Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 170: 170

After Zhou Cheng woke up, he was dizzy and so tired that he had no strength to speak, except that his eyes were still open to show that he was listening.

His attending doctor recommended that ICU stay for two more days. The risk of brain surgery is very high. Apart from being able to speak, he cannot move his limbs. He is at risk of breathing difficulties and fever at any time after surgery.

After Dr. Liu walked out of the ward, he told Zhou Cheng's family members: "His symptoms have occurred in the past year. Although part of the tumor was removed, the cancer cells in his brain have spread after the filming. He is currently considering more conservative radiotherapy. "

Liu Mei burst into tears after hearing this, "Doctor, can you tell me how long he can live?"

Dr. Liu said: "It depends on Zhou Cheng's physique and desire to survive. Everyone's situation is different. Some people can live for ten or ten years in the past, and some people die within a few months... Recently, there is a kind of radiation therapy in China, boron neutron capture therapy. It is abbreviated as bnct, which is very suitable for brain tumor patients. Because of its high equipment cost, our hospital has not introduced it. It has pilot hospitals in S and G. You can consider consider."

Recently, Dr. Liu and Zhou Xiugou have passed many times and found that although this child is young, he is very sensible, very clever, and understands a lot of professional terms. She is already in the third year of high school but this happened at home. The doctor is very sorry.

Hearing from her mother that her results were very good, she just won the gold medal in the National Biology Competition some time ago, so he feels even more sorry for such a good seedling.

Doctor Liu asked Zhou Xiu to go back to school, and Zhou Xiu shook her head.

Now even if Zhou Xiu is asked to go back to school, she can't take classes at ease. It's better to stay in the hospital and watch Zhou Cheng feel more at ease.

Regarding bnct technology, Zhou Xiu has seen it many times in journal papers. It was created by a British Nobel Prize winner in physics in the last century. It was developed by a joint experiment between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the laboratory, and finally developed in Japan. A type of cancer radiation therapy. In the past few days, Zhou Xiu looked through the information about brain cancer and compared dozens of treatment methods one by one.

The higher the expectation, the heavier the mood. For the first time in her life, Zhou Xiu felt her insignificance and weakness.

After lunch, Zhou Xiu went to check the money left in the account, feeling very heavy. The house Liu Mei had listed has not been sold yet, thanks to Xie Cheng’s pre-deposited medical expenses, otherwise the balance in the bank card would not last a few days.

Zhou Xiu has written five of the ten math test papers. The most recent one is 72 points. During the three days that Zhou Cheng was in a coma, she spent all of her time studying mathematics except eating, drinking, sleeping, and visiting Zhou Cheng.

The people who came and went in the family rest room were a little bit sad when they saw this scene. They were accustomed to seeing the scene of the collapse of the adult. When they saw the back of the girl leaning on the bed to study, they were always particularly moved. Before she had time to enjoy being pampered by her parents like her peers, she had already begun to bear the pressure of the family.

Her immature shoulders are always stretched straight, no matter how difficult it is to study there early in the morning or late at night. Many adults could not help but warm their hearts when they saw it, and they were inspired.

Zhou Xiu rubbed her eyes after finishing writing the math test paper. The system seems to have lost connection these days, and there is no sound quietly. With its company before, Zhou Xiu didn't feel depressed no matter how difficult things were.

Zhou Xiu put down the phone, and the screen clearly showed an entry of 10,000 yuan, which was the reward for the 72-point test paper. Fortunately, it is still there.

Zhou Cheng woke up in a daze the next day, clamoring to change the ward.

It turned out that after he woke up, he heard the family members of the patients in the same ward arguing. The high treatment fees of ICU were too high for the family members to afford, and the family members were ready to give up treatment.

Only then did Zhou Cheng know that the ward he lived in cost more than 10,000 to 20,000 a day, and he knew that he had a terminal illness.

Zhou Xiu was taken aback, and she didn't expect that things that had been kept secret would be exposed so easily. Liu Mei talked to Zhou Cheng in the ward, "You can't go without treatment, you haven't enjoyed any blessings. Be obedient... we can cure the illness by selling the house."

Zhou Cheng shook his head and sighed: "If you don't sell it, the house was finally bought. It is for you and Xiuxiu. I want to go home..."

That house was the painstaking effort of their family, and even the decoration was done by Zhou Cheng a little bit. Every piece of wood in the bed, bookcase, and wardrobe has traces of his own planing.

Zhou Cheng shook his head vigorously, and Liu Mei nodded vigorously. Zhou Xiu grabbed the test paper in her hand, "The father of the house doesn't want to sell it, but we don't want to sell it, but we need to treat the illness."

