In the evening, Zhou Cheng came to the school to pick up his daughter.

He waited at the school gate for a long time without waiting for anyone. Zhou Xiu turned off and couldn't make a call. Zhou Cheng went to the classroom to find someone.

After the evening self-study, the students walked out of the classroom in twos and threes.

A group of students chatted as they walked and talked about what happened in school today in a few words, and a breath of youth rushed toward them.

Zhou Cheng was very interested, but it was a pity that Zhou Xiu would hardly tell him about his studies. He deliberately slowed down. So he heard a student mention Zhou Xiu.

"Really, Xiushen in the next class is too awesome. Just now in the self-study class, their math teacher changed her test papers and wrote what is right. The old class approved us for one class with this." A classmate of Class 23 said.

"Why don't I have someone else's brain?"

"Come on, good people are still working hard, and you, are you going home to sleep?"

Zhou Cheng knew the nickname "Xiu Shen", he learned about it accidentally during the "Intellectual Confrontation" program. When Zhou Cheng heard these compliments, it seemed as if he was complimenting himself. The corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and he was very happy.

In the corridor outside the classroom, the class 24 students met Zhou Cheng and greeted each other: "Uncle Zhou, are you looking for Xiuxiu?"

"She is still writing exercises, do you want to call her for you?"

There were still many students in the class who did not leave. Miss Li, the head teacher, was also in the classroom. She saw Zhou Cheng waiting for her daughter to leave school at the door.

MissLi told Zhou Cheng: "Zhou Xiu will have a heavier learning task during this time, so your parents will take more care of you."

It can be seen that Zhou Xiu has spent a lot of effort preparing for the math competition. Although her math is not as eye-catching as biology, MissLi still looks forward to her being able to get a good place in the league.

Zhou Cheng was a little flattered, and repeatedly said: "Whatever the teacher said, it is our Xiuer who is causing trouble to the teachers!"

The smile lines at the corners of his eyes were deep, making him look honest and honest.

Zhou Cheng circled the back kitchen all day long, and when he came to school to pick up his daughter, he would try his best to keep his clothes neat and tidy. However, he still looked out of place among a group of well-dressed parents with expensive brands.

But Zhou Xiu was so uplifting in his studies that many parents knew that he was Zhou Xiu's father.

Every time Zhou Cheng arrives at school, strange parents always ask him how to educate their children, and the unrecognizable students will greet him enthusiastically when they see him. The identity of the "Parent of Zhou Xiu" is like a layer of light.

He assured the head teacher: "Teacher don't worry, we will take good care of Xiu'er."

Zhou Cheng waited outside the classroom for a while, Zhou Xiu walked out carrying a schoolbag after finishing writing.

Zhou Cheng touched Zhou Xiu's head with a rough big palm: "I'm tired after a day of studying, are you hungry?"

When the father and daughter walked out of campus, he took out a boiled egg and handed it to Zhou Xiu. Zhou Xiu sat on the little eDonkey, bowed her head and peeled the eggshell with a plastic bag, and ate up the boiled eggs.

She yawned after eating the eggs, and her face was slightly tired.

Zhou Cheng knew she was sleepy when she heard her yawning sound.

After a while, Zhou Cheng felt his back sink. It was Zhou Xiu who leaned his head on his back and fell asleep. He slowed down to make her sleep slowly.

After arriving home, Zhou Xiu woke up quickly when Zhou Cheng stopped the car.

Zhou Cheng went to the carport to park the little eDonkey, and said to his daughter: "Your teacher said that you are under a lot of pressure during this period of study, and Dad knows. Tomorrow I will bring you some food to supplement your nutrition.

At 16 or 17 years old, Zhou Xiu was very hungry, and she would eat something to cushion her belly from time to time when she was studying at home.

Studying on his own the next night, Zhou Chenggong brought something to eat.

He filled his lunch box with hot casserole porridge, handed it to his daughter, and left in a hurry. At this time, it was the peak time for ordering take-out supper, and Liu Mei was too busy in the store.

Zhou Xiu carried a large lunch box, and started with a heavy lunch box, not only for herself, but also seven or eight.

