After Zhou Xiu received the gold medal scholarship, Xu Qing followed afterwards and went to the stage to receive the scholarship awarded to him by the principal.

Xu Qing caused quite a stir after taking the stage. When he stood on the stage and talked about the "learning methods of biological competition", he was fascinated by many female classmates.

"Unexpectedly, Senior Xu Qing was also a gold medal."

"Xu Qing's grades have always been very good, stable in the top ten of the grade, how come I didn't realize that he used to look so good and his smile is so warm! There are so many handsome guys in Class 24, especially the squad leader!"

"You don't want to think, how can you become an ambassador for the school if you don't look good?"

The enrollment profile was printed with a picture of Xu Qing in school uniform, with a clean and beautiful face. He held a sign of "Welcome to Yude" and smiled like warm sunshine. Because of his photos, this admissions profile has been collected by many first-year high school students.

Zhou Xiu was very happy to receive the scholarship. She nodded without thinking even if the principal joked to encourage her.

After stepping off the flag-raising platform, the principal said to Zhou Xiu: "Mathematics competitions should also be like a biology competition, and strive to win the first place."

"Well, I will work hard!"


This swells.

[Juvenile, it was not me who hit you. At your current level, the probability of winning the first place is very low and very low. 】

Although it set a 26WRMB league first prize, but it did not have much expectations.

For the time being, if Zhou Xiu can pass the fourth middle school in the provincial competition, he will have to put a question mark. China is a powerful country in mathematics, and the top domestic gold medalists are even in the leading level in the world.

Zhou Xiu lowered her head and smiled, 【I know. Take it step by step, no hurry. 】

You have to take a bite of the meal and do things a little bit. Zhou Xiu's math competition started late. Although the basic evils have been made up in the past year, she still can't change her disadvantage in the math competition.

Zhou Xiu's quick response made the principal feel very happy.

I thought that the best result Yude could get this time would be the gold medal. Before the results came out, the school even asked people to print the banners that were hung up in advance, so they only had to put them out and hang them.

The banners printed in advance on the day the results are issued are naturally useless. All Yude teachers and students were immersed in the pride and joy that Zhou Xiu brought to them.

The school website scrolled through the good news that day. The big picture in the center of the homepage was replaced by a group photo of two Yude students at the competition site, and the number of views suddenly increased.

At the same time, the topic of Yude Middle School that frequently appeared in the city, the Office of the Academic Affairs Office received many consultation calls from parents.

It is hard to imagine how glorious it would be if the banner of Shuangguo Jin and the top score is hung at the school gate. Yude has not seen Shuangguo Jin for many years.

Not only Yude Middle School, but also No. 1 High School, which ranks second in strength in the city, does not have the honor of Shuang Guojin. The principal didn't just laugh from ear to ear.

Thinking of the grand enrollment next year, the 200,000 yuan scholarship, the school board did not feel distressed at all.

After the flag-raising rally, Zhou Xiu ran into Lao Wang on the way back to the classroom.

Lao Wang put his hand on his back and said, "I have prepared well and won the gold medal in the competition."

Compared with the gold medals that have been missing for many years in the biology group, Lao Wang will have at least one gold medal in every season. Lao Wang is not so rare for gold medals.

For a long time, he disliked Zhou Xiu's "doing nothing right" to engage in biology.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xiu's "doing not do business properly" took home the first place in the country, which made Lao Wang both pleasantly surprised and disappointed:

Imagine that if Zhou Xiu got the first place in mathematics, the scene would be so beautiful.

But Zhou Xiu would not focus on mathematics. When Lao Wang knew that Zhou Xiu had won the first place in the total score, he already knew in his heart that if he had to make a choice until the day he had to make a choice, Zhou Xiu would probably give up the math competition.

However, when she raised the flag, she said that she would spend a lifetime to love mathematics!

Lao Wang said to Zhou Xiu disgustingly: "Since you say you like math, then... get ready."

He sternly emphasized, "Don't be late for the math class in the afternoon."

Zhou Xiu nodded, "Okay."

