In an instant, the heat in the live broadcast room was pushed to the highest point, and the barrage swept up like crazy, covering the entire screen like snowflakes.

"Look at these hands! Look at the speed of writing math test papers so fast!! It's my fairy anchor who is not wrong!!!"

"Sorry, we didn't admit our own anchor wrong, even very clever/very proud. jpg"

"Slaps come so fast/dog head.jpg"

"Awsl, I was caught by Xiuxiu's face!"

After Zhou Xiu showed her face, the "online viewers" of the live broadcast rose visibly to the naked eye, from 40,000 to 50,000 to 200,000 and 200,000, and then directly ranked in the top three of the website rankings.

"I didn't wait until Xiuxiu's front face was close-up when I watched "Intellectual Confrontation". Now I am satisfied!" The fan was satisfied and rewarded a plane by the way.

I saw the girl in the live broadcast room wearing school uniform, sitting upright, clean and beautiful without makeup, and a pair of black eyes pure and smart. His face was full of energy, and the corners of his mouth had a faint smile, so that people seemed to see the sun.

The faint light from outside the window fell on her side, as beautiful as a girl walking out of a cartoon, youthful and energetic.

This is the lens without the beauty effect, right?

Yes... right?

Fans who came for learning were drowned in the beauty of their anchors. Their heads began to lack oxygen, they couldn't think, and their heartbeats accelerated.

With this kind of appearance, it's no wonder that he refuses to show his face during the live broadcast. If she shows her face, it is estimated that no one wants to watch her do her homework and read the literature, just want to make her smile more.

Zhou Xiu paused for a while and said, "Thank you for your concern and maintenance."

"I remember there was an old saying that'dark clouds can't cover the sun, real gold is not afraid of fire'. This sentence is given to myself and to everyone to encourage each other. I believe time will prove everything."

Zhou Xiu went offline soon after she finished speaking, and she would rarely go live at this point in time.

The screen in the live room was suddenly dimmed, indicating that the anchor was offline. However, the heat in the live broadcast room has not continued.

"Hahaha, this anchor is just so good!"

"When I heard that there is no real gold, I am not afraid of fire, so the dog came out and apologized and admitted his mistake."

"It is recommended that Xiuxiu sue @圈内八卦@那個老鬼 broke the news that these two unscrupulous veterans infringed their reputation rights."

"Students from Yude Middle School came to support. My senior sister is superb. She scored 700 points on the unified exam at the end of last semester. She just returned from the National Competition after taking the exam. She is a true learning god!"

What kind of fairy anchor is this!

Rely on talent to conquer netizens in the three-dimensional, low-key and inspirational in the two-dimensional. This is a beautiful character that only exists in novels and comics!

Fans think of the hard work that "Xiu Xiu loves to learn" has made in order to learn, looks so good, and is still devoted to learning. This determination alone is enough to make people admire!


The anchor "Xiu Xiu loves to learn" showed up, and it was confirmed that it was Zhou Xiu. The news spread to Weibo and Zhihu,

Netizens rushed to watch Zhou Xiu's live broadcast after hearing the wind, and the traffic on the live broadcast platform surged.

The website is simply happy to hear about this incident, which is equivalent to Zhou Xiu's drainage of the platform.

These are all live advertisements of real money, and there is a national-level school flower-study overlord anchor in the learning area of ​​the B fish platform.

Many netizens looked at Zhou Xiu's past videos. It is unavoidable to be boring and boring to study, do homework, write test papers and solve problems in the same way, but her videos have a magical power that makes people more and more addictive.

She can write any questions!

Why is she so powerful!

When others scratch their heads and taste the pain of mathematics, she can always easily solve problems perfectly. The words flowing out of her nib are light and naughty, and the nib is flowing with the light of wisdom.

When "Xiu Xiu Loves Learning" did not show up, it had already conquered many fans by diligence, and now... the audience simply loves this woman!

The trend of Weibo has gradually changed, and many netizens have expressed that they are fans of Zhou Xiu's circle.

"When I watched "Intellectual Confrontation", I thought she was very beautiful, I admit it, I am a face dog."

"How can there be a girl who is so beautiful, so smart, and still working so hard!"

"Recommend this fairy anchor to me earlier, am I still a salted fish now! /Kangkangbang.jpg"


After school, Zhou Xiu packed her schoolbags and went to the dining hall for dinner.

The scumbags in Class 24 are continuously paying attention to online developments.

Although Zhou Xiu came forward to clarify on the live broadcast, but always pretended to be forced, there are still voices of denial and mockery:

"Zhou Xiulu can wash her face white?"

"Even if the anchor can prove that Zhou Xiu can indeed do the language problems, it does not mean that she has not cheated before. The 17th-order Rubik's Cube, Tetris, Star Wall, Kaleidoscope, Integral Answer... These are like a student from the countryside doing Can it come from?"

