Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 158: (Minor repair)

The barrage of Zhou Xiu's live broadcast exploded, "Anchor, you got the wrong test paper!"

"Which big guy's test paper is this?"

Before Zhou Xiu lost his horse, everyone might not be able to guess who this test paper belongs to. But there is a word "original" on this test paper.

Zhou Xiu is a student of Yude, Dang even has a big-minded fan and asked speculatively: "Should this be my original exam paper?"

Xi Shaoyuan circled many fans on the show, and countless fans chased him from start to finish.

But he is like a hot search for insulators, as long as the topic about him will be deleted and blocked soon, there is no chance for fans to gather together.

Over time, Du Heng in the Fourth Middle School, Gu Mingxi in R, and Lu Chi in H in the topic became more and more topical, but Xi Shaoyuan was forgotten by the media.

Fans who come from "Intellectual Confrontation" and like Zhou Xiu will basically like Xi Shaoyuan.

This open-minded barrage was not forgotten, but attracted the attention of others.

Damn it!

The word "yuan" might actually represent Xi Shaoyuan, because all the players in Yude's team are competition students.

The name Xi Shaoyuan immediately detonated the barrage.

Among the many school teams in "Intellectual Confrontation", many fans and spectators caught the Yan Zhi Yude team at a glance, and Xi Shaoyuan's face was indispensable.

In addition, his excellent performance in the game, his wonderful performance of hand-translating the map and translating a sentence in more than a dozen languages ​​in the last level has captured the admiration of many fans. After the end of the program, he was called by the media as "a student who can speak more than a dozen languages."

Everyone thought that his talent was language and his characteristic was handsome, but he didn't expect him to learn mathematics so well!

It turned out to be... a math boss?

The paper Zhou Xiu wrote today has baffled many candidates, and their eyes became dizzy when they saw the topic. The whole live broadcast room enjoyed watching Zhou Xiu solve the question, but unexpectedly...watching the live broadcast, you can see the test paper written by Xi Shaoyuan again.

"Brother Shaoyuan's test paper is well written! I envy it."

"His math competition results must be very good! I immediately got the motivation to go to the national competition to see him!"

It took Zhou Xiu two hours to write the entire test paper. After finishing writing the test paper, she turned off the live broadcast and looked at Xi Shaoyuan's test paper seriously.

This is the first time Zhou Xiu has watched Xi Shaoyuan's homework. The handwriting is messy, but his thoughts are clear and smooth.

Zhou Xiu's phone shook, and Xie Cheng sent her the standard answer.

"Ms. Wang gave it, compare it."

It turned out that this test paper was written by Lao Wang. Zhou Xiu corrected it against the standard answer. The comparison found that Xi Shaoyuan's solution was the most concise and powerful.

Zhou Xiu remembered that Xi Shaoyuan only came to the class for half a class, and he made this test paper in half a class.

Zhou Xiu concealed the test papers complicatedly.

At this time, Gu Mingxi also reported his problem-solving steps.

Zhou Xiu read it carefully. This is another way of thinking. The rigorous and concise steps are eye-catching.

The system said: [Youth, although you are very talented in biology, you have to admit that mathematics is better than you, and there are many people. 】

【Seeing the virtuous and thinking Qi Yan, but also self-examination when seeing the bad. Don't be discouraged, come on! 】

Gu Mingxi asked Zhou Xiu: "Where is yours?"

After a long time, Zhou Xiucai took pictures of her problem-solving process and sent it to Gu Mingxi.

Zhou Xiu took out a math test paper that Pharaoh gave her a long time ago. The math test paper that she wrote last year was only 30% correct and the system rewards very high.

Zhou Xiu devoted himself to solving the problem, and two hours passed unconsciously.

Zhou Xiu took out the reference answers and compared them question by question.

[Ding——The correct rate of completing the teacher Wang's Olympiad paper is 51%, and the reward is 600RMB. 】

It was 12 o'clock in the morning after writing the test papers. Zhou Xiu said goodnight to everyone and turned off the live broadcast to wash and sleep.

"good night!"

"See you tomorrow, Xiuxiu!"

The anchor’s offline live broadcast room was already dark, and the fans said unsuccessfully: "Hum, I thought Xiuxiu would show up on the live broadcast after it bursts."

As a result, after waiting all night, what appeared on the screen was still the old recipe, except for the test paper.

"That's good. Studying is important. If I show my face and live broadcast, do I still have the mind to look at the topic?"

"Is the anchor hit by the boss today? The interaction is much less than usual. To be honest, this test paper also made me autistic tonight."

But this sentence was submerged in many "good night" barrage.

Gu Mingxi also found that Zhou Xiu, who was live broadcast today, had less interaction with fans, and spent the entire evening writing test papers. He quipped: "Is it hit by this?"