Math competition class.

Zhou Xiu came to the multimedia classroom for math class on time.

Math competition is a long tug of war between endurance and psychology. As this year's students enter the third year of high school, the pressure of reviewing and preparing for exams has increased, and many students have silently given up on math competitions.

The multimedia classroom, which was crowded with people, has left a lot of vacancies.

Those silent vacancies represent students who have abandoned the game halfway.

The national biology competition caused Zhou Xiu to miss two classes. Previously, Zhou Xiu missed three more weekend classes for the "Intellectual Confrontation" competition. Finally, Zero Zero finally took only three math classes last month.

After paying the training fee but not attending class, Zhou Xiu felt sorry for the wasted money for an unprecedented time.

Zhou Xiu walked into the classroom, and dozens of gazes fell on her.

These eyes from the best students in the grade are full of complex emotions: surprise, envy, and even admiration, sweeping away previous doubts and ridicules.

Some classmates whispered: "Why is Xiushen so good?"

It is not that Yude has not won a gold medal for so many years, but the best result is only the national training team, not making the top ten. But Zhou Xiu did it.

This girl who has been controversially transferred since she enrolled in school, and this girl who was even criticized because of her poor family situation, she did it and rushed to the first place.

Qi Yaguang said: "Do you know Zhou Xiu's live broadcast room? She studies very hard in private, and the learning method is also very good. It is worth seeing."

When she said this, Qi Yaguang almost forgot something in the past. Obviously, at first, she was the most resistant to Zhou Xiu, a nerd who only knew diligence and "dead reading", but now she is practicing it by herself.

Hard work and diligence are not a shameful thing.

After the results of the National Biology Competition were announced, a media reporter once wanted to interview Zhou Xiu, but Zhou Xiu refused. The forums of major schools in the province and even the forums of major and middle schools across the country will post it. Whenever Zhou Xiu is mentioned, she will be talked about and affectionately referred to as "Xiu Shen".

This is the real world fame.

This is the respect and affirmation that even "Confrontation of Intelligence" cannot give a student.

Zhang Qi beckoned enthusiastically, "Xiuxiu, come and sit here, come and come!"

Even if Zhou Xiu wanted to ignore Zhang Qi, she couldn't ignore it. She bit her head and sat down beside Zhang Qi.

Holding the notebook, Zhang Qi said quickly, shyly, "Zhou Xiu, let's exchange notes!"

Zhang Qi got Zhou Xiu's notebook, opened it eagerly, and saw the densely deduced formulas and theorems, his eyes immediately turned into mosquito-repellent eyes.

"Xiu Xiu, what is this?"

Zhou Xiu said, "Isn't it written on it?"

"Fermat's Lemma, Fermat's Last Theorem, Fermat's Little Theorem..." Zhang Qi muttered. The thick draft paper was full of derivations and proofs of these formulas and theorems. He looked up at Zhou Xiu, "You have all recently Are you doing these things?"

Although Lao Wang often encourages students to use the knowledge they have learned to derive some simple theorems, not many students are willing to waste this time.

Zhang Qi will not derive them, but it does not prevent him from using these formulas and theorems. But Zhou Xiu had the patience to prove them one by one, which made Zhang Qi faintly admired.

"Not recently." Zhou Xiu has been working out the theorem of the argumentation formula for almost half a year.

She took out another notebook from her schoolbag, "Here you are, here are the notes."

After Zhou Xiu sat down, he realized that the place beside Zhang Qi was also empty. It was Xi Shaoyuan's fixed seat.

She raised her head and glanced at the clock in the middle of the classroom. Class was approaching.

The class bell rang, and Pharaoh meticulously talked about the knowledge points of the competition. Just after writing the blackboard, the top students quickly finished their notes. One class ends soon.

After class, Zhou Xiu asked Zhang Qi: "Is Xi Shaoyuan not coming to attend the class?"

Zhang Qi raised his eyebrows, looked at the position beside him, then looked at the opposite Xie Cheng, and asked him about his situation with his eyes.

