Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 169: 169

Zhou Xiu hurried to the hospital and fell heavily when she ran up the stairs. Xie Cheng helped her up.

"Don't worry, go slowly. Uncle is waiting for you."

Zhou Xiu rushed to the door of the emergency room, and Liu Mei handed her daughter a critical illness notice with sweaty palms.

Liu Mei was illiterate, but she was struggling to sign the crooked name on the critical illness notice. Zhou Xiu was here, and she seemed to have found the backbone.

"Xiu'er, look at this, the doctor gave me just now"

Zhou Xiu scanned the critical illness notice from Yan Zhoucheng, "The patient may be life-threatening at any time... Even so, we will still take effective measures to actively treat it."

Unexpectedly, the situation was even more sinister than expected, and Zhou Cheng was still inside to rescue him. Zhou Xiu's mind buzzed, and she felt the ups and downs, and the scenery in front of her seemed to be covered with a layer of gray.

Quietly in the corridor, Liu Mei said with tears: "The doctor said that there was a tumor in his brain. Your dad often told me that he was tired and couldn't sleep during this period. I should have thought of it long ago!"

Zhou Cheng's health has been poor since he was a child, he can't do physical work, his hands and feet are not swift, and occasionally falls and knocks his head. However, Zhou Cheng was able to endure hardships and did every job carefully. Liu Mei only thought that he hadn't eaten well since he was a child, and he didn't have a good health because of lack of nutrition. No one would have thought that there was a tumor in his mind!

Liu Mei thought that the last time he broke his leg and was hospitalized, that time should he be given a full body checkup! However, he happily refused the examination for fear of delay and was discharged from the hospital as soon as his legs were raised.

Zhou Xiu grasped the critical illness notice and understood it thoroughly.

It turned out to be like this! In his previous life, Zhou Cheng didn't die of a trip down the mountain, but of brain cancer. In the dream, the parents in the countryside often asked "Zhou Xiu" for money. After asking, they were reluctant to ask. Then "Zhou Xiu" heard the news of Zhou Cheng's death. He didn't want to treat the disease anymore, so he didn't ask "Zhou Xiu" for money.

Zhou Xiu bit her lip tightly and tried her best to stay calm. She stretched out her hand and landed on Liu Mei's head, "Mom, don't cry. Dad is still waiting for us inside."

Liu Mei's hands and feet were icy and cold, and finally she lay on Zhou Xiu's shoulder and cried. ? After more than ten years, Zhou Xiu has been half a head taller than her. She tremblingly drew her daughter's warmth.

Xie Cheng was on the side of the corridor, softly comforting: "Uncle? Dingji's life."

Zhou Xiu and Liu Mei waited at the door of the operating room for two hours. They were tired from standing before sitting in chairs for a meeting. The hospital was a bit cold, Xie Cheng took off his coat and put it on Zhou Xiu's body.

He walked to the other end of the corridor and turned on the phone, and a pile of news flooded in.

Missed? In the morning class, Xie Cheng's phone was broken. The two top students disappeared inexplicably, and the teachers were very worried. But thinking that these two people are usually very regular, it's not the naughty students who don't feel relieved. Most of the people who called Xie Cheng were students from Rocket Class and Class 24.

Xie Cheng asked his head teacher for leave, and then asked for leave for Zhou Xiu.

Three hours later, the door of the operating room opened and the doctor walked out of the operating room. He looked at Zhou Xiu and Liu Mei and nodded, motioning them to the office to speak.

The doctor said to Liu Mei and Zhou Xiu, “Mr. Liu’s CT scan has slightly high-density lesions and calcifications on the edge, and it is judged to be meningioma. There is edema around the meningioma, and changes in intracranial pressure can cause headaches and syncope. We just did it. Surgery removed part of the tumor...but the situation is not very good, his tumor spread very badly."

Doctor Liu asked sternly: "His condition is very critical. It should have been for a long time. How did he come to the hospital until now?"

Zhou Cheng was accustomed to being poor. After he came to the big city, the pressure of life suddenly became greater. He just wanted to make more money desperately. Zhou Cheng has not taken less medicine since he was a child, and he most avoided going to the hospital for fear of wasting money and dragging down his family. I endured any headaches and brain fever, and went to the hospital when it was really dysfunctional.

Zhou Xiu chewed every word the doctor said repeatedly in her mouth, hearing it like a knife.

She could hardly imagine what Zhou Cheng was like? Tian Tian Ren, could not bear to be sent to the hospital today? Meningioma has progressed to dizziness and fainting. It is already in the middle and late stages. Every day is like a year!

