Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 152: (Minor repair)

In October, the countdown calendar on the blackboard stated that there were 271 days left before the college entrance examination.

The dullest classmates in Class 24 have started to review. Many of them are preparing for the sprint for the study abroad exam, preparing for IELTS, TOEFL and SAT. Although the goals are different, but when you gather together to review, you have the determination to come together?

Even the head teacher walked into the classroom and couldn't help but sigh: "You are so diligent today, it's rare to see it."

Tan Ming joked: "It's the tidbits that aroused our conscience."

The tidbits of the exercise being written: "..."

During class, Yu Qingyan invited the tidbits to the playground to eat snacks. Just as the tidbits wanted to agree, a white test paper was handed to her.

"Xuxu will write about this exercise later." Zhou Xiu said.

The tidbit turned his head and said to Yu Qingyan: "I'm writing and practicing, don't eat it, you can look for Lanxin."

Trivia Putting the revised exercises into the folder, and sorting out the written test papers by the way, she counted a dozen test papers, and they were thick to the touch?

The tidbits fell into a trance.

She couldn't even imagine that she would be forced to study hard one day.

Yu Qingyan looked at the thick test paper in the tidbits, envious and admired. The performance during this period of time seems to be really no joke, she is learning to study as hard as Zhou Xiu.

Yu Qingyan said: "Well, sister Xu, write slowly, I won't bother you. We will leave you a meal after school."

The tidbits flipped through the six mathematics textbooks lying on the table, spitting out while looking for knowledge points, "Fortunately, I started preparing for the college entrance examination last semester."

"Otherwise, if you fail all the sciences now, you should be very frustrated."

Some decisions seemed completely meaningless at the time, but now they all have a decisive effect in retrospect. For example, last semester, I signed my willingness to participate in the college entrance examination and started working hard for it.

Zhou Xiu glanced at the tidbits flooded by the textbook, and said: "It's okay, take your time. Everything is difficult at the beginning. It's like learning English."

Thinking of Zhou Xiu's hardship in learning English, the tidbits are finally psychologically balanced. She seriously finished writing the exercises and handed them to Zhou Xiu, who quickly finished the changes and explained the tidbits on the spot.

After listening to the tidbits carefully, he asked: "When will your biological performance come out, Xiuxiu?"

Zhou Xiu said: "Just these two days."

The system said: [Juvenile, the test paper has been changed! I can tell you in advance, do you want to know? 】

Zhou Xiu didn't ask the system where he was ranked, and the results were announced two days later.

But Zhou Xiu, who had always been calm, felt a little nervous.

The ranking of the national competition is related to hundreds of thousands of prizes. The national masters are like clouds, and with the intricate T-score coefficient of each question, Zhou Xiu is not sure about his ranking after the exam.

Du Feiyang saw Zhou Xiu, who was graciously coaching the tidbits, and asked, "Xiu Xiu should be recommended this time, right?"

With so much time to help tidbits, Zhou Xiu should be sure to send it, right?

After hearing the words, the scumbags who had been studying hard and hardly looked at Zhou Xiu with envy.

Some people worked so hard to review for the college entrance examination, but some people had already won the Qingbei pass ahead of time. How can we not make people envy and hate?

Zhou Xiu said honestly: "Don't be envious, I didn't recommend it."

The students thought that Zhou Xiu didn't have the confidence to win the gold medal. Xiushen was too modest, right?

Everyone thinks of the time when Zhou Xiu was studying biology in English class before the national competition, and learned to go crazy, just because of this kind of learning addiction, he couldn't get the national gold?

The student next to him patted Zhou Xiu on the shoulder: "Be confident! We believe you can."

"Xiu Shen worked so hard, there must be no problem with the gold medal. You are the first place in the province!"

Zhou Xiu nodded, "Yeah."

She immersed herself in reviewing the content of the math competition, and she did not forget that there was a 26W award in the math league.


The tidbits remembered the dinner with Zhou Xiu after the national biological competition. At that time, she said that she was not prepared for the interview. After listening to the tidbits, she felt a pity and only persuaded her to go back and prepare well.

Unexpectedly, Xiuxiu was so courageous and gave up on the walk.

