After Zhou Xiu checked his personal results, the biology teacher also checked the list of winners this year.

The top 75 students in the competition won gold medals, the top 50 students were selected for the national training team, and Zhou Xiu ranked first with a T-score of 68.3521 points. The second place has a T-score of 65.3427, which is nearly three points behind her.

The next scores were very tight, and there was a situation of one point and one level. The 76th student was 54.5432 points, and unfortunately missed the gold medal with a gap of 0.0523 points.

"Wh, what?" Teacher He couldn't believe his eyes when he found the list.

He slid his hands in shock, and the phone fell to the table with a "boom". He rubbed his eyes subconsciously, picked up the phone to confirm that it was correct, and his heart accelerated violently.

"First place? Zhou Xiu got the first place!"

"What?" The biology teacher of Class 24 took a sip of tea unexpectedly.

This good news spread throughout the biology group. The teachers were immersed in huge ecstasy, and they were so excited that they could not speak for a long time.

Usually Zhou Xiu is not showing the mountains and dews, just when the teachers are worried that she has no experience in participating in the national competition for the first time and is easy to fail in the test, she turned her head and passed the first place in the national final without saying a word?

All the teachers in the biology group were dumbfounded with joy.

"More than that! The child Xu Qing is also a gold medal." The biology teacher of Class 24 looked at the list carefully and said with a smile.

This is really a stalk of flowers blooming, the joy is the joy.

The national gold medal is very rare. There are only 6 gold medals in the province, and their school has two. Some provinces don't even have a gold medal, and these two gold medals are all from Class 24 she taught. How can this not make her happy?

This honor is enough for the biology teacher of Class 24 to win several sessions.

In the end, the recovered biology leader brought tea to the biology teacher of Class 24 with a smile, and bowed, "You both taught you the two kids. It's hard work!"

He made another cup of tea for Teacher He, "Teacher He has worked hard too."

After drinking this bowl of tea made by the team leader himself, although the taste is bitter but sweet, the two biology teachers are so happy that they are as if they are weightless, touching the ground as if they can fly away. Tigers give birth to wind.

After drinking their tea, they did not rush home from get off work, but ran to Class 24 happily.

The scumbags in Class 24 didn't know the good news yet. Just when they were drowsy and holding their homework in a daze, two biology teachers told them the good news.

Teacher He smiled and asked, "Are Zhou Xiu and Xu Qing not there?"

The biology teacher in Class 24 said: "I want to tell everyone a good news."

Zhou Xiu and Xu Qing both won the national gold medals, and Zhou Xiu ranked first!

The news was like a thunder on the ground, making everyone confused.

The scumbags who were still chatting noisily in the class instantly calmed down. Du Feiyang, who was chewing beef jerky, unconsciously bit his tongue, tears in his eyes.

"Yes, you heard that right. Our class has won two gold medals and one of them is No. 1 in the country." The biology teacher of Class 24 announced with a serious face, proudly raised her head and chested out, and left the classroom unhurriedly, leaving nothing but A back view.

The scumbags erupted with a "wow" and opened their mouths dumbfounded.

After the teacher suspected of "showing off" the results, he walked away lightly. A group of students who were scared and bewildered were left behind.

After a long time, the scumbags finally came to their senses, and everyone's face was full of dreamlike surprises.

"Two gold medals! Two! This is not a dream!" A scumbag jumped up from his seat happily.

"Today's Xiushen is two meters tall and domineering!"

In previous years, Yude, let alone the Rockets class, didn't have two gold medals, even for the entire grade combined. What's more, there is another "No. 1 in the country" in Class 24!

This is the most beautiful turnaround in Class 24.

The number one in the country is not cheap cabbage radish, it is one ten thousandth of the hundreds of thousands of contestants.

Yu Qingyan, a scumbag student, shuddered suddenly, "Ma, does this mean...In the future, I can not only tell others that I and the province are the first classmates, but I can also say that I and the country are the number one classmate? Classmates."

Yu Qingyan never dreamed that he, who once regarded the master of learning like a scourge and shunned the **** of learning, would one day become a best friend with a fighter in the school of gods.

Such a terrible thing... actually happened like this?

But Yu Qingyan held her face moved, "I'm so proud!"

Yu Qingyan leaned on the shoulders of the tidbits, "Sister Xu's eyesight is really good, and she found Xiuxiu's extraordinary from the crowd at a glance."

When Zhou Xiu insisted that she was not a schoolmaster, she was frantically laughed at by the tidbits. When Zhou Xiu's grades were still bad and she was wrongly framed, only tidbits firmly believed her.

With a faint smile on her face, the tidbits curled her lips, and was very happy for Zhou Xiu.

Lan Xin was unable to speak for a long time, her eye sockets were suddenly a little moist, and her heart was moist, she sniffed.

Obviously this was not her achievement, but Lan Xin was so moved and even wanted to cry.

Especially after she turned over the live video of "Xiu Xiu Love Learning".

You see, God never treats a child who works hard. Those inconspicuous and even seemingly useless efforts in the past gathered together bit by bit, and the convergence became a terrible force, which shocked everyone.

Xiuxiu will read extracurricular books at noon every day. She will spend a month working hard to translate "Cell" and "Science". She will do an experiment countless times for the sake of rigor. Even when visiting the botanical garden, she never forgets to collect specimens. , Jot down plant information with relish.

