

Zhou Xiu carefully analyzed the feasibility of the performance of the tidbit. It is a bit difficult to test the North, but it is not a problem to test the original.

She took out the map and zoomed in to show the highlights, and counted: "Near National Tsing Hua University, there are people, forest universities, agricultural universities, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beihang University, Beike..."

Zhou Xiu chose a better school, "Tentatively decide the National People's Congress."

Trivia: "..."

Xiushen is really more than just a little swelling.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-2923:03:37~2020-05-0100:44:28~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 414,520,961;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Gai Qi; 40 bottles of Lin surnamed Zhang; 30 bottles of Mu Ning°, tear paper; 1554585069728 bottles; 25 bottles of this user not in the service area; 22 bottles of pets; 808257, three days lacking everything, ┑(~Д~)┍, 25030933, sauce chicken stir-fry, Jiuyi Jiuyang, dim, silent 20 bottles; FlowerMo13 bottles; Jiu chestnut 12 bottles; becky, meat, green papaya, ? Cocoa dance clothes, white pepper powder, Crystal, Mo, occasionally some vinegar, 42062409, Luo Jiayi, A10 bottles; 255802939 bottles; Jing 8 bottles; Tangtangtang?, Polaris, hermit purple, xiaobeidebei, big dumplings , Run and run 5 bottles; Rabbit has a long and long tail, 45088945, 414520962 bottles; Cassie, 23396140, lsry, Taozhiyaoyao burns Qihua 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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