The doctor looked at the heartbroken appearance of the mother and daughter. He who was used to watching this scene could not comfort him, so he could only sigh heavily.

The nurse came over and informed Liu Mei, “The patient’s family, the patient has to stay in the intensive care unit for observation for three days. You should first go to the billing office to pay the fee.”

Liu Mei gritted her teeth and said, "This disease will cost a lot of money... Doctors, we are not afraid to spend money, we must save him with the best medicine."

She planned to sell the house to Zhou Cheng for treatment.

Zhou Xiu went to the billing office to pay the medical bills, and she got a thick stack of bills. Surgical expenses, pharmacy expenses, nutrition expenses, hospitalization expenses...there are scattered and add up to more than 60,000. After swiping the card, the short message deducting the fee popped up. Zhou Xiu took a look? The balance in the eye card is running out, but ICU Cost 20,000 yuan? night

Zhou Xiu didn't have much money left. During the summer vacation, she donated her savings to Xiushui Elementary School to buy books. Fortunately, she had the rewards from the IELTS competition, which temporarily solved her urgent need. But the money for Zhou Cheng's treatment is far from enough.

The reality is menacing, and it is so cruel that people are caught off guard.

Xie Cheng went to the billing office to find Zhou Xiu after finishing the phone call, but found no one, but found her in the stairwell. She frowned slightly while holding the bill, and he quickly understood.

Xie Cheng quietly pre-deposited 200,000 medical expenses for Zhou Cheng and used up the pocket money in his card.

After he swiped the card, he found Zhou Xiu and asked, "Zhou Xiu, do you need anything? I will help you get it from school."

Zhou Xiu shook her head and nodded. She remembered the particularly difficult set of competition test papers that Lao Wang had sent, "I have 10 sets of Lao Wang in my bookcase. I only wrote a copy of it, and the tidbits know where to put it. Send it to me after school in the afternoon, thank you, Xie Cheng."

This is the set of test papers that Zhou Xiu couldn't write last year... She racked her brains to write, only 30 correct test papers.

The system said at the time that if the correct rate of Mr. Wang's Olympiad paper is 80, 30,000 RMB can be obtained.

The correct rate of completing the Mathematics Olympiad paper of Mr. Wang is 90, and you can get 100,000 RMB

Completion of Mr. Wang’s Olympiad test paper has a correct rate of 100, and you can get 500,000 RMB

Xie Cheng quickly went to the school to take out Zhou Xiu's schoolbag and test papers, and bought two hot lunches on the way. Zhou Xiu accidentally took over the schoolbag and full of test papers.

Xie Cheng's gaze stayed on Zhou Xiu for a while, and for a long time he comforted him: "Zhou Xiu, don't be sad."

In just a few hours, Zhou Xiu has experienced the feeling of falling from the sky to hell. She held up a smile and said softly, "Thank you, Xie Cheng."

Zhou Xiu is not sad, how can Zhou Xiu not be sad?

She came outside the icu ward and looked at Zhou Cheng, who had just finished the operation.

Through the transparent glass window, she looked at Zhou Cheng, who was filled with tubes, and her eyes gradually filled with water. Zhou Xiu? Recalling that brief dream over and over again, she never thought that Zhou Cheng had contracted cancer and died.

At that time, "Zhou Xiu" was very helpless and blamed himself.


Jiang family.

After Jiang Jiajun returned to city b, Jiang Dongxue told Mrs. Jiang that he asked Gu Mingxi to help Zhou Xiu apply for harvard, and accused him of turning his elbow outside. "Jiajun is hateful, I want to go to harvard, he has never told Mingxi about it!"

Jiang Jiajun said: "If you want, I can also help you talk to him."

People are different from people. When Jiang Jiajun and Zhou Xiu were competing in the same field, they felt that they were hung up and beaten hard by her, and their IQ was rubbed against the floor. Although the audience only found it interesting to watch in the audience, the people who really participated in the competition knew how terrible she was.

Gu Mingxi can tell her elders to help Zhou Xiu apply for the school because she has the strength. If I changed to Jiang Jiajun to apply, people probably didn't want to bother about it. Not to mention Jiang Dongxue. Besides...Gu Mingxi has a good impression of Zhou Xiu.

Mrs. Jiang listened to her daughter's accusation and said: "Jiajun has troubled Mingxi in this way, and owed him a great favor. Don't bother you for seniors in the future."

Jiang Jiajun said happily: "I told my dad about this, and he agrees with my behavior. I can get the gold medal this time, and my senior sister helped me a lot."

Is Jianghuai willing to consume favors and allow Jiang Jiajun to mess around? Mrs. Jiang was a little surprised.

the other side.