In addition to Kong Jing, smart people have begun to be silent... The two big Vs who broke the news silently deleted the analysis posts they had written.

The scumbags who watched the whole process silently showed a series of question marks: "???"

"Xiu Xiu loves to study" proved to be Zhou Xiu, can these netizens continue to play?

Fortunately, the minds are still awake, netizens popped up one after another:

"The children of the poor are stupid than others? According to your logic, Hua Luogeng, Faraday, and Gauss are not worthy of having names? Hua Luogeng is a grocery store guy, Faraday sells newspapers, and Gauss is a poor man."

"You go to work for Archimedes, I think you are so capable, staying here simply buried your talent."

The student from Class 24 said: "I am a Yude student and Zhou Xiu's classmate. In fact, Zhou Xiu is very smart. To say a joke, she never scored 150 points in math in the school's formal exam.


School canteen.

Zhou Xiu was eating, a dinner plate fell in her field of vision, and the hand holding the plate was well-knotted, white and clean.

Zhou Xiu raised her head, Xu Qing's gentle face appeared in her sight.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Zhou Xiu shook her head.

Xu Qing sat down. He did not start to eat, but said to Zhou Xiu: "The teacher said that the results of the biology competition have come out, do you know?"

"Xiuxiu, go check it out."

A surprise flashed in Zhou Xiu's eyes. She took out her mobile phone. At the same time, her mobile phone shook, and there were many calls coming in at the same time.

Zhou Xiu hung up their calls one by one and replied to the message on WeChat before logging on to the official website to check the results.

Zhou Xiu logged on the official website and asked Xu Qing: "Have you checked the results?"

Xu Qing shook her head, "No, it's the same for checking now."

"Well, check it." Zhou Xiu said to Xu Qing as he entered the account password.

Xu Qing took out his mobile phone and synchronized input with Zhou Xiu. The moment the web page was refreshed, Xu Qing subconsciously raised her head to see Zhou Xiu.

The moment Zhou Xiu logged on to the website, her eyes instantly bend, as if they were filled with countless stars.

At the moment when the results came out, the system dinged: [Congratulations to the teenager for winning the gold medal in the National Middle School Students Biology Competition, total score NO.1, reward 300,000RMB]

Zhou Xiu looked at her score bar, the score in the last column at the end showed that she was the first in the order, she was relieved.

At this moment, the joy of victory made Zhou Xiu feel relaxed.

Let her feel that the hard work and effort that she had put in for it has been doubly rewarded.

The money rewarded by the system was instantly credited to her live account, and Zhou Xiu, who spent almost the same amount of money in the summer vacation and was in a state of extreme poverty, returned his blood in one second. The wallet swelled up quickly.

The system reminded with a smile: [More than that! Teenagers, there are also rewards in school! 】

Zhou Xiu has not forgotten that Yude's "Sky-Price Scholarship" also includes the bio-gold medal award. If she remembers correctly, the gold medal in the National Biology Competition has 10W.

The bonus from this exam is enough for Zhou Xiu to pay for a small bachelor apartment. In a daze, Zhou Xiu remembered herself who had been forced to drop out of school because of poverty, and remembered that one of the traits of a scientist mentioned by Professor Liu in his speech was "poverty."

The heavy bonus at this time made Zhou Xiu very safe. She was sure that as long as she was still working hard, she would never relive the taste of poverty.

She said to the system: [Thank you for your urging. 】

At first, Zhou Xiu didn't think about fighting for the first place, but the system released the reward for the first place exam to encourage her to work hard.

The system pondered for a moment, [boy, you should thank yourself. 】

Although it knows what kind of person Zhou Xiu will become in the future, she can win the first place in the national competition among many outstanding students. The system is quite pleasant.

"How is it?" Xu Qing asked.

Zhou Xiu put down the phone and packed up the dishes and chopsticks. "The grades are not bad, the gold medal. How about you?"

Xu Qing shook the phone in her hand and couldn't help but curl her lips, "Congratulations, I am also a gold medal."

Zhou Xiu also congratulated Xu Qing. She happily packed the plates and went to the recycling area, and quickly left the canteen.

Xu Qing looked at the back of her leaving, lowered her head and took a bite of her meal, and glanced calmly across her score bar.

Why didn't I check the results when I knew it for the first time?

Because... he wanted to share the joy of victory with Zhou Xiu.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-05-1100:43:13~2020-05-1200:08:53~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Aurora;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Vincy, Baqiyi, Shanying 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 22 bottles in a daze; Piaoxu, MT.V, Picking the Moon tonight., Mu Ning°10 bottles; 5 bottles of shadow and Jing; 2 bottles of dejavu; cancelled, sunny, 1 bottle of Jessie;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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