Xie Cheng turned around and said concisely: "It will come."

Several girls around and around tweeted: "Yuan Shao often misses class recently. The frequency of class is similar to that of Xiuxiu's biology test, but Lao Wang didn't pursue it either."

"He should be here for half a class."

Xie Cheng handed over a test paper to Zhang Qi. Zhang Qi took over and scanned the question, and his eyes became mosquito-repellent eyes again. He immediately knew that the test paper was not written for himself.

Zhang Qi handed the test paper to Zhou Xiu depressed, "Xiu Xiu, what do you think?"

"I think it's quite interesting."

Zhou Xiu got the test paper and glanced at it. The difficulty is similar to some IMO simulation questions that Gu Mingxi sent her, but it is very interesting.

Xie Cheng's performance in the winter camp last year was very good. He won the gold medal and ranked very high. Later, in the selection of the national team, he lost with a very small gap.

Gu Mingxi, who competed with Xie Cheng in the same year, would occasionally mention Xie Cheng to her when he was writing test papers with Zhou Xiu online.

Zhou Xiu looked at the test paper and thought about how to solve the problem. She thought that she was half stuck. She took a picture of the problem with her mobile phone and sent it to Gu Mingxi.

After Zhou Xiu finished writing a question, the class bell rang quickly, and she put the test paper aside and began to concentrate on the class.

In the second half of the big class, Xi Shaoyuan came to the classroom as Xie Cheng said.

"Shao Yuan, these are the test papers for the last class and the next week's homework assigned by the teacher. You write them."

As Zhang Qi said, he handed a stack of test papers to Xi Shaoyuan.

Several test papers contained simulated IMO questions written by Xie Cheng to Xi Shaoyuan. After turning a water-based pen, Xi Shaoyuan quickly entered a state of thinking.

Lao Wang's attitude towards Xi Shaoyuan was unexpectedly kind. Not only did he not blame him for being late for absenteeism, but he passed by him several times, neither stern nor angry, letting him do his own thing.

This kind of treatment is far inferior to Zhou Xiu, who is nicknamed Lao Wang's flesh and blood.

The bell for self-study in the third night of high school rang, and the math class training session ended.

The top students in the classroom stood up, and the multimedia classroom rang up with the sound of rotating chairs upside down, which was crisp, loud, and uniform.

The top students in high school raced against time and hurriedly packed their schoolbags back to the classroom to study at night.

Zhou Xiu put the test papers scattered on the table into her schoolbag, and went back to class 24 to study in the evening.

Self-study late.

Zhou Xiu remembered the interesting math test paper Xie Cheng had given. She took out her phone and glanced at it. Gu Mingxi replied: "Wait a moment, I am writing."

Zhou Xiu opened the live broadcast and planned to continue doing that math test paper. However, when she just opened the test paper, she was stunned.

This is not her test paper.

I saw that the test paper was full of messy numbers, some areas were completely blank, and some were written very full. The messy handwriting did not affect the fluency of the answers. The questions that were solved on the test paper happened to be stuck on questions that Zhou Xiu didn't think of.

Zhou Xiulue glanced at the process of answering these questions, and his thoughts were instantly opened.

She tried to solve it in another way.

After a while, the overbearing member's red letter in the live broadcast room stayed in the center for a few seconds. "Try hard to IMO" said, "This solution is very good, and it's more convenient than I thought."

After making up these questions, Zhou Xiu turned over the back of the test paper and found an arrogant "original" character.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-05-1501:02:29~2020-05-1523:48:28~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 girl hole;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 41018995, a mouthful, and 1 frosty raccoon in the moon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 66 bottles of Twilight Quad; 50 bottles of Shuosuo iii; 49 bottles of a blank; 45 bottles of Qin Shihuang; 32 bottles; 2,306,385,23 bottles; ~Afterwards, one person will walk 20 bottles; Mu Ning ° 10 bottles; 8 bottles of Jing; 5 bottles of Sweet Potato Niu Niu; Serina, drizzle, I like freedom, 1 bottle of sunny;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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