Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 168: 168

After Zhou Xiu returned to the box, the friends had already played together, and the atmosphere was rare and cheerful and relaxed. She sat down and ate something casually, and then looked at the time after the meal was 8 o'clock in the evening.

Xu Qing picked up Zhou Xiu's coat, "It's getting late, I'll take Xiuxiu home first."

Everyone winked at Xu Qing "wow" and "oh", and Lan Xin rescued Zhou Xiu and said coquettishly: "How can the squad leader be so eccentric, won't you send me away?"

Xu Qing smiled and said, "Let's go together."

Tan Ming was originally still playing online games with Du Feiyang. He suddenly became calm when he heard this. He put his cell phone off and said, "I will give Zhou Xiu, and the monitor will give Blue Core."

Tan Ming cleanly picked up Zhou Xiu's schoolbag, grabbed the school uniform jacket from Xu Qing's hand, and walked out of the box with everyone's "fuck" eyes.

Zhou Xiu smiled and shook her head at everyone, indicating that it was okay, and followed Tan Ming out of the hotel.

Although Tan Ming finally stiffened, his heart couldn't help beating as he carried Zhou Xiu's things. The girl's things are extraordinarily petite and soft, with a faint scent, which makes one's mind wavy.

Zhou Xiu's school bag is a water blue canvas bag with two daisies embroidered on it. Her school uniform is very clean and tidy, and it looks no different from the new one. Carrying her soft school uniform, Tan Ming felt like holding Zhou Xiu, and his arms were scorching hot.

Tan Ming walked straight to the direction of the driver's parking at home. Halfway through, he suddenly remembered something. The corners of his lips rose slightly. He stopped and turned his head and said to Zhou Xiu:

"Sorry Xiuxiu, I forgot that the driver asked for leave today. You will wait for me here for a while."

How can this hard-won moment of solitude end hastily?

Speaking of Tan Ming, he returned the school uniform and schoolbag to Zhou Xiu. After walking some distance, he contacted the driver to bring his locomotive over.

When the driver who had come halfway saw the news of Tan Ming, a series of question marks slowly rose on his face. At this time, he asked him for a locomotive?

He replied with a bitter face: "Obviously, I am already on the road. It will take an hour to turn back and pick up the car. Can you wait for me?"

Tan Ming was heartbroken when he saw the news, and he was cold after an hour. He glanced at Zhou Xiu, gritted his teeth and ran a few streets, swiping his card to buy a new bicycle. Although the locomotive has become a bicycle, it is also a great idea.

He stared at the bicycle with a satisfied smile, and kept pressing the bell of the new car. A ding-ding bell rang, Zhou Xiu looked back with her schoolbag on her back. Tan Ming rode a bicycle and recruited at her.

Tan Ming grinned and showed a bright smile, "Come on Xiuxiu, I will drive you back!"

Zhou Xiu was really surprised when she saw Tan Ming riding a bicycle. She thought for a while and got in the car, with her hands on the sides of the car seat.

Tan Ming sensed that Zhou Xiu was only two fists away from him, and he was exasperated, and the corners of his mouth cracked all the way to the roots of his ears. He cleared his throat and hummed a tune.

The tone is clear, bright, and full of melody. The cool night breeze blows the corners of Tanming's clothes, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance. Tan Ming's heart seemed to be overfilled with joy, and all his nose smelled sweet.

After Tan Ming finished humming, he said, "Xiuxiu, don't you ask me what song is this?"

Zhou Xiu asked for a long time: "What song?"

Tan Ming stood proudly, "I wrote a little tune recently. Write the lyrics next day and play it for you."

Tan Ming slowed down and recalled: "I never thought that you would pass the basketball court from the library to save me that day. Without you, maybe I wouldn't be able to gather with you to eat and drink now, and tell you this. words."