Jianghuai received the news that Zhou Xiu's adoptive father was ill and was hospitalized at the first time, and was considering visiting Zhou Xiu in City C.

Seventeen years ago, the Jiang family lost? A child, and he couldn't find it after looking for it for a long time. Jianghuai only recently found Zhou Xiu. It has not been easy for Zhou Cheng to pull Da Zhou Xiu over the years. Without them, Zhou Xiu would have been unable to live long ago.

After finding Zhou Xiu, he notified his parents as soon as possible. "That child has been found, and she is studying in City C. You are going to take her back. She is almost an adult. It doesn't matter if you don't want to come back. I respect her wishes."

Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang were surprised by the news for a long time, but when they heard that their granddaughter grew up in the countryside, they both made a whisper. The education in the country is so bad, you can imagine what she is now. If you get married early in the countryside in the mountains and valleys, you might be married at the age of seventeen.

"We have to consider how Dongxue and Jiajun feel." Grandma Jiang said.

As for the child that Jiang Huai said may not be willing to come back, they completely ignored it. The Jiang family can provide her with the best conditions and environment, can she be willing to come back?

The two elders from the Jiang family and Jianghuai went to C city to find Zhou Xiu.


The First People's Hospital of the city.

The evening highlights came to the hospital, although Xie Cheng went back to school to help Zhou Xiu get things during the day, but did not reveal a word.

But when the tidbits went to the office to hand in homework, I secretly heard Missli and other teachers discussing Zhou Xiu's leave. She only knew that Uncle Zhou was ill and was very sick. Zhou Xiu didn't tell anyone about it, I'm afraid

So she brought the book Zhou Xiuchang was reading to the hospital, and when she came to the hospital, she was surprised to find that Zhou Cheng actually lived in the intensive care unit.

The tidbits hugged Zhou Xiu, gently patted her on the shoulder and said seriously, "Is there any difficulty, please? Ding, Ding and tell me as soon as possible."

She emphasized two choices. Zhou Xiu finally showed his first smile today.

She shook her head after hearing this, "I'm very happy for you to come to see me. I have no difficulty, and I will take the exam soon. If Xuxu can get the top three, I will be happier. Go back and study hard. Don't worry. I."

What Zhou Xiu lacks most now is money, and what he lacks most is money. Because her friends are all very good friends, Xie Cheng secretly deposited 200,000 yuan in medical expenses for her father. After learning about the situation, she rushed to the hospital. Zhou Xiu believed that she was also willing to help.

The incandescent lamps in the corridor of the hospital illuminated Zhou Xiu's face with white, plain face, and her black eyes as clear as Bai Xue had scrubbed. There is a fragile and ethereal beauty.

The system has been silent today. It comforted Zhou Xiu with tidbits, and watched with distress as Zhou Xiu took out the math materials, sat on the chair in the corridor and turned over.

Zhou Xiu turned out the test paper, and wrote it until late at night. After writing, she corrected it several times against the answer. The correct rate was 67.

At the same time, the mobile bank card popped up a message that 10,000 RMB was credited, and the system seemed to be muted today, and there was no notification sound when rewards were sent. Zhou Xiu put the phone back in her pocket, took out the ipad with the tidbits, and looked at the mathematics documents given by Lao Wang attentively.

Liu Mei was dozing off in the rest room, while Zhou Xiu flipped through pages of mathematics literature.

The intensive care unit does not need to be accompanied by family members, and they can only go to the family rest room to rest for a while late at night. The small lounge is full of the world.

There are children who are weeping silently, there are old people who cry in grief because they have just sent away their relatives, and there are also women with tired and numb faces. The voices of small talk, the conversations complaining about Mai Tai, the boring sound of d, the sound of TV dramas, and even the harsh sounds of quarrels and fights between relatives.

Only Zhou Xiu holding a pile of draft paper calculations is so different.

Liu Mei woke up in the middle of the night and found her daughter was still writing maths, and advised her to go to bed early. Her black eyes were slightly flushed, but their eyes were unparalleled fortitude. Liu Mei swallowed the words again, but touched Zhou Xiu’s head.

Everyone in the village said that Zhou Xiu was too handsome, unlike her and Zhou Cheng, but Zhou Xiu's stubborn character was exactly like Zhou Cheng, and he couldn't bring back ten cows.

Her back was straight, and her hands kept flipping through documents. The bright red 67 points on the test paper, the volume is densely revised.

Zhou Xiu wrote it again, and the correct rate was far less than 90. She had an unprecedented feeling that her IQ was not enough. She was holding the ipad of the tidbits blankly, her frustration was so utterly frustrated that she didn't know what she was doing.

At three o'clock in the morning, Gu Mingxi, who was already on the other side of the ocean, found that Zhou Xiu's portrait was still bright, and sent a message asking: "Zhou Xiu, are you still online this late?"

Zhou Xiu didn't say anything, just took it? A test paper was sent to Gu Mingxi.

The sky seemed to be about to dawn, the faint light expelled the chaos and darkness, and the rays of the rising sun pierced the sky through the thick clouds. Zhou Xiu sent a message and asked Lao Wang, "Ms. Wang is early, how can I do these test papers correctly?"

Lao Wang was very old and woke up very early. After he finished washing, he turned on the phone, and Zhou Xiu's news came out immediately.

He squinted at the test paper Zhou Xiu took. It scored 67 points. At first, he was angry, but he fixed his eyes? It turned out to be a certain set of papers he gave Zhou Xiu a long time ago.

Lao Wang's anger subsided strangely, and was instantly smoothed gently by the spring breeze.

He typed the line in a daze, and said with a grin: "It's okay Zhou Xiu, don't care."

"It was not written for you."

Because... the gold medal students may not be able to pass, he did not plan to let the students write this set of papers in the first place! How to make a group of arrogant and smart students study humbly and understand how much they are? So Lao Wang handed them this very obscure and esoteric competition question.

When Lao Wang finishes his meal, will he take another look? The time when Zhou Xiu sends the news is five o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Xiu was already writing the test paper at five o'clock, and Lao Wang was both surprised and moved.

He hit the line, "Probably he worked tirelessly, displayed his ingenuity, and loved mathematics to the best of his ability. Treat mathematics with your heart, and mathematics will give back to you equally."

Hospital, family rest room.

There are only seven of the ten test papers left, and the chances of trial and error are getting less and less. Before Zhou Xiu tried to do it twice when she was not sensible. It was 30 points, 40 points, and 60 points this time.

Zhou Xiu's mobile phone shook, and she saw the message from Lao Wang, "Treat mathematics with your heart, and mathematics will give back to you equally."

At the same time, Gu Mingxi took a picture of the test paper he wrote, and got a score of 81, "It's difficult, I finished it over time."

Zhou Xiu's heart moved suddenly, staring at the line on the screen for a long time.


In the morning, Zhou Cheng woke up after the operation and looked for his daughter and wife in a faint voice.

Zhou Xiu finally had the opportunity to visit his father in the intensive care unit. Zhou Cheng's head was wrapped in gauze layers, and his hair mixed with silver threads in the past was tucked away, exposing his scalp.

Zhou Cheng happily said, "Where is this? You have spent the wrong money to come to the hospital again, I'm fine, everything is fine, what do you do with this wrong money. When shall we go home?"

He has never been in an intensive care unit, but he feels different from the room he stayed in last time. It should be quite expensive. He loves the money so much, and his words show deep heartache.

Liu Mei talked about it with Zhou Cheng? He went all over his situation and concealed the fact that he was suffering from cancer. "The doctor said that you have something in your brain and cut it off for you. Stay a few more days and wait for it to be done. Will you go back again?"

Zhou Cheng nodded and urged Zhou Xiu to go to school, "Xiu'er, it's not early before it's so bright, you go to school, there will be a math competition next month!"

"Oh, I'm sleeping very deep, and I don't feel comfortable all over, I don't remember what day it is today. Why are both of them looking at me like this?"

Zhou Xiu shed tears all day yesterday. At first glance, seeing Zhou Cheng say this, her eyes were sore that water splashed.

Zhou Cheng is a very strong person. I have never seen him crying out of tiredness and pain. I have not called out pain for so long. I said I was uncomfortable today and wanted to go home.

Zhou Xiu forced his tears back, and touched his cold hand and said: "The grade gave us competition students a few days off, so let us arrange the review by ourselves. I have finished reviewing the content of the third year of high school. How about spending time with my dad these days? Okay? If Dad hurts, don't bear it, tell us."

Liu Mei kept crying behind him, resisting crying, and said in the usual proud tone: "Yes, you don't know how smart our Xiuer is. I finished all the content in my second year of high school. Zakat doesn't matter, just accompany us."

Zhou Cheng? Xiang was used to being optimistic, showing his white teeth through the breathing mask, and smirked.

Zhou Xiu couldn't see how he was smiling, she couldn't hold back her tears.

It would be great if there was no cancer in the world. This thought passed through her mind for an unprecedented time.

She feels bad for her father, so much? Her whole heart is cramping.

The author has something to say:

If there is no cancer in the world, that would be great.

Xiuxiuers, come on!

I hope you can quickly break through cancer!

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