Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 167: 167

Qi Yaguang of the Rocket class heard that Zhou Xiu was preparing for the IELTS test, and was tortured so much that he missed the little stove that Pharaoh had started several times. Pharaoh presented him with two sets of test papers.

Although it was a bit late to take the IELTS in the third year of high school, as a person who passed the IELTS with a high score, she thought that one month of examination questions was enough. She actively lent her English foreign teacher to Zhou Xiu. Although Zhou Xiu refused, Qi Yaguang blinked and said, "This way she teaches you English. Will you teach me math?"

Except for Xie Cheng and Xi Shaoyuan, the best math in the school is Zhou Xiu. The results of these three people are often on par. In front of the first two great gods, Qi Yaguang didn't dare to make a mistake, but the pressure to ask Zhou Xiu was not so great.

Besides, Qi Yaguang didn't want Zhou Xiu to counsel her, she just wanted to help Zhou Xiu.

Qi Yaguang changed his rhetoric, and Zhou Xiu agreed after thinking about it.

Although the foreign teacher Qi Yaguang invited is not as good as Susan, the foreign teacher is more than enough to deal with a language test. She came to Yude to give Zhou Xiu a test, and decided to let Zhou Xiu concentrate on making up her oral English. After school every day, she will go to school on time to counsel Zhou Xiu for an hour, and prepare scene topics to chat with students.

Zhou Xiu recites the oral materials prepared by the teacher while tutoring Qi Yaguang in mathematics. Sometimes it's dark after Zhou Xiu finishes her English class, and Qi Yaguang will drop by to take her home.

The students in the Rocket class were stunned when they saw this scene. Even Qi Yaguang has changed sex? Not only did she deliberately help her previously hated Zhou Xiu, but she also deliberately sent Zhou Xiu home, staying with her almost every day during this period.

During the break, a classmate sighed, "This is a good show in Class 24."

Slaps in the face at the beginning of school can fly, and people with swollen faces can accept her heartily. Xu Haobo helped Qi Yaguang a little bit and tried to help Qi Yaguang regain his respect, saying, "Zhou Xiu is helping Qi Yaguang make up his maths. Last time Zhang Qi ranked very high in the league because he studied with Zhou Xiu for a while. Zhou Xiu's learning method is very good. of."

Qi Ya barely supported her cheeks, listened to the nonsense of the people around her, and thought casually: "A bunch of vulgar guys."

Only Qi Yaguang knows how warm and powerful it was that Zhou Xiu comforted herself, who had collapsed and frustrated because of her performance. It's hard for such a person to be admired, approaching, and yearning for it.

Zhou Xiu's English foundation is so bad, she is already fighting IELTS. How could Qi Yaguang be willing to waste her precious time in class? During this period of time, she passed by Class 24 and heard all the students in their class speak oral English, which helped her develop a sense of language.

She thought that at this time she still took up Zhou Xiu's time, I am afraid that she would be torn apart by class 24 students.

To a certain extent, the environment of Class 24 is pretty good. The only two classes in the whole year that can be taught in English. Fortunately, Zhou Xiu was assigned to Class 24. If she had stayed in the Rockets class, she might not have such conditions.

Xie Cheng, who was resting at the table between classes, suddenly opened his eyes. He heard the discussion from his classmates and turned to ask Qi Yaguang seriously: "How is Zhou Xiu's studies?"

Xie Cheng rarely cares about things, and is indifferent to everything. He didn't expect to be asking about Zhou Xiu. Qi Yaguang shrugged and answered truthfully: "I heard from the teacher that her foundation is a little bad, and the problem shouldn't be big. Zhou Xiu's memory is great."

Xie Cheng said: "It's great, she should have improved her English after a year of making up for it."

There is a saying in Class 24, not afraid of the sky and the earth, just because Xiushen speaks English. However, one summer vacation, Zhou Xiu was able to answer in English freely on intellectual confrontation, and the performance of talking and talking is very amazing. Although the accent is not authentic, it can be seen that he has received professional correction.

According to the legend, Zhou Xiu, who is not very problematic, was picked up by Missli in Class 24 to debate his opinions.

She smiled and asked Zhou Xiu in English, "In recent years, China has increasingly advocated relaxed and happy education, but there are also many voices against it. Xiu Xiu, as an excellent student, I would like to ask whether you are happy to learn or A Chinese-style duck-filling education is better? I think my classmates would also like to hear your answer."

This question is a bit unfriendly, but everyone knows that the head teacher is not malicious. Zhou Xiu's learning method and this class are obviously two styles. Although students like Xu Qingzhi have good grades, he never stays up late to do homework and hardly sees him do his work.

