After the video produced overnight by two students in R was released, fans in Zhou Xiu's live broadcast room quickly saw it. Not only that, as time passed, this positive energy video became popular at an incredible speed.

Many spectators poured in and knelt after watching.

"Fuck, a big bowl of chicken soup."

"I just crawled and flipped through the past video of this anchor. Xueba is so resilient!"

It's hard to believe that anyone would learn English in such a clumsy way. People are suffocating despair.

But one month, two months, three months... The anchor still insists on reading foreign literature, but the speed is visibly accelerated.

It makes people think of the story of "speaking fluent English to every foreigner every day" that was heard badly, and then smiled.

As the background music enters the climax part, the little brother of the anchor insists on reading one book after another, and the reading data of the past year has been presented that is sincerely admirable.

The barrage came out frantically: "This chicken soup is so satisfying for me! English scum sees hope!"

"Woohoo, if I met this anchor earlier, would I still fail in English?"

Then the style of the video suddenly changed, and the reverse came..."Xiu Xiu Love Learning" wrote the mathematics, physics and chemistry test papers at a god-like speed, and the red ink pen was a red hook wherever it went, passing by his hand, and then Difficult problems are easily solved.

He is also in two subject competitions, and one of them won the first prize and has entered the national finals.

Fans regard him as an encyclopedia, and it is more useful to ask him about science and science problems than to ask a student around him. As long as he waits a few minutes patiently, he can immediately give the perfect answer, he is a real scholar.

Fans regard him as an automatic time manager, as long as Xiuxiu starts to learn, as long as he keeps up with his pace, academic problems can be solved.

It's as good as an idol! People fall in love with him unconsciously.

No matter how tired and frustrated, as long as Xiuxiu is still studying, they will always feel a warm force to push people forward.

"I'm very happy to have Xiuxiu with me along the way."

"Unbelievable, there is still such a clear stream in the current study area?"

This kind of "show off" confession video makes old fans very proud. After watching this edited video, they were moved to tears.

Looking back at the past nearly a year, the scenes that have appeared in the video are all so unforgettable.

However, the last sentence of the video-"Please respect those who work hard!" makes fans feel that it is not quite right.

What does it mean?

The fans suddenly felt a little uneasy. After a while, a fan with big brains connected "Xiu Xiu Love Learning" with the recent hot search.

"'Xiu Xiu loves to study' will not be Zhou Xiu, right?"

Isn’t Zhou Xiu, the super-popular star contestant of "Intellectual Confrontation", recently caught in a scandal of "suspected cheating"?

This inference came without evidence, and die-hard fans refuted it angrily, "Don't touch porcelain, we all know that our anchor is male."

"We all know that Xiuxiu is ugly, so she never shows her face/dog head.jpg"

However, they searched for Zhou Xiu's game and video materials, especially the English test paper she wrote in the waiting room, the cover was the same. Zhou Xiu's big hands with the same style as "Xiu Xiu Love Learning"...

"Damn, isn't this the test paper written by the anchor?"

"Zhou Xiu's hands look similar to those of the anchor."

When the two-dimensional and three-dimensional elements were opened up, the three million fans of "Xiu Xiu Love Learning" were in a mess.

All kinds of surprises and frights were washed in turn. They had mixed feelings in their hearts. For a while, they didn't know whether they should be happy that the anchor was actually a girl, or angry that the anchor was so beautiful but never showed his face?

The "Xiu Xiu" in reality is as beautiful as they thought.

After a moment of mess, the fans finally faced the accusation of cheating on the anchor. Such a tough and beautiful girl, how could anyone be willing to criticize and hurt her?

"I don't know if Zhou Xiu can translate it, but our anchor does have the ability to do these questions."

"These technical emperors are not dedicated enough, and even Zhou Xiu is not revealed/dog head.jpg"

When Zhihu's netizens ridiculed Zhou Xiu for cheating, the wind reversed overnight. Fans of "Xiu Xiu loves to learn" went to the front to argue for her.

The major video platforms were swiped by an inspiring live video. Some people linked Zhou Xiu to a popular learning anchor on the live platform.

A string of question marks slowly floated on the faces of the "Technology Emperors": "??"

The video is very inspiring and inspiring. It perfectly shows the protagonist's counterattack in English from scratch.

"I have watched it, but...what's the matter with Zhou Xiu in this video?"

Fans on the live broadcast platform replied: "All kinds of evidence indicate that'Xiu Xiu loves learning' is Zhou Xiu of Yude Middle School."

Netizens ridiculed: "Is there anyone rushing to pick up the **** bowl these days? I remember this learning anchor is a man, there has been such a real hammer on the platform for a long time."

"How much did Zhou Xiu spend to let'Xiu Xiu love to study' help her?"

Fans in the live broadcast room said calmly: "When the anchor goes online to learn, just ask."


Xi's house.

Xi Shaoyuan returned home and put down his schoolbag. The butler respectfully handed over two documents, "Master, please see."

He reported in another report: "In order not to disturb Xiuxiu's study, I have removed those messy hot searches. I didn't notify you before because I was worried about your health."

Xi Shaoyuan took the two inspections. The data of 99.9% similarity is actually very simple, but he has read it over and over again for a long time. Zhou Xiu's life experience still has such a hidden feeling. This is a secret that even Xi Shaoyuan never knew.

"So..." he said to himself.

Until the butler stretched out his hand and shook in front of Xi Shaoyuan, "Master, do you have any plans?"

Xi Shaoyuan just put down the inspection certificate, "I see, Uncle Li is doing very well."

"In addition, in the name of my mother, I have an appointment with Mr. Jiang Zhun."