From that day on, Tan Ming began to pay attention to Zhou Xiu, or even earlier, before he realized that he was paying attention to Zhou Xiu. He had never seen such a smart, funny, warm and self-motivated girl, who couldn't help but get close and moved her heart.

"Xiu Xiu... I did a lot of things that were unkind to you before. I hope you can forgive me."

Zhou Xiu nodded and said, "It's okay."

Tan Ming laughed faintly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the long eyelashes reflected by the two street lamps seemed to be full of stars. People passing by couldn't help taking out their phones to take pictures of this good-looking boy.

Tan Mingqing cleared his throat, and after brewing for a long time, he plucked up the courage to say: "I have many shortcomings, not good in mathematics, physics and chemistry, poor Chinese, and decent English, but I can't catch up with hard work. The tutor said that I am very Smart. Xiuxiu...may I"

like you?

Zhou Xiu listened to him and read all the way, and said softly: "Recently, you have made rapid progress. I think it should be because of your concentration on studying. Like you used to pursue Lu Lingshan and forget yourself, I think it is not advisable. Anytime People must love themselves first before they can love others."

She paused and continued, "Secondly, when the other party doesn't like you, you must know how to give up."

Tan Ming was stunned for a moment, and his smile gradually disappeared. There is a feeling of arrows piercing the heart, this moment can not be described as falling from heaven to hell.

Zhou Xiu did not hesitate to continue: "Tan Ming is a very likable person, versatile, beautiful, and from a very good family background. He has a lot of things that others will never get in a lifetime. You know how many people you have. Envy?"

Zhou Xiu said sincerely, how could she not see Tan Ming's thoughts? The young man's mind is like a veil, and the emotions in his eyes are like overflowing moonlight, so strong that people can't ignore it. But Zhou Xiu couldn't respond, and couldn't respond in the future.

"You are very smart, and you have a talent for learning mathematics, physics and chemistry. You signed a gambling agreement with Yu Qingyan and the others. Don't give up easily. In the last year, you have to sprint!

The girl's voice was light and soft, like a clear spring in a mountain stream.

Tan Ming's fragile heart was resurrected with blood, and it became more vigorous with the pedal.

He quickly sent Zhou Xiu home, grinning and showing white teeth, "Thank Xiu Xiu for giving me such a high evaluation. I am very happy to hear it!"

"I will work hard!"

Tan Ming parked the car casually in the community, the newly bought car was not locked, and he didn't care if he stopped and turned around.

Yueying pulled his figure to the elder elder, and his stiff back suddenly drooped when he walked out of the community.

Tan Ming leaned against the wall, his mouth was sweet and bitter, the moonlight fell on him, his thick curled eyelashes still seemed to be full of stars, and the undulating eye sockets contained water. He lowered his head, and the young and lonely outline disappeared into the shadow.

When passers-by saw this scene, they couldn't help but wonder how anyone would be willing to make him frown and depress him?

In the box.

Looking at Xu Qing helping her carry things, Lan Xin couldn't help but stick out his tongue, "I'm sorry, monitor, I originally wanted sister Xu to send Xiuxiu back."

Unexpectedly, Tan Ming was cut off by Tan Ming. Looking at his appearance before leaving, and reminiscing about his recent expansion, everyone knew what he would say to Zhou Xiu tonight.

Du Feiyang and others couldn't look directly at Xu Qing's smiling face now, feeling his smile was cold and scary. After the meal, one or two slip away as fast as possible.

Xu Qing said very graciously: "It's okay."

The trivia glanced at Xu Qing unexpectedly, but he didn't expect his mentality to be so stable. The tidbits said heartily: "Although Tan Ming's grades are a bit poor, his face is really good, and he is pure and enthusiastic. Senior Ming is a school grass..."

Xu Qing took off his glasses after getting in the car, the thin lenses glowed suddenly, and the corners of his eyes narrowed slightly.

Sorry what?

Tan Ming just sent it up to Zhou Xiu to refuse, he understood Zhou Xiu.

Nine p.m.