It seems that even the tidbits and Yu Qingyan, Lan Xin, Tan Ming, Du Feiyang, and Xu Qing are all involved.

Zhou Xiu opened the lunch box and drank the porridge, and passed the rest of the supper to the tidbits.

The tidbit beckoned to everyone, and said readily: "You guys, come over and eat something. Uncle Zhou sent it."

When Yu Qingyan and the others saw it, they said "Ah" in surprise, "It's great, I don't have to go to the second floor to grab a supper today."

Du Feiyang, who was in charge of grabbing the supper, returned the meal cards to the students one by one, "Uncle's craftsmanship is much better than the one on the second floor."

The shrimps in the porridge are fresh, fragrant and tender, and the fish fillets melt in your mouth.

Zhou Cheng's craftsmanship is getting better and better. The porridge that has been carefully boiled is boiled into a water slurry, exuding a strong aroma, and it is warm and easy to digest in the stomach.

The tidbit said: "Uncle still hurts people."

After reading the book for so many years in Yude, the old man in her family has never delivered a meal. Of course, this also has something to do with the rebellion of the tidbits, how well Zhou Xiu is at home.

After drinking a small bowl of porridge, Lanxin asked eagerly: "Uncle is so good, I wonder if he will feed Xiuxiu tomorrow."

Yu Qingyan ate a plate of steamed dumplings and said, "Xiuxiu is so happy now. She must be what she wants to eat."

After Zhou Xiu solved the supper, she opened the live broadcast and continued to study mathematics.

Fans in the live broadcast room strongly requested that Zhou Xiu's self-study be broadcast live every night, and they should follow Zhou Xiu to prepare for the math competition.

It is very rare to have a chance to meet a living God-learning on the Internet platform, especially Zhou Xiu is a good and diligent and inspiring anchor who checks in on time every day.

It seems that after Zhou Xiu got the first place in the national biology competition, she would also get a good place in the math competition.

For Zhou Xiu, she can communicate with classmates who are good at math during the live broadcast.

For example, Gu Mingxi in R, and Lu Chi in H, who had exchanged contact information before, occasionally came up with several students who are good at mathematics to share solutions when she was solving competition problems.

Zhou Xiu is trying to solve the problem that Xi Shaoyuan wrote yesterday.

She wrote it quickly using Xi Shaoyuan's solution, and fans madly dropped gifts after seeing it.

"Fuck, the **** is amazing!"

"This question is very difficult. Our competition teacher once spent a class explaining it. How did you come up with this kind of thinking, blow it up!"

Jiang Jiajun bubbling, "quietly write down the solution."

After Zhou Xiu finished writing, she saw a screen full of praise, and she typed apologetically: "This solution was written by some of my classmates."

Zhou Xiu changed a piece of draft paper and began to try other solutions to solve it. Like Xi Shaoyuan, she abstracted the problem of three-dimensional space into algebraic ideas and tried to use number theory to solve it, but she got stuck in the middle of writing.

The pen, which was always smooth when solving problems, paused for five minutes. The fans still think that the network on the host side is stuck.

The top "XY" boss in the live broadcast room was suddenly online and rewarded five super rockets for a total of 1,000 RMB.

"Welcome to the big guys!"

Xi Shaoyuan stared at the screen for five minutes, switched to the private message page and typed a paragraph of text. When hesitated to click "send", Zhou Xiu picked up the pen and suddenly finished writing the rest of the topic.

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled!

"I thought that solution was already very concise, but I didn't expect the anchor to write a more convenient one. Mathematics is really curious!"

"After I watched the anchor's solution, I rekindled my love for logarithmic competition."

"The anchor is one step closer to the national game scene and my face, and he is in a trance."

Some of the new students who came to the **** fan were stunned during the live broadcast tonight and could not keep up with Zhou Xiu's ideas.

But they were moved by Zhou Xiu's persistence. She could spend an entire night on solving a very difficult math problem. The complicated mathematics was arranged in a beautiful movement in her pen. The whole process seemed to be really fun?

Shouldn't be afraid of the difficulty of mathematics and missed its beauty, can not write the competition questions, write about the math questions of the college entrance examination?