However, isn't Zhou Xiu now using intense and intensive education to give the whole class a happy education?

Missli smiled and said, "you have five minutes."

The classmates thought slowly, the debate only lasts for five minutes. Isn't this too embarrassing for Zhou Xiu? Five minutes after the mind was tied, it went blank.

Du Feiyang exclaimed: "Five minutes is not enough for Xiushen to show, fifteen minutes! The teacher will give her fifteen minutes!"

Others echoed: "Give her a fifteen minutes."

Missli gave a light cough and shrugged. "It's only five minutes, anyway. There is not so much time to prepare for the oral test."

Five minutes passed.

Zhou Xiu took a deep breath and said in a very innocent colloquial language: "I was born in a small village. When there is no class, the teacher will take us to the mountains to play, pick grass, pick flowers, and fish. I know that we will plant seedlings in March. Plant peanuts in April, cabbage and eggplant in May... Fish have no eyelids, sheep’s pupils are square, and rabbits are nearsighted. When I was ten years old, I gave birth to dystocia cows in the village. Sick dogs dispense medicines. They are the first key to enlighten me to explore the natural world. They make me feel the miracle of life and the mystery of nature."

"I agree with the saying that interest is the best teacher. Without this childhood experience, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to get involved in natural science. On the other hand, when I entered high school, I began to feel my shortcomings and needs It took a lot of time to make up for the deficiencies in the past and started the so-called cramming-style education. The cramming-style education enabled me to acquire a large amount of knowledge and information in a short period of time and helped me build a more systematic and comprehensive knowledge system."

"So I think the two learning methods are not absolutely good or bad, only whether they are suitable for me."

As soon as Zhou Xiu's last word fell, the boys clapped enthusiastically. Her opinions are clear, her words are accurate, and her sentences are fluent. If this is really an oral test, her estimated score will not be low.

Yu Qingyan's mouth opened wide, and Lan Xin murmured silently: "Fuck, I finally understand that the backwardness of learning God is only a temporary backwardness, and people are behind to play. Once the cooling time is up, I will come back and hang on immediately. Hit me and wait for mortals."

"It turns out that Xiuxiu just didn't have time to concentrate on learning English before. She is so good, she can learn everything well." Another scumbag muttered.

It makes people more autistic. What is going on?

The students in the surrounding circle showed the mentality of a galloping heart at the finals of the intellectual confrontation. They quickly organized this debate called a small speech in five minutes?

Xu Qing turned her pen and glanced at her wide-mouthed classmate. Although helpless, she explained, “Don’t forget, Xiuxiu has a good memory. She uses fixed collocations and formats. Fill in words to make sentences."

Everyone understands it, and you can see through it at a glance. But the moment Zhou Xiu finished expressing her views fluently, she was very confused. This obviously requires a strong memory and reaction power as support.

However, Xu Qing did not expect much of Zhou Xiu's English level. She was able to achieve this level and it was enough to surprise everyone.

Missli narrowed his eyebrows and finally could really laugh.

Zhou Xiu's English has finally improved a bit, which is very pleasant.

"Mom, Xiu Zai is very restful. Ma Ma gives you a thumb." The tidbit said excitedly with both hands than thumbs.

Missli nodded and signaled Zhou Xiu to sit down. The warm-up activity before the class was over and she started the class. The students' English proficiency is very good, and most of her review classes focus on classroom activities and interact with students. The atmosphere is very relaxed, referred to as "sprinkling water". So even if you spend more than ten minutes on a certain classmate, everyone will not feel like a waste of time.

A lesson is over.

The neighbors around Zhou Xiu were very pleased, "It's not thanks to our painstaking cultivation this year. Tsk tsk tsk, Xiushen really gives us a face."

Lan Xin put her hands on her hips and said: "I can finally give Xiuxiu to IELTS with confidence. I shouldn't be abused too badly."

Tan Ming said pretentiously: "successbelongstothepersevering."

Persistence is victory, and victory belongs to the one who persists to the end. Everyone thought about it. Zhou Xiu has memorized vocabulary, watched bilingual movies, and read English books and documents every day in the past year. Although her English scores were terrible, she improved every time.

Zhou Xiu was embarrassed to hear, "You are too exaggerated. Actually, it's not even far away."

What she is preparing is the skill of taking the exam, and there is definitely no way to make a qualitative leap in a short time. She discussed with the teacher about the study answering skills. So Xu Qing heard the problem as soon as she heard it. However, most Chinese students follow this approach. After all, everyone was not born in an English environment, and it is inevitable to take an exam.

The examiner may have reluctantly accepted this setting. Students who are able to master a large number of vocabulary, can read more complex articles, and have little or no error probability can score 8.0 points.