Zhou Xiu returned Gu Mingxi a good night and went to wash and go to bed.

Wee hours.

Gu Mingxi wrote a paragraph and sent it to Zhou Xiu: "The longer I study mathematics, the more I can feel its charm, and its difficulty is also one of its beauty. I used to be frustrated when I met more talented people. Yes. I hope you won’t be discouraged. Come on!"

It was the first time that Gu Mingxi was drawn to this live broadcast room by Jiang Jiajun to watch the live broadcast. He was careless at the time, but was amazed by Zhou Xiu's learning talent.

No matter how difficult the biological problem is, it will be straightened out one by one in her hands. A math problem, she can divergent thinking and seek a variety of solving skills. For questions that cannot be written, she has the patience to spend a week looking for answers.

So although her mathematics is weak, her progress is very fast. Perseverance and resilience as always, when Gu Mingxi came back to the live broadcast room a month later, she was able to smoothly solve difficult Olympic questions in the league.

So Gu Mingxi stayed in the live broadcast room.

The next morning.

When Zhou Xiu came to the school, she put down her schoolbag and took out her mobile phone to check the information, and soon saw Gu Mingxi's message last night.

She replied: "Fortunately, this level of difficulty is nothing, don't comfort me."

Zhou Xiu turned off the phone, turned the pen, took out the test papers from the schoolbag and started doing it.


Boy, you are a little frivolous.

The tidbits came to school and handed the breakfast to Zhou Xiu, "Morning, Xiuxiu. Today's breakfast is strawberry milkshake and taro buns. You should eat it while it is hot."

Du Feiyang walked into the classroom sleepily carrying his schoolbag. He rubbed his eyes and found Zhou Xiu doing the Olympiad problems early in the morning.

It's still that kind of complicated geometry, and it hurts when I glance at my skull.

"Is Xiuxiu preparing for the Math League?"

Zhou Xiu said: "Yeah."

At the same time, the surrounding classmates were also doing their own things. The tidbits drank milk while memorizing physics formulas, Yu Qingyan memorized the basics of Chinese, Tan Ming was studying with math books, and Xu Qing flipped through the chemistry notes. Everyone seems to work hard.

The iron five corners of gold formed an enveloping pattern for Du Feiyang. Du Feiyang, the scumbag sitting in the center, had his conscience numb. After putting down his schoolbag, he spent a while to sleep on the desk.

After learning the basics of Chinese, Yu Qingyan said lightly: "Du Feiyang, your SAT1 test seems to be in October, still sleeping?"

Du Feiyang heard the "SAT1 test" as if he was dying and sat up in shock, took out the thick review materials and recited them frantically.

Everyone: "..."

Zhou Xiu took the paper with a 51% accuracy rate written last night to the office to find Lao Wang. Lao Wang had just arrived in the office and the stool had not had time to sit on hot. He was flattered to find that Zhou Xiu came to him to comment on the test paper.

"Do you still keep these papers?"

This paper is too old, and Lao Wang took the paper and thought for a while before he found the answer to this paper.

After explaining to Zhou Xiu, he smiled and said: "Mathematics is a subject that will be effective only if you are willing to work hard. Zhou Xiu, you must seize this opportunity."

Lao Wang is still sorry that Zhou Xiu didn't sign a delivery, but it was a pity that she won the gold medal in biology.

Lao Wang glanced at the teacher He who was staring at him.

He coughed and said righteously: "But the competition for your IBO national team should be fierce. You should also take time out of class to look at the creatures. Don't take it lightly."

Teacher He then withdrew his worried eyes and nodded in satisfaction.

Zhou Xiu responded.

After school, Zhou Xiu planned to return the test paper that he took by mistake yesterday to Xi Shaoyuan.

When Zhou Xiu passed through the classroom in Class 25, she found through the window that Xi Shaoyuan had not left the classroom, so she took out the test paper from her schoolbag and waved to Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi walked out of the classroom and asked with a smile: "What's the matter?"

Zhou Xiu took out the test paper and pointed to Xi Shaoyuan, "I took the wrong test paper in a hurry after school last night, you help me return it to him."

Zhang Qi saw that the writing on the test paper was indeed Xi Shaoyuan's handwriting. He folded his shoulders and said, "Cut, I thought it was specifically for me! He is over there, do you need me to do this for these two steps, Xiu God himself will return it to him."

The students in the two classes have a very good relationship. They have gone out to play together many times, and they often work together in class.

Zhou Xiu heard that he took the test paper and walked to Xi Shaoyuan's desk, and put the test paper on his desk.

At this time, Xi Shaoyuan was concentrating on solving a problem, and did not notice the movement around him.

Zhou Xiu was about to leave after putting out the test papers, but his gaze fell on the question he solved, and his gaze was completely stuck.