The scumbags were encouraged. They opened the math book and started with the simplest mathematics knowledge.

Zhou Xiu uploaded the solved problem to the live broadcast, and the number of page views quickly exceeded a thousand. Xi Shaoyuan clicked on the picture and watched her every step intently. His heart moved suddenly.

These neatly arranged numbers are like the strongest hormones, with fatal attraction.

Thinking of the past bit by bit, Xi Shaoyuan lowered his head and smiled.

Zhou Xiu never needed the sympathy and pity of others.

After finishing his homework, Zhang Qi at the same table looked around and patted Xi Shaoyuan's elbow, "Hey, converge a little, you see the girls are watching you."

Xi Shaoyuan seldom laughs. When he laughs, the girls in the class can't stand it anymore. People like him should go to make a team with Yan Du 24. Winnerban’s sister’s immunity is too low and easy

Zhang Qi glanced at Zhou Xiu's live broadcast room by the way, until he saw an IMO question she solved tonight, Zhang Qi's eyes suddenly lit up, the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably, and his face was full of the old father's gratification.

Mathematics is like a magical language that can convey satisfaction, happiness and firmness through numbers. Zhang Qi also felt Zhou Xiu's satisfaction at the moment.

"Wow, Xiuxiu is great!"

"Her method seems to be simpler than your solution yesterday."

In Zhang Qi's eyes, Zhou Xiu of Class 24 is also a magical person.

The classmates of Winner Class are all rich second-generation. Although they have been with the Rocket Class before, they don’t interact with the Rocket Class emotionally.

They know each other that they are not in the same circle, and it will be difficult to play together in the future. However, Zhou Xiu was able to get along with the classmates in Class 24, and many students in the Wenner class also liked her very much.

She is so surprising, everyone with her will only be fascinated by her diligence and intelligence, and will not care about her family background.


On the weekend, Zhou Xiu didn't go to the library because Zhou Cheng did a great job.

Zhou Cheng took his wife and daughter to the street to buy vegetables. Later, the three of them went around without going to the vegetable market. They came to a community. Zhou Xiu had a faint hunch at this moment.

When walking on the elevator, Liu Mei covered Zhou Xiu's eyes, Zhou Xiu curled her lips, "I'm not a kid, do I need this?"

Liu Mei said excitedly, "Yes, yes, Xiu'er is not a kid anymore."

She let go of her finger, bright light was reflected in Zhou Xiu's eyes, and a brightly lit house appeared in Zhou Xiu's vision.

Two bedrooms and one living room, decorated neatly and beautifully, just like a new house. The spacious kitchen provides a place for Zhou Cheng to use his muscles. Zhou Xiu's bedroom is in fresh girlish blue. There is not only a set of very large bookshelves, but also a balcony and hanging chairs.

In the morning and evening when the sun is not too big, Zhou Xiu can go to the balcony to read books and do homework. The whole house was decorated very carefully, with a feeling of bright and clean windows.

It is like a reward for a diligent family.

Zhou Xiu opened her eyes, and there was a warm feeling in her heart, "Mom and Dad did it well."

Liu Mei was very happy. "Your father has read a lot of books during this period, and he works with the renovation workers every day. He and the workers have discussed your bookshelf for a few months before making up your bookshelf."



Sorry, a lot of things have happened in the last three dimensions, but luckily they have been resolved.

There will be two updates tonight, and I will work hard to update them in the next few days


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-05-1711:59:36~2020-05-2313:32:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: D, 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Yue Shu, babble, babble, one bite;

Thank you for the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Tumi Shallow leaves; 20 bottles of rock sugar super sweet; Words, 15 bottles of "Tan Mushroom Cool"; 10 bottles of Nameless Junior, 20904453, Sakura Tears, Luofou, Tiger; Xu Qing, I can 8 bottles; 5 bottles of deep-sea horned deer; 4 bottles of Yinmo; 3 bottles of G-Dorothy; 2 bottles of Xiaoxiaoyanyan; 2 bottles of dongwuyeweiyang, Qingle,-Sakura Can Li-, Bailu, yangy612, Xie Weiping, I like 1 bottle of freedom;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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