Xu Qing said with a smile: "The problem is not big. If you can get a high score, try your best to get a high score. English level is also one of the important reference indicators. It is not justified if Xiushen does not get an 8.5."

Zhou Xiu, who had always been calm and confident in the past, did not dare to say anything, and did not dare to take Xu Qing's words at all. She thought to herself that she would be thankful for passing the exam. Did not expect Xu Qing to be so swollen.

The system spit out disgustingly: Nothing! Doesn't learning the light of God give you more confidence?

Zhou Xiu lied flat and ridiculed, shrugging helplessly: a person knows himself well.

At the weekend of the end of October, Zhou Xiu's IELTS test, which he spent 1700 to sign up, finally came.

Written exams in the morning, oral exams in the afternoon, highlights and some friends such as Yu Qingyan, Lan Xin, Qi Yaguang, etc., specially spared precious weekend time to wait for Zhou Xiu to finish the exam.

After the oral exam, Zhou Xiu walked out of the examination room with a smile. After half an hour after the exam, Xu Qing got the test questions and asked the teacher to do it again, so that Zhou Xiu could answer the questions.

Although Zhou Xiu did not give a clear explanation, they vaguely thought that she should be preparing to go abroad. People like Xu Qing and Du Feiyang, Yu Qingyan, and Lan Xin were extremely happy, as if they were expecting something.

Yu Qingyan pushed the answer to Zhou Xiu's eyes, and said excitedly: "Xiu Xiu, Xiu Xiu, come on right!"

Zhou Xiu repeated the answers one by one. If there is no big discrepancy between the scores, you should be able to get 8.0 points in listening and reading. There is still no way to determine the scores in speaking and writing, but these two are also the most difficult to get points. of.

The tidbit proposes to have a meal to celebrate, "Xiuxiu is not easy to overcome this time, it is worth remembering. Sister Xu invites you to have a meal!"

She invited everyone to a luxury restaurant with a four-digit average per person, and everyone discussed Zhou Xiu's next English test results with interest, and guessed whether she would collect all the scores in the 130-point range.

Zhou Xiu couldn't listen anymore, and went to the bathroom halfway through the meal. When she walked out, she saw the tidbits leaning against the wall, and it was obvious that she was waiting for someone with her hands on her shoulders.

The tidbits stepped forward and hugged her, lowered her head and said softly: "It's not convenient to say in there just now. I'll come out and tell you."

"Xiu Xiu will be successful."

Zhou Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then a faint smile appeared in her eyes, "So are you. I have always believed that Xuxu will not lose, and you can be admitted to the National People's Congress."

Zhou Xiu did not deliberately conceal the tidbits about applying for studying abroad, and did not avoid tidbits when typing the draft of the application. Although the tidbits have never formally asked her during this time, the tidbits already understand what she is preparing.

Tidbits folded his shoulders, raised his chin, and said, "Of course, I have two god-learners around me. I believe I will succeed!"

Zhou Xiu nodded, she had always believed in this. Du Heng has always been able to maintain the first place in the province. There must be his way. He will think of ways to coach the tidbits. And the method of learning is really important. Zhou Xiu has been watching the review rhythm of the tidbits all this time.

The tidbit patted Zhou Xiu on the shoulder, and threatened to say to her: "Xiu Xiu, I will tell you, even if you go abroad, I will be your best friend, you must not forget me!"

It is rare for Zhou Xiu to hear such naive words, and some want to laugh: "My memory is not that bad."

I am afraid that only Zhou Xiu can say the words of such a straight steel girl. This sentence directly broke the beautiful atmosphere to pieces, and the tidbits were so angry that they wanted to beat people.

The tidbits said seriously: "They guessed that you are applying to study abroad. They are all very happy. Only me, knowing that you are going to be separated from me by tens of thousands of kilometers is very unhappy. I want to stay in China partly because Xiuxiu is here, you are too Damn it!"

"Although there is only...the reason for the loss." She held out her little finger and gestured.

Zhou Xiu was moved and funny when she heard it. She silently said in her heart that no one would worry that she would not have enough to eat like the tidbits. She brought her breakfast every day, and she used her mobile and tablet snacks, and even the bank. The card can be given to her. How could she forget such tidbits?

It is enough to have a close friend in life.

The author has something to say:

small theater:

Xuxu: You can't forget me

Xuxu's expected answer from Xiuxiu: Oh, I will never forget you

I will always remember you forever!

Actual Xiuxiu: My memory is amazing

Trivia: "..."

I probably know the reasons why Xi Shaoyuan, Xu Qing, Xie Cheng, Tan Mingzhi and his ilk were so unmoved.

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