The tidbit pulled Zhou Xiu's sleeve and said: "Xiu Xiu, come on, let's sprint for the college entrance examination together!"

"Who can't pass 650, who is a dog!"

"Puff—" Tan Ming, who was drinking water, took a sip of water unexpectedly when he heard the tidbits.

Du Feiyang wiped the water stains on the desk in disgust, and the corners of his mouth almost cracked to the back of his ears: "Sister Xu, let me remind you that Xiu Xiu is a seven-percent person. And..."

He smiled, "The Master's 650 points alone are not enough."

Trivia tossed the pen in his hand, swept the end of his eyes, stood up and said to them: "Just know to make fun of me, do you have the ability to bet with us?"

Du Feiyang was unmoved, "Sister Xu, what's the use of my 650 test, I am the one who wants to prepare for the SAT."

Tan Ming glanced at Zhou Xiu and quickly retracted his gaze. He put his chin on and said, "Why don't you dare, no problem?"

Without the influence of the tidbits, Tan Ming also intends to fight back in the college entrance examination. Since last semester, Tan Ming has hired many tutors to make up for his homework.

But Tan Ming hopes that Zhou Xiu can see his changes.

Question marks slowly appeared on the faces of the scumbags: "???"

Such a clumsy method of agitation actually aroused Tan Ming?

The tidbits wrote a "treaty" enthusiastically, and Tan Ming soon received this "treaty" in triplicate, with two lines written in naive font on A4 paper:

"If the college entrance examination does not score 650 points, you have to run ten laps around the school playground in front of the teachers and students of the school and shout'I am a dog' while running."

The signature is the tidbits and Zhou Xiu's signature.

Tan Ming saw these two lines clearly, and his expression gradually cracked. For a moment, he inexplicably regretted agreeing to the gambling contract.

Du Feiyang glanced at his smile and his stomach hurts, "Obviously calm down, don't be impulsive, image is important!"

"If you fail the exam, you are punished to run these ten laps. How many girls will Yude have to break in love?"

Tan Ming’s idol’s burden weighs a ton, and if he really fails the exam, he will probably never return to Yude in his life after graduation.

Tan Ming: "..."

After turning his eyes around, Xu Qing asked, "Is the squad leader coming?"

A smile filled the corner of Xu Qing's mouth. He shook his head and said, "You play, I won't come."

Well, all the classmates know that the people who need to study hard now are not only Zhou Xiu's tidbits, but also Tan Ming.

These three people who need to sharpen their heads to study, including Xu Qing, who has always been stable and excellent in grades, are also sitting around Du Feiyang.

When the four people discussed and studied, they were enveloped in the aura of thirst for knowledge and fighting every second. Du Feiyang was not originally a salted fish, but was undoubtedly set off as a salted fish.

A scumbag propped his chin and said, "Du Feiyang is miserable. It's uncomfortable to sit in the C position of the squad."

"Four people discussed learning issues during class, Du Feiyang was sleeping. The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it, hahahahahahaha..."

At the same time that the students in Class 24 were vigorously participating in the college entrance examination review camp, a few small incidents happened on the Internet.

Lu Lingshan, who had disappeared for a long time, returned to school and exposed the confidentiality contract she signed with the entertainment company, and exposed on Weibo the behavior of "Intellectual Confrontation" for a long time in designing the new packaging of the table.

She tweeted about the exploitation and helplessness she suffered, and the treatment she suffered in school during this time. Weibo's writing is very good and exciting. After reading it, it makes people feel sorry for this little girl who knows nothing about the world.

This Weibo made netizens smell something wrong. Lu Lingshan mentioned on Weibo that she was not the only one who was "wrapped", but was there anyone else who was "cheating" openly?

"Technology emperors" started frantically picking up previous shows, looking for these cheating "fish that slip through the net".

The director and producer of the "Intellectual Confrontation" program group, as well as Lu Lingshan's agent, saw her Weibo and exploded in place.

The director gradually suffered a myocardial infarction, "What does she want to do? Isn't this thing over?"