The housekeeper shook his head and sighed, "This is my job. Xiuxiu should be very sad now. It would be great if Master could comfort her."


Yude Middle School.

After I was busy, I finished writing a test paper and surfed the Internet and relaxed for a while. She found that yesterday's hot search has been down, and she was very satisfied. But she soon discovered that the hot search for the anchor of the B fish platform rushed up.

After taking a quick glance at the tidbits, he was fed a bite of chicken soup. This chicken soup is still a familiar taste, warm and nutritious. But after watching for a while, the more you look at the highlights, the more familiar it becomes.

These exercises, these books, and the scenes that appeared in the video are not the links and books that Xiuxiu has written? Isn't it Yudeok?

The tidbits reminded me of Zhou Xiu occasionally putting her mobile phone on the holder when she was studying at home last night, but the tidbits never cared. Unexpectedly, it was Zhou Xiu on the live broadcast.

If "Xiu Xiu loves to learn" is Zhou Xiu, this video is undoubtedly the most powerful evidence to refute cheating.

The tidbits covered her mouth in surprise, and she asked Zhou Xiu: "Will Xiu Xiu be troubled by the recent news on the Internet?"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Xiu stopped the pen in her hand.

Naturally, there are troubles. Since Yude won the title of "Intellectual Confrontation", there have been a lot of troubles in life, and Zhou Xiu has felt a little bit of popularity. She was always followed in school, Zhou Cheng and Liu Mei both drove Zhou Xiu every day. Although there is a bad side, there is also a good side. The business of Zhou Cheng's small restaurant is getting better day by day.

Compared with the latter, Zhou Xiu is willing to endure these troubles.

But since the false statements on the Internet appeared, the business of the family restaurant has plummeted, and the parents have become more and more busy. Zhou Xiu has already started to sort out her library borrowing records and is ready to respond to this matter.

Zhou Xiu said without raising her head: "There must be troubles. Don't worry about Xuxu, the clear ones will clear themselves. I won't let them talk nonsense."

Trivia Raised her phone, "Suchiu, don't worry, your fans are here to help you, log in to your live broadcast room soon!"

"Let's do a math test paper."

The tidbits took apart the test paper that Lao Wang had just thrown at Zhou Xiu this morning, took out a test paper and handed it to Zhou Xiu. She pushed her phone in front of Zhou Xiu, "Xiu God please write!"

At this time, many students in the class also brushed up on this inspirational chicken soup video. Seeing that she was ill and coughing and reviewing English a long time ago, the date of that day reminded the students that this was the monthly exam where Zhou Xiu had a fever to 40℃.

And read the literature until three in the morning, which was the day when they went to the countryside to teach in the summer vacation. During the day, Zhou Xiu took a lot of classes at school, and the busy classes took up a lot of her time, so she would work overtime at night to make up for it...

It turned out that Zhou Xiu worked very hard and worked very hard even when he was unknown. Suddenly they saw a bit of nasal soreness and wanted to shed tears.

She has always been very gentle towards others, but she is very strict towards herself. She has experienced terrible environments all the way, but grows toward the sun like a sunflower, warm and bright, not complaining, and willing to help others.

Such a person who works so shiningly should be an object that is remembered in his heart and admired sincerely.

How could anyone be willing to hurt her?

Dozens of eyes fell on Zhou Xiu, and all the scumbags said: "Xiuxiu will be online soon!"

"Your fans are calling you out loud!"

Zhou Xiu was a little confused at first, until she took out her mobile phone to browse the news, and found that the vest she had covered for a long time had fallen off.

Zhou Xiu asked the system: [It should be okay if it is exposed in the live broadcast room? 】

The system said: [Youth, it’s okay! Please rest assured to live broadcast, I am a formal system, and the official stamp is recognized. 】

Zhou Xiu was a little bit dumbfounded, she logged into the live broadcast room. There were so many bullet screens in the live broadcast room that looked like snowflakes, each with an incredible force, directly touching the heart, making people watch as if a warm current flowed all over the body.

"Xiuxiu is the best show, we believe in you!"

"You are a very gentle and warm person. I saw your deeds in reality. As expected, the show I like is the same as I imagined!"

"I really like the anchor, it is you who gave me the courage to change. Come on, go forward bravely, Xiu Fan will always stand behind you."

Zhou Xiu put the phone away and didn't read the comments again, and started writing math test papers without distraction. After half an hour passed, she finished writing the test papers and took out the reference answers to change the papers one by one.

Those netizens who had determined that Zhou Xiu had cheated upon seeing it all laughed: "Did you see it, your anchor didn't say anything."

"I haven't seen any fan so weird, rushing to pick up black material for their idols."

At this time Zhou Xiu cleared his throat, "Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Xiu."

The girl's cold voice fell in the silent live broadcast room, and Qing Lingling's voice was like snow that had just melted in March, refreshing.

Soon the camera that had been facing the test paper turned around, and Zhou Xiu's pure and pure face like a national first love appeared in the live broadcast room.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-0921:44:08~2020-05-1100:43:13~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Xiling, one drifted by all the way;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 274 bottles drifted all the way; 124 bottles of ruru; 20 bottles of "Tan Mushroom Cool" and Stupefied; 10 bottles of You Wish, Fruit Cat, West Wind Roller Blind; 9 bottles of Zhu Yilong's Xiao Long Bao; , Xiaobeidebei 5 bottles; dejavu, 2 bottles of one knowledge; victim, Li Ke, Gai Qi, Serina, Saturday, Cai Cai love orange, Heshui Yu, Sunny, Jessie, Xiao He’s leg pendant, YUAN circle 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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