Xi Shaoyuan was solving a big problem, which was a combination of three-dimensional geometry in 2011. At that time, only four players in the audience got full marks. Zhou Xiu has done this question, and the answer has been turned through countless times and she has long been familiar with it.

Zhou Xiu glanced over Xi Shaoyuan's problem-solving steps, and was shocked.

She had no idea that this big problem could be solved in this way.

Zhou Xiu had seen Xie Cheng writing the test papers, and also seen Gu Mingxi writing the test papers. One had a stable style and the other had a jump in thinking. Xi Shaoyuan's thinking is divergent and steady.

The handwriting is messy and the problem-solving speed is very fast. His seemingly troublesome solution is halfway through, and the future is suddenly bright.

When Xi Shaoyuan was about to get the answer, he finally noticed the movement. He blocked the test paper with his elbow and asked casually, "What are you looking at?"

Zhou Xiu stretched out her hand and asked, "Can you show me your test paper?"

Xi Shaoyuan's eyes froze, he quickly rolled the test paper around his elbow into a ball, and threw it aside, "I don't need to read it."

Under his shocked gaze, Zhou Xiu picked up the ball of test papers from the ground.

She opened it up and looked at it. After a long time, she put the crumpled test paper in front of Xi Shaoyuan: "It's well written, why didn't you write it?"

Zhou Xiu took a pen from Zhang Qi's desk and added two steps to the end, which happened to have solved the problem. Her tone was full of disappointment:

"Take the exam next time, otherwise you will feel very boring if you get the first place."

"Every time I stand under the flag-raising stand and watch others accept the award, I guess it feels uncomfortable in my heart."

Standing in the corridor of the classroom, Zhang Qi watched Zhou Xiu walk out of Wennaban with frown.

He was stunned, touched the back of his head, and asked Xi Shaoyuan in the classroom: "What's the matter, did you mess with her?"

Xi Shaoyuan said coldly: "No."

Zhang Qi carried his schoolbag and asked silently: "What did Zhou Xiu just say. She said that she would find it boring to take the first place?"

Zhang Qi: "..."

Zhang Qi vomited: "Xiuxiu is really more and more daring to think about it, so she deserves to be Xiu'er."

Xi Shaoyuan's action of co-authoring the pages of the book stalled.


The high temperature in autumn has not faded, and the classroom is very hot.

Zhou Xiu's head was sweating, and she was absorbed in a sea of ​​math problems. After lunch, the tidbits went back to the classroom to take the leftovers, and asked in surprise: "It's so hot, why doesn't Xiuxiu turn on the air conditioner?"

She turned on the air conditioner and wiped the sweat from Zhou Xiu's face with a napkin by the way. When Zhou Xiu looked up at her, her cheeks were flushed with heat, and her eyes were about to glow.

"Poor, don't be unwilling to pay for the electricity bill."

The tidbit touched her forehead: "Look at writing math problems, your brain is almost 40 degrees Celsius, have you?"

Zhou Xiu didn't respond. In the tidbits, I saw several newly borrowed math books on the table, which looked like a student who was holding his feet before the exam. But the tidbits know that Zhou Xiu has been studying mathematics throughout the year.

"Prepared for Xiuxiu for a long time, it should be enough. Relax during this time and believe in yourself."

Zhou Xiu finally solved a problem, glanced at the tidbits and said, "Not enough."

"My math is not good enough."

The tidbits suddenly choked silently: "..."

She almost didn't recognize the concept of "bad math". Every time the person who got a perfect score in the math test said that he was not good enough in math?

Trivia Seeing Zhou Xiu continued to open the next test paper without blinking her eyes, her heart was suddenly full of pride.

The tidbit said: "My math is not good, I will watch it with you!"

Every time I always feel that I have been studying very hard, I look at Zhou Xiu's tidbits again, and I feel that I have paid little. During this time, the mathematics score of the tidbits hovers between 110 points, which is enough for an ordinary book, but it is still more than 20 minutes away from the National People's Congress.

After talking about the tidbits, I sat down, took out the third year math textbook from the drawer, and brushed up the after-school exercises one by one.

The two girls with "bad maths" concentrated on studying. The air conditioner sent a faint coolness, dispelling the floating heat in the classroom, and gradually drying Zhou Xiu's soaked back...



The update is coming, sorry sorry, I slept last night


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-05-1523:48:28~2020-05-1711:59:36~

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: 2 mouthfuls; Qingxi, Kourou, 38273153, a fat crane from Xiaofeiyan, and 1 yuanxnl;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: mon11, 50 bottles of NaNa; 28 bottles of people who eat melons; 20 bottles of glutinous rice cats; 10 bottles of Kourou, Gone with the Wind, Sumojingling, and Coriander; 450889458 bottles; 5 bottles for the 13-year-old ; 2 bottles of yanyanyan; 1 bottle of yanyanyan I like freedom;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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