The agent was angry and angry, his face turned blue and red, and he was so angry that his words were unsatisfactory: "shit exploitation, exploitation, coercion. Where is exploitation?"

There is only one place for hundreds of trainees in the entire company. It happened that Lu Lingshan was a student in a key middle school, and because of her grades and good looks, the agent became selfish and secretly gave her this place.

Unexpectedly, this "fragrance" has become an exploitative force in her mouth? The agent wanted to slap Lu Lingshan a few times.

The "enthusiastic technology emperors" took a long time, and finally caught Zhou Xiu's body.

They found a lot of shots that said: "During the preliminary contest, Zhou Xiu also made a few mistakes in simple English questions. How can the finals be translated into the English of the academic conference, and the progress is so rapid?"

"It is recognized that her English is not good, and Yude School's Tieba forum has testified."

"The question of the 17th-order Rubik's Cube was simply broken. Even the captain of the National Xin Olympic team did not have a correct rate of more than 50%. Zhou Xiu actually recovered completely. How inflated was it to copy the answer with closed eyes? The design of the table is too exaggerated."

The technical emperors began to pick up again, even some small and even ridiculous places were picked up: "When Zhou Xiu was playing Tetris, her eyes were closed many times, and she can really defeat Du Heng with her eyes closed. If her logical thinking and Mental arithmetic is better than computers, why can't even the Olympic team have enough?"

"Du Heng was really miserable this year. Not only did he meet Lu Lingshan, but also Zhou Xiu."

"Compared to Lu Lingshan, Zhou Xiu cheats so much/goofy."

When the hot search first went up, the class 24 students saw this hot search on their mobile phones, and they almost exploded collectively.

A word came out from their hearts: Don't let me show your spirits!

Du Feiyang's eyes widened: "What kind of **** is cheating that can make Lu Lingshan stand up for so long?"

"I thought she would have gone away from home in shame a long time ago, and went abroad in a desperate way!" Yu Qingyan said.

After seeing the hot search, I called my old man and asked him to delete the hot search.

"Dad did you see the news about Xiuxiu on the Internet?"

A calm voice came from the speakers: "I don't want to see them again.

Xiuxiu is very busy, not only preparing for the competition, but also taking time to coach me. She didn't have time to care about those things before, but this time I want to care about it. It may cost Dad a lot of money. Wouldn't you feel bad about it? "

When Huaye heard her daughter say this, she scowled at her: "Am I such a stingy person?"

Highlights During this time, he became extremely diligent and quiet. When he was free, he was either endorsing or writing exercises. His father was so scared that he almost thought he had a new daughter.

In the past, the tidbits were naughty and naughty, he asked a few tutors, and she would be able to run away a few.

Now when she came home, she listened carefully to the teacher's class, completed the homework on time, and promised that he would be admitted to the university. Huaye understands that this is all due to the girl named Zhou Xiu, who makes the tidbits diligent and studious.

Huaye asked people in the industry to inquire about the news, and by the way spent money to delete Lu Lingshan's hot searches. Unexpectedly, friends in the industry told him that Lu Lingshan's hot search could not be deleted, and there was someone on her.

However, Huaye refreshed and found that the hot search suddenly disappeared.

He asked angrily, "What's going on, doesn't it mean that you can't delete it?"

A friend in the industry said: "I don't know either."

A string of question marks gradually appeared on Huaye's face: "???"

City B.

Lu Lingshan was supported by Mrs. Jiang, and she resumed her normal life before.

Many students in R heard about the black contract she signed, and after reading her long Weibo, they were silent.

They began to review their past violent behavior, and it was really shameful to impose on an innocent victim.

Lu Lingshan gladly accepted their apology. She looked lonely and hurt and said: "If my academic performance is better, none of this will happen."

"Shanshan's grades are already very good!"

"We are wrong."

"If you have competition results, netizens may be gentle with you."

For example, Zhou Xiu in City C is also a person who is packaged by the program group and has a Taiwanese book. Netizens are obviously more gentle towards her. It has been stoned that the netizens are still gentle towards her, and even the students of their school are covering her.

In contrast, Lu Lingshan is even more miserable.