Zhou Xiu returned home and sorted out all the IELTS test papers on the table, and put the math papers in the free space.

In the past half month, the IELTS papers accumulated on the table are as thick as two Oxford dictionaries. Zhou Xiu has done most of them, and I quickly browsed through the ones that have not been done. Lian System had to admire Xueshen's cruelty toward him.

After Zhou Xiu finished writing a test paper, the phone vibrated.

She glanced away, and it was the news from Xie Cheng. That was a spoken scoring form, and Zhou Xiu saw it in the hands of the judges and teachers today. When she clicked on the big picture, she was stunned, with her name and exam number written on it.


Xie Cheng’s SMS is very concise, I wish you luck.

Zhou Xiu summed up the score and spoke 8.0. She held her mobile phone in surprise and stared at it for a long time.

Many people helped her spoken English. At first it was Xu Qing who corrected her accent, followed by Xi Shaoyuan who taught her the correct pronunciation, Susan, teacher Jian Qi Yaguang’s foreign teacher, Missli’s help, and the whole class every day Insist on communicating with her in English.

At this time, the system speaks quietly. The original score of the four parts of listening, reading, writing and speaking is 32.5, the average score is 8.125, the total score is 8.0, and the award is 10b.

Happy or not?

Zhou Xiu rubbed her ears in surprise, still immersed in the shock of 8.0 points. She nodded blankly, "Happy."

I'm so happy that I'm a little unreal, very, very, very happy! This is a taste of overcoming oneself, breaking through the limit that he thinks is impossible. Facts have proved that once again, people cannot easily define themselves.

The system tempted to say: Do you want to take another test? 8.0 is a bit low, and 8.5 is quite good.

Is this too bloated? A string of question marks slowly appeared on Zhou Xiu's face, and she took out the test paper set sent by Lao Wang and said, "Let's talk about it after the college entrance examination."

Learning English is too exhausting for her, and her grades are enough. Now she is preparing for the national math competition.

The next day, Yude Middle School.

Zhou Xiu brought a bag of steamed milk cake to Qi Yaguang, "Thank you, I have passed my oral English, and Mr. Jian taught me very well."

Qi Yaguang laughed, and ate a piece of milk cake, which tasted particularly fragrant. "Did you make this yourself? It's delicious! Xiuxiu, you know your results so soon?"

Zhou Xiu nodded, "Xie Cheng told me last night."

Qi Yaguang said with a handkerchief and gave Xie Cheng two milk cakes, "Thank God, you can, there are two brushes! Here, try it, Xiuxiu, thank you."

Xie Cheng said you're welcome, and took the snack and ate two bites. The boy in the morning seemed to have just emerged from the bed, his skin was as white as porcelain, and his hair was slightly curled up, like a delicate lazy cat.

He squinted and yawned, and even the gesture of turning his hand when he was confused attracted the attention of many girls in the class.

When everyone was chatting happily, Zhou Xiu's phone shook a few times, and she answered the phone, her smiling face wrinkled instantly.

"What... in the hospital? How could he fall? Where is the hospital, you speak slowly, I don't understand it too fast..."

When Xie Cheng heard her conversation, he woke up in an instant. He threw down the pen, "Zhou Xiu, don't worry, I'll call for a car."

Qi Yaguang never expected that Zhou Xiu, who had always been calm, would have such an anxious expression.

After Zhou Xiu hung up the phone, she didn't even have time to ask the teacher for a vacation, so she ran out of the school and stopped a car. The phone call was short and did not reveal much information. Zhou Xiu made up a lot of things along the way, but never thought about his father's set ending.

Why is this happening? Wouldn't it be possible to change his fate once again?

The author has something to say:

Qingqing: Heh

What do I envy?

Am I envious of him sending it up to Zhou Xiu to refuse?

Life: Why are you so sure?

Qingqing stretched her face: because I was also rejected

Xiu Xiu reached a good person card x2 achievement

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