She never wastes time on useless things, buying beautiful clothes, beautiful cosmetics, falling in love, and even disdain to waste time on online disputes like every adolescent girl.

Lan Xin wiped the corners of his eyes and said to herself, "I understand."

"Sister Xu, what about your military order?"

Before the tidbits could react, Lan Xin took out a piece of paper from the folder on the desk. It was a treaty between the tidbits and Zhou Xiu and Tan Ming.

At the end of the text, the blue core wrote a small paragraph "Blue core will get 600 points", and signed his name in the signature column.

The corners of the tidbits' mouth gradually rose, finally condensed into a big smile.

"Little cute, welcome to study hard together."


Zhou Xiu finished her dinner and was going to study at night, but found out that her class's classroom was congested?

Her mobile phone has been vibrating, and the social software is full of congratulations from all over the world, and there are 999+ new friends to verify. Zhou Xiu couldn't even look at it one by one.

Zhou Xiu didn't expect her results to be spread everywhere in just one short meal.

The classmates congratulated her one after another, Du Feiyang raised her eyebrows, "Xiuxiu has made a lot of money this time!"

The academic committee of the next class ran to Zhou Xiu's side, "Xiu Shen heard that you took the National One exam, so great!"

Even Zhong Simiao, who is always deserted in the liberal arts class, ran over. She patted Zhou Xiu on the shoulder, blinked and said, "Hi, Xiushen! Great!"

There are also many students who did not go home in the second and first year of high school, which made Zhou Xiu a little flattered.

Zhou Xiu was sluggish for a moment, and after a while, he smiled slowly: "Not awesome. It just so happens that luck is better."

The scumbags of Class 24 showed their irritation that they were deceived, "Xiu Shen is pretending to be forced again. You were deceived by you in the league, and now you are almost deceived by you. Fortunately, you are number one in the country this time!

"Be confident, the first is the first! Xuexu's self-confidence, 530 points and dare to think about 650! This is the characteristic of our class."

Even Xu Qing couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Xiu returned to her seat and sat down. Yu Qingyan held a cup of Delensu with a tube in both hands, and said admiringly, "Xiu God, please drink."

Holding the tidbits of his homework, he respectfully said to Zhou Xiu: "Xiu Shen, please review and correct it."

Zhou Xiu: "..."

Zhou Xiu drank Derensu, and leisurely corrected the test papers for the tidbits with a red pen.

After the change, her mobile phone shook, and a message popped up in the background of the live broadcast system. The message reminded her that she was ranked first on the website's reward list. Please live broadcast diligently.

When Zhou Xiu received a large reward from the system before, he did not receive this message.

this time?

She handed the test paper to the tidbits and logged into the backstage of the live broadcast room. In addition to the 60WRMB rewarded by the system, there are also netizens who spontaneously rewarded. In total, there is actually 102WRMB?

So much money? Zhou Xiu was shocked.

I saw the barrage in the live streaming room frantically, "Congratulations to Xiushen for winning the gold medal!"

"How come Xiu Zai is so great! First place! Mom loves you! Loudest! Shouting your throat--"

"B fish actually had the first-place host in the competition, and it instantly became tall. Here we suggest that B fish give the anchor a reward to avoid the anchor being dug out/inflated. jpg"

"Did the anchor do this to rank first in the country? I don't deserve to watch the anchor's live broadcast."

"I don't deserve to watch the live broadcast of the anchor +10086"

"Those who said that Zhou Xiu came out of the country without knowledge, came out and were beaten! They all won the first place in the national competition, and they are not called talented. What is talented?"

Such a large reward made Zhou Xiu a little flattered.

In the past, fans have rewarded so much money, Zhou Xiu is absolutely afraid to take it, she will be careful to poke fans one by one in private messages. Now she is about to do the same, but she opened a list of rewards——

Except for the "struggle to make the national gold" and "struggle to make the IMO", as well as a few familiar old fans, the rewards are relatively large, with tens of thousands of yuan.

Zhou Xiu didn't understand what was going on, so she flipped through the historical barrage records at a glance.

It turned out that the system silently rewarded 60W. Everyone didn’t know what was going on. So some netizens laughed at Zhou Xiu’s invitation to come and speculate about himself. Zhou Xiu’s second-generation thighs are getting more and more topical. heat.

Zhou Xiu's fans were so angry and spontaneously rewarded, and as a result, they rewarded hundreds of thousands, which helped her rush to the platform reward list.

"Thank you for the anchor's guidance. My total score has increased by 68 points this semester. Please ask the anchor to have a hot pot. Thank you for your teacher's fee."

"Although I am not as rich as a big boss, but dozens of planes can still afford a reward. Send you to the list/proud.jpg"

Fans said indulgingly: "Xiu Xiu will buy beautiful clothes!"

"Xiuxiu's hands are too rough, buy a hand cream!"

"Xiuxiu stayed up too much, you deserve to have the fairy water and ex-boyfriend mask, although you are still beautiful now."


The status of the poverty alleviation system is at stake.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-1200:08:53~2020-05-1223:56:09~

Thank you for the little angel who cast the mine: Master Miao, Baqiyi, Always, YUAN circle 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of CYY; 30 bottles of large size; 15 bottles of small moon; 10 bottles of Qingxun; 5 bottles of I love egg fried rice, broccoli and sweet-scented osmanthus; 3 bottles of Qiqi; Bottle; walking on the journey of life, it’s sunny, Cai Cai loves to eat orange, deer and deer run fast, yangy6121 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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