Zhou Xiu quickly calculated in her heart, how long will it take to read the 10 g of information given by Teacher Wang, one week? Still a month?

Is one month enough? Zhou Xiu grew up in poverty, and has suffered from poverty since she was sensible, but she has never been able to understand the importance of being so clear about the importance of money that a penny can defeat a hero as it is now.

No matter how hard you work in this life, there is no way to change the ending of the previous life. "Zhou Xiu" did not save her father, and she was so helpless. Why would God treat them like this?

Zhou Cheng pulled off the oxygen mask and struggled to sit up. He smiled barely and said, "I'm fine now, but my head is a little dizzy. I went to the general ward and it was fine. I stay here now and feel uncomfortable. Really... …"

Liu Mei kept crying, but did not nod in agreement. Zhou Cheng frowned and kept explaining, Zhou Xiu took a long time to speak, "Stay for another two days, and change the ward for Dad in two days."

Zhou Xiu took out his mobile phone to show him the background, and found out the historical income records to give him peace of mind. "I make a lot of money to do live broadcasts, don't worry about not having money."

It's just a pity that the money has already been donated... When Zhou Xiu first donated it, her family was thriving, and she didn't expect a single illness to easily overwhelm it all.

After the ten-minute visit, Zhou Xiu and Liu Mei walked out of the ward.

A nurse came to inform Zhou Xiu, "Xiu Xiu, your family is looking for you. It's in Dr. Liu's office."

Liu Mei shed a tear, and asked in surprise: "Which family member?"

She suddenly thought that because she was busy with Zhou Cheng's affairs in the past few days, the 800 yuan pension payment this month had not been remitted. It would be bad enough if the mother-in-law in the country or the group of relatives came and entangled.

Zhou Xiu thought so too, even so she went to Dr. Liu's office.

I didn't expect to see a group of elite, capable old men and old ladies from the Jiang family.

Old man Jiang and the old lady had been waiting in the doctor's office for a long time at this time, and they were already dissatisfied when they saw that people hadn't come yet. Before coming, they asked Uncle Jiang to inquire about Zhou Xiu. What they got was a photo of Zhou Xiu in the countryside. The whole person is dark and thin, and not tall.

I heard that Zhou Xiu has always been the number one since she was a child, but can the number one in the township schools be comparable to the number one in the city's key schools? These materials and photos successfully reduced their expectations.

At this time, Zhou Xiu and Liu Mei came to the office. Zhou Xiu wore a clean autumn school uniform, blue and white long-sleeved jacket, blue trousers, and the simple light-colored school uniforms were more eye-catching than the models promoted by the school uniforms. She has a pair of jet-black eyes and snow-white skin, which makes it possible to spot her in the crowd at a glance.

Her complexion was very pale, and her eyelids were covered with a thick blue shadow, which looked particularly distressing.

Old man Jiang and the old lady had difficulty linking her with the photo. They didn't expect that the humble and humble girl in the past was the beautiful young girl in front of them.

Suffering for a moment, they said, "You are Zhou Xiu, aren't you? I want to tell you one thing, in fact, you are our granddaughter."

They looked at Zhou Xiu and finally had a little blood relationship, "Zhou Xiu, we are your grandparents."

Liu Mei was startled, her eyelids kept beating, she quickly grabbed Zhou Xiu's hand and said in a panic: "Xiu Xiu, let's go, they admitted the wrong person."

Old Mrs. Jiang saw Liu Mei's flustered appearance, and she had some bad speculations in her heart. The things back then were originally unusual. They were the children lost in city b. How could they be lost in such a poor mountain? She must have been abducted.

Liu Mei kept shaking her head, "No, you have admitted the wrong person, this is my daughter." She looked up at Zhou Xiu, "Xiu Xiu, let's go. You didn't eat anything this afternoon. You must be hungry?"

The matter has not been unfolded and explained clearly, where is the old couple of the Jiang family willing to let Zhou Xiu leave?

In just ten minutes, Mrs. Jiang had already said Zhou Xiu's life experience as if it were a bean.

The more I said, the more tears flowed in Liu Mei's eyes. The old lady smiled after she said it, and said with a little arrogance: "Zhou Xiu, come with us. We will pay for your father's medical expenses."

"The educational resources here are not very good. We can send you to the best school in city b. You are already in the third year of high school. Although your grades in the countryside are pretty good, you definitely can't keep up with there. You can repeat your studies for another year. I will take the college entrance examination next year, or send you abroad to study next year. Zhou Xiu, do you understand?"