When Gu Mingxi heard these words, he let out a sneer. At this time, Jiang Jiajun was asking him for advice on the Mathematical Olympiad.

Jiang Jiajun stopped the pen in his hand and asked: "Senior...what are you laughing at?"

Gu Mingxi put on the headphones, "It's nothing. It's noisy."

Jiang Jiajun looked back at Lu Lingshan, and said ashamed: "My mother ordered me and my sister to take good care of her at school. Seniors can bear it for the time being."

Gu Mingxi took out his mobile phone and swiped it. When he unexpectedly saw a topic, he handed the mobile phone to Jiang Jiajun.

Jiang Jiajun glanced casually, and then he froze, and his thumb kept sliding on the screen of the phone. He saw many people slander Zhou Xiu.

After a while, he strained his handsome face and said angrily: "It's nonsense! How could the anchor be such a person!"

Jiang Jiajun caught fire after a meal. He suddenly wanted to call to comfort Zhou Xiu who was thousands of miles away.

Jiang Jiajun watched the "technical emperor" one by one, and while watching, he angrily broke through: "The 17th-order Rubik's Cube is not unsolvable. The Rubik's Cube has formulas and rules. Lu Chi can't make it. It depends on the anchor to make it. When did Lu Chi become the standard of measurement?"

Jiang Jiajun is almost full of question marks.

"The anchor's mental arithmetic ability is already very strong!"

Gu Mingxi raised his eyebrows, "You calm down."

Jiang Jiajun stood up suddenly and threw the phone away, "I can't calm down!"

Two R high school students who had participated in the national biological competition and met Zhou Xiuji saw the news. They suddenly exploded with anger, and a word slowly emerged in their hearts: Don't touch porcelain, my show host!

The female classmate frowned questioningly, "Why do they use their stupid thinking to understand Xueshen?"

She didn't even dare to use her own thinking to judge what Zhou Xiu was thinking.

The male student said: "What they probably think they can't do also means that others can't do it. It's ridiculous."

No wonder there is a word circulating on the Internet, Weibo per capita pupils.

Looking at mountains is just mountains, and watching water is just water. Is it appropriate for a group of laymen to give pointers to Xueshen?

These two students, who were in a state of intense review in the third year of high school, took a precious night to study video editing, and used the spirit of learning to use to the extreme.

They went to the Zhou Xiu live room to turn over the previous videos and edited the essays one by one.

"This is the summer vacation and I will translate the mathematics journal documents with the anchor, at 3 o'clock in the morning."

"The anchor holds Google and Youdao and translates articles word by word. A document needs to be translated 100+ times. It takes a month and 90+ hours to read a monthly magazine independently."

"According to incomplete statistics, this is a total of 52 foreign language books she read last semester, 169 documents, about 1,930,000 characters. 78 foreign language lectures, two learning series."

These pieces of evidence point out that although Zhou Xiu's foreign language is poor, it does not prevent her from using foreign languages ​​and translation tools to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry. So people with poor English must not be able to translate academic conferences?

Even more pretentiously, Zhou Xiu read a series of papers from the Mathematics Conference of those years during the summer vacation.

In the last few frames of the video, the lights of the library in the early hours of the morning turned black, because it was dawn... the warm words slowly emerged, "Bing Xin once said,'Successful flowers, people only envied her now bright and beautiful! However! At the beginning, her buds were soaked with tears of struggle and rain of blood of sacrifice.'"

"Please respect those who have worked hard!"

Because...their success is by no means accidental!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-05-0723:58:18~2020-05-0921:44:08~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Lang Li, a puff cat, Donggong Koi, Shanying, Bajiao one bite;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles back to the age of thirteen; Wm30 bottles; human fireworks, small moon, embarrassed appearance, buckle meat, 3936470110 bottles; a mouthful, 9 bottles of IFYOU; 8 bottles of G-Dorothy; 8 bottles of shadow, Ledi 5 Bottles; 4 bottles of raccoon flowers; 3 bottles of Donggong Koi; Pick the moon tonight., 2 bottles of one knowing; 1 bottle of Little Lazy sss, Xie Weiping, Cassie, Sitting at the Garden, YUAN Circle, Li Ke

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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