If the students in Class 24 heard this, they would think it was very absurd and incredible. Are you crazy, say this to Xiushen! Is this because the giants have watched too many dramas, and the dramas are top-notch?

Zhou Xiu had just been listening, without saying a word, seeing Liu Mei's tears falling like beans, busy calming her mother's emotions.

Her left ear is Liu Mei's cry, and her right ear is the "life experience" of the two old people. Zhou Xiu calmed down quickly after the initial shock. She quickly sorted out the key from the chaotic information. , Said seriously: "I understand, thank you, but it doesn't have to be this way."

She took Liu Mei's hand and returned to the simple family rest room. Liu Mei's hands and feet were cold. Zhou Xiu pulled a napkin for her a few times, but couldn't wipe her tears away.

Liu Mei said: "Xiu'er, you are mother's Xiu'er, they lied to you."

Seeing Liu Mei's appearance, Zhou Xiu knew in her heart that most of what the two strange old couples just said was true. She nodded, "I know."

In the afternoon, Zhou Xiu went to pre-deposit the balance in the card to Zhou Cheng's account.

When she came back, she happened to ran into the old couple Jiang and asked Liu Mei in the lounge. It is not so much an inquiry as a "question". Their questioning is like a knife, one sentence is colder than one sentence.

"Which person did you buy Zhou Xiu from?"

"Did the things she wore on her body still exist?"

Liu Mei kept shaking her head, unable to bear the humiliation, she couldn't help but raise her voice and said, "No, it's not like this..."

Asked too much! Zhou Xiu took a deep breath and walked into the lounge, and said unbearably: "I think I have made it very clear. You are not welcome here. You can leave. My mother is very tired. Don't irritate her anymore."

Old Mrs. Jiang was lost for a moment, her mouth opened slightly in surprise. She didn't expect Zhou Xiu to speak to her in this tone.

She regained her usual pride and indifference. She walked out of the lounge and turned around and suggested: "My child, you may think we are a liar now. But you can check Xingda and consider saying these things. Follow me and you will go. In the best school, you will know your best friends and teachers, you will have beautiful clothes that can't be finished, you can eat whatever you want, you will have everything that others envy and can't get, and you will never have to stay in a bad one. Environment, endure poverty.

Your adoptive father is very ill, so he needs a lot of medical expenses. You have time to call me grandma now. "

After listening, Liu Mei looked at them incredulously, and then looked at Zhou Xiu blankly, tears falling even more.

She finally understood something, if Zhou Xiu followed them, she would have a good time. In comparison, the humiliation she suffered was nothing. The phrase "Xiuxiu, you are mother's daughter" in her mouth swallowed silently into her throat, and her face was full of horror of fear of loss.

Zhou Xiu patted Liu Mei's hand comfortingly, and closed the door of the lounge in front of the old couple.

In the lounge, Liu Mei carefully asked the patient's family members what "Xingda" was in a low voice, and took out her mobile phone and asked them to Baidu to show her.

She used the method taught by Zhou Xiu to turn a whole screen of unreadable characters into speech, and hid in the corner listening with difficulty. The more she listened, the more lonely and humble the expression on her face. She glanced at Zhou Xiu, who was working hard to write test papers, and was both happy and sad.

In the afternoon, Zhou Xiu fought for 10 minutes of visiting time to accompany Zhou Cheng.

I don’t know who told him that Zhou Xiu’s grandparents came to him today. Zhou Cheng said in a daze, "Xiu'er, let me tell you something..."

"The first time Dad and Mom saw you that day, you were only five or six months old. Someone asked us to help with the baby. Dad held you for a while, and that person never came back. I waited for a month. , He never came back."

At that time, Zhou Cheng didn't expect that this hug would last a lifetime. At that time, there were a lot of people abandoning girls in the countryside, so he took Zhou Xiu back home without much thought. Not long after Zhaodi died at that time, Zhou Cheng and Liu Mei thought that Zhou Xiu was the child that God provided for them and named Zhou Xiu.

Zhou Cheng's soft voice was weak enough to be blown away by almost a gust of wind. Zhou Xiu had to lean in to hear it.

"We treat you as our own daughter. The relationship between Zhaodi and us is too weak, so we have to raise you well. Xiu'er, I'm sorry... Dad has never read a book, so stupid, I don’t understand Dad’s show. Children will also be wronged. Fortunately, you are smart and assertive.

It doesn't matter if I can't live anymore, after all, God gave me such a smart and kind daughter. "

After hearing Zhou Xiu's tears, she couldn't help but nodded. She knew that what they asked Liu Mei about was a humiliation to her. In such a poor place in Xiushui Village, there are too many girls in Zhou's family to count with their hands. How could Zhou Cheng and Liu Mei buy girls? But Liu Mei was willing to be humiliated by others for her.

In the past, Zhou Xiu always had a feeling of anger in her heart, complaining that Zhou Cheng and Liu Mei had caused her to suffer too much, but in the dream, "Zhou Xiu" never looked back at her parents in the mountain after walking out of the mountain.

Zhou Cheng knelt in front of Granny Zhou for the last time, gave up his biological mother, and chose to return to City C with them. At that moment, Zhou Xiu realized that his father loved her very much. The "Zhou Cheng" in the dream would rather die of illness than drag "Zhou Xiu". She should have understood it long ago, understand the regret of "Zhou Xiu", and understand the forgiveness she had no time to say. Realizing that she had no time to show her filial piety in front of Zhou Cheng's hospital bed.

At this time, Zhou Xiu's eyes seemed to emerge in front of a picture. Since then, "Zhou Xiu" has thrown away mathematics, biology, and ideals. He has devoted himself to the most profitable business and has become the most desperate person, working tirelessly day and night. Many years later, she knelt in front of Zhou Cheng's tomb, brushed aside the luxuriant grass, and burned stacks of money to Zhou Cheng and Liu Mei in heaven.

Zhou Xiu walked out of the ward, took out a test paper from the bag, and slowly unfolded it. Her tears fell on the test paper, and the ink of the water-based pen was drawn into a flower.

The dignity of the poor always carries a deep sense of helplessness. It is difficult for them to maintain their decency. They have to bend their torso and bow to life, humble and unwilling to give in. Zhou Xiu's tears rushed down like a bank burst. She is holding a pen, and she writes a series of numbers and symbols fluently with the tip of the pen.

She is convinced that those places that are reached with love and dreams, she can also try hard.

Quietly late at night, Zhou Xiu red eyes, racked his brains, and exhausted all of his patience and care to write this test paper, as religious as if they represented Zhou Cheng's hope of living. How she hopes that her dream can save Zhou Cheng.

"Your account 46, the online payment income was RMB 30,000 on November 2, and the balance after the transaction was 30,012.5"

"Your account 46, online payment income was RMB 30,000 on November 2, and the balance after the transaction was 60,012.5"

"Your account 46, the online payment income was RMB 30,000 on November 2, and the balance after the transaction was 90,012.5"

Until Zhou Xiu wrote late at night... After the last vibration from her mobile phone, the battery ran out.

"Your account 46, the online payment income was RMB 10,000,00 on November 2, and the balance after the transaction was 1090012.5"

In the early morning, many friends sent text messages and asked Zhou Xiu in shock: "I saw you in the live broadcast room and wrote your test paper all night. Is Xiushen so awesome?"

Gu Mingxi asked: "How did your last test paper do it? That's all right, so awesome!"

Xu Qing noticed that Zhou Xiu had accumulated more than 90 hours of online time in the live broadcast room this week. "What's wrong with Xiuxiu these past few days? Pay attention to your body."

Xie Cheng also asked, "Is Uncle better? If the medical expenses are not enough, we will help you figure out a solution."

Even Lao Wang sent an unprecedented message and asked: "Zhou Xiu, I heard that you are still writing math in the middle of the night, so hard? The teacher forgive you for your absence from class these days."

Lao Wang didn't know why Zhou Xiu asked for leave. Early in the morning, he was reminded by students to write a test paper for the whole night. He was so moved that he thought Zhou Xiu was specifically asking for leave to review maths.

Zhou Xiu finished writing the last test paper and fell asleep until noon. When she woke up, she turned on the phone and was maxed out by the news. Almost every one reminded her to go to see her live broadcast room. The barrage of Zhou Xiu's live broadcast room was like snowflakes at the moment, densely packed with words.

She saw the last text message of the bank transfer and realized what had happened. It turned out that... she did all the last test papers right.

The last three questions on the test paper that Zhou Xiu did were all the most difficult final questions in the previous imo's deformation questions. They were perfectly solved at four o'clock in the morning. The new style of problem-solving ideas made fans who watch the live broadcast kneel and call 666 , The anchor of this live broadcast room is the kind who really learns God and doesn't mix in any water.

Zhou Xiu stared at the balance of the account, and unexpectedly showed her teeth. She quickly transferred two hundred thousand to Xie Cheng.


The author has something to say:

How she hopes that her dream can save Zhou Cheng

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021051722:44:502021052423:18:52

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 120 bottles of the world; 3,931,262,110 bottles; 9 bottles of